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<br /> . .c;' - � . . 4 t�r q . t -x� s� t'�t � g` .�':�
<br /> .,r.�� �y, .� , '�s.f.. _ I `. �n v � h �4 . , , �4 ..ufY='�t'i�.it�, . �a:� c ��; .4 ,t't4'y-�a `k� scF_.3
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<br /> r^:-'- - Y �S�
<br /> � .. ....: ,.,_..�:V. � � ' � . �.'- �=t Y ?
<br /> �'..`t��,Z�t.T�.� .£?.. k..' '�,��.t ; .�'e se_-�`-!!A'�^ 'C'._,� Y"L-.47. L _ :�M1>.�; .4 gc�- =a r"' .'`f:' ..4�.� � �
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<br /> i �-`.`'-��:';'x;:� �Vf1jrH 81�t�le li�7I1DV�EIItB �8d OD ijlL plOpCtty.8Dd 81��.aP��� � � `��
<br /> � P� ODW Of ji�[ �` .;
<br /> 025.
<br /> <,'�°�1,�� 6aou�s umv or de�eafter a p�t of the gnogerty. All repiaoe�and adRlitivaas shaU also be cnvered by this Seauity �
<br /> _ ..�_._,-r��,-� �'
<br /> -� _°- �-}�.-- �atument.AII of the foregoing is teferr�d to ia tAi�3ecm�ity Imtimraeot as tAe'Pmperty.' �.,+
<br /> .... .-�_._.,, :
<br />"�•"�`���L� , ,..` 84RROWBR CQV@iA1V'i'S that Borrower is lawfiiliy+seis�of the estafe he�eby onm►eYed and has the right w grant end -,:.,
<br />.- ♦a'�.,4 ..e�.`,4�:.. _1�i
<br /> ::�:����� wmey the Pra�ty and that the PropeKy is o�esta�er�ed.excePt for eua�mbrances of reoord. Barnnwer wana�s and w�l `
<br />- - _ • -�� , ,��;?�`
<br /> '.�'"`:; i°;:``:°: defen�d generaliy thc titte w the FroPertY against all daims artd deanands.snbjed to ffisy eacumbtanoes of record.
<br /> �-;z:_-.<; -,�.- ke .
<br /> �;�''�.�;`��`=r::� TFILS SECURITY INS1`RUMEN'P a�mbines umfarm oov�for mational ase and non-uniform oovenams with limited
<br /> ` �°� r variations by,{urisc8ction to oonstimte a�mifoim security insuameat cnveriag real propercy _ �.
<br /> `` �� ; i1NIFORM COVENANT�Borrower and I.ender cove�m and agree as falIows: � -
<br /> �; �,�-i�; when due the `� .
<br /> � � :; 1. Payatent oB Fstadisal and 1�te'es��paym�nt and I.ate Cl�aages. Bom�wer si�all PromptlY P�Y
<br /> `�_�'�_"�� t�� principal of and i�an the debt evide�aced by We Note and any prepayme�t and Iate char8es dne under the Note. � .,;
<br /> ` ,. ,r{� ' b�'uads fos Taacg aa�i�auce. St�bject to applicabte lsw or w a written waiver by Leader,Borrower shaIt pay to � ;
<br />_,�,=;�,F� �s r� Lemdea oa the day momWy pay�are dae tmaer the Note.until the Note is paid in fuli,a sum("Fuuds')for.ta)Year1Y taxes _.-=.
<br /> _°°:,��1�� a'' aad assessaaaus which may�Ri.�rhy ovea this Seca�ity Instrame�t as a liea on the Property;N)Yeazly teasehold payments _,t
<br /> ._, - . or g r o u II d cenLS on t h e P m p e rt y.i f aay;(c)Y e a r 1 Y k��+d oz p r o�t y instuatu.e premiums;(d)Y�Y���P�O�• '
<br />-:a�<`:^.�:z°•,:..�`�`5 if anY:(c)Y�rlY mortgage insurancc preadums, if any aad t�anY sa�s PeYable by Bohower to I,endes,in aornrdunoe witb '.�a
<br /> - -�.��;�;��;
<br /> �`".-:'. : .-i:�*- the gruvisivas of paragtaph 8.ia lieu af the payment of mortgage��*�n�s piemiums.'These items ace ca�led°Fscruw It�.° �:�.
<br /> -�•`"'`:�!��.,s:=: -``.
<br /> �'--:�'.":;� I.ender may. at anY time.colte�and 6nid Fuads in an ataount nns to eaceed t6e rnaximum amouat a lemder for a federalty �-s
<br /> <�:��:'z`:;�,<i;}`°` " reJated mortgage ioan may ceq�r+e for Borrowes's esconw aoonunt�ander the fedeca!Real Bstase S�dement Pmoe�utes Act of '.,;..
<br />-_-=-.'�-�.:;_==-�` b974 as ameadcd&om 6me w tinae. 12 U.S.C.S�ceion 2601 er aeq.('�tESPA").uAless anothea law ti�at applles to th�Fasds
<br /> 1 s �f' acss a tes�ea a�aat. It sa. L�der may.ai aay time. �ltect and feold Fands in an amqunt not to eaoeed We te.sser aunauat.
<br /> ,,"`'�``:``s"'.:: Lender may estimate.the amount of Funds due on the ba53s of curceat data and reasonable espmates af expenditures ot f�aa�o -
<br /> ` t � � Escrow Iteais ar athe�nvLse ia accotdance arith eppl}csble law. J
<br /> �' ` 74te Fu�da shalt be hetd in aa iastitarien arhose deposita ar�iasu�ed by a fe�eiai agency. i�ntatet9. or c�tity. - `_
<br /> �,. `,:��,�{l, (IacWding l�nder.if LEndcr is sucb au iastituHoa)ar iu ar►y Fedeta!Home laan Bank. L,eader sball apply the Punds to gay the �
<br /> Bank.
<br /> F;... _ >.,,,.: Fscrow Items.lender may not c�asge Bosaarer for Iwtding and appIyiag the Funds.a�a1t�+�atyanS the.escmw accaunt,fls � �;
<br />�,�+�°'•`,.:k;.;;=�`-.:,� vCrjfying the Escnow Ite�.unless 1.cader pays Borrower Lrterest on the Funds aAd applicable!aw pecarits Le�der to inake sncb �
<br /> ., r�c5�._.. �-�.
<br />- :- ,«•:'%:��:,:.. a d�arge..However.Lender may require Borrower to pay a on�time�far aa independr.�t c�eal estate tex r�porting setvvice• . ��._.
<br /> :':��:;;:}:=_;;`°•�;'" used 6y Leader in oonnection witb this loan. nnless applicable law provid�otherarise. Uniess an agc�ment'is made or �c�:
<br />".....'C.:•.•:.'w _C'.. �.
<br /> `-�, >; `.�.`, � aDpHc�ble Iaw reqo�res inte,re.st to be paid,Ipnder shall not�e�eqaired ta pay Bormwer any interest m earitiags on the Funds. ,
<br />•l<,=�:��.-'<<.:'':};�::H BotmweR and Iepder may ag�ee in arriting.however�d�at interesc shaU be d on the Fnads.I,eodes shal! e to Bomaw�. ,. :
<br /> ' :�• �-°; wlthaat cbarge,au anaaa!accounting of tlse Ftuids.showlag ccedits and d�w the Funds and the pa�Qose far wLtc3�gactt � L
<br /> .;,:'��-.s�rt�'.� d�f l L W t h E F u R d S was N e d C.7 7 1 c F t i t l d.S e t C(I l e d g e d 8 s B d d I�[O I 1 a 1 S C m d L y f o T 8 ll S 1 I m�s�T e a b y t l t i s$e l:¢T I I y I�e O t. _._
<br /> �T� : �� � � If ttie Funds heid hy Leadea ex+oeEd the amcmras permitted w be held by applicabl��law.L�nder shstll accotmt t�Borrawea �-
<br /> � �,,, ii•: for the eacess Fnnds in aocordamoe witb the r�of applicabte 1aa.If the amaurn of tke Fnnds hetd by Leinder at ai►p �__..
<br /> :.•;r,�,� :.;.. = . -
<br /> �..,:,
<br /> ��:,'.�:....:=,: time is not suffic�ent to pay the Fscrow Items wlten d�c,I.ender may so noti f y Bormrwer i a wri t i n g,a a d,�a su c h case o m o a r e t �..._-
<br /> '��y";:����::;;:`�:��` shaq pay to Leader the a�naout nece.ssa�y+to make ap the deficiency.Bo:mwer shall make up the de&cienc�t iu no mos�tha�► �i y:,:
<br /> ',;s` ;�. twetve�oat6ly paymeats.at I.e�ter's sole disc�tton. �. ,
<br /> `���''';::��'�:-':Y;-: . �Jpun paycneat in fnn of sU sams secared hy wis S�r Insaumeat, ieadet sLatl prorapdy refund w Borsawei at�y `�__
<br /> _�_
<br /> =,-.'f.r•,,,;,;;;,;,;,;Y —_-
<br /> 1� . Fuads held tsy I.c�der:If,uader para�aph 21,Lender s1�aaU acquire or sell the Pmperty,Latdet,Orla�t to the salais�ion or saIe � �`:-.
<br /> ` = , of the Pmperty,shaU sppiy anY Fatcds h�td dy I.wder at the time of ac,quisiciRm or sale as a�redit agdiast the sums seau�ed by � ?
<br /> r ` "� �`' thLs Sew�iry Itlsaumettt. ' ' =
<br /> ,. „:.�� • 3.AppltcetloA of Paymeffis.Unlesg applicable l�w�des othe�vvise,all paymertts received by Lender�aader p�phv ----
<br /> ,� :�``;L:, ;�� ,;�� 1 epd 2 shal!be applied:f:st,t�eaY II�P��due under tl�Note:second,to amowrta payabie under.pasagraph 2:.
<br /> �,s .
<br /> + '`� r��� �thiM.to ia[erest due;fo�t►,to prindpal da�and last,to airy tate cbarges dae vuder�tce Note.
<br />_ ,,.. .,��..
<br /> '°=_�`:,;�;;:.-. , 4,��;Idens.Borrawer shall pay all ta�es.assessmeats,ci�ges,fines and impasitions aun'bntable w the Pcoperty ,
<br /> � a�r���:
<br /> r :, i..� W}1�F II13JI 81te�a�Oi�t�l OVCt L�f18 3EAilltyi IASt1URICAI.8f1�lCBSP�IO�d pSy1IlClltB OT gtOtlt�I81fI8,�g BAyi.BOT[bWCt 81t8t1�'dJ� —
<br /> . . ��.'��� these o611get�ons in the ma�mer grovided in paragraph 2.or if nat pald in that ma�mer,Borrawes sbaU pay them on time dir�ty --_
<br /> :;.;:�s�;.�,�:':.s:' :
<br />'t:_,-: :=:,:.,_,� to the peison owed payment.Borrower ahall P�P�Y�sh to Lender sU notices of amouina to 6e paid aader this P�lr.
<br />__-'-�°'�-.,p� � ff Bmrnwer makes these yayments directly,Borrower sLaU PmmDdY t�miah to Lender r�oe3pts evidratsaig the payments.
<br /> -- � Borrawes shaU promptiy dlscharge arry lien ahich has prioriry over thfis Seauity insmunent untess Boirower.(a)agre�in
<br /> u;�;;.�,�: `,:; � , w�INng wthe payment of the obligat�oa secvred by tbe lien in a maaner acoepie�le to I.ender,(b)oomests in gaaa faith the l�en ---
<br />',,.{f��y�;.;�_,�'::�, bY, or defends against enforoemertt of the lien ln. tegal j►moeedings a+�ich in the 1.eadePs opinIon aperate W pnwent tbe --
<br />.����'�""�`"`;°� enforcement of the lien;or(c)sccurca from t6e holder oY the lIen aa sgrecment satisfactory to l.ender.suboMhmtiag the 1Ien W • —
<br /> :�.,;-.;..,__.-:�.�--
<br /> ` �.r�`,,,. �°.�, thls Sectulty IASUument.If�xnder detemtines that any part of tha IImperty is eubJect to a Iien a+hich m$y attaln priortty over .
<br /> -':;�:::�::��:`;',�. : Ws Secudry Inctrumen�Leader may�ive Bomawer a nat�ce lde�tifydng the iien.Borrawer ahall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> � �--,��= '� mone of the actions set forth abave wittdn 10 days of We glving of nodce. �`�
<br />� f-.!r'�:=�-'� :,''t,•.t_ ' «_
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