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<br /> .: . • ._si- �. .F- -r i� rr_�l' i.-:r {;t---°_,..,.y_� �� . .:� c ._,� � �7...t 't ve�s..-1*r °'�- .
<br /> �i./�'�:T: %F � -^.t �-,� � " ,' ''T__'f,c:"`.�'.`.�-�"r--. L = ��_ -_ �. -a ..
<br /> -¢.� -Ar�t'V� �.ti ..yAP.�'-.�.. L_ =_-t '.-�-.�1.,. ;t. ?f!s.- -.Tt-1.'_"7....±e� " _' _ _ .� ��.L�
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<br /> 't'E��6 ' V�i� .:5° :-
<br /> �_ `rl i :-_ '..z .. -.:�.
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<br />._ .:t'< •?.,wh.t:F
<br /> ' �'i.o- � ,st'.. .�..
<br /> ��� �' " tb? The perforaeance of each agreemeat, co�renant and warranty of Truetor �`�`�__
<br />'r�,. .._ s,.�:::,.:,. . .
<br /> ;.�...���_::,.•<��..: ,� ..
<br /> -`,-;,::,� ; herein cor�tained or set forth in the Note or any agreement or inatrument '.�;'��,'.,,.
<br /> .�,.�;�; <<,x.< executed by Truetor in connectfon with the indebtedneea hereby secured; and ...
<br /> � `t t zr (c� The payment of any aum or eume of taoaey with interest thereon suhich d �`�
<br />..,.1��:_.: �-.Sr.�-..-.`�
<br /> - :=.r-�:��y`;;:.�� may be herea f ter pa i d ar advanced under the terms of thie Deed of Trust. ,.. �,:,
<br /> 4 ` �� `. .�, � �`:
<br /> , �,�c-- _
<br /> _�-._�.�z-..r„`,-_,� doea for Truetor and for Truetcr's heirs, repreaentati�res, vendees, ��. � '
<br /> `.: :� .,�::�:.-.. succeasore and aseigna, the oamers of said Property, hereby expresely
<br /> - � � ary sad ��'`�i��`_
<br /> �`{�n. ``-'- covenant a ee and ararrant to and with the Truetee and Benefici , :�_
<br /> `t°° ` �>=;�;�:;�:_ th�eir successora, vendees and assigne: :Far�:-
<br /> -- - � � b��:.
<br /> ;��, ;; " R,,?t i�t: That the Trustor hereby covenants and ag�eee, to the extent <<t `
<br /> :,�F;�:�;"':;;;;�::.;;;� germit.ed by law, as follows: ta) to pay promptly cohen due the pri.ncipal aad `.r,'"
<br /> ' �'g� intereat and ather sume of moneY Provided for in the Note and in this Deed of
<br /> � �- � ��
<br /> m 1 :
<br /> �} , FY= �: Trust; (b1 to promptly pay before delfnqueacy all taxee, assesscueuts an ;
<br /> 74..,�.r:.. ..�:,�. other charges imposed by law upon the Froperty, the Trustor's inte�est r,
<br /> -"��- ``� �� r' therein, or upon thie Deed of Truat or the Note; provided, hoadever, that ia
<br /> �' ��Y the event of any change of the law groviding for the taxation of deeds of ;
<br /> L j`` ��'°-' trust or debte thereby sec�red so as to affect this Deed of Trust, the enti�e ,{ `i.
<br /> `T-�-:_�:_�;�t.::�r;:=. �= °s��'�
<br />��a-:�.,. ���.:.�:- iadebtedness secure�t herehy shall at the op�io� of the Bene£iciasy become.due :•�.«-;;
<br /> .. �:.. �.(�:..::.L•n... -•.
<br />'��:=�.::-.�::.�:t<°. an$ payable; (c) to keep the abave-descr3.bed Property and the improvements
<br /> �,�.•,k,..:'
<br /> � � thereon in good coaditioa and repair and aot to coffinit or euffer waste .
<br />.�-{; _- :4 c:f�. �� therecaf, and except as authorized in aay schedule annexed hereto and forming ,° r`
<br /> "� "�'��'���`�'�`_� hereof; (d1 to maintai� and deliver to Beneficiary policiee of !�,�:,Y:,.
<br />_ --F;;tt;�<�. a put , • :,.:;:
<br /> ;'° ���,:�:;��...}:,. inauraace agaiast such hazards on the buildinge and improvemeats aow vr °
<br /> f '= � �� herea£ter located on or conetituting a part�of the Property as the Benef3.cia- {�"`
<br /> ' `�tr' -� i.n such companies and antotu►te and with such lo�s payabYe t ,:
<br /> � ,y,U sy shall require,
<br /> �,=-,, .`,,f�� clause8 as shall be satfefactory to the Beaeficiary; that ia the event o£ ��
<br /> �•��`��� Ioss, Berteficiasy ia expreeely authori�ed to settle or compromise alaivas ��-?
<br /> s��4.t ¢,
<br /> G ; ,- �;; •:r under aaid policies and the proceeds er of�on the indeb edneea secu ed£her+aby "�' '
<br />_:��::r.,.° ;.,;.;;,.��� who may apply the same or anY P� :;:�;
<br /> � � * �`"�
<br /> ,,.: .,.�:�...._. _,:�, or .toward the reconetruction or repair o£ eaid building� and improvemeats or , r �.
<br /> .� -t. , k�s ; release ;�ame to the Truetor; ie) to pay aay liea, clairn or cbarge agaf�st the :
<br /> 'r.r.�'s j •� Property .which mighC take precedence o�er the lien hereof� tf f to pay on ' ' �;
<br /> , _ .>;�r :` eases, title searches, appraisal or attos�aeye' fees ���R
<br /> . demand all .legal exp
<br /> :�:,:���; °:-�=�:;:_...:= reasaaably f.ncutsed or paid by Henef i�°L ary to collect �he Note or foreclo$e � ,��.:
<br /> ��- > � '� or pzotect the lfe� .of thie Deed of `i�ust j (g) that in the event Tsustor =..
<br /> `_..
<br /> � '`;- � -;:i�=�: , s�al], fai�. to comply with the proniefone of ta) through tf) above, the � � -
<br /> '`�;`�:�.�;';,;:;: Benefic�axy m�y expend euch funds aad take euch actioa a� ie neaeaeary �o ----
<br /> �--�.:: � ..,:��:;,- � remedy such �ail�re and all eums paid by the Henefiaiary pursuant hereto with
<br /> ������''��`'i-'���'�' iatereat at the rate hereinafter pravided sha17. canetitute a lien upou the �
<br /> ...r:;:._;...--
<br /> � ' � "� Property, ehall be eecured by this Dee� of Trust, and eha12 be immediately -
<br /> .;,.::..'� ..,.f.:,.+�. due aad repayable to the Beneficiarys (h) not to sell the Property or an� -
<br /> �s.< —
<br /> ������-;,;�,:��,,�+�..: portion thereog without the �pproval o£ the.8eneficiary ia writiagt and. � __
<br /> 'f :�; `S�`��_ Che event of asry sale hereim prohibited, then the entire indebtedness eecuzed =
<br /> � ' hy thfs Deed oE Tniet ehall, at the option of the Beneficiary, �beaome due and � . :,-
<br /> ��� � �" payable f (i? that if the Property or any part or parcel thereof shall be �-Y'
<br /> n�-.. �,r' '•
<br /> _._„s,:,:�;,�': talsen or damaged under the power of eminent doaaain, Lhe award far any � �'�� _
<br /> ;= �,<<4,�� - prope=ty so takea or damaged tinaluding severaace damages to the� rem�iniag � �
<br /> - ...:f:�.,, .�,. �.F.:_
<br /> {�_-:,:.-, premisea) ehall be paid to the Se�eEiciary aad applied ia full or fa parC :at �,;;,
<br /> _ _-._:.f:�;:-���..�� � the option of the Beneficiary in reduction o£ the iudebtedneae he�eby . �:�
<br /> � � ;;: securedt (j) that t&e Beneficiary ehall have tha r3ght to inspect the :;�"�=:-
<br /> �''��'�`'r.'"��� �`�t 8roperty a►t euch reaeanable times as the Heneficiary may desire to determi.ne . n:j
<br /> �� �`J��•.��- Truetor•s campliance wfth the covenants contained ia thie Deed of Ts�astt (k) • :
<br /> `'� ��`�'! "� that the Bene#iciary a�ay release £rom the lien hereof any part or parcea:.of t =
<br /> :.: ,.��.�-,:h•�; :a�.:-� w i t h o u t r e q u i r i n g a n y e o n a i d e r a tion therefor, and tl) �h�t t
<br /> the Pr+aperty ..:�
<br /> �`�����.''�:�:,:��� Trustor is lasa£rslly seized of e�id premieee aud Property iu £ee simple, that �::�..::.
<br /> ' `''�'`�` ' �'� '� the same are free Erom all liene and encumbraucea except as may atherwise be �-��;���.�
<br /> ���'-� � apeCif�call�r noted herein or waived in writing by the Beneficiary; that ?:.' :
<br /> :�.`.:;;s::"�;.:;. Truetor wi11 execute or pracure any fu=ther neceseary assurancea of tit2e and ::��° �:
<br /> ��'���±.. .,, :;� ;:";` does hereby warrant generally the titZe to said Property and will fozever
<br /> defead the eame againet the elaime and demande af all pesaona whomsoever, and
<br /> � ''�.'•�� � thaC Truetor•a separate estate, c�hether veated, can�ingent or in expectancy, '
<br /> ... ..•�. :. :�,��`,'
<br /> � �, ia herehy conveyed aad Truetor doe� hereby expreeely waive, releage all F.
<br /> :-�, � ,'�r= rights and benefite of any homestead, dawer, curteay, apprai�eneent, exemption ,. ,
<br /> . � '- ' �•� and etay la�rs of this etate. it is agreed that the int�rest provided far iri ,._�':
<br /> -r"` �'`� � � aubsectian (g) �bove eha21 be at the eame rate as specified in the Note ..
<br /> ;��;�, eecured herehy on the principal thereof after default and maturity. .
<br /> +f� :.,',., .•r,,' � ,
<br /> .:�` .
<br /> • '�'.r• .:,:.
<br /> - -�= - •
<br /> ;' .
<br /> , ', .
<br />-- '.r`� � ..��,
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