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<br /> ' C�"-°.1G"„`�'t`��.¢"'y L �--. �.2� ' � �; t 1 . -r � - t. .�� 'Y'�t�����_�'!;r 3�'a s� _ r !G rr °
<br /> c - c. - , t� .s.... �E� f..r--�.- �.u� � � �r-� c '�� - - t �`a
<br /> #�F - - r . - -.s, se.7.4..� i -Y- . .r'l.�-4'ci'Y -.F � E ...�..: � >e k }F -
<br /> c _�`�T� . , ... ...,... v^!- i . .�` _r __..,r t _ �`-a. r .�5;<<�.Ec1 r r�r .�c.• '+
<br /> _ .a.L.�. � � 'Y' f' _ - _ _ ___- _ __ __
<br /> �'r��.^.r -�� . ac�w .. ._. . �.. _ ' _' "�j . .E,;.�. ' ' :,t.�� .'y'.r F . 't 5 '�C"c ..' �4"' �""_ G tc -"7-•-
<br /> ."i f�' .��:. :,t'-' v�' 4l'_ _ �.C� '�`�• G'3.� � y :Y' .{[� ��4Y. LA( f _ f�
<br /> fi � ..r L�e.;...f. :.. . .r.�� .k�: .,�. - 'r- �a � Y "
<br /> ,��•t��_,t .Yt.� �^�'i �,t .�::
<br /> ��- � 7 �ki � �
<br /> ,r ^fli'� Y ,���//T�� . .
<br /> t : - . c_
<br /> i �4' . ' \� �F.
<br /> �� � , 4_��
<br /> � .. .'.�. �^:..- .� _ .
<br />�:�,, ��_ x � ::�.;;', ' I7.Treas[er oi the Pt+ug�ty or a 8enefidat fc�terest fu Soamavec.If all or aay part of the Property ar any interest in it _�" �
<br /> `� `. f�;_ .` is sotd or transfeited(or if a be�cial intemst in Bormwer is sold or uansfeired and Borruwer is nnt a natnrai persoa)withom `"`:,�::
<br />_ ;. `,�;��,.�;�.< �,:�-.. � � L�•s prior writtea oonsent. Lea�d�zr mey. at iu option. re9uire immediate paymeai in futl of afl su�as secured by this <<:`f� �,
<br />,�.��>�;`��;�.�`t;'>:�;t�;� Sewrity I�nt.�Lowever.this option shall aot be exerased by Iender if exercise is prohbited by fedeial law as of the date
<br /> �
<br /> S w ��=�.
<br /> , `, � ���: of this Security Ianrument. �,: �
<br /> ��-�... ..'--�,.�..- If iender exe�isea this o�tian.i.ender shall give Bortuwer rtndoe of acceleradoa.'l�e natice s6aU provide a periad of not �
<br /> a� .
<br /> < ��,�,� �:`.=, � less than 30 daya from the date tke notice is deUvered or mruled within afiis6 Bor�ower must pay all sums se�tred by thic �. ,_
<br /> = �- '' ° Secauity Insdument. If Boirower faits to pay these sum�prior to the expiration of tlus period.Leader may invake any remaiies r"�
<br /> � =•�.�"-:
<br /> �" z ��` � Pe�med bY this Searsity lnstnunem withQUt furt6er notice or demand on Bomower. `,
<br /> � � . .
<br /> _ __„_�:�t.4_. 18. Bormwe�s Rig6t to Relnstaie. If Harrower itte�ts certain oonditions. Bormwer shall have the right to have
<br /> �-t � ;s ;° euforoemeiit of th'tc Se�w7ty inctenme�±t djsCmltiIIUCd Ilt any Lime pcioT lo ihe eariiet of: !a)$days(oi 5t�cti o�tet pesiod SS - .
<br /> r c a.-k
<br /> . :,,.._ � _ apptiwbte !aw may specify for reiastatemeat) before sale of th� Frapecty pwsuant to any power of sale containea in this _ ,_
<br />�=` �'��;,.- =`F:.� Sewrity Insuu�ent:or @)eauY of A judsaeut enforcing this 5ecuricy Insuument.Those conditions are that Bomower:fa)PaYs '`��'. �.
<br /> _�.�.,j,�.�-��-_R���,, ✓-.,€,:
<br /> :� � '��;.,; Lender aU sum9 ahich then wwld be due onder tWs Sewrity Inshument and tLe Note as if no acoeleration had oaurred:(b) ;�:e_ .:�
<br /> - ��`:` k:` ames any defautt of any other cnvenants or agreemems: (c)Pays a1l eapenses inauied in enforcing this Secvcity Instrumen3, ,�'; -
<br /> =r �'` . �'- incinding,but aot liarited to. reasonabte attamcys'fecs:and(d)takes siuh acuon as Lee�r may reasor�ably reguiie w assiue =�;-
<br /> ��: �" thai t h e l ien o f t h i s Seauity i n m u m e nt, L e u d e r's ri g A t s in t h e Prope►ry and Borrawer's o6 l i g a t ion to p a y the sums s�6y ` y? :�
<br /> r..
<br /> `.� .�,,��':` this Sec�sity Instn�eot shail oontinue uachanged. Upon �t by Borrower. this Security Inswment and lthe s r,4
<br /> _ _ � �.:��:! obligations�6ereby shall nKnaia fu11y effective as if no aooeleration had occuned. However.this right to reiusrate si� � ,
<br /> `` '' " `,� ' , notappty in the case of soceteration under pacag�raph 17. �
<br /> � .
<br /> '� y - "�' 19. S�ie of Noi+�Cdamge of Loan Servlcer. The Note or a pania! interest in the Nate ttogether with this Sec�sity *_-�
<br /> _ '-'x;�=:``�+�%,�_•`; Inrinunein)waY be sold one or more times witttont priar norice ta Borrowa.A sate may r�+u lt in a c h a n ge ia t he entity(known ._�'�.r
<br /> _=``:��':-t�;-'.•'.`";��n°• as the°Loaa Servicer"1 that oollects mornTily payments duc under the Note and this Seca�rity Instrucnent.'Phere als+n may be nrae =
<br /> _ ':''�'`q,as,,�:.°"``,<<.--. or more d�aages of the Loan Servicer unrelated w a sale af the Note.If there is a cbange of the I.oan Servioer.Bormwer wiU be -
<br /> � �� f� � `-� given wsiu�notice of Fhe chawge in accoNanoe with parag�aph 14 abave aad appticable law.The notice wili state the name and
<br /> __�:�f � address of We neav iaan Servicer and We address w which,payments shauld be made.The aotiUCe will also contain auy other °
<br /> ; ao
<br /> ' � �`�:.r';� �afosmatiaa�quited by ap�licable taw. �r
<br /> ; ° • Z0. Hazardous 3n�.Borrower shall not caase os pern�it the presence, use. disposal. storage, or rdease of aay �'�.-
<br /> '•.,'<<=rs:,:_:�,. .,._• H�sdous Sabstances on or in the Bosrower shall aot do. nor allow anyoae else to do, an ag affectiag tl�e �•'
<br /> y �. � ' pf�iy.
<br /> '`�1 '�` "� � Fcu�cty tdat is in violatifln of mry Eavimnmeatal Iaar. The preceding two sencences shall not�ply w pmseitoe.use. csr ti;
<br /> r;�`,°`���;� , �• starage on the PcoperEy of small quantities of Hazandous Substances that are gaterally reragnized to 6e appmprFate to nomml '.4;•
<br /> ,.. •� res{dential nses and to mainte�ance of the Properiy.
<br /> �� •.��,_
<br /> �•, . ,� .,R � Borrowet sball P�mPaY S�ve Lxnder written notice of any investigatioa,cta1m,dem�d,lacvsait as other acxion by aaq
<br /> 4�,.�x �.v� � . govermaental Qr�gulawi7►aSeacY orpnvate parcy involving the Prapeny and auy�iazacdous Substance or Environmentai L,aw �.' �;
<br /> �: _�� `r �' of whicb Borrower has actual knowleQge.If Borrower le�u.or is nnti�ed b3+�Y S����OiY�►ori .titat .- -
<br /> _ r . .:;. ,. .�:� any temoval or ather r�emedistion of auy Hazar�dons Substaace affec6ng the Property is ascessary.Borcawer shati y takc , t�;; _
<br /> ;`'` , '' all nece.ssaty temedial as�irn�s in accardance with Bav�ronmental Laar. , , _
<br /> � s �� u'-. As osed'm this pacagraph Z0. "Ha7ardous Substancts" are th�se substanoes defined as touc or hazanioas snbstattces by ��:
<br />-- ��".- -"a,V' Fttvjmnmeuta! Law at�d the follaaring sttbstartces: gasoline..kernsene. ott�r flammable or toxic p e u o leum products.touc
<br /> �,.� ,
<br /> . . -,�.
<br /> ,;,i f';{�.,� ' `.:�-��' Vestiddes and hetbicides.volaUle soWents,materials contaiuing asbestos ar fom�aldehyde,and�adioactive u�ate�aL9.As used in °.::
<br /> . :_ ,
<br /> ��,ir A '_ .::;` th�s Pa�raPb 20, Enrironmental isw" means federai ta�rs and tawa of the jio�sdidion afiere tl�se Pcoperty"s.tacatod that -��>
<br /> , �„f�yh�i-, o:s�."`„ �IO I1C8�II1r SSf2LY Oi eilVtlllAIDq118I pIOtCCIiOA. tl�..
<br />-..4:;;,�_,:..�.:•:5: .-u NO1WlJMFQRM COVEPiiANP3.Barrower.and Lend�further ooveaant and a�eas folIows: . �=�'`
<br /> -�--•�:::�,:..... —
<br /> :��<',..::.�.���_ °':.r Zl.At�cel�atton;R�aedtes.Lendes shall give uot�ee to Borrowar prtar W so�eleratton foitowing Bm�t�ow�*'s 6re�tch -
<br /> — ..',':��s. .;;'�;:•.r oY siry soveaant or a�meat !n thia Secarity Instrament {but not pstor to acceteratton amd�r�Ph 17 aale�s
<br /> � -�:.....;.-�.� ��. �:`-
<br /> :;.:.,,� �•,:;; ;;�..: ble 1aw provtdes otherwlse).T6e aottce sball sQeriPys (a)the ddaah;(b)tae adton�to care fhe defaWlt _,..�.
<br /> � (�a$dote.aot tesq tUan 30 days fmm the date We nottce Es giv�to Burrawer,by w�t�the deFanit mnst t�:cm+ed;and �,�:�
<br /> ;".:��,�-5�.;.."fi•;,_'� f��a!faihue to care the defaalt on or before.the date spedfied ta the aoHce may resutt in aooeteradan af the s�ns �_-�_
<br /> `�:<`,;���°_�>.�.�� s�by t6is S�uity Iasat�ment aad sate of ti�i�rooperty.14�e uotme sball fuMer iaform Ho�owcr at the eig6t to =__
<br /> -;.:,;.:: :...., tdnstate aftee aooelerattun and tDe etgbt to Drlag a�urt action to a�ert ttie nou�cistwse of a defaWt or any oth� -----
<br /> ,, ?::��. def�e o!Basrawes to sa��atton and set�It the�defaai!ts aot cm�¢d on or 6efm�e the date spe�fied 6►the aotice, . _
<br /> ` ' I.eader. at its option.maY reqWne tmmedlate paymeni iu fa8 af aB sums s�by ttds Secmritp Iar.shrur�ent�vithaui �
<br /> %,::�.�,.;,�•--;';��:� ibn7�rer demand an�may tavo�e tltepowee of sate and any athar remedies permItted by applicabie taw.Le�der shal!be - -
<br /> �'.:t'ti � (ncar�ed pn�saing tQe semedl�s provided in tbLs 6 Zl.indttdin� 6at tnut Hmked =__
<br /> _ �'� � eatit�ed to ooge�aD ex�QS in 6��$*�P + ---
<br /> f"•i°y:{���iS:';:'iit� � • ' ' .
<br /> � �,,� to.e+�nab�e attosaeys fces anA�osta ot tTtte evidence.
<br /> .°�: '�',i:,�:`:-�, � IP the wer of eate Is imoke�,Tugtee shail e+econd a nottce oY defanIt fn eacb a�unty ia�wWtfi a��t oY tYte .
<br /> �_� Fmperly Is�ie ted and sUaB maU aopies oi sacb aattce in the maaner 6q applicabie law to Bon+nwer an�ta _ _
<br /> �� � t" �`� the othEr pe�soas�1D�d bY aPpftcabie law.After the time reqWe+ed ►a�2e taw,'h�.siee sdaU give pnbIIc aatlee �}.;_..
<br /> ..: �.,
<br /> : . , of sate to t�e p�ead In tIIe�nanner prescribed by appHcabte taw.Trustee,wtthout deaiand on Banower,sLaU s�il .,���
<br /> -"°=r°:''-�'�' �� t�e pragerty a1 pnbltc uadtou to t�e dtgkegt bldder at the time and Qtaoe and�mQcs the tetms dealgaated i�x�e rtotice ot �
<br /> .-:;;r.r,.�_:,:°n,•.,
<br /> ` .. ".�..�'� spte b one ar mose pareels and in any ord�r Trostee dete�mlaes.Tmstee m$y perstpoIIe sate oY all os any.p�rcel of the �."'�°.
<br />—. .�,_:';�:,.', .•�:�.� -
<br /> . - �F�9 b9 W�Efc a�onnc�aent at ehe Qme aad ptsce of any pe+eWousiy scQedated sata I.cuder or itq dcslgnee maq - -
<br /> :-- pm+chage the PropPrty at any sate.
<br /> ._. .� ,- �� . :
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