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<br /> 2 -`-.� 'A.. �. -� ..- . _
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<br /> � � ���F'. � � � a t��. cr��° r
<br /> h F � �r, � • '� � �� ��yr �
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<br /> _ r. : £ s-;- , �_.
<br /> �. ,�f z 4 � � ,� L'' ��'�. �c.� r
<br /> ` �• �. In the eveat Trustar, without the prior written conaeat of �.��� ° � �-
<br /> ` �o. � ,f e �,:
<br /> �h��<r a Heneficiary, elnall ae7.1, transf�r or.couvey or contract � sell, transf�r or
<br /> t-„c v -t` t ��� r
<br /> ^� , � x ;� coave�r the Property, or any part thereof or aay intereet th�rein, the ent3re �- ` �; _
<br /> --�` f~ balaaae cf the indebtedaeas hereby secured ehall beco�as and be 3.�mediately =F= � ���
<br /> � r..4�. :_ -
<br /> : . �_.__:�,�; due atzd payable at the option of Beuefi�ciary; provided, however, Beneficisry r :-�k k.`.?�., �,,
<br /> " -`�� �- - "� may waive auch optioa to accelerate if, pzior to such sa2e, trar�sfer or s-�`•�z s t- =t=� :
<br /> � t� w� f
<br /> � �`� aonveyance ox contract there:or, Heaeficiary and the person to whozu the � � � �� 4
<br /> }s °�� praperty ie to be so2d or traasferred reach an agreeinent in wrfting that the -
<br /> ��' credit of auch person is satiefactory to B�nefiaiary and that the interest u��• � p _t�y ��;�'
<br /> � :.�_ �=:;� -
<br /> :�.�: , payable en the eums secured by this Deed of Truet shall be at such zate ae _._�� ��:� _
<br /> ,. . �;-..t. r st. ;,a� _'::�..r:._,
<br /> x,� ' Beneficiary ahall eque < ,��
<br /> r�
<br /> `.z rs�` �<�``.` I�D. That as further securi.ty for the paymeut ef the Note and the 2� �i1; --•_��;.'�
<br /> = s�:� ' � iadebtec'Ineae thereby evideneed and the perfaxmance of all of theL,�1terms. ° : r ' � ".
<br /> ` ' .. , �,.s��, covenante aad conditione hereof, Trustor agrees that Benef iciary Sii6�� � XS� � � Y�`,v ,
<br /> c _�} does hereby have the right, pov�er and authority during the contiauaace of � �
<br /> � < � :�� this Deed of Truet to collec� the renta, iesues and profita of the PropertY � _�-`r t°: ��^
<br /> , ;Y4 - and of aay persona� property Iocated �.hereon with o� vaithaut tak�stg a�; , �� `
<br /> � . :.�`. possesaion of the property affected thereby: aad Truetor hereby. absolutely -- - �� �-��
<br /> a �= M
<br /> y` �4�"� and uaconditianally asaigns all such renta, issues and prof its to Benef icia- : rF � ., s � ,
<br /> ° Beneficiary, however, hereby coneenta to Trustor's collection and ' � ` , � <u ` ,:
<br /> i :a. �: 17/-
<br /> 7�4 4 ,:: reteutioa af such reata; issues and profits as they accrue and become payable 7 ;�.� f � � -
<br /> '` `'` �" � so long ae Truator is not at such time in default with respect �o payment of E �` . �' �?�.,.�._-
<br /> {.l,�-. 4 � <.'
<br /> �. �� aay indebtedness eecured Iiereby or in the performanCe of any agreement *; �, :��,�-
<br /> ;:.'�--�:-;=�,°•wk�f,:� hereunder. IIpon aay auch default. Beneficiary iaay at aay tiace, either ia :: - ;^-: .�
<br /> ..:.,,.?�:.���:�;�'��:: � . ,.
<br /> ,�`,�,4 �.<,r-_.-:, persc�n, by agent, or by receiner to be appoiuted by a court, without notice � �.;'_��-�
<br /> and `oitheut regard to the adequacy of any securit for the indebtednesa �_4.;',.--���=
<br /> �;;:�:.,,.�.- ..::. _.�: y ,. �F�,;_ >� r�`
<br />'�"..'. ';",;`,,�� �`Y{, � hereby aecured ta) enter upoa and take posseasion of the Propexty ar any part : �. _.
<br /> : �l S -M � i-.. -
<br /> ' � thereof and iu ite ooan name sue .Por or otheswise collect such rents, issues ��'��r�� _
<br /> f .'F F __.. T._ L.•-.
<br /> .� attd pzoEits, including those past due and wnpaid, and apply �Iae same, lese ,
<br /> . �r x��; r
<br /> �r.; caste and expensee of operation and col�ection, inclu8ing reasonable ;�'_;;�,�,,� ,;-:
<br /> ` �« attorney�s fees, upon any indebtedneas eecured hereby and in such az�dar as - 'F ;.:
<br /> `�` '� '``� Beneficiary may determine; �b) lease the aame cir aay part thereof for auch 1 �,:� ' �-
<br /> '.�"`i r .:'.,<. . �. _"
<br /> ',�i;� ;� Yeatal, team and upoYa euch canditions as 8eneficiary"e judgmeat uaay dictate ,��r.�, �-.
<br /> 4 4`�` �. -:, or terminate or adjuet the terme and co�aditions o� any exi.ating le�se or �
<br /> `"�' � '`` leases. vnlesa Trnator and Beneficiary ag�ee oth�ez�i.se i.n arriting, aay �.$;�+� ,�� i�` -
<br /> _ �:.,, !�j , 7 . , �-
<br /> , y :
<br /> ,�%' applicatioa u£ rents, iasues or profits to aay iudebtednese eecured hereby �> �
<br /> � `�-. � eha12 not extend or postpone the due date of the inetallment payrttenCe as �K ' �'
<br /> ,� � ��•
<br /> c, ' providecl fa the Note or chaage the amouat of such,inetallments. The eateri=tg ��i�°r ..— =.
<br /> - j-�'�Y . . upon and takiag poesessioa of the Property, the collectioa of aucl� reate, ��-�
<br /> ,. ,°.;:�.
<br /> issues and pro£ita�, and the application thereof as aforesaid, aliall aot waive• � ���
<br /> . .�,r'1 J!. ..':'c.:::J:v .. __
<br /> - ��'�•����-` or cure any, default or notice of default hereunder, or i.AValf.date aay act �--_=--
<br /> ="�'��"��.=`�'`-'= $aAe pursuant ta eucb notice. Tsustor �asaigna to Beneficiaxy.� ae further : �_
<br /> ra ,r�, t '- -
<br /> tir � � secc�rity �or the performaace of the indebtedness and obligatione secured: _ __
<br /> ?��✓+t' �:�
<br /> .r..t�r,7,._...:: hereby. all prepaid zente and all moneys wb►ich may have been or taay hereagter a..:..,�.�;:=
<br /> '�����'''``'�`��'``�'����� be d osited ovith Tzuator by any lessee of the Property� to secure the °�:_�:__
<br /> �...
<br /> ' �:_ S '.�;!; payrtten of any reat or damagea, and upon default in the performaace of aay o£ � �----
<br /> .. L ,, . ,.,�,, the proviaians hereof, Truetor agreea to deliver auch reate aad depos3ta te.
<br /> � ''`" Beneficias�y. Delivery of written notice af Benefiaiary's exercise of the '�T' "-
<br /> � � � �: ,;� �,.�.�•
<br /> s�,gh�s grausted bp this paragraph TSIRD to any tenaat eccupying the �k�a:o�ezty -�:
<br /> t':�`}.. . '__.`�'.�_;: cr any port�ton thereof ahal.l be aufEiaieat to �cequire eaid tenarit to pay eaid ���.� :;i -�
<br /> " �:"� � rent to Beneficiary until £urther notice. ' '�` �,i=��
<br /> , ,, ,
<br /> . . - t-°:;•.;: ,
<br /> �-� ='T, ' ot . if th�re ehall be €iled by or against the Truetor any petitfon r,u;;. � � :
<br /> . ,.�<; . . . :�_t� or pscceedtn g see k i a 9 an y anangement or aompoaition or extensioa of any � . .��1� rt � �
<br /> ..«i:�,r:. .rr_�::..
<br /> •, .. other relief under or puzauant to tSe Fe dera l H a n k r up tcy C a de o r a�y o t h e r ..�;.�..�,-.��L:;
<br /> eimilar staLute ae is now or herea f ter in e E E e c t, o r i f t h e T r u s t o r e h a l� b e "��'�'�=�:;:.�;:�::-:_`
<br /> ' . r-�7r�?3ar�i ,
<br /> 'L � adjudiaated bankzvpt or insolveat or any af Truator'e property shall have �
<br /> been sequeatered and such deczee shall have contiaued undischaxged aa� ' _
<br /> ���";-i�`�•�;� uiaetayed for 90 days after the entry theseof, thea the whole of the Note and � �'���:�:�::�`.�
<br /> � � ' ' indebtednese hezeby secured ahall, without notice, at the optios� of the °'��-�"
<br /> ���: ;,,-.,�,
<br /> Benef iciary, beaome due and payable. '`'�'"
<br /> ;,.
<br /> , ,l� ' �. Upon 8efault by Truetor in the payment of or Berformance og the '-• �' ��.� '..�.'''
<br /> `� . � • tesias aad cettditiana of the Note, or any reaewa].s, modi.ficatiane or ' ��• �
<br /> • . :�_,: � I �` executiane thereof, the payment of any other indebtedneae secured hereby or ,, �': � _ �•�.
<br /> � `-`: '� � i,n the perfora��tce of aay agreament, covenant ar �arranty herein contained or _ �`:'���� �
<br /> ' ���` set forth in a�ay agreement or instrument executed by Truetor in conaection� "'` � "�'
<br /> �� w�Ch the ind+ebtednesa hereby serured, Benef iciary may declare all aume �:� ,�,: `:;�� �: �.
<br /> - � � secured hereby immediately due and payable and the same ehall �hereupon � '�`�f� ��.�:�.-'',: '•����
<br /> - �'� ��:�;'!•``' became due and payable withovt presentment, demarid, proteet or aotice of any �� � � '�••-�� ``
<br /> ":.:.�. ';;; .:,,,�•;;�;,.. �.
<br /> _ � . kind. Thereafter, Beneficiasy may deliver to Truatee a written declaration ; . ,, ,, .. .
<br /> _ , ,
<br /> - '���� - - � . .
<br /> .�;' ,,. �
<br /> . r _ ,�';• 5 _
<br /> .;r.
<br /> , 'S'... - . .
<br /> �
<br /> �.
<br /> ��
<br /> � -�: .•. '. � .._..._ . ...... .... ..... .. .. .._.._.._..
<br /> 1._. ' . ___ .' . '. .• . . . ._.._ .. _.__...._._ _ . _-__-_._ . .
<br />