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<br /> Y�....X �;:.�.��.;:x=s:� . ,� ' �'_' " � . . c u.
<br /> .y yyri'.-i jw:i�'^ry`'"�'.:x:i- r.�ft.� a�. a sc:'4-i.. r �� � .x .c t � � . :'j.:=.;``:'.:_.� ar. .� ,,�,� ' •
<br /> F . ,`^'�-{.� `�cY-, -a-. �e , . .��r-t _� - � .�-*-'� -4. r-+�-c- � .
<br /> -c,_;-t� d� � -S . -. r- .z-�.xr+.�"`r�� 7��.P}= �•`
<br /> T,n.� .. �.�.�_t..::-„��.c. ,�,t' ,�'s..:_. F1-i '��t�:.. *�t
<br /> �--�a-,_��� _+2---c .�'T "`-�.�„�__ .,,.r� " . � �=• ,i•+7�7-.-r �
<br /> �is.t : -- -t-F'c - . i J z-. .. -r .�-�n< -1G"_�°�-rs^�-- ..��.o�-F.YP%...,� --
<br /> c
<br /> a;in.,,Yt=� i-� � ,.�ic_' �7_ .' y .'G � F,;. ,.,-. .:;.,- .).. �.t.s-..wv.w�-e".r��-�irYi,c�^_.^rr.`t' .�`�rr�-y� L
<br /> .,.f_ � .4JS � - . ' _ . . .
<br /> "°'-s �- � .+--�c�,—�---rs_� `�`�.,�_!� .- `r�- s� .i t - -��, '- t.l �e. ,?.,.k,- �f � ct A'.c �^ +�• f
<br /> �.- : �:� - ��t� �atz� - LeY' �''nL� s�' K" �� C�,t�y -� . � _. . fiT _�`�t '���<..t�t � - 5�� � �9..�$'s c '£�6 �`� ' t --i-.s }-a-.r r�
<br /> _ a .'s.a�'C ---�c�Y� �.Z'Wx. c Q t.:�y a @.�� _ .F�d. �,.�. .n- - �aer���'..:��.i tti�-, -�.-: �4'n .`ar: is .tf ' � � �o � �_fi'_ t ��1 : _
<br /> '�i ��' •'�: _.
<br /> . y-� , .-� - "�. .ta... "�:.cz. "-rt_ �...-:��- -.
<br /> - �'.Y4 _ - " :
<br /> � - _x.���; - r���
<br />_'��$��`° -"� � �5��� :�y::
<br /> '�CC" �, ^.��.�,_ .Ch_
<br /> , �. Ii�TY t�j t #�.cT �c
<br /> .`r�,_` ,�. � :�,lR FeYmeats may no tonger be reqa�.at the optian nf Lender. if mortgage insurance caverage(in the amount aad far the periad �. .
<br /> ,_-t. � ::_�..��-- t h a i L p t d e r r e q u i r e s)P r o v i d e d b y a n I n s�a p p m v e d b y L e n d e t a g�i+i beoomes availabie and is obt�neQ. Boa+uwer sdall pay �:s_
<br /> c '' '�.�,'-4..� ...
<br /> �'"=r t ���a� . �p�iums require�to maintain r�uottgage iasmance�effect.or to provide a toss reserve.uAtil We re�niiement far martgage t.��`.:
<br /> � �1 .��.. in�ance eads in accotdanae with arry written agreement 6etween Borrower and Letcder or applicabte law. ` :;
<br /> f . �.:.;"-' ... ,
<br /> - •��:��,�.�` 9.�on.Lender or its agent muy make irasonable eauies upon and iaspecctoas of the Propercy. Leaider shal!give ..
<br />-_c i.�-��';�`�` _ specifping teasonable cause for the inspection ��
<br /> -, °,i._° ',�::�_="� Hos�ovve�notice at the time of or prior w an inspectioa
<br />~;..�,_'._�•t�,:,<,'.x<. -
<br /> ,,. �•r.. �--.�, tQ.CoadsenatEu�t. The psoaeeds of any award or claim for damages.direct or oonsequeatial. in coimectiun with a�r
<br /> .z.. ` °'4:.t� ooudemt�atiaa m other.takiag of any part of the Prope�ty.or for conveyance in lieu of wndenutation.cue hereby assigned and
<br /> f shaU be paid to Lxnder.
<br /> `� _ _��� �the eve�t of a totat takiag of the Propaty.the p:oceeds sh�ll be applied to the sums secumd by this Serurity���t, � ��
<br /> R� �, t.,.,:F- .,.
<br /> ��-- whether ar not then due. with any raccess paid to Borrower. In ihe event of a partial takinp of the PropertY fn wluch the fair ���_.
<br />.,<;.,�n:--:y�:,,�:_� ma�cet watue of the Property immediardy 6efore the taidng is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums sewted by t6is
<br /> 4--,�= _._. '�.� SecvtetY Iasuumeni immediately befote the�g.mitess B omower a n d i,e n d e r a t h�rn i s e ag�ee in wri d n g,t i i e s u m s s e c u r e d b y ;
<br />'�•:F:-Y:;,:<,, -:<.��:�T �is S�urity t��n�r.t shaU 6e reduced bry ttte a�wu of the ptnceads muttiplied by the fottowing fraction: (a)the Ea� .,.�..
<br /> ,+�x:-��,,-:.=:�ys:•.,,.K.: `.
<br /> � �� , .�- mnouat of the sams secure�immediately before the taking,divided by(b)the fair markee vatae of the ProD�Y�Y
<br /> before the talQng. Any halance shall 6e paid to Eorrower. Li the eveat of a partial taking af t6e Property in whicb the fair :.;
<br /> _,_,,:_..�:,:`.�`:r;"- mark�vatue of the Propeaty im�nediatelY befare the ta�ng is tess dran the amowit o f t 6 e snnas s e c a r e d imtnedi a t e i y 6efaze t�e
<br />:��� -:d�:.. .,�c..i_ � �A _
<br /> � �� . tai�ng,antess Borrower and l.ender ath�wise agme in writing ar antess applicable taw otherwise pmvides, the pmceeds shaA
<br /> _ . °- �a.�__':A�,: ��ied m t6e snms sewred by tt�is Security lnsu�meat qrhether or not the sams are then dne. _-
<br /> '-� Y `•�`=r ff the Propeaty is abandoned by Borrawer,or if,after notice by Lend�r w Bormwer that the condemn�r offeia w ma&e an r.
<br /> Yr:_a, f�--
<br /> r:.�;�<<>,v;`.';�.?;;�;:; aarard or settle a ctaim for damages, Borrower fails w�+espond to Lender arithIa 30 days after the date the natioe is givea, .�:
<br /> - `� `:;,�;., I.endet is�hor�ed tfl colled and apply the pmcee�s.at its option,either tn�storation or repair of the Property at to tlte swns .'`�
<br /> �s.:
<br /> ry y i'e r�4_,`. S21.t'II���315�ll$1y�t.�N�1P.�IC!O�i10T vi['A dUC. CdtIQA Qf OB2�S LO tlil S� AOL 81[�OT ` �<
<br /> _ UIIICSS T.C[!dC[84t�BOtTOWCC Q�lC2VV1SC 8$�L 10 Wlthil$s Bll�l �I pL'0 Q C� ,
<br /> , �'Y� postpone tLe dae daie of the mont6ly payments tefe�red w in parag�apbs 1 and 2 or c6aage the ema�mt of s�payments. � -
<br /> ir� .�4..'.� .
<br /> _ �;;�;�::�;.�;�;,�c.'' 11.Bonow�Kat Releas¢�I;Bor6�rmmce By Lead�Not a Wiiaiv�r.Exteasio�of the time for payinent or awd�fication • �_
<br /> ".'�;�: �y,. �':= of amotti�ti�a�f the sams secused by th£s Security tnqutuneat gmnteA by Lea d e r to any saccessor in i n u r e s t o f Homower s h a U °°-'�
<br /> ;'•`I'��''"� .��. .'��'�, aoQ aperate w�rase the liab�ity of We w�l Borrower or Borroarer's successais in interest. L e n der s h a l l nnt b e r e q u i r e A to .�;
<br />�:Tt�is;5�."�s��. ' ;r� �� -
<br /> �;� t;�`:-.�_,-- '.� �m��nct saoc�ssor ia imerest or refuse ta exten8 time for payment or otherwise modify �.�'
<br /> ..� c;L -r . Y.'-. Ix1I�I�1�1CC QI�AgS"G""'°•8�Y . -
<br /> Y:�
<br /> ~ �d�Ehe sams sec�r0d hy thi�Ser.arity Iastn�areat by reasoa of auy detnand made by tde ori�iaal Boriower ar Botrowxr's "'`,_
<br /> �`�� `;,.#'°` �ots in inU�e�. Auy fo�b�r�tce by Leader in eacercising mry right or remedy sha}1 aot be a waiver of or preclude the _
<br /> ,�� ..
<br /> , �,° � � � exentise of any r�ht ar raaedy. _
<br /> y;�a� l2.Snoce�on��ued Asstgios Bo�d: doint and Sev�a! Liabit�ty, Co�signcre. The coveaants and agre�ttents of tbis --
<br /> . �_ ,
<br /> �•;.,•,-�-.;,:,:.°r:,;. .;-,.. �c�.vrit7+Insoument shall bind and benefit the succ�s�c*as aad assigns of Lender and Borrower, svb}ect to the provisions of � ,:
<br /> , '�"v �:..-�rapb 1T. Borrowet's oavenants and agreements sCall be joint and several. Aay Borrower who oo-sigas t1�s Secauity �"
<br /> ,t�-`' ., ,', �=-
<br /> ..:�, . ?y.: ;°r�� F�stsaateat but daes aot exec�te the Note: (a)is co-sigmng Wis Secarity lnsnum�onty to mortgage,gtant a�wmre�►t t�a t __.
<br />_.,��,.-�;;_�,_t.::.t::.:._=._�. ' v---
<br /> .<�;>;;,..:, .;-;,;: Borrower's i�est in We Property under the terms of d�3s Seaulry Ias�ument;(b)is not personaUy oblIgated to pay the sams . .
<br /> �...:...�..
<br /> ";-,.,:;�:,..-..�,�, secY�bY a�Security Insuumart:and(c)a8rees tfrat L�tder aad aDg other Bomawer may agcee to extend.modity,forbeac e�; __�__
<br /> ;��°%:.�., malce anY aaao�modattons wtth regard to the terms of this 8ecnrlty Instrament or ti�.IVote witho�t that Borrower's mnseut. ---
<br /> : -.� . ..::�..,
<br /> �:";;Fr=;%;: ,.-.� � !3.Ldan C6argcs.If the toaa seaued by This SeaaitY InsuameAt is subject taa law which sets max�mum loan char�es.
<br />-`:'4',:�`�.,t,':.;���'-y� and Wat law is finally lntetpreted so that the imerest ar other loan chazges wltected ar to be coltected in�un witb tLe
<br />