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<br /> .t i.c: . :�..-� - �. r �f �` -Z. _ �x �..y.� ,......��.pa,.,r�._ �.xvM°.Y!n`�rA9.'Z-T[-°��sl Q,Y��_
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<br /> ^"� , { COC C - .- . N - 1 T F i _
<br /> :`i J. t �n`", h. . - ; - . V � ��s� ty.._ - r4i �� � �� ._��t' y . �_l�}t..taw' fi '�... #-F ,, .� '
<br /> •4' � y_µ�-{. . "<, '.. � "�Y ,C F'r`C , .,44C\ `--iy yCc 1 � �4 p YX _Q�J 1 f1 < � Yh-'Cfd� .�Y _ � <I Y..
<br /> 's.�:`"�� c� .,1`.`� - iE -d-�.. w.. -�c-o.z -�-...._.�"_+"`Lt•'o-' - t` .:� � -:;.vc:._.5.�.�^ ..rk" s .:d .k_`...: .Ff_l.�t:
<br /> F' '�O-�., i. ��,��it.. . Ty - ci :�["" � . . : �._... _ �f.-:
<br /> l.a�,=..y��_�11..� P�I� O A���� �
<br /> ���
<br /> _ r�, �s�{�; /�/�p � ; �
<br /> -;S�C_` � � _ ���~ O��YMJ•f�Zl � es .
<br /> ��'I �'��� S. RBmrd�as Propa�4y Ins�rau� Burrower shal! tce� tbe imQraveate�tta now exisring or hereafter etaxed on the �
<br /> °' „t� '';;,`-• tf� {�aza�ds, indnding ���_"'
<br />''•'.:'Y:'c�.��,-.-t..� rF� r,V�erty �nst�ted a�inst toss by fite. hamrds inctuded wlthin the term'eatended caverage'and any ather � �
<br /> :,a:.;:�:�
<br />- �f':.. ,.� . .'.4..`..�.
<br /> � �.r, ftoads or iloadiag.for which Leader requit�es u�strsanoe.'jhis insutance s6a11 be n�aintained in the amounts and for the periads ,�:�,
<br /> _ �:a:,``-x:,:rr ` _
<br /> '�:'.,as��,'��::. � tbat Lender requires.'Ihe ingumnce carrter pinviding the insn�ance si�ai!be chas�n by Borrower subject w Lender's a�pravat =
<br /> T�"�`��=^�`:`"�'� which shul! aot be unreasonably wtthiteld. If Eonuwer fa�ts to ma�tain covetage descn�e d a bove. L e n der may.a t i.e a d e r`s - -
<br /> ;`'>�.`'.;'���`�'_.��:� uption.cbtafn ooverage to protect Lender's rights in We Pruperty in acoordanoe with paragraph 7. ___
<br /> _'r`�;=ro�-��.°F "�-. Aii insurance po{icies and renewals shall 6e aoceptable ta Lxn�er and ahali include a standard mortgage clause. Leader _ -
<br /> ;_ � � shatt have the r�ght m hotd t6e�tiaes a�renewals.ff Lender s�sires.Borrower si2alt prompdY Sive w Lendes all r+eFxipts of ��`"
<br /> '� ``r=:=.
<br /> �;. .� ,:,..,y. �
<br /> ,. :ti.�.�. :•�.;. paid premiaa�and r�ewai narices.in the evau of toss.Borrower sball give prampt notice to the ins+irance carrier cind Lender. �-.s._µ
<br /> --<<:.:;.,�. --, Lender may make pmof of toss if aot made prnmptiy by Borrower. ',=z;.,
<br /> '�'��,:_` � Unless I.ender aM Bormwer otbe�wise agree in writing,insuranc�prooeeds sball be appfied to reswtation or reQair of t4e
<br /> ��-:-:.- �� `
<br /> a.�,;::r...; , ;sac�r
<br /> <;;��N:�•�: � Pro�ny dart�aged.if!he testoration or nepair is eoonamicaUy fe�le and Leoder s seauity is not tessened.If die restoration or
<br /> ; �. . . �-,..�.
<br /> �,; d �epait is not ecouomicafJy feasibte or l�nder's seauity woWd be I�, the insn�pmcxeds shati be applied to the�
<br /> �:` ..�, secu�+eA�y tl�is Seauity dasuament,wi�ether or not thea dne, w'sth airy excess paid to Bor�uwer. If Borrower abandoas the �
<br />:t; .,. .. �;� �x.
<br /> ; .:,°.':<.:::, � ProFeny.or does nat answer w�ithin 3U days a nuace from iea�er that the imv�ce carrier has offered to seate a claim.the,a ��. ,:
<br /> - �':�� Lender may coJtect the iasurance proceeds. Leuder may ase the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or w pay smn� i,�:-�'
<br /> � F'''� " � secured by Wjs Sec�rity/nstrnment.afiether or not thea due.The 30day period wiU 6egin when We notice is givw. :
<br /> `°��-�x''-F•.;�:�;,`' Untfss i.ender aad Borrower athc�wisc agree ia writit�G, anY $PPticatIoa of pma�ds to principat shall not extencl or - �_ .._
<br /> r -„-�•
<br /> • ;`�'-,'::`''; pas�One the dtce date of the mnnthlY PeYmeats ieferred to ia patagrap6s 1 and 2 or diange the amonnt of the paymeats.If � .
<br /> ��:;�:f.,." under Qazagraph 21 the Pragerty is asquired by L�tder.Bomawer's rig6t to aay insuranoe poliaes aad proceeds�g from `-'�:".
<br /> %�'�`;�s'' dacnage W the Pro�erty paiar ta We acquisition shall pass to Lender w the eatent of dte�uns se�ared Iry this Seauiry Iastnurcent •'";_�
<br /> �: � �, �` i�m�ely psior ta the acq�cisition.
<br /> Fr � ' 6.�1Q8RC3►f�p'pB�OD�MB�RtEOBIIC@ 8Rd Pi�OtOC�OD d�thC�itiaiPJ'�yi$OTlOW�t'B LOa11 A�p1��I.C�SC�IOId9. ' �`
<br /> ,�t:':.-'-•::v-�:'4rr.�_ .
<br /> ; �: : 8ortusves shail aocupy.establish.aad nse the 8mperty as Borcower's principal resideace wIthin sixry days after t6e execution of �� ��
<br /> , : tQis Se�vrlty,Ia�uameat aad shall oonwu�e to oaa�py the Praye�ty as Buriower's principal residence for at teast one year alter '�;
<br /> `�` 'r�: oa
<br /> the date of occupancy.unless Lrader utherwise agrees in wridng.alnch onnsent shall not be omeasonably withheld,or waless ;� ?
<br /> : ��-.��--r' a�tenuatin8 ciraimstaaces eaist wluch are beyand Bonoaer's conmul. Hacrower shali aot destrny, darna8e or'fmpair tbe' ����
<br /> :r.�c-';���...�.
<br /> � rft.:
<br /> . _'. PropertY.altaw the Pc�perty to d�eriorate,or commit waste on the Pmgerty. Bomower shall 6e ia defautt if any forfeita�e ;�.`
<br /> - - ." nct�on or praoeeding,a+hether civi!os criminal.is 6egun that in Lender's good faith judgment ooald c�ilt in for�e�tude af the .'.�
<br /> T �-'� Pmpe�ty or athenvfse matertally impair the liea c�eated by this Security Instrument or Leader's secnrity intecest.Bomawer may p(.
<br /> _� .._ ,4F i �Gy_'+-�:�-.
<br /> '.�:�� �: ' atre such a default and�einstate.as provided in pa�aph 18.by cavsiug t6e actfan or praoeed�ng w be disomssed wltD a nsi3ng . f ,:
<br /> . . .;;:, ;•`.•` that, in Ixnder's gaod faith de.termir�allon, precludes forfeitnre of the Bormwer's interest in the Property or othes materlal , !
<br /> . : � ', impairment of the Itea creatod by this Security Instn�ment or I.ender's sec�ity iateces� Bomower shaH also be in defania if �
<br /> : :" . � Botcower.dtuing the toan applicadon ptacess.&�ve matertaUy fatas or iaatcurate,info�mation or statemants m Leadec(or failed ��- �•
<br /> —��ri'r+:.,;"s.' . �r.s ".
<br /> ,;; `- t o p r o v i d e l.e rt d e r w i t h a n y m a t e r i a l�r,f o m r a t i o n)i n c o n n e c a i o n w i t h t 6 e l o a u e v i d e n ce d b y t h e N u t�,i a c l u d i n g,6 u c c�u t i i m i c e d =___
<br /> :,-' . __ to.representations conccmiag Bo:rawer's ocxupancy of the Praperty as a prtacipal�esidence.If thts 3ec�uity Instr�nt is oa a -_
<br /> leasehold. 8orrawer shall a�mply a+tti►aU We provisions of the lease: If Borrower acqutres fee titte to ttce Propert�►. the ' ��:`�;=
<br /> �"' '.��` � � le�.sehold and the fee titte shaU not merge aaless LeaWer agrees to the mer�er 3n writiag. � '--__.
<br /> ,.�:,` ` 7.Pratet9toa of Leudes's Rtg6ts in the Pro�erty.if Borrower fa�7s m perfom�the cavenants atW�eemeats ooataiIIed ln i.�� _
<br /> _�'a;._.. t61s 3owriry Inatrumeni.or there is a tegal Pmoeadin8 that n�aS►significan�ly affect Lender's rlghts ia the Progerty(sac�as a� .=
<br /> � + pra�eQing ia�ankraptcy.probat�,for condemaatton ar forfelture or to enforoe taws or mg�a�ons),then Lender may do aad = _
<br /> �a -: +�� pay for what�.wer ia nocessary to proted the vaiue of the Property and i ender's dgMs in the Property.I�aider's actioas may � �
<br /> ` ''� '", i t�c t a d e p a y i a g m t t t y s t u r�s s e c u s e d b y a l i e n w L i c t, h a s p r i o ri t q o v e r t h i s S e�t y r l n s�.�a�r i n g i a c u u�t+ D a Y l a g
<br /> , ay
<br /> - , :f.�. -- .:� r e a s o t i a b t e a tt o m e y s'f e e s e n d.e A t e r i n g o a t h B P r a p�r t o m a l c e r e p a i r s.Ai t ha o g l s L e n d e a�y.t a k e aca on oa d e a r t h i a p a r a g r a ph .
<br /> � ��'" � �.L+ender doea t�nt have to do so. €
<br /> 3�r'r� Arry amqumg disbursed by Leader ouder this paragrapb 7 shaU become additiona}debt of Bosmwer secured tiy ttda
<br />_ s� .i,:f• :: . �
<br /> ``�` ;�:���, .. 8ecutiry tnsmimeAt.Unlesg Borrower aad Lender agree to other torms of PaSrment,these amoums shall.beaz laterest.fivm t6e� :—
<br /> '� '; .. Qatc�at disborssnaeat ttt thee Note rate and s1mU be payabte.'a+ith IIIterest. �pon notic�e from L�ader w Bonuarer r�ae.st�ag . ;�--
<br /> r� t f•r,�
<br /> ' �� " . P�ent. s�a_�-
<br /> --;-`�� ���':�: 8.Mod�a�e Insn�ace.If Lender requi�ed mortgage insurance.ea a cond'at�on of making the loaa secvmd 6y tHis 5ecntlty °--
<br /> -:' :h.::.��"`' (nstNment. 8orrawer shalt pay thc premiams reqnired to maintain the mortgege insuraitce in effect. If..fot aay mason, the • � __
<br /> -:::�,:.� :. : -
<br /> �<��:'�:. _.�'x� . mottgag�insurance oaverage requhed by Lender lapses or ceases to be 1A effect,Bor�+ower sdalt pay the ps+emiums mquired to ==_-
<br /> �` .�;_;,: oDtnin ct►vetoge substantiutty ec�ivalent to the mortgage insurazice p�,wiously in effect.at a oose su6�andally equivalent to t4e �}�;:.:^
<br /> ��' � aass to Botrowet ot 1he mort�age insaranoe pcevionsly in effeG.from an altemate�mortgage insurer appmved by I.ender.If !r'-
<br /> :: .�... �
<br /> . ::.lr-.:: .... . t�n�:
<br /> . �;T;.�:�.. � �ubstontlalty equlvale�»martga$e lnsurence coverage Is nos availabte.Bonawer shaA pay m l�en�er each moath a sum equat rn ��-_
<br /> �`... . ,� .attc-twetf�b af tfie yentty mortgage insuraaae pr�minm belag paW by Bornnwer when the insurance ooverage lapsed oi aeasa!to — _
<br /> �'"� '. . �� bo incffoct.Lcndc►wil! �
<br /> _ .....: ., uocept.uso und relairl tfiese payments as a losv teserve in lien of mortgage insntaaoe. Loss resetve —
<br /> ..y Form SM8 8190 �
<br /> ._ � P�peaole ' -
<br /> !4; '' .._
<br /> I.....
<br /> ' � . • r. :FJ � ' :4ri°� ",'•a��.xta:r.�c!y�4 ,it�ef�ls(l „_ � >�r.s: --'— '::-`?, r_s_ : '-.
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