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<br /> t M '�� y (%r^ .�?-��
<br /> .. tF. � o ti 4��_
<br /> . 4�:.; �ks�;,�.'.�� secorded at Trustor's expense; (b) Beaeficiary �ay, from time to time, by ,� :�
<br /> �4 F ���"'-� ��-; v�ritten -inetrument executed and acknawledged by Benef iciary, mailed to a .
<br /> 4�._ Tavator and recarded iu the county or countfes �n which the Property ia � �=
<br /> �..c.;°Gr.':,:-:._ ,-c.. .�a.a`E.i.;i;
<br /> �::,�- '`-�4.�.,``£�. Iacated aaci by other9vise complying with the provisf.ans af t�e applicabie laws :r� _
<br />�_.�.:.. .:;��,,;%* `�t. �:°
<br /> �°�._�,s:.;.�.a<: of the State of Nebraska, aubstitute � su+cceesor or aucceesore to the Trustee �,���.�
<br /> - =•t`S�' • named hereiu or acting hereunder; (c) although the Truatee, or Trustee's ��
<br /> � r :`:� `:`
<br /> {� _ �..; succ�sor or successora, may be an agent of, or attorney for, or otherwise � 4-._
<br /> ".�::� �onnected with the Hen�ficiary, such fact shall not be construed to -,iz.��:e�
<br /> ' � �,�, ..:.�.�.�
<br /> ;�=`�r�°;<-;��;`::;_��: disq�aali€y Truatee to act as such Trustee, aor shall such fact p�event the ,:
<br /> '^ > <t -. any part or all of
<br /> ` �- 1 -=: Ttustee or Beneficiary from biddiug at a aale and buyfng .
<br /> .� _
<br /> "`�.`:`4:�-�:`-t nj.;. the Pragerty at anp sale hereuader; (d) that if it shauld be neceasasy or �y4:,_`'`
<br /> � : T T` �
<br /> v� n appzopriate for the protection of the security hereby coaveyed or enforaeuae�tt
<br /> :�.�:�;:.�,�.;-°::� of t�te debt hereby secured, for the Truatee or the Beaeficiary to fnstitnte. S _
<br /> .:(..:.:
<br /> _, ,., ..._,... or become a party to aay proceediag or suit in a court of bankruptcy or _�_;;,;;:
<br /> !:' F �.:v �1 P+7[pPrABE�+S �
<br /> probate or other coust of genesal or li�ai.ted jurisdiction,
<br /> �`=-� �'� ao9ts properly i.ucurred by aafd Trustee or said Beaeficiary tiacludiug -� ���
<br />� .4. 'Y 4.' .._ ":.
<br /> ��, 4 �=� reasanable attoraeys' feea! paid ox incurred by such Trustee or Benef iciaxy :_;
<br /> �'•� iu�maiataining, ptosec�tiag or defending such preceediag or protectiag thesx � �•
<br /> �=:`:,�,,'"�:°;,};��t:�,;�.; respective rights hereunder ahall be an additioaal debt secured by thia Dsed ..�'.
<br /> �:.�':•�'.:_"Y• °:s;: �. of Truet ia like manner with the principal debt herein described: te) `=;°`t}�
<br /> Cf�"_ 't'
<br /> �- ��-� �::'-=� Henefictary, or ita agente, representatinea or workmen, are authorized to ;_
<br />�:; .;-`,� ` ;: ..��`°�. enter at aay zeaeonable time upon or f.n any part af the Propert� €or the .. � ._�;-
<br /> , N ,": Purgose of inepecting the same and for �he purpose of perforn�ing any of thj . N `�:;
<br /> R..
<br /> �„ s ,;•, • acte it is aul�horised to perform under the term$ of thie Deed of Trust; x :_
<br /> � =�`.- � any forbearance by Heaeficiary or Truatee in exerciaing any right o�r rea�edy . ,�:�,
<br /> �`�'��'`�: <�'�:' ��J � hereuader, or ot$eraiise afforded by appli c a ble law, shall not be a waiver,of .,;.::=_
<br />:.`� "7e..r,'...': 5 4"-.<Y. .
<br /> t:.,`.
<br /> -,,.::;.,:.;; ar psecluda the exeraise o£ aay sucb right or reteedy hereunder; eimilarly, ~ .,,
<br /> _ ,�';�-�., the wainer b� Beneficiazy oz Truetee of aay default o£ Truetor u�sder thia r'
<br /> or similar defa�2te ��,,`-
<br /> `:"�`:`,.. <.` Deed o� Trust shall aot be deemed a waiver of a�y other �_ :�
<br /> � w' .r;; eubsequeatly ocavrring; t9� ��ion of t� �im� for pay�aent or mod�ficat�rcan -
<br /> m� ��r
<br /> ` jbli�,-•.;`.•Y..-`':'Y„_. Or amortization of the sume� secured by thf.s IDeed of Truet granted 'by � -_ ..
<br /> �.r.r,.
<br /> �..'..h;; .,.'':•:.-.:� '
<br /> � �.;., h.� •.. , .;. Henefieiary to aay successor ia interest of Tr�stor shall not operate to ;.{��;��.
<br /> .��,<l;.�, .� �.:, � release. in any manner the iiability of the eziginal Trustor and Txustor�s . ;,`�.'`:
<br /> � .�';r�: _
<br /> , ;ft � , ��' succeasor ist intereat. Heueficiary ehall not be re�red to aemmence ;
<br /> ` roceedi�age against auch successor ar refuae to extend t titne.foi paytnent .
<br /> '. ;: �;�."'^t�`�_ p �'_
<br /> �-'��.�:�: ��•��' or otheswf.ae aro8i.fy amortization of the suaas and indebtedaesa secur�d Jay this ,,�T,
<br /> �` '� Deed of Trust by reason of anY demand made by t�e original T�rustor aa� •_�:��±�.
<br /> ?.;r. ,
<br /> f' `o- L � ��• � Tsuatar�a succeesore ia iaterest j th) vaithout affecting the liability af the� _-
<br /> . � �'�� Tru�tor or any other person liable far the paymeat of the ob2igations �nd : �' �
<br /> �.��;:;:;..�`�:::; ;��;,::� .
<br /> � �x��} �• 3ndebtedneas secured by tbis need of Truat, aa8 without afEect�ng the.lien�c�r • � --`�-
<br /> �= a'-:x � charge of thie Deed of Trust upaa any �ortioa of the Propert� aot.theA=-�c. --�
<br /> n., .,,�..,� . .:__
<br /> � 1; .�:�,,. theretofore released as sectirf.ty for the ful�, amount of a�l �tanpaid obliga-�
<br /> �"� °_y'..•�r'. • tione, 8ene�iciary may, f�am time to�tiu�e and witho'ut.notice iiI re2ease any.
<br /> -� ,'°::`��::= �persaA so liable, tii? extend the maturity or a►�ter aay of�the terma o� such --- --
<br /> ^'��:`:,:_°.;�.:;�.y 's ob�igation. {�ii�� grant other indulgeaaes. (i.v? release.or,recanvey. or cause� ,
<br /> - ... .. ..:r��g_
<br /> `:.;--,���-;-Y-r.-��'.:��± ,
<br /> .;_;:;, � ... ta be released or re�onveyed at any time at �eaefic3ary'e pptioa a�y pa:'cel, _
<br /> f ' t �-�.�_... portion oY a].1 of the Praperty, E�v3 take or release any.other or add3tional
<br /> ,. .�. �. ��'�� eecurity foz any obligation os f.udebtednese heref.n meationecl, p� (vi�� make �__.
<br /> „�:.: ` ��,�� campositiiasis or other arraagementa with debtora in relation there�o� ti) ia � �_-
<br /> "�.-::��.•..r �r:;r:. addition to the righte and pewe�cs givea to the Txuetee and� SeAeficiasy =__
<br /> - � ;�`.;:;> herein, the BenePfciary �hall have all euoh other righte bcth in law_aad —____
<br /> :�:���r-'-'��:-�; ?::=�- equity.foz co2leation of the indebtealtieas secured herehy as it would have tout � �°��
<br /> � ��� ' �' '� for thie Deed of Truet= t�) all aovenants and agreemente of Truetor aet Porth ''f�;�::�:
<br /> 1 ,� �.�
<br /> '-r--f--♦�;;, in tlriie Deed of Trust ehall be joi�t .and severalt tk) �hia Deed og Z'�vst �;�,z_
<br /> ��_ � ��;�r�a���;�� ehall be governed by the laws of the State o£ Nebraekat (1) in'the event any �_�-
<br /> � one ar more of the groviaiorie contai�aed in thie Deed oE Tzvet, or the Npte or �-_w_
<br /> any other security inetrument givea in conneCtioA with the 3ndebtedaeas �' �
<br /> ••=-;—��-:��- ,�� hereby aecured ehall for any reaeoa be held to be invalid, illegal or , ='
<br /> �'�'�`��'�,;�.�<<���.�.�':� unenforceabie in any respecC, euch invalidity, illega2ity, or uaenforce- ';tr-:.�,
<br /> - , :.:;;;J;:����'�:; abllity ehall, at the option of Heneficiasy, aot affect aaiy other provision
<br /> -�Y.�,_�,._:;��; �_:' ag thia Deed of Tru�t, but thie Deed ot Trust shall be conatrued ae if such ��;
<br /> �.;:�t;�.,�,.. :;,::;:, im�alicl, illegal, or unenforceable provieion had never been contained herein •:`.{°
<br /> - � �'��� or therein. .f the lien of thia Deed of Trust ia invalid or unenforceable ae �_'+�:-:
<br /> '�;:;:; to any part of the iadebtednesa hereby eecured or evidenced by the Note, or � �����:
<br /> � � '�: �': � if the lfen fe invalid or unenforceabZe aa to any part of the 1Property, the '".'
<br /> ���' ��, � •?��. ' unsecured or partially sec�recl portion of such indebtedaees shall be .
<br /> � `;,;�.�`'�:�' completely paid prior to the payment of the rem�iniag artcl se�ured o� -_
<br /> - `�. �:`�,;-�:.': partially secured portion af such iadebte8nesa, and all paymente made on euch ��,',;,.
<br /> ��� �a indebtedness, whether voluntary or und.er foreclosure or other enforcement :�,:�r:,
<br /> ' ' �� '� '' action or proeedure, ahall be coneidered to have been firgt paid on and
<br /> applie8 to tlae full payment of that portion of euch indebtednesa w3�ich is not
<br /> - _ secured or not fully secure8 by the lien of thia Deed of Truet1 and (m) the
<br /> ,..,..�;.:=�:;. .;��:�
<br /> -- �
<br /> - ;.,
<br /> .' �- '��::°
<br /> _. . , � .. _��
<br /> ,. . __
<br /> �:;
<br /> '� -• ,.r• u .. _..._
<br /> - �L..h.i=::_.. .
<br />