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<br /> :�CY�'" c. .t z''v� .-�-�„_ '�Y r - . k�c � �� 'i . 44S r . .�"'�.`_ y,. _ .
<br /> � �i�F "F ` x`4f � �`� � ,� a '� n n
<br /> i t�. "`'� � °� �r.'. � .. f< y�� -t a+t�c � F `� r wr�-Y' �� co t ,,,. d S�,"w.� -c :,-.���*��' ..�,�'` x ,t-;�, { �
<br /> ,_,.c t
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<br /> ��, '¢st'- .f�.w�S � f �.�_- , �x"C�i,�---. .. ��_'��--� _ z . .T, ,.�c tr-�. Y 4 �. r _,t xe- _ �;`�,�:.�...�v�:. .v-.- " 4i.
<br /> _. _ ..c� _ �.�.:�C' ,._ . F _�.'�_.G.r.r_.. �Yi=t.n� •.;S __ $ `�..� t- c. C.
<br /> .
<br /> _ ., .. .. .. , �5�;•,. ,� �. << ;. ".."' .. _'- , a.Y - :Y:-
<br /> � � �i?....,� .. .
<br /> .�-
<br /> �
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<br /> ,..C-.;_ p��Gy.�r�y.A�(�� t -
<br /> ��(� -^..�-E -��� ,���CI�OVTYIV� � �a
<br /> C`F' � �f:a•� • S
<br /> � . �'-.r.v � ?�.
<br /> � �� � aow eaistin or hereaRer� on the �
<br /> 4 ��4- ' S.�a7srd ar Fevg�tq �anoe. Boimwer sdal! ko� the im�roveme�ts 8 .
<br /> j�,F��,��„:-�_, ��1 j11S11€�S$S�OSL�OSS�1}r�IC.bffi3�S���n t$C tPdlll�W��OOYeiBgC III 1$C R��UI11S�1CC�11�11$ �`� r
<br /> ��...t�t... ti
<br /> �- 5 r•� �.�18111Sll18IICC�l�aaa W� �
<br /> •- �.,r � Aaads or Saoding. for which Leader requires� �
<br /> °.t`r,°':`i-:;`:' that Leader requiras.'t4te insusanoe carri�Pmvidi°S the insuranoe shaii be chos�by Borrawer subjezt w I.ender'�appmval _ :
<br />':`''`` .-�;�.�'.:..� nab withbeld. If Bormwer fails to maintain ooverage described atmve, L.eMer may. at Leades's � t� �
<br /> �,�., e � " `�; whic6 s5ai1 not be uzue�sfl h+
<br /> Y�•t'
<br /> ,`�.� � =.. apti�.abtaia cov�age w protect Le�tder's rigitts in the Prope�ty►in auoo t d a n o e a t i t h p a r a g r a p h 9. �r�
<br />-,..i:F.+a��,.c... ..-I. :y..
<br /> ::>��-.�.-::=-..:-`;` All i�nstuanoe�olides and renewals shalt be acoePtable w LRnder a�cd shn11 inctade a standard mnrtgage dause. .,.;
<br /> ° : �`�;` shall have the right w hoid the poGaes and r�ewats.If Lmde�requir+�.Borrowes sdal!pmmptlY 8►ve m I.eader al!r�,ceipts of � ,�.
<br /> °- � �"'`� p;�p�miu�ffi nenevsra!notices.In the eve�t of loss.Bonower shall give pcompt notioe w the iawrance caaier and l.eader.
<br />�-.r`.�-i:�;�. -" _x .�.
<br /> ��`�� �.Snder may rr�ake prooF of toss if aot made piucnpdY by Bortower. , "� _-
<br /> ` �' �,` Unless Leader and Borrower othcrwise aAree in writing.i�vrunce pnoceods s6a11 be appfied w restoration or r�a�r of the �`
<br /> .',.._. l`.,..4�` .
<br /> :' :=c:-`�. `�;� Piopeity damaged.tt the testosuHon or repait ia eoorromically fi�ibte attd Leader's sewr6ty+is aot tessenod.[f tke r+estoratian ar -
<br /> s�•..;.-. :.a. . test �:c��_.
<br />...5�".4"_., �.' ":'_�. . t
<br /> :�:�<��;��` :�t- re�is is cwt e�naoaticWty feasible ar t�ender's s�tritY wae�ld tre tessc�d.tbe insurance pmceeds shs�11 Be appt�ed co t�e sumg :.• .�.
<br /> .� =v-�.. `� se�ed try lhis Secudty IacuusnEN.whHher or not then due. with any eaass pnid w Boaower. IP Boe�oau abaadons the ��
<br /> :. ��•-',_;. �:::
<br />';`," �.,,,,:.�. _.:.:4, � pt�eriy. ar dt�es t�ot snswu withln 30 daye a natice fiom LeAder that the iasurnuce cazrier l�s offerod to settte a clai�o.then .:
<br /> . .�.:..' ��:.;:;- to cw.pair or testore the Pcu�ettY or w PaY su� -:>;_:
<br /> _��r�.,.�.:::;±. l�endcr mny cotlect the insurmuc Rmceedg. l.cnder mny eue the�cacc�ds
<br /> od wiU 6 when th�aosice is givrn. <r
<br /> % r�;� � Rocured tiy thts Securtty tasuumem.w4ether or nat then due.Thc 30�daY peri e8�n
<br /> .:��:-,�':���- Unt;ess L.eader and•8orc�nwer othcrwiae ngrce in wridng. any appl}wdion of pmoeedg to prirtcipal stiall Rot extend or 4.
<br /> � , rj'.
<br />,_�4:.Y.;�;�;;:�, Postp�ane t�=due date oi the motuhty PaYa►enes refe�cl w in paragraphs t and Z or d�e che amaunt af the pay�. if `
<br /> -�, • a,�.+-.:, uttdes para8tayb 21 tde PtoAenY is aogui[eA bg�LaWer.Borrawet`e rigtn w tw}►im�uatroe po�iaes ead�aoed��$frO�
<br /> �,�;
<br />_ `_ �- Qamage to the Paap�tY prior ta the atquis�idon sh311�s to Laider w tha eactau of the swag s�a�red by�his Secur'sty iastwnesu ti.J
<br /> � eacta
<br /> ;�: �;,<' :,.�_ ima�sceiy prior w the a�nlsttfon. p�� ,,y Q��� ���ry�wa's Loans��}�o I.�oids. ��z''
<br /> - .-.._.—1 F C�-T�. .6�����°�^'^a���l'�L��Vi�s�v�rw�7t�^'��� '7�^'�^ � ��^�
<br /> - a:.r�� %?.0:`�`���� Bocrowes shafl accapy.eslablish.and iss�e the prope�ty as Boirower's pr�ac�pal resideaoe wltlt's�►sixtY days eRer dte esecution af _ �
<br /> �y �� ,
<br /> ` , _.--- -,�--: dds Se�mriry Insaumcat and shaq ca�inue ro occupy the Property ns Sorrower's prh�pal�enoe for at least anr year aRer ��:
<br /> - �., „.;...-.,,,,.;. �n which conseat st�aU nat tre umeasoua61y wit6hetd.or tmte�s _
<br /> .__:� «,..-_ the date of ooa�pancy.un2ess l.ender othezwlse agnes' vvrlting, _-
<br /> N,. -_- .
<br /> r � -, �r' extenaatin8 cjrau�nc�e�st wtuch are beyoad Borrower's oanuol. Bormwer shall aot desuoy. damage or impair d�e
<br /> � .:.,,�: Pmperty. attaw the P�cope�ty to cteterioratc.or c�mrt wagte on d�e Prope»y. Borroarer shall be in defa�It if mry farfeitaie _,
<br /> •'.'; _�;� ec�Fon ar c.eedis�g,whether dvil or criminal.is.beguc►that ia l.eader s good fa�t63adgarent cauld regoit in faifeitute ot tDe __ _
<br /> ' `; "' �aaherw�se materially imAair the Itea c�ated by this Security i�u�or�s��Y�Bomnw�m�y ._
<br /> :°-r rk, - . �� �
<br /> ,..r�..:"�• tc 18.bY�g the action or pmoeeQing w be di�wIth a mti� ��:
<br /> _r.,.:,:-<.;:_..,..:.��, ca�e sa�a de�olt and relastate,as piov�ded in pa�a�
<br /> "�� ;;. :�`r. . t�t. ia Lender's �ooa feitb dexenni�an► P�cIndes forfeitwce of tLe Hoimwer's interest �n the Property or ot1�material
<br /> .r:.-.:�.-.:�;:.-..:_:�,, .
<br /> ,,,.;`�.` ����:•�, 4� impairment of the lien created by th3s Sea�ty inguumeat or Lender's s�wriiY interest.8amnwer s6aU atso t�e ia defantt ___
<br /> ��� ,�::r —-
<br /> _ . Bontower.dnring the toan application process,gave mateciaAY false or fitm�infura�on or statemeats ta I�d�r(ar
<br /> :c�•'."• �p����et.with�p materlat i�ffom�adon)tn oonnectioa with the taaa evideaced by the Note._inctading,b�not t�ntted e�s�
<br /> �, -
<br /> „ ° _ `� w.�oas oonc�niuS Barrax'et's ooaipancy of the Rupeny as a pr�ndpal residen�e.If thia Secarity�eatt�S an a =—
<br /> '��;,;-;{=4y�` �_;s r,� l e a s�o2d.Bmmwer sbaU co m ply with aU the psovisloag of the tease. If Bosrawer acquires fea tiite to tLe PmpeRS►• th� _ ---
<br /> ,. _•:�• .�, .. w the mer�es in cu�ittng.
<br /> , +.� teasehotd and U�e fee title sl�aall not merge untess l,ender agrees - -
<br /> �:_-.:,'_`:. '. � 7.Ptottec4ton of�ade�'s Rig6is tn the Ptapect9.If�arrower fails ta perfarm the oovenaats and agr�ments oonta9aed#t� —_
<br /> ;:.�,. :,�_., ._ . ----
<br /> ',�-.;.�� '::-_:..�:«r:�.' ti�ac a�Y�S��Y�ect Ie�des's rights.ia the Frapertq(sach a4� . �_--
<br /> . .�•a ,,� ...;,r..�' . this Secadry I�eat,or Were is a legal Pmce�ia$
<br /> r_.`�:;
<br /> � `.��'',: :..:.�_� •;; pmoeedinS i�6aniccoPt�S►�Pmbate.for condemnation or forfeitaze or to eafoccc�laws or regnlations),then Lender maY do and --
<br /> -�."'"'`�`,�°�:`�� pay for wbzt�ver is n�y to Protect the valne of the Propeny and I�der's rights in the Property. L�qdet's actions may
<br /> r � in aaurc, paytng
<br /> �" " �""�'•- inciude paying�auY s�s secured bY a Nen wtuch iws prlorIry over this Secmiry�Iasuament.��er tbls par�aFb
<br /> �Y.�' t�easonat►Ie attomeys".fexs aad enterin$on the Prope�ty ta make repaiis.AI� , _
<br /> ���`~� � 7.Leader dow aa�t bave to do 60. '
<br /> • s r��. � Atry.amounts disbutsed bY Lercder uader this pazag�aph T shall beco�additlonal debt of Bostower s�ced by tlns
<br /> -'*-+�`::;,�c��; go�rity tasdumem.t)ntt�s Bornawer and Lender�rw w other te�ns uY�ayment.these amottnta ahali beat iute�est fmu�tite :
<br /> .,�,�,��,�;� notFce fcam l.eader w�onuwer t+eqttestiag
<br /> -=- ;;::;;:�� � date of dishursement at t�e Note�ate and shall be payabto. with�utec+�st,apon .
<br /> �,.f'�`,.+I�':<�.. ,, � .
<br /> . : �112ortg�e Iu�ance.if Lender rrquise�martgage insuranae as a coa�tion af mialdag the loaa secmre8 by tMs Se�ti+
<br /> _ ; �.:;;,.'�.>
<br /> '"�.-��:��� ° Iastioment. Bormwes s6a1�pay the prem�njnms requimd to mairaaia tha mortg8ge insurffiise in effect. If. for a�►yr reasan, the .
<br /> -_ =".si.ii Vi�� 4, ' .
<br /> . . t ,; : rtortgage iasusance ooverrage requi�d by l�cader iapses ar oeases W ba in etfect,Boaower shaU pay the P��requiced to . .
<br /> age valetu to the�
<br /> . ' `. ` � �,;. obiatn aaverage anbstantially equivaleat to the nwrtgage insnrence prevloasly in•effe�ct.�t a cast snbstaatiallY e� , --
<br /> • ::=r- .- ���.,. in effect,fraw an ataemata mattgaga iass�rer approved try l.ender. If
<br /> t ::;- +;,-: cost to Botrawer af t�mortgage insuranoe p�►Icsusly :
<br /> .. .. _ ,::tt����'�'� . . sa b s t a n t i a l lY equi v a l e a t m o r t$a g e i n s u r a n ce o o v e r a g e i s n o t a v a i l a b l e.Barrow�za shaU pa y to Leader each month a sum eqnal to �--_
<br /> • . . .�� one-twelflh of tt�e y�rly mortpge iagurattce preml�un beinB Paid by Bo:rower when the insurancc coverage lapse�or ceased to �,
<br /> '.:,'. ''::":'� be in effeq.Lender wili aooept,use aad retam these payments av a t�s resenre in Iteu of mortgage insi�rance. Loss �re —
<br /> .:":.�`:`�,. Form80� 9l80 -
<br /> ...�..Y".� . —_..
<br /> ;.�:.;; 't. �aora =-�,
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