�t-��,,i'���i c� �� � �'�t�-} G'��.�r� u�,�,.�ct F��`c+��r .�?�r; `�?s+ .-- .•�;`�t
<br /> .Y�i�z �`e''�'ff
<br /> �, �wS 5c � s � .. ...���t �€ �7'. .t-.t� � e r� s� �5- (�� .,•:C� .
<br /> h' . ���j- � ;� -;�s p- - a'
<br /> � € •, , �1,. � �s2 . y�`-�•• �S �: . '�i�t _
<br /> � s �s.� 'r� � F"i+: �a�, :�t�h^z- t�': _-tp�- .i`,-..b sit�.-
<br /> :i:�i s:i; .--��,�G�ct �' �' �`"`z� ::�-�.'-.•. . `a��_ •.�c.
<br /> ;"...-r �� ., ;tcc: r _ t� :.L�< _��.. , �,�,; ..� k,..
<br /> -�...0- c t� - G r' "ta'�t i -d � .�v,�-•r""�---`erzw�� _ �i Y"'Lr�^^�" l -� _- r r.
<br /> >.xr^"'c �s!..i'ai - .� �tL��t. .°�`_� ._ .. ._i a �`t�`' Stl,. � .r� � n! S`�� �t��� s' s� � !G �� �c �c 1�� ���t�'_¢ �
<br /> �. n � ! ��t� r �� � '�. r.se <<. < ' y � a - ��f`� s -r' 3'' T`_S - _ d�'� �C'l - - 4.. . . 6�4.�:
<br /> .t, ��td.i 'i`S"=_`r�'-'�� � i e, ��' s 6 �k hr r ^t . . a`ae` .g� 'r� � �y`'�rY'. f <S t f`.�' � l°� Y13- v�-4�ir;`e'_ � '
<br /> .�-"""'�+. , �'F.�l �1�.,; .' e. e �r �$ r �- - .n � C* ..a ati nd.-�C�c c _ -,u .e !. �� .c
<br /> �e� � �.4 r F '_S,'i c'_r(" ,�-.. 4 .v'e.t.'^ '� K ft`4'i .M1 .4.: ;:k': _
<br /> .-.rs5�f `� t F`-a. K } _"'?�� C. 'r� _r�. �`L" �a..:-ra.r�fi-..rr•5't.. _ ..a.'- _ �
<br /> 8--c--4.� �:.'2'���r _ - _ .�...�_.... .. �
<br /> Sl �;��.��•--i�Y'r.-�:-Q t�Y. ' ' _ ' �
<br /> � �a./i8i7�( ' G� !�.
<br /> �r -� ,� ti��.�► � e �,. :
<br /> -<<.�-..:�..��., . h�Y
<br /> �-c r`� � no to er be at the o on of Lender.if mongage iaswance coveeage(in the aznoum aad for thc period '`� -:
<br /> =k . ;_ � PaYma��maY n8 n�d• P� �,�,
<br /> � _-`' shat Lead� reqaires)Pnnvided by an it�er approved by E�eades agai�6e�omes available and is obtained.Horrower shail pay
<br /> �.�,�.:�.,:��A �p�reqni�to maiatain mortgnge insuramoe in effax.ar w pmvide a toss t+esesve.waif tl�e requirement for awrtgage _.:�,
<br /> :`"�':�.; Y� ms�nce�ds ia a000rdance wRh any wriaen ag�emeat b�weea Borrower and I.ender or applicable law. `''�
<br /> ;'':'4`:..: �_:.;:, io�of Ehe Lender shall give •�-
<br /> -. .�.:<'S-=°., 9.InspeMIoa.Leader ar its asent may make reasonahle enuies upon and insPect �]'• ;::�;=
<br /> -'�;�`"� � `, . nabk cause for the on. ` "..`,
<br /> �". :,'�"i Homaw�nodae ai tlte time of or pidar w an�aspec.tion specifyiag reaso u�P� �.{.;�;.
<br /> .t^Y��.�..Z;. .
<br /> ,� `:, �� -; 1Q.Cond�n�on.The pmeeeds of eny awaM or claim for damages.direct or ooasequeati�t. in connection witD� any � �;
<br /> ,� 4 � �
<br /> r::,a>�° :'`r ooitdeuuiati�or other ra�;�of any part of the Pmperty.or fos voaveyance in lieu of oonQemnation. ure here b y assi 8 n e d and
<br /> eau a <
<br /> � f�:.r 4 shail�e paid w LEader. �
<br /> '� - � � In tlte ev�t of�total taking of the Propeaty.the praceeds shatl 6e applied to the sumg secur�by ehis Security tnsttumeat.
<br /> ;�'"�`�, v��hcther or aW then dtte.with any euoess paid to Bosrower. In thc event of a partial taking of the Propecty in whidt tlfe Fair "�F�;
<br />.'•..�......,.:�.t.;' � �°���
<br /> .: e:;� y:�`.
<br /> <<�:�.,���: . mu�valae of the Properey imm�diately 6efore the tatcing is equal to or greater than the air,ouat of the sums seaared by ss `. , -
<br /> .:,:. •:-.�;4.;;;L S�cudty Instnunent immediaidy before the taking.untess Bormwer and Leuder otlieraaiss ag�ee in writing.the sums secv�d by ,.�:
<br /> �``�u�:=::"��..:i�,:-..: this Security Insuument shsilt be nodnc�ed by the amown of the proceods multiplied by the following fracbion: (a) the total �a._-
<br /> ":� � �.:.-.��.. .
<br /> �._ru�_•`z. � anwwu of the sums secured iuunediately before the talcing,divided 6y(b)t6e�ir ararket valae of the Properiy im�nediately
<br /> <,;�,._.��.�,r:
<br /> �-f� itefaze 1i�takibg. My bal�ce st�ali be paid to Borrower. Ia the evera of a pardal taking of the Propeny in which the fair -
<br /> '.�3��:;--::..��.__ akin --
<br /> �.. rt w;%° marloet value of the Praperty immedlately 6efore t6e talong is less tdan th�amaum of the sum9 secured immediately before the
<br /> ! •• �; `� taicing,unlcss 8omnwer aad Leader otheranse agree in ariting or nnless applicabte law otherwise provides.the prac�eeds sdall
<br /> `J`�:--�,;``-':� be lied tn the ava��by tt�is S�uity Instrtu�ent w6ether or nnt the sams are thea due. ����
<br /> - �::�.�-�:°�= _•' � t is : .
<br /> �.:�-�:,�,. If the pm�ty i,c a6andaned bY Boaower.or if,after imdce by I.ender to Bornawer that the coademnor offers w malce an
<br /> � -.s�:��-. �.�:�
<br /> ' ���.� aarard or settte a clatm for damages,Borrawer fails to tpspond to Lender wittin 30 days after the date she twtioe is giv�. -;�
<br /> :X, `-',��J:�.;s:, Lendes is airtflori�ed ta coltect aad appl}r the pmoeeds.ai its optian,either to restorauon or repair of the Property ar w the saaLS -;
<br /> � searred by this Security Tnsaament.whether or nai thea�due. �`'
<br /> •t, :�� 2 . Utiless lr�der and Bornower athe.cwise aSTee in writing. am apptica�ion of ptooeeds to principai shall aat extend ar
<br /> i,..r,_y.:_,._ ' 1' �_-.�`
<br /> ' S,._r..�_..fi., .
<br /> �s;�.,;�:;'=;:•< • pastpoae thc dne d�e of the mnmtily p�eya�ems r+efetred to in pa�graphs 1 and 2 or cdange dse mnauat of paym�tv. ,�:,-:
<br /> _;ti_```�=:,K��=• 11.Bor�aw�'Not R�ased:Forbearaace By Lwder Not a Waiver.E�ctemtion of the tune for payment or modificaUoA
<br /> �=���
<br /> `�._�� ,_.,, ��, af amurtization of the su�seaued by this Seanity Iasduatent gratued Esy l.eader m aay suocessor In eatecest o€Bor�wet shaR =r
<br /> �y.,}
<br /> , `��� not operate w telease the liability of dte origlnat Bor�ower or Borrow�r's saeoessois in i�erest:Lea�der s1�aI1 not 6e requir�ed tn ••::
<br /> .f.;.�s.
<br /> �"'-`-�='"� V �P�P����Y�T in intaes�t or refuse w extaed time for payment or atheia+ise mo d i f y a m a rt f�t ion �":
<br /> .,,.:,�....,_. —
<br /> '`..:,:: ,,� ,�;s of t6e soms saaued by thjs Securiry Insuament Isy reason of any deimand made by the original Bomuwer or 8arrawe�s =--
<br /> ..:c..-:4�:_;_t': or s6a11 not be a waiver of os pre�ade the --
<br /> - -- -:.-,:..;�.• sacassois in interest.Airy forbe�aace lsy Lender in exertasing any right �medY .�_
<br /> ,:l, °• '•,:� exercise of any tight or temedy. -- -
<br /> �:::,�:::'.,-., .�. ;
<br /> . ,t:: ' The aovenants and of this
<br /> 'r.��. ,°;,"=.�;,�: .. �_<
<br /> .,2°.:.. :-:; IZ.Suuo�s ana As�gos Bour�doint aad Several Liahility; Co�era. ��s __-
<br /> ` :...:..:-..•-
<br /> ..` t•.`..,.:.,w:,� Seauity tnst�eimeat shail bind and beue�it tbe suocessors and assigns of Laoder and Borrower. sabject to tt►e pravisionc af �r.,�.-:
<br /> - ;�� . ;,*, paragnapb 17. Borrower's wvenants and agreements shall 6e joint sud severa!_Auy Bamower who oo-si� this Sea�itq �_:-
<br /> :°�
<br /> ;"`":'i::'`�:,,t:.`: Iasu�eni bat daes uot execute the Nate:(a)is co-sigaing this Secxuity In�t only to mortgage.g��d camey th� �_-�
<br /> =_-�'=--'` r#�� Borrower's iniereat in the Property�der t4e teims of this Secarity Inctrua�ent;@)is aot pe�sonafly obligat�to pay the avms -==_
<br /> -i-:�:.y',;.�..-":n�:l`- _.-__ _
<br /> _-�-'��;:z,;; sec�r�d isy tfis Se+cnrity Insnumem;aad(c)agrees that l.enda and aay at6er Smr�nwer may agr�e to extend.mo�fy.fotbear ar =-_
<br /> `�,.�,.,�� ,� make a�,ac�sammadat{ons with regacd to the terms of this Security[nstiument ar the Note withmrt that Bomnwer's cansart. v=_
<br /> 'r ".' 13.I.oan��e.If the Ioan secvred by tl�is Ser�urity Instrament is subject to a taw avhicb sets ma�rmm toan ct�ges, --
<br /> ..��` �%�::':�t:`'-' ,. and that taw is f�ity acterpretod so that tha intere,�ss ar ather laan c2�arges"collected or fo 6e oolteeted ia o�zne�ion with ttte ---._
<br /> " � toan euoeed tha permiaed limits,then: (a)�Y stuh ioan chuge sdaU be�redaced by t6e mnoant t�eaessary to redace tho cl�atge -
<br />-.:?.;,;_.�1.,.,;i-.'�`'. w the permiued lemifi aud(b)a�s�,s atready wue�xed from Sosr�nwer wh�ch exceeded pesmiaod timits ariil be ref�nded w _
<br /> _-^�-.`•:.:f;<�' ` �Bosmwer. L�nder may chaose to matce ehis tefnnd by iedacing the principal ov� arider the Note or by matcing a direct . . ��
<br /> �,�-=;`�' �' paymentto 8orrower. If a �fimd r�daces yrinciPal,.,the redacdoa aill be ueatod as a partial pi+epayaient witlwut e�r
<br />,._°-����; .,. : .
<br /> _-_- ,._:�.._.�_ paepaymem.ch�ge under the Note. �
<br />_�:-_.�.:r. .,;_� , -
<br /> 14.Nottees.Auy notlee to Borcower prm�ded for in this Secarity tnsu�anent shaJ[be givea by @eliv�aS���Y��� -----
<br /> :�•.:;;,�;':�-=. -
<br /> =_ .. „ .,. � it by�ust c�ass mail nntess eppttc�bte law�i�+ees use of anothes methad.'It�e notiae shal!be di�cted to the Ptope:Ry Addr�ss
<br /> _.���;:.��-=-.' .
<br /> _ -:;.� ,..,; ar aay other address Borrawer desi�by ao�ce W Lender. Any aotice w Lender shall be given by R�t ctass ma�l W --
<br /> �` L�ender's adchess stated hei�in or asry other adds+ess i�der de�i�a by nottce w Bormwer./�ry aotioe pravidod fos in this =
<br /> ,� � ,-�.
<br /> � Sesurity I2atrtnnEat shall be deemed to have been'given w Borrower or Lender whea given as pmt�ded ln ttds patag�ph. . I �
<br /> ,:.�:,�;'.:. • ��>_:
<br /> °:�:'v.�: • . ' • 3everaMtity. '[�is S�urityr Instrumatt ahall be govemed lry federal taw and iLe taw ofthe _
<br /> -..-:!_, .,3,:� iJ.rs09f�Oplt� LB4P� —_
<br /> �`�- ��-�- `�`��• jutisQicxion in whtch�the Fro�eny ia located.in the evem that a�iy prmrision or clause of this Sec�ity Insuumeat ot 4�e Note =_
<br />_.�--::`,. ..: �,��_ � -
<br /> . � . currtT��s wIth appHcabte laa.sac�wnfllct shall not affect ather pmvisions of thia Seavr+ry Insuumeat or the No4e afiich can be �-_ -
<br /> `� � : glvea�effect wlthoat the oantlicHng provision.To this end the pmvisions of this Seca�rity instnsmeet and the Nate are declerad
<br /> ca� ( ,
<br /> - ;.,..:• so be severable. f�:�:
<br /> � � "�����' � 16.Borrowes's Coyy.Borrawer shail be given one wnformed oopy of the Note aad of this Secnrity Instnunent. �_�-�..��-�-�_
<br /> :�t:_��:�`,. f�arm 5028 8/90 }�'`-_
<br /> _ • •{` vap�a ot9 ��'=-
<br /> ..:�.:�- ., —
<br /> •�4'�.�'._��•' �.{�� �`,�}+'
<br /> _ � . �.
<br /> ,� ,.J`„�^`.�,y��'�!WS�rh�t'IYSt-�y�1�"'It�+•4•fS Js.:�:'I.t� ati' .�, ' :{� . .
<br /> � ., _rsry.� � �fCS?�!"�!k"ftY�.��W . . tt, .
<br /> ..: .� - '. .• , y� •. .
<br /> .f1 7 .: . � - � -f - - ( . � 1�:
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<br /> .. . u� . - .L..` . . � �/. �.t. � � •
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