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<br /> � _ ` ' '!90(}Et'I�tt WTTI;all the improvetneais uow ur he�er e�ected On tLe ptape�ty.and a11 eP ; �,�
<br />�-:i-'-_;=�.`,-r.;�.;-:"°: pg ��ts and additions s�all also be oovered by this Sa�.vrity ;.�=r,..
<br /> 4= °� �:t. � noa+ ot �a patt of the PmPertY•
<br /> s�.:� �se�uwt.All of sEe fot+egoiag is zefe::ed w in this Seau'sty Ias�ameut as the'PropertY.' �`�<<
<br /> ;..,�;.....,F.i.-:-
<br /> . r�,,^.:;•
<br /> �:`,.•9s,.'_::;-;�'t-s` BORROWEtt COVENANTS that Bo�sawer is lawfuUy seised of tise estate heteby oonveyed and has the right w graat aad a:.k-,
<br /> �- s ..+� wnvey the Fropeity aad that the Property is unencumhered.eaccept for encumbrai►ces of reoord. Borrower wamants and will � >:z
<br /> `� all claims ans�demands.��et w any encnmb�ances of record. ' .
<br /> _ ,. �;:�•:�..,: . �fend ge�raltythe dtle w the Pmperty agaiasc °� ``.
<br /> 'e`'.,.A:'.''`3L,'�{t;:,t. .
<br /> :�n •-� '['HIS SEC[tRITY INSTRUNIENT wmbines unifonn cmenanis for nadnnal ose and rton-�utifoim oov�with limited < `;�
<br /> '�` '.`t,, ``;:<•{`- ty' t COVeliil te81 ;�;a� 'r
<br /> �� 'c ,�� variatioas by jvtisdiction w oonstituta a uniform securi mstn�axx► g P�P�Y•
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.B n r r ower a n d L e n d e r co v e n a n t�d a g r e e a g f o l l o w s: �`�`�
<br /> u� 1. Fsya�t o!Yr���anm �; ��t.eud Late�hargcs.
<br /> Botrower shaU promP�Y i�Y when dae the
<br /> '� `�'`' `�y` ` principal of and in�on t6e dEbt evidenoed by che Nate and anY P�RaY��Iate cdarges dae nnder the Note. .
<br /> �°y: 2. Fltadg!or Texes aad Iaa�a'aace. Subject to applicable!aw or to a wriuen waiver by Leader. Borcower shall pay w ��:
<br /> '"=�.v; - a sum(°Fuads°)fos:(a)Year1Y taxes �n
<br />- = �� � l.�der on the day moatbly paymaus are due aader the Nate.umil tLe Note is paid in fnll. �``,;z,
<br /> - -�F" ..'c-' '��':t �����ay at�ia prioriry aver this Saauily I�trumeat as a Ge,�oa the Pmperty:N)Y�Y teasehotd�paymeuts -
<br /> - -;'��`;`�°.�.. te�s oD the ,��Y'(��Y�Y�°�P�P�Y inc�nanoe p�ctiums'ld)Yeaz1Y flood insaranoe p�miums. �_;��,�
<br />`�`' "`'" ���� °T� � � le by Boisower w Ixader.in�+danoe wiit► s..:�:
<br /> ,r;',�.�;�' ��,'.i< if any:(e)Yeaz1Y mortSage insu�P�°wns.if any:and(�ai►Y s�ms PaYa6 �items are caited"Fssrow items.' 't"t�
<br /> ',�'� �`�= S.in liete of the oF inartga8e i�an�pra�°II�' `.
<br /> .:.:,T',=`':�;;�<::. t6e Pcavisloas of p� paY�t amonnt a leader for a federally ���r
<br /> �tyr.:,..,,; w::...c•� ���y, ��y�¢,coued and hotd Funds in su saaount not to ea�oeed the maxi�m '� r:,
<br />_:,_,-;�_c�r=4j-_���:.k;.-,,
<br /> v � t�.: mtsued mort�age toan may mqnire for Barrower s escrow accouat under the fede�al Rral Estate 5etttement Proo�Act of u�
<br /> � '-'� 19T4 as aat�ded fram rime to time. 12 U.S.C.Secdon 2G01 et seq.(°RESPA').ualess another law that a�plies w the Fan�s , :
<br /> ,,.�•:�:•--. .,.«-- : •::
<br /> `-�.�:.�;;.J;: sets a tcsser amount�Tf so. I.eader'a�aY.at ai►y dme.cauect and hotd Far�ds m an��t to eaceed tHe tesser amnuat- ,':.. :
<br /> S° ' fhe amount of Funds due on the 6asis of correat data aad�+easonable estimates uf eaPenditu�s of fiitrue -
<br /> •. � Leadec may � h y�-
<br /> �-"� �C:'����' arith licable law. '� '`
<br /> „ ', Escmw Items or otheiwise in accurdance aPP� ���y� or eatit7l. ��,��;
<br /> j�-r� y�-:' T6e Fw�ds si�all be hetd 'm an ins�tation whnse deposits are insared bl+ a federal agency. -
<br /> .,,,,,..� _ :.��;'. :
<br /> ��..._. .. .;',.4..4:«. a' C�nciuding L�.if Leader is suc�h aa institut�on)or in mry Federal Hnme L�Baa1c.�shall ePPi�esc aecwm�ar �,-�.c.:
<br /> ding the Fonds,anmiallY ae�alY° g.
<br /> �:'
<br /> � ,� E �� � Fscrow Items.I.euder maY not c1�arSe Bormwer for Iwlding aad aPP�S .
<br /> <�,;•:.,,,,..��;,`'; Hotmwer inte�+zst aa the Furtds aad applic�ble law perarits I�nder w make such
<br /> < . . :;t . v thc Esccow Itema.antess I.ender pays t real estate taa tepordn8
<br /> �S►�S secviae =��;�
<br /> -��- �`• :�Y,::•-��.,. a charge.Hawever.l�nder may require Bormwer w pay a one-tia►e d�arge for an�d�eu�eu _
<br /> .'�°�::-' y� ualess ficaWe law pmvides other�vise. IInless an a�aenL is �de or =;
<br />-i:=:'.'""'`;°.`'�'� useA by Lendet iu oo�me�tian tb this loan. � os on die Fiins3s. , !
<br /> ; •' �':�°��', tics6le iaw reqaire.s inte�est to be paid.l.ender shall not be requised to pay Borrower auy i� � ��,`,
<br /> � LO�OfIOVf►Ctf t.F
<br /> �' "�`� ..:�:��- Soimwer aud I.eader umY agr�e in wri�n&howe�rer,d�at iaterest s6aU be paid on the Fands. Leader sha11 give ,�., .--
<br /> '`�_�,` ,'�``.,"' withont d�rge. an annaai aecouatin&of t&e Fuads,showing cr�ts and debits to the Pands end the pnipose fos whicb eac6 � �==�.
<br /> S . `, �� :.
<br /> u ` �:` debit to the Fucds was rnade.The Funds are ptedged as addhional seruiity for all sums sesvied by this Seau��m�
<br /> � :�;�- ' M1 ��..:
<br /> ��..; r v�: di the Funds held by Ixnder exceed t6e amounsa petmiued w be hetd hy applicable law.Le,nder shaU accoant to Borrower
<br /> " � � for the exoess Fands in sorurdance with the reqoimments af applicable law.If the amouat of the Fnads held by L�eader at anY ��;�T
<br /> ..:;4:;;,�; tlsae is not safficie�c to pay the Escruw Ite�when dne.I.ender maY so nodfy Barmwer ia artlting,and.In sach case$orrowec �`.;
<br /> e
<br /> ..:,;:::'., shalt pay to t�eadea the mnaunt ae�ssat7+w make nP the deficiency. Borrower shaU a�atae up the deficieucY in nu mo�tt� _:
<br /> . . :�>, . . . tarelve mo�rttily payme�c3t L�ender's sote discr�etfon. --
<br /> ::;� :-._:.n:'.:;>_:_<:. �__-
<br /> rf }' =r� Irt il I�liII�TO BOlNWCI�}I -
<br /> � r j��� . (Jppfl ��1D�Of 8U 50I11S 8�b}l lblg SCAIT[�I j115t[13IIledlt�j.CnQCI Stl�Q�11Bp y
<br /> �,•;� h 21.LRader sball acqniic or seU the ProPectY.I.ender,Prior w the aaqulsitiou or sale �`, �`
<br /> �: , r. .-,a.�' Fuuds deld by Lender.if,tsndcr para�aP .
<br /> •: °'• ."; oY the Yrogerty.shall agp1Y�Y FwWs hetd by Leader at the time of acquisitlon or sale as a aefit aga�st�he s��by �.,� -`
<br /> ,�..^,r: � �
<br /> ::�-...:` .::�6:'=�` this Seamt� Y��oa oY Pay�n�ts.Untess applic�ble law pnovldea otherwise.all payme�s reoeived by leader uader�hq - -
<br /> ' t'-�;`: �• pp able uader paregcaph 2: -
<br /> °`-`.'`,'�'.:.;`:;�"�`- 1 a a d 2 s b a ll D e a p p l i e d:f i t s t,w a r ry P r e p a Y m e nt c h a r ges dae ander the Note:second,to amousus PeY
<br /> .`�:'-�:.:r...>':.�..;�...
<br />:::�;r.�.;:=:::�:,�-,-�;�'` d�A.io 1nLe[eat duo:fauttb,w princip�al due;aad lasti w any late cha�ges due uuder the Note.
<br /> „�.r,�..`_::.:;-;:;:• 4.CBatge�_taea�s.&►sraarer shall pay all ta�ce.s.assessments,chmges+fiaes and impasitians attrlbatabte to the Fcaperty
<br /> �r..:. � `" arhi�a�ay attain prtority wer th�s Security[astmmen� and leasehoid payments or gronud rems.if any.Borrower sbat!pay _ -
<br /> - �- '.f��:; th�se obl�gations in the manner provided'm parag�6 2.as If not paid in tbat mannec,Barrawer shal!pay them oa time directly
<br /> � :��'�. finnish to Lender all notices of amavats w be pai8 w�der tt�is Qaiagrapb.
<br /> . "-"' to the person owed payment.Borrawes sl�aU promptiy '
<br /> �.:.. `' :��:• famish to Latdes reeeipts evtd�c�n$the�ayme�s.
<br /> ;:' : ;,'- `:..`.; ,.��- � If gorroa�matces these payments direcdy.Borrowet shail PmmPUY jn _ --
<br /> ��;:� :',':i: ,�.:'�,� : BOrtaw�sh811 p101opdy discd8�$e 8ily I�ef�wAICh hes pri�Y ov¢�fh38$�1�L9�1 tiAless BOl�O�uC�':�a��� _-_
<br /> '::�.';i.ira'a:{'.s` _
<br /> -:. :�.. , _.Wt,,.,.. arritivg to the payn►ent of the obligation sc,�ured by the lien in a caanner saePteble w l.ender.N)wntests In goad fatth en ---
<br /> r �,��� by� or defends against enforcemem af the 13en in. legat praceediugs which in the Lender's opinion opeeate to prevent the -�
<br /> �I, � �' ��' enforcement of the i�en;or tc)secures from the hotder of the lien aa ag�sadsfactory to Lender subo�aadag tl�ee liea w . .--=_
<br /> ����,_` ,_+�`-��-;�f�:�',�;:� this Se�tY Mswment.ff Lender daermines that aay parc of the Prope�ty is suDjea to a tien which may sua9n p�iorIty over ��_.
<br /> :. <, � .;�; :.;
<br /> ,� r� .,,::y�,#'',,°- tbls Searrity Uts�ument,l�endcr maY give Borrower a notiae idemifjring the lien.Borrowe�str�l satisfy the lien or take one or �, :�,
<br /> . �:
<br /> ;. � .��,: ;.1�:��_,:;:: more otthsactions set fmth abwe witcUin 10 days of the giving oinotIce. �_,;
<br /> , . ..".•�=:.'.: • Form802B 9180
<br /> �.,::�.'. ., �;.
<br /> _ ,.,.•
<br /> str .'�`:. . vaynsms --
<br /> ,'`.._;� :. .�51= . _
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