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<br /> _ � � .
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<br /> _ �SF T � Y. t. t -z x�2 �a �F�~--"'�Y�� -',�,,�.�.,.�.;r�"--�ac. �"'°w4-�{r�-��^�^�2._ .'�v �'-a c � -a
<br /> RT�'�"°-vtT�� - � c. .: ' i X':2t'_� r c.�'c�4 u �zt G'�-xi,.i c 4.' ."'r-f-E v. . f :'.e.4 �: ,���+ C��, � -, .S h ti�.
<br /> -�r��_ ¢c.=,4"�..r�.:�'' ''�-!� c 3�..��s��, s t4 F F- �y t.. �t �t-. �F �>,�i �'-o�iy _�c'� � .;6 C E ����,�.
<br /> .._....
<br /> -�:Y. .A_ k.. e.�-�. <� _ .'4. _ 1. ��:. -�n-,i;b'� •i�
<br /> ��.. .y r T. . .. '.�.�_- � ^..C' " ' . 3 .c� . . b .+ . cT,-�'r':�._- , ' .;i.-. : _ —
<br /> T ..,�'e-� - - S �'l- a�'.1t�..' 3� T- s_1_.:`
<br /> c.4 � a� .. • c '�' •�Y'"``` •cna..: i-�.�. _'� ,'o.` r1� ,�._ �.z . `au. �,:,�: � c
<br /> .��.
<br /> F
<br /> r U ry� "�
<br /> •._•fT' .t.t..�.� .
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<br /> 4 ��� t�,. ���t7�`�/ •; ��f_Y �Yj .
<br /> �t` �t
<br /> � ��- �
<br /> 't�` • F` �'' at the option of l.ender.ii taortgage en�uanoe coverage(in the amount aad for the perial .,�� �
<br /> li.
<br /> ,�., �: payments may no long�er be iequired. �=
<br /> ;'•�`�-�r' �•`�;.`,`�: that i.ender reqnires)Provided bY$fi���Pmved Iry L,ender aga�n beooa�s available and is obtaiaed. Borrower sfiali paY ,:�.�.,.,;_;�.•�::
<br /> � �•" :`�,. �p�iam�required ta maiatain mortgage ie�rance in effect.��r to provide a loss teserve.undi the nquirement for mortgage � '•? r -'.zF-
<br /> . ;. .::.a. .. �� ,
<br /> - '°;'s =�`y insnrance ends in accondauce with any written agreemem between Borrower and I.eader or appGcable law. �. ,.� �`_
<br /> g `� `` n and' ections of ttse Pcoperty. Lender shall give ` r� � :
<br /> � � � : ' 9.Iusgectioa.Le�er or its ageat may make reasoffable enuies upo �P :
<br /> . x ` B o r r o w e r n o ri c e a i t h e t i m e of or p r ior to an i a t pecrion specifying masonabte cause for the inspection. Y �*<' _:�
<br /> � ` ku"- 1 0.�����n-Tbe procePds of an y award or claim for damages. direct or oonsequeatial. in connedion wi t h auy � �
<br /> - =�.-•- ,_ E
<br /> - � . ="S_,f�'`aT^�'h'�-{?�_
<br /> . `�-�;,��,s�.�: oondemaation or other taking of any part of t6e Properry.or ior conveyance in lieu of condemnation.am hereby assigaed and -P_,_.:� :�._�;..
<br /> .: r�
<br /> ` `'' "= sl�at!be puid to l..ender. " = �`,�.
<br /> ` � ' `' In the event of a wtal taking of 3he Progerty.the procceds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Securiry taswment. r � "`
<br /> " to Bormwer. [n the eve�of a partial talting of the Property in whic3�the fair ;�
<br /> _-::_!^�'�i:t wh�her ar not ti�n dtse.with�►y excess paid - -;`°-'�.-"�`
<br />'�':`f•:=:�'�:�`=c;�`�•� market valae of the P�pecty immediatelY 6efure the taking is eqoal to or gr+eater t h a n t h e amo w t t of the sums s�by this .
<br />' µf"FI,' ' �:a'�`c�:._:..
<br /> �:_?.,,�,�-�•_�.,..� Sewrity/m�ent immediatety before the taking.�mless Borrnw�and Lender otherwise agree in writing.the s�secured by , . _,�ti,r
<br /> i,'� F r..` ,��i"`_�r"_�
<br /> 1 . x-��,,r t' this Security Insu�ent sdall 6e reduced by the amo�mt of the procrxds mnitiplie� by the foliawing fractian: ta) the wtal ;
<br /> >' ��� , :-
<br /> ', � ;., ammuu of�he sums secured imsnediacely befo�e che caking.divided by N?the fair maric�value of the Property�iateiY -
<br /> = before tlte ta![iae. Any balaace stta!!be�cic! to Borrt+we►. in the•.veat of a partial taking of the FtoyertY in wluch dte fair ` �- t �
<br /> - � :f;.� '�s4�;.� :
<br /> � R .� _� martcet valne of the Pm�erty immed�y be�fore the taking is less t���ount af the sums secured immediately before dee ,-
<br /> � ,�`.,' .�.�� tatdnS,�2ess•Borr+nwes and Ix,ader othe�wise agree in writing or untess applicable!aw athenvise pmvides.the proce�s st�an `y__,:=t z._
<br /> { .�� � r ,i 6e agpl�ed w the snms sewred by thig Se�vritY lnsumnent whe4her or not the sums are then due. k •` � :;
<br /> -,�:Y-.`�,�d�',`:.; If the PropenY is abandoned by Barrower.or if..after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemuor offers ta make an ' ;: � �:
<br />; .��;`: .:",-.�:''s=::1 award or settle a clsim for damages, Borrower faits to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the antice is giveo, ._�_�;,����k-c�:.
<br /> � • r '`� Leicdet is auUwrized to cotlea and apply the praoeeds.at its aption,eitber to rescorarioA or cepair of the Propercy or to the sums t��`
<br /> �`.�`u `-�- secutcd try Ihis Secotity lastrum�tt.ah�her or aot then dwe. � "t
<br /> shall not extead or
<br /> `� b=. Untess Latder aud Hotrower othernise agrc� in writing, anY aPPlication of prooecd.s m prFacipal Lf � ,
<br /> _�'` �-:'� 1;«�;:: postpone the due date of ehe mnuthly payments referred w in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the aaaount of such payme�nts• '
<br /> � r ::� ��= ..�t �f ;
<br /> . �� . Il.BmrE►wer Piot Releasedt Fosbearance By Y.eadev Not a Waives.Ext�im►of tlte time for payment or modificazion � . �■
<br /> '� ,, ;_ e ;,�� oY amortizadon of the sums s�by thls Seauity lasd�wieat g�anted by Leuder to any suooessor in interest of Borrower shalt , � '=
<br /> `�. not o�rate to retease qte liabilityr of the origirra�Boaourer or Barmwca's successots iA interest. T.ender shait not 6e required tm r,�� '`.;.n, _
<br /> �. � � : �` oommence proceedings against aay saccessor in Imerest or refuse to extead tim�for payment or atherwise madifY amart�Zati�ca' ° % -
<br /> " � y �• of die sams se�red by titiis Ser�utry Iasuoment by reason of aay demaad made �y the origi�! Borrower or Bomawer's • � � '.
<br /> .:.:..;. .,..:
<br /> . '�:,�•:-°�.:<`�:�','-j sacaessnrs in interest. M}r forheatance by I.ender in exerclsing atry right or remed7► shall aot be a waiver of ar prectude the `.:�,'_��t_:
<br /> .,: �s���
<br /> , � �-• acen�lso of any dght or re�nedy. ' -'r-�„�-; �
<br /> �r '� I2. Saco�o�and Asgtgas Boand, doi� and Several IdahitIty, Co-sigue�s- 'i'hc wvenants and agce�ments af this . ��,.
<br /> ��4: ��
<br /> ,_. .� �. :;:�; • 'Seauity tnstrament shall bind and 6eaeRt the successors and asgigns of l.ertder and Barrower. subjea to the provis'sons of ��:.n'. ;�,
<br /> , ,` ;• pat�raph 17. Borrowec's covepants and agceements shall be jaint and several. Any Bor�+nwer who ca-sigas t�3s Securiry �a��, -
<br /> ��;: , r;:;' a�ct:comiey titat =
<br /> •.:,.,�.;.:�. ..: �... tastrame�rt hm daes not execatte the Note:(a)is co-signi�gehis Sewrity Instrumeiit only w martgaSe,g�ant
<br />�-;.:"t.:i'-'�:''�r-n:.'�-". . s __->l`�__
<br /> Borrower s iatetest ia the Property audcr the tertnc of this Secarity ln�trameat;(b>is not pe�sonalh+obllgated w pay the sams - __
<br /> '` �;' secm�ed by tlds Seasrity Tasuument:and(c)agrees that Lender and a�r other Bom,wer may agree w extend.madify,farbear or - :_
<br /> �'-�-'`.!� •;. "�`�.`' aiaice aup aocammodatioas witb regac+d to the terans of thia Security Instrument or the Note witho�t that Bo:rower's ron�t� �.��...i�
<br /> u -
<br /> > R��;r ` :; 13. I.oan Char�s.If the toau sesvmct hY this Security It�suament is subject to a law wAich sets maximam loan chatges. �X�-'.=
<br /> ,�.r,.°��o�c��.�� ;j�.'�� art8 tbal!aw is fiaaUy interpreted so that the irterest or othes loan charges�lleRed or to be oollected in cauaeaioa arith the /j�,=,x_
<br /> l4
<br /> �f.,rM1 f���,_{"�. +�!..}fP-:
<br />••1j�`'°�,.- ..,.�..�Y��= . loa��exteed the permitted limits.then: (a)anY such toan chacge ahaU be re�tuced bS►tl�e amount necessary to redace the charge �n��..
<br /> ;.;�,����:,;:...;,.;�; °g_:-_'".��-�`.
<br /> • �5'>.,:- :._,-,,t, w thc permiued timit:and(b)anY soms atready oolleded from Borrawer ab�ch exc?eed�l pennitted limits wi116e r�efanded to --- -
<br /> `�'=::=;=�','•-.�::'. � ' Bata�iwet. 1.ender may cJwose to make ttus refand by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by makfig a dinect _--
<br /> --.-:q':,;•.•.:��. '�,;� t arithout
<br /> _,,;�.:::.::.::.::.'�� �ayment w Borrawer. If a refund reduces princIpal. the reduct�on will be tteated as a Fartial P�S+� �Y . , _- --
<br /> . prepaynieat cl�arge tmder the Note. .: •= -_--
<br /> ' � 14.Natic�.A�+aot�ce to Botrower prav�ded for in this Securlry Instnsment shall be g�ven by delivering It or hy a�ailing _-
<br /> ��� ���`^�r���� ' it byfrrat class mail unless agplicabte!aw requ'ues use of another�nethod.The nolice sha1J be dit+acted to the pcoperty Add� ---
<br /> ` 1 ' or any other addaess Borrower designates by norice to Leader. Am+ notice to i.ender shalt be given by first ctass mail to _—
<br /> ` ��.;�� I,atdePs address stated her�in or any other addre.ss I.ender designates by not�ce to Barrawer. A i ry ao t loe p r a v t d e d for in t h i s ,
<br /> k�` ° � '"� Serartity Iaswmem ahall be deaned to I�ave been given to Borrower or l.ender when given as pravidod in this par�gragb. �-� � '.'-
<br /> �:�:=:'-'-. :
<br /> ,', ,....,�'���.,._•�, 15.GavesaFag Imw; SeverabWty. Thls Sea�r�ty tasqvment shall he governed by fedc�at taw aad tTr: �aw afthe �_-__- -
<br /> .� .�.�: r_ r
<br /> := -�... ,::.::`,.'4;s• Jwisdiction in whicb the propettY la torate�.In the evem that suy provision or claase of t6is Secus�ry Instmment or the Note -�..�, -
<br /> - -.-=,< .�:;_:�..�,�.f oontTicts wltb appltcabte taw.snch canflict�it not affect other pro�ision4 of this SecurIty Instru�ent or the Note wluch can 6e ' �'�s���•�'..
<br /> ,: `:, � :,;; given effed without the contlicting provisivn.To thls ead e6e provisions of this 3ecurlty Inst�rn and the Nnte are declared + ,�� :
<br /> .: :, to be severeple. �"
<br /> ;.,•,:.�:,;': x`,�`'�.`_.;:..
<br /> 16.Bornower's Copy.Borrower shaU be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securiry Luuumene. ;+ � ';
<br /> . � �
<br /> ���� Fartn 302d 9/90 . '•
<br /> y _.
<br /> ;�:. ri� � veg�sota -
<br /> . r5..� - .'� _ i!'
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