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<br /> .=�ni-�.Y�`' ����S��f�9"Q •,t L..
<br /> �`� � F' of Leader,if mortgage tasn:anoe ooverage(in the amouffi and for the�teriad �
<br /> ` �';; P�J��Y���be�+at the op�ion
<br /> �`>� `'�'aw<T�,;;�. �� ceqoir�)ptuvF,ded by an iustu�er approv e d h y L�der a g a i n b e c o z u e s a v a i l a ble and is obtaiaed.Bamu�vet shatl pay .-
<br /> n`X�" .s �the to maiamia muttgage insura�oe in-effe��t.or to provide a toss�serve,until the r�aqc�i�eaaeat foi mo�ge � } �:-
<br /> f `:•.•�`' ,- ;��- P�� b�ween Bormwer aad I.eader or applicabte Iaw.
<br /> `��' i 1=• iastuaaoe�ds in aco�rdanoa with suy►axittea agreemcAt ' � �:;:
<br /> �°��"�y ' make rasonable easrFes upoa�W i�ecxions of the Pr+operty. I.ender shall Sive `
<br /> ���� g Inspee�on.leader�r its ageat may a ` �'- :
<br /> ` ` � s�` fionowet aotice at the time of ar�Sior to an iaspectinn specifying�tiabte cause for the inspecx[on. `, -
<br /> .:..�,-�}�,.�.r``z;<` 10.COnd��t�n-The prooeeds of suy award or daim for damages.dirax or oonsequential.in connection witt�azry
<br /> �for�oaveysnce in 3ia�af ooadem�tioa,are h�eby assigned and °��
<br /> -. �+ :- oand�rion or ather taking of at►y pa�t of the FmpeRy, oav � ;`€ t�:
<br /> ,ytS�-��� �r�� D1�6U���W i�iA14W. •
<br /> �� .
<br /> .� '`��.� .Y�- I n d�e e v e n t o f a m t a l t a k i n g o f t h e P r o p e r q r,t h e pmceeds shall be a p plied w the smms saaued by t6is Sewrity Is�sument. �,., ..
<br /> :�::�.:�_��,�..,�;::.
<br />.����:' �wbethcr or not then due.witts anY exc�ss paid w Bnr�rower:In the eveat of a partia!taking af the Pmyeny in whicb the fair „- ,
<br /> ,o-, �'•��- �-'K ' market valus of tbe Property imme�efY before t6e tatdt►g is eqoal to or gceater than the amaum of the swng secuted Dy this
<br /> ,..:.'.:_ '"`._..,.:..:; Searity tastncme�imm�odlatdY before d�e taking,untess Borcarover and�ender otherwise agc�ee in cvriting.the sums secare�bY . E =
<br /> -.�'-`-`°r:;'=.:.'- tbis Security iasu+nnent s6ali 6e rcduced h'Y the amouni of the ptoceeds multipfied by the follovuing fracdon: (a)th�wtal � .�.!_: .
<br /> �,�, ' �"; ,
<br /> ,� •�; f amo�mt of the soms serured immediatelY 6efore t6e taking,divide8 by(b)die fair market value nf the PropeKy im�atelY i ,-
<br /> t ��� 6alaace.sball be azd to Baaower. In We event of a partiai taking of the Prope*tY in wfuch We faiQ
<br /> �,`-::� "< � 6efore the taking. Aay P � �
<br /> � � , � before the tatang is less thaa the amoaat of the sums secured i�ediaLely 6efore the � .€�� �:
<br /> � �.;t matkct value of the Pcap�ty i�ediatedY vides the moee�s stiall .
<br /> � .r � � taking,irnfiess Barra�er ara}Ler►der otherarise ag�pe in writing or antess�bte!aw othetwiae pr+o , p ��-
<br /> ��:`;�i°`� � lns�ment wh�[ter or not t h e sarps are t h e n d u e. � j``
<br /> �,..,�.,�€���: be appiied w the soms 5ecu�d by this Security a e ,�'.
<br /> - `�Y�`� If the Propetty is abandoned 6y.8orrower,or if,aRer aotice byr l�der to Barrawer that the condeanrtor offers to make an
<br /> :; l;_F 'ry 1` �
<br /> `u�ri� •:�.: award o�s4nie a c[aim for damages, Borrower fa�s to t�spand w Ixnd�within 30 days a ft e r t h e d a t e t t�e a�ioe is giv e.a, '
<br /> F�:. .c. ,, �. La►der is mrtitorized to wliea�ed apply the pa+o�ds,at its opaon,ei�er to testoration ar r�sir of the P�cary or to the s�s t ; , -,--
<br /> �.� L � � . secu�t!by thig geWrjiy inctMme_n_t �us uot thea dlte. • � t -•
<br /> hea
<br /> ''< �� Uniess Lender auA Bomnwea at��wise ag,ree in writing, anY ap�liwtion af praceecls W prtuapai s�al} not exie�d oz .g _
<br /> � ,:f<;� �; postpoae the due date ef tfte monthiy�meats refemd w in paragwpl�s l and 2 or change the ara4uni of sucb paymectts- � . . ;� =
<br /> ,�' ..,.�L�r�-�_� 11.Borrawer Noi Retea�F�rbeasance B�9 I.�d�Not g Waiver.Exteasion of the time far paymem or mad"¢�on ��z,
<br /> ..�._, .-_�..—.-.T.,-. .. . - �,.�y~-:
<br /> °' of auwrti�on of the�s�ed by this Secority Insuumenc ganted by Lender,to any succe.ssor ia inter�st oP Bosrowar ehal! _
<br /> d � ,�. uot operate to rele�ase tiae liab3lity of the origiaal Bortower or Bomawer's successoss in iateres�Lender sRa]1 not be ret�uiteA tu . -� � M
<br /> ,-a ��4 st�essor in interest or refuse to excead time for paymem or othenviss mndify a�ir�bion . � .
<br /> �� ,. ��r j:. commeace.pmceed�Ss aga�ast anY
<br /> ° ;,r af tl�se sqms secnird by.tUis.3e��Iustrament b!► reason of a�r demand made by the origivat Eonowet or Hormwes's � , -
<br /> �'�y::�:.<�1��-� saooesso�s in intecest. Any fo�tr�a�x by l.eader in exerclsiag auy rtght or remedy ahatt a�.be a waiver of or preclude We . `` °
<br /> � .:.;,a� ; ( � � : ��._
<br /> r_ .� � , � eae�se of any rigM or remedy- �
<br /> a�:, �.�r., , l�. Successois and A�Boand:Joiu3 and 3evera!I.iabiltty: Co�si�ers•�The coveaams�td agreements of tbis r
<br /> .; i..i.
<br /> �ecoriry lnsunment shaU 6tnd and benefit the snt�sso�s aad a�s of Lender aad Borrower. �aj�c�o�prot►-,�o� or �::
<br /> : .`,-,, `-i,,;% g�atagrapl� I7. $o:rawer's coveaauts and a�au shaU be joint and sevetal. Arry Bo�rasvver afio co-sigas dds Sec�ritY . �_
<br /> r:'� � ---
<br /> k*` , ` Iusuumem but does not execute the Note: (a)is�co-sigaiag this Secnrity Insqvment only[a morigage.gtam an�a►s�:E9�t �
<br />. f..,. -..._ . f:.,': � , gotn�wes's intec�est bn the Property uader the terms of this Seauity Instivmeat;(b1 Ls not pe�sonallY o6ligated to pay tt�e sams -,
<br /> � :� � ;1.
<br /> ' :r s�cured by this Set�riry insuument;and tc)a�s that Lender and any other�rrower may agrce to eztend,m�g.forbea�r or
<br /> , �..�_ .�� mage as►y acoommadat�ons wlth regard to the terms of this SecarIty Ins�cu the Note w(thout that Bonnaer's conseat. _.
<br /> '',��„�.: , :.''�.'•:.:- •
<br />_=•.:: .,�:,��r� 13.Loan Chapga..if tbe Ioam s�ured dy this Seduity�Insu�umeat is subject.W a�aw�+�icb setg ma�cimam Iaaa�azg�.
<br /> " ` ��� aad that law is finaliy interpreted sa rbat t6e inte�st or other loaa charges ooAected or ta be ooltectec!iri Qo�ction with the. �
<br /> ; , `�,,�. 2oan exoeed the germitted limita,then:(a)anY sach loan cbasge shall be reduoed by the amoant aec�sary►to�uae tke ct�asga • `
<br /> '�^.��" � W the penttitted timBt;�d{D)anY sums alrexdY oollected fram Sarrawer which eaooeded p�liwits w3ll be e�eftuided to _
<br /> � ' Boaowes. 1Radec may cboosc'to make this refund bp redaatng ttte principai oorod wtdet the.Note or by tnaldng a dI�
<br />-_'-_�`__'°-`��,� yaymeat w Baaowa+er: 1f a refund reduces principal. ihe red�tcaon wUi be b� as a partial Pr�ay�t ��4�t �Y
<br /> �-; �-�:,• prepaymeut ct�ge.ander,ihe Note. . - - : :: � '
<br /> �'��Y-.;; 14.Nottce9.Aay not�ce w Bmroaer provld�i far ks th9s Seeuriry Instrtmtent shalt He given by delivering it or iry`maili�g
<br /> _ . �"' :. .
<br /> - - � .,. it by first class maU untesa applicabte law requices use�of aanther�ethod.Tfie nnttce simll be dicected w We Ps+operty Adde�ss `
<br /> '; =.� . 'or any other address Borrower desigaates by no�ce to Lender. My natice to Lender shall be given by first flass maii W . _
<br /> ,�:� .° , ��, I.eaQer's address stated�ercln or any ather addr�s�I.eadcr designat�by notice to Borroaer.Anyr nodoe pmv;ded for in tiils� . -
<br /> - 5eauity Instnunem shaU be doemed.w have beea given to Bosrower or Lender when given as provldeQ ra this F�'�S�P�- . . .
<br /> _ �:' ��� l5..Goveen� 1.aw; &wera�lltty. This Securiry Insm�m�t shall be go�art�i,bY f�deret 1aw aaA�.t6e taw of tha -�
<br /> -- `r,.�„-"-;,�; mvision or cimue.of this SecurI tnatrament or tt�e�Atota . �-=
<br /> `_s_:,�,�=.;' �:;;::`.' jutlsd�dion in whlch the'Prapeity is located.In the event that a�ry p t9' . . .
<br /> , ,y ,r,�.-, . conflicts wlth epplicabte taw.auch oonflict shall not affed other pmvisions of t6is Seauity Instrume�u ar the Note whleb c�n be .�_-
<br /> -*_=��:_;.-:j�-," given effed arithout the conflicting pmv�on.To th9s en0 the provlsloac of t�ia Sewdty Inst�unseut ancl the Note are declaFed 4 ..
<br /> --�. "'`'�`.::�:��� � �tobe severable. . . ---
<br /> '"._'.C•'��F•��+•:yi"�"�:- ' .
<br /> . 16.Boreawer'sCopy.Bonower shall lta given oao csonfotmed oopy og tha Note aad of this S�curlty lnswmen� -_-
<br /> •:�. .jhs � . • ��a�.
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