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<br /> r%:ti � E� �r'C- _Sr -Yt+ ...i � �� � .C�t . � s�' hy�. : ° I dF rti .� � `, �.
<br /> �_t t� . �.tc �; ,`:{i.'� .v' c ,� �c v �.- �- .t-f �. �„L - V�u :�-���,.�a b� �i E..5£ �F ,� _ � .ss k.- 'i°'� �'
<br /> k r . , -ct-� .E... .. _r'•s $
<br /> S{"_-�'�E'3`'- _ t4'i,��f.,..,��'c�����-�C ' • S� ����,�tT:;�<5��� ` 4�t _� _ {.. `�t:t a�z=.btcrr'_-`'��"' ' '�'--.=`..--�.:��._= _�s.:,� _�tc. >
<br /> 1 Y� '
<br /> � �.� ��� t:.
<br /> r, a.
<br /> � �r V�� �• ��� �
<br /> ss ' ?,�.r. _� , f ..,
<br /> �:�"- ; �� '�GhTHER WPfH all the in�avem�ts nnw or hsteafter erected op the'P�I�Y•and aU easem�us.appurt�nre.a.and 4 -
<br /> ,,�•^�'��k_:`�.:'�.• � now or�hereafter a part of the property. All replarements aad addttions shall �lso be coveted by t6fs Sc�ssity � FFr;
<br /> , L•,`� �.•c�;.Y Ins��AI!ofthe foregoing is refert�ad to in this Secartty Insuumeat as the'Properhr." I"�:_��
<br /> - --�:: �.;-::.. .
<br /> u�.'iyr_�J.:2..''.,:�`
<br /> ..�'b..
<br /> ._, <.�;�,.,_.�..:.,... :.�RROWBl2 COVENAN'iS that Somuwer is lawful{y seised of the esCate hereby oonveyed and ha�thcs dght w g�attt ortd ° :
<br />-fr���;�s��:��'���;=�� uoffirvey.the Pragerty and d�at the Praperty is uneaambeced.e�ceQt for eacumbianoes of seooN. Borrowe�wortctnte und wtil �� -
<br /> �'� �� '� J' defen�i geaetattY the tide to the Pn'sperty against a}1 daims and demaa�s.subject to any eucumbr�nces of ccrord. S F'
<br /> � ='.=°-.``° �_:��- THIS SECiJRTI'Y INSTRUMENT combines unifurm ooveaanta for natioaal use and non-uniform covenants with(imited ,
<br />- �<< ; -H�' !�
<br /> -:�.:•,:�;`;:- variaric�ns by jurisdiaion to ooustitute a m�i4'orm security insttument oovaing real praperiy.
<br /> . .`-"' �Ji�IIFOItM COVEAiA1�iT5.Barrower a�LQad�cavemaut as�agrce as t'oltaws: '
<br /> r f .� M '
<br /> ?- •:.=:r;_�`�;���: .: l. P�ymwi of Primd�!and YaEeres� Ps�paYateat ead Late C6arg�. Barrower sGatl pmmpdy puy whcn dae ttte _�
<br /> '��::`.2�- •:�..., .prlricipat of and inserest oa the debt evidc,�ce�by 1Le Note and any pr�epaymeat ms�late charges due under the Nate. :�`
<br />_`"y .�,,�``.'z� ,;�..:.
<br /> - .:=�_ 2. Fa�sd4[ar Tases and In�manoe.SuDfecx to applicxbie laN or tu a wriuen wuiver by Lender. Borrower shu11 pay to ..
<br /> ::_:;:}.�.��`:'tr.-� Leader on the da3'momWY paymeats aie due uader the Naxe.until the Note is pald ia Poll.a sum l°Rµads'1 for.(a)Yau1Y t�a ; :,��:
<br /> , ..,., .,,`�`•�`" wH�ch may aaain priority over this Secusiry Instiva�nt as a lfea on the Property:(b)yetuty leasehotd paymenta
<br /> ;.'i::. °,°�;�;��_-.+ mu��ssessments uj
<br /> .�-E:.,,: .
<br /> '.'i�:•:``::`���-� or imd�nts on the P�Pe►tY D -
<br /> -;°-�,•:-;-�::,.�=,; � �P�Y,��3►;(�)Y�Y hazard or jnsuraacc premiumc:ld1 ycariy ttaod tnsuraace ter.Uums.
<br />,-�';,�±���{'`':°,.:��:�; i�any:E8)Y�Y mortgage ingurance premiums. if any:aad f��Y�PaYaMe by Borrower w Lender. in accordaflec wfltd .,;='`:
<br /> • �, t6e pravisions of p�aragi-iaph 8,ia lien af the paymeat ot mortgige instuaacc premlums.l7ieae items ate called°Escrow[tems." ��..
<br /> ,� :" . � < rag
<br /> _ ..:-�.�_ '_.�r; .r�,
<br /> ,_. � =. �ead�may,at auy wn+a,ooIIect and hold Fweds iri aa maou�not t�acoeed the maximum wnaurtt e tender for a f�etalty
<br /> n� � :� �: retatai�n,ortgage,ldau may roquire fas Borraaer's es�ow aocount uader the fodersil Real EstaAe SeWement Pmaedures Act of `
<br /> :;<,;.�. ,.�,;4�.;x 19?�as am�de�fram time to�me.-l2 U.S.C.Sec�ion 2601 et seq. (°RESPA"?.unless r�nother law that applies to tlta Funds I _.��;
<br /> f`•`.�' �• sccg.a tessea amouat.if sa, Lender may.at aay time.cofleci aad hold Fuads in en amoau►t not to exoe�0 the lesscr amount. r�
<br /> 'x.e�;_`, ,._';� ,:
<br /> . �i � �. Lender r�p es�tare the amoum of F�nds due an the basis af s�r�st data and reasonable estlmates af expendi�of litturc
<br /> � `o T ;;_ Escros�.:I���+�ise in accaidaacc with aypllcable taw. �
<br /> r � _• , ,,;: . .3'he Fond's shall be heW In an iustitation whose deposits arc iasnred by a federa! agency. Instiom�entatity. or cruiry ,i
<br /> --- -,,-. ,�,;;._' . C�u�ag I.cnder,if I,eAder is snch an instiwtion)ar ia aay Federal Home Loau Bank.LeMer sl�11�pply the PtsMs to pay the � 3:
<br />-�;.�,�`.:;:��`<�:,;��' Fs�vw Itsms.Leader may not d�arge Bonawer for ho2�ng�d applying the Funds,e�nuatly aaa[y�s�g the esczow ucoount.or `"-'-:
<br /> . : r rn�;.
<br /> '��:.�N:•r.;. v�the Escanw Items.unless Leader paya Borrowes�nterest on the Funds and a�plicabte law permits Lertder to mia�e such <
<br /> ,,Y�� a c�iarge.However,Lender may require Borrower to pay a ane�Wae cda�e for an fidepeadeat tea!�ate tax t�rtfttg servtce �.. ,�
<br /> a'�: used is� LeIICtcr ia conaedian with tUis toan, uatess applIcable!aw pravides otherwlse. Uatess an ag�eemtm ia made or , � ='
<br /> ,f.�-r�;:,...,:r.:s� applic�ie law reqni.-�s insere�w be paid,I.eader shaU aot be requized co pay Horrower any inte�st ar eamfnga on dse Funds. � :
<br /> •;.,� Bomps+ca aad Lender may�in writbag,however,tLat Inteiest ahaU be paid on the Funds.Lcndes shall give to Batrower.
<br /> '1ry'::� .� —_'
<br /> - .:• ':.-.��; withont drarge,..�aanual aabunpag of the Funds, showing csedits and debits to the Fw�ds azW tt�PuNose fos whkh eacfi =-_
<br /> �_:;�.,,:.:�:.;,:.:.... .. �__.�
<br /> .:��.:r ;:� debit to t6e Fa�s was made.The Funds are Ftedged as addiuonal secority for all sums secuied hy this Sezutitq Instturaeat. - _
<br />'::;r `� . �'�;� � If the Fand�held by Lender exceed the amounts pemutted to be held by applicabla law.t.eaQer shall ac+wunt M Borrower ��;
<br /> - ��� �-:;;;.-<::�:' far t5e ex�ss P�mds ia acenrd�noe wlth the requitemeats of applicable law. Ii the amount of the Punds hetd by ERnder at e�r �_. .
<br /> `��Y:3-�,.�:;- ,�'• time is not snffiicieqt to pay che Escraw Items whe�due.I�ender may so aodfy$orrower in writing.and.in sucb�tse Borrawer =_-_
<br />_ :;�:'P',:..i�.:::.i::" �.-..
<br /> •�; ,t,'-' shait pay to i.e�tder the�uoam t[eee.SSa�Jt W matce up the deAcie,ncy. Barnowcr shatl make ap the defidencyr in aa more ttmn �
<br /> . !f f ,.. ' .': ewelve mom61Y payanents.at Leader's sole disc�etion. -_-
<br /> - �'� '-•�•--�.':=a„ ��`v
<br /> ..:... �..::�,;f: UQan gayri�nt in fnll of alt sums secured by ti�is Scwrity lnstturrtent. t.eader shall prompUy refund to Borrawer gny T_-
<br /> :,:::,?'.=:` , _.:a., Fands held by I�uder.If,ander F�S�Ph 21,Lender shaU acquin or sell the Property.L:.nd4'�r P�or to the aoqulsitinn or sals : _
<br /> :.;,_:;_ ��>,.���. . of Ihe Propea�y.shall,„a,pply aay gunds held by I�nder at the ame of acqwsit�on or sate as a c�dit against tho suma secured by ___
<br /> h.�A c' ' - � ��].s S�Q�WJfa{iNKMt. '
<br /> Y "�, �� 3:ADptiratimn of Aaymeats.Untesa applicabte�aw provides otherwise.ali paymatt�reeeived by.La�der uuder paragraphs -
<br /> :� x,� � ' t and 2 shali beapplied:.fust.to aaY P�Y��8�due under the Nat�second.to.wnoents payable under parttgraph 2: . .
<br /> . �.,,�,;;:,.._.., thir�.to interest due;foustb;W p:incipal dt:e;aad 1ast,m any late charges due uader tha Nuta. _
<br /> ; � �� 4.Cbaige�L�s.Bormwer s�hall pay all taxes.essessmeius.c,h�arges. fines�d im,posidorts attributable to the Ptoperh► _-
<br /> ht SY: —
<br /> - �;�;:,-,�;._�� which may attairs priority over this Securtty Instruuceat,.and Ieasehold payments or ground rents.lf any. Borrawet shail pay � � � � •-
<br /> -�`�: ;,',;�;';� ,these obllgations in d�e ma�m�provid�in DaragraPh Z,or i!not patd in thac manner.Borrower shatl pay them or�time dir�ty - -
<br /> �;�.':';,. � --
<br /> r, .to ttio gerson owe3 aayment.Borrower shail�mmpdy fi�mish to Lender all aatices of amonnts to be paid�under ttt�iis pa�graph. --
<br /> -� �.+v�.: • if Bormwer makes these payme�as direaly,Bormwes shall promptiy farnish w Leader receipta evtdencing th�puyments. � :�:.-.-
<br />_,j;;;,;; _;.::-{ -_
<br /> 1.,, Borroaer shal!P�Y.��'88�Y 1�en which has pr�orhy over this Serurltg tnstramene unte�s 8arrowa:(o)ogras in �
<br /> " � ` � wr1Hnffi to the paymem of ttio o�ligation secured by the iten In a marmer�eptab2e to Lerrder.(b)contests in sood falth the lien
<br /> ��._:_;-,nb,:;�" ' : -
<br /> s-..; ,._;- f: r . . by. os defends a$ainst enfore�em of the lien in, lega[pmce�ings wl�ich in the LeadePs op�a�on opernte to pr�w�nt the =_
<br /> �'��T `` ertfoiremeae of the lien;or(c)se�ures from the holder of the lien an agreement estiafacwry to Lender subordinattag the(ien to �.n:�_
<br /> �i.'•1i:•�r:.... .r',j this Securlty Instrument. If Lender dete,m9nes ehat any patt of tha Pmperty is aubject w e lien whtch tnay mtain prfarity.over � ---- .
<br /> �. . thls Security.Insmiment.Lender may glve Bomfwwer a not�ce idendfyiti�the 11en.�orrawee shall satist�►the llen ar tako one or =__
<br /> '�:��:��.'.:�.`..:�`4. :; moro af the actions set forth abave aritdln 10 days of Ne giving of nottce. � __
<br /> ,, :� � • ' Fotm 8028 9190 !,:`�
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