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<br /> `���- �`t``� of defaulti and demand fos sale. �'ruetee e.hall hav� the poxer of eale of the . �: � ;
<br /> ,c�...:;`�`_ `�z: ' . .
<br /> p�operty anct if Benefiaiary decidee the Property i.s to be aold; it eba7.1 � � ,
<br /> r� -; `F � ;,, � dapo�itc with Truatee thia Deed of fi�st and �the Nate or nates and auay cther •
<br /> ' f docum�ata evidanciag expendituzee, secured hereby, anci ehall de��ver to �� ,:
<br /> r ±` ` ���`` Trustee a corittea ao�ice of defauTt a�d eleatian tn cause the Prdperty to be .-
<br /> __ --�°, , .. are a aimilar notice in the fnsm _ ..
<br /> L ` �� ` ` � � sold, and Truatee, in tuxri, ehall prep ' 4�
<br /> 1 :; �.
<br /> �-°°S` : �x� yy 1�v�, wh�,ch shall be duly giled for record y Truetee.
<br /> <.. r � �`� ' _t r �-
<br /> �a.�`.t���,,;�_.}�_ �a3 After the lapse of auch tia�e as �ay be required by law following
<br />�=�"'�t`� �_`:°�-'` �he recordation af Notice o� Defau�t, aad notice of Defau2t aa@ Notice ��;=;,�`
<br /> 4 : `"`�f of Sa�I.e haviag been 9fven as req�.iYed by law, Z'rustee, aoithout demand oa � � .,
<br /> � .� �:•. s-;
<br /> E ` eball ae19. the Property herei.aY�e€ore deacrf.bed, aad anY and �
<br /> ��� s�,.�: ' Z'1118tOY': ' �
<br /> � ` every part thereof, ia sepaPate parcela or ea masse ae P.he Trustee may , '
<br /> _. ��.�L�', .._ ` . _ >
<br /> "���` � T ` e2ect and in au c h or d e r a s T r u s t e e �n a y d e t e r m i n e o n t h e d a te aud at the ` �,;
<br />-:� 4'~� � �'�`� �ime and place deaignated in eaid Natice of s�e, at public auction to � �,. ,:
<br /> c ° r ..-
<br /> � 4 x �: the higheet bidder, the purcha�e price payable i.n caah fn lawful moaep
<br /> -__�: a�£ the t#nited �tat�s at the time of eal.e. The person conEiuctiag the � r
<br /> $ ����- eat. Pcstpo�e the eale • �
<br />-�tr;: ,��. =:>, :.� sale anay. for arry cause he or she deems expedf. � - �, =:
<br /> . � � � fsom titae to time uatil it shall be completed and, in every such �case, u.. .
<br />..-_r'-;.;.::._;:.>::`'��_ .¢..;�--
<br /> Y " not'l�e af postponement ahall be given by pub2ic declazati.an thereo�. by . ` � V
<br /> � { : �- ��- such pereon at.the titae and p2ace last appoiated for �he sale: Provide8,
<br /> t. �M_ �`F.
<br /> . , .� ,�.>_: if tlte sale ie po8tpoaed for longer t h a n o a e. t I) c t a y �b e yoad L�e da Y .' : - ,,L„
<br /> .'�```:`:='=� ''�'- - cZesigaated ia the Not�ce of Sale, Aotice thereof shall be give�n i.a rhe
<br /> ;i: s�.t.,�. �:
<br /> _�...•;.,;;:< < . .�'=--
<br /> -;�=,;, sathe manaer as the origiaal Notice of eale. Tztietee ahall execute.and._ �_,�
<br /> deliver to the purchaser i.ta Deed conneying the propertY Bo sold, �ut � ;.�_�:
<br /> �' - -_-��--: �,�y�t �y coyenaat or aoarraaty. exprese or iaEplied. The reci�ale iu ' �
<br /> �',,:�� r�,�:'�`��� �...---
<br /> :`��<f��:.; ;:-,:.:: the Deed of a�y znattera or facts aha2�. be cosiclusive �roof of the ; _-__
<br /> �_
<br /> �:.� ,�<°:_: , t z u t b f u]:ue�e thereof. Aay persoa. including �ithout li�mitation. _
<br /> .`� ;i ,:U�:F Beneficiary or Trustee may purcY�ase at the eale. Said eale. s�i1 be ' � �
<br /> �° -"".`.�'���_�'.��: coiaduc�ed at the real estate forming a Part of the Property or a�t' the -__
<br /> � ';;�. . court hause i.n the county in which the Ps'oPertY to be sald, or some pa►rt . �..i__
<br /> :-����� -�F thereof, ie eituated. � • °���- ��
<br /> ( , : .:. . E "-
<br /> �'r. , tb} When Trustee sells pursu�nt to the powexe here3.a. �'rustee sha7.� -
<br /> ` ` `�- �� apply the.proceede_of the eale te payiaeat of the co�ts arid expeases 'of _
<br /> .:f�.� .`;_ . � .�;� o
<br /> exercfaing the� goarer of sale aad of the sa►].e, iacluc'�iag, . �vithout ___
<br /> _ ..� r,;':��,`� limitatioa, the paya�ent of Truetee•e fee�s incurred. wbiab Trnate�e'e fees � '$'_�=�
<br /> rt ,�-<� � �`=�'� . ahali �ot ia the aggregate excesd the eum of Five 8undzed and mo/IOO�i � _-
<br /> �� = '"�' � � Dallara t$5o0.00� pZue 1/2 of 1� of the amount secured he.rebY and '.
<br /> _"=_:.:;��:,:.;,�;;:;��, . ,
<br /> -::�,�,;;^;.,;°;::�`-� � : :remaininy u�apaid and tkea ta the items set fortb. ia subparagraiph' �a) oE -�-
<br /> ` thf.e.paragraPh PIFTH �► the order thereia etated.
<br /> � � : . . � � .
<br /> �;:� �'� � (c) . AfCer� paying the items epeaified °in aubparagraph�� Ib) og thi� .
<br /> ty tl� —
<br /> �� �'�' . • �a g ra Ph PIE�TH. #f ehe sale is �kry Ts�stee, os the �roper coux� and
<br /> ,;a.v: ��,.._.�r.�a,: •
<br /> �.�,;.:1;.: .:::. , p
<br /> ,;�.-_`�•,�<: 1,.: : . a�;er coste o� fa�reclosu�e aad d�3e if s a l� i s u r a u a n t t o �u d i c i a l.
<br /> ::,•.�,..,,,-;�.�. , f o r e a l v e u r e, .t h e p z o c e ede a� ea�� ahall be applied iw the order stated�� --
<br /> _° - �"` . below to tme payme�t: . . � _
<br /> �'- r�? . '"..F . . � . .. " ' , ' .
<br /> -� ,�:"'. ' , ' � .
<br /> �,� .�j J } (i) . Cost of any evideace of title procured in connection.s�ith euch _
<br /> : ��, � �sals and of a�y�reveaue required ta be pafdj •
<br /> ;�..� - • '� �
<br /> ;� ��.F# . •
<br /> .. . r. - _ ' . -
<br /> " :� : t ,-. (2) All sums then s�cured hereby� . ?=-
<br /> � A�__ , . . . . ' �Y'.
<br /> �..,,; . ..... : _. �3) The Yemai�ader, if any. to tbe pereon or pereona �egal�y � �
<br /> •`'� � } � entitled thereta. �
<br /> A . � .�,'� � Ea�b�of tha partiee,to thie Deed oF Truet hereby requeste tbat a copy of� any � ":
<br /> ����s N o t i c e o f D e f a u l t a n d a c o p y o E a n y N o tice of Sale provided for herein�ove.
<br /> �ra
<br /> �- � �'�'� °��. be mailed to each such party at the garty's poat o££ice .addre�se set foxt h . -�-�;:.
<br /> ::�r;�..i"::.Z .
<br /> � ,�- �- , � heYei.n. Vpon the occurreace oE any default he�ceunder, Bene f ic fary e ha l l 1�a v e �::;_
<br /> .' „��°'�'``"""``•' .the� option to £orec2cse thie DeeB of Tsvet in the manner provided by �.av� for :_
<br />