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<br /> � -•' t . ,.�:-- �.: :._ �.V...�.,...�_ _ �.-a::_c:.. '��_'�'—..�'.-5=x- ..iFc_ -.c e.'1!'!'r - ' - ' �-:
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<br />�`...'�'1 `;� .�.. . $. NaTard or Pm�rty Ias�uattoe. Bornnw� sim!! k�ep the imp�ovemeats naw existing or heRafter ereQOd on the �r':
<br /> �,ti �y -: grop¢rty insvred against loss by fire. ha�ards iucduded within the tenn'exteaded ooverage'and any other haaacds. iwctuding � �
<br /> `� � "-'' ttoads os tteadtng.for wlush Leoder requims insuTm�ce.'l1�is insurance shatl be awintained in the amoa�nts and for trie periods
<br /> � � . ` :5:
<br /> �;.��``��:�:'.4 that Lender reqnires.The���ra�ce camier pruvi ding t he insurance s h a ll 6e c h o s e n by B o r ro w e r s u b j e c t t o L e n d e r's a p p ro v a l
<br />-j;.-;�oi,•.�r..i.•`"���':-., .__` r..
<br /> ��� . �.,. whicb sfiall�t be uaneasonably ari�hhetd. If Borrower fails co cmaintain wverage described at�ve. Lender may. at l.ender's �....:.�;
<br /> F �'=~r�`';f;��- 0I1.obtain omera$e to prote�L�ender's uj thc Pra m a000rdance with h 7. ��``�':.,
<br /> � �� ��7'� p��P a �_<<
<br /> - ����.��`: � AU iasnr��paiicies and ceaewals shall be suceptable to I.ender and shall include a standrJd moctgage clause. Lxnder .r,;,,_�
<br /> ; =-' q:t�, sf�aI1 have tE�e righi to hotd the poticies and renewals. If Lender r�.Baa+nwer shall pramptly give to lxnder aU rereipts of ,� �
<br /> �',k n � .`.
<br /> � � =•= paid premiums and renewal notices.In the event of loss.Borrower shall give prompt naace ta the insurance carrier amd Lender. � ,
<br /> � `''�-� ` f v- i.ender may make proof of lass if noi made promptty by Borrower. � �
<br /> �-�'�✓` � Uniess Leader and Borrower otherwise ag�+ee in writing.ins�uanoe proceeds shal!be applied to restocarion or repair of the
<br />.:..�it1:_::''�..•,�.:c.._„�:;,.
<br /> =•.'`�•' : . ,if the reswration or air is economically feasible and Lender's securiry is aat lessened.If t he re s t oration or ��"-�
<br /> - �-_.:,;:`;�,•`• ProPenY dama8ed r'eP s.`'.
<br /> _ ��_��_;::.`:,'_�?�-� repair is not erannmicaUy feasibte or Lsnder's ssanrity wottld 6e lesseued,the iasuranoe prooeecls shaU be applied w the sama "'��.:'
<br /> . �'' � '�r"`. se�vred b t�is Ir�unent, whether ur noi dua dpe,es�ith any exoess paid ta Bosrower. If Borrawer abandons ti�e � �`
<br /> ti�,: :�.,.t.��.� Y Sec�tritY
<br /> �:,.:..<-,� �,x1,:,.:.
<br /> Property.or does not answer arithin 30 days a notice fmm Leoder t6at ttte ins�►ranoe c�rrier has offered to seule a claim.diea ��' �
<br /> _-�.� ':�:::. _
<br /> 4 � �;��- I.ender may collect ti�e ensurance praceeds. Lenda r�*ay use dce praceeds m iepair or restore the Froperty or tn pay sums ,r ;:
<br /> _— ��'= : secvred by this Security Insuumenb whether or not then due.The 30-day period arill begin whea the notice is given.
<br /> �.�: �;.•, ' f;�'
<br />-. -�r.�'�,.�.{=�:-. Urtless I.ander and Borrawer atbeiwise ag�e in writing. any appfic�tion of proceeds to pcmcipal shali not eatend or
<br /> ��;-..=,-.::�E;s�<•_,,.`;:' �-_�._
<br /> : :�••-r= - �:�-:.�:-�-'.: Po�Pone We due date oi die monthlY PaYments referced to in pa:ag�aphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of die paymeius. If �.s';��
<br /> 'e.r:��, '�.`t".:.<tE.: .' . '_�:-
<br /> :::.��:�.7�..;-_;'.: :; . under pazagaph 21 the Pneperty is acqni�ed tsy l�der,Bormwer's dght to any�nsurance policies and proceeds resvtGng frnm ;'_
<br /> ,�,... .
<br /> ::t ,.:��' �`.����, dasrr�ge w the Property pur�to the acqoisition shaU pa�to I.enaer ro the extent of the s�uns secumd by this Saauity Insmime�t °e�,
<br /> �...r �
<br /> ,, �.. ,� immed'iately prior to the acguisition. <__
<br /> I _ � 4. 4.:'..:�
<br />'�s _.._'_�'s. . �_.:. 6.Uca�pancy,P�sattaon.Maiad�nce aad Protectian af We Pcoperi�,Horrower's Laan AppUcatIon;�lds.
<br /> �.; -�<.. .,f.?' Somoiver shatl oocupy,�isU.and use the Property as Horrower's prmcipal res�dence within sixty days aPoer the executioa of
<br /> .:�•;', �`�"`�;�:�'r ttris Seairity Iaswment�d shall ooatiaue to occupy the Propecty as Borcower's psincipal msidence for at teast one year eRer '.�";
<br /> �_��:r:�%� .�
<br /> -- -;��;��;;.:a the date of oa:upancy.�sFS�zs.s Lender odlerwise agr�es in c�rrit�ng, which coasent shalf not be wueasoanbly wiEhl�eld.ot tmiess '�Q_
<br /> �:����:�f'� .'°''-`�;.' eatenuating c�nces e�cist whirh are beyond Borrower's control. Bor�ower st�Tl nnt destroy. damage or impair the "'�
<br /> f -!.':�.;
<br /> -ti _. Pro�ertY,alktiw the PraperCy t�deuriorate.ar comFnti waste on thc Praparty. Barrawet shall be ia def9t�it iY aay forfdtare
<br /> : :,t.� :'•, `.: ac�ton or prnceeding,wUether civU or criminal.is began that in Ixnder's gaad faitb judgment�sould result in forfeiture of the t T
<br /> _ :���`--:,;�r.:`"��'_` pmpary or othatvise a�ially im�air the�lie,n c�ated by this 5owrity Instrumeat or Lender's secority interest:Borrower may �.:,,-
<br /> , ��- '. �
<br /> � ,, cune such a defaiilt and cex�state.as pmvlded'm para�aph I8,by causing tf�e action ar proceading to be dismissed with a mling ,;
<br /> n
<br /> ° �`� thgt, in Leader's good faith determinaGon. paectodes forfeique of.the Bo:rower's isiterest in the Praperty or oiD�er material �' :
<br /> �%E?�''::`::.-`.•�'���;�'�'�� inrpair�a,att of the lieo created by this Security Iasmtmem as I��'s seturity ittteres� Borrawec shall also be in de f a u[L i f �''°�=
<br /> -•'r;:�,:�'• Borrawer.�the t�n appllcation proceas.gave materisity fa:s�as inarwausite iriformation or statements w Iandet(ar�ed , �==�.
<br />-,'' �`:'�'°:�: .:J°j:� u
<br /> :;t:`', ;.. ` , . to vide L,ender with�mateciai infannation}in co�ection�ith t&e loan evid�by the Note.indudiag,but aot timited �r.;:
<br /> f! � �r ;� _;", pi0
<br /> - ` to.representationa ca�g Borrower's�cnpancy af the Prnperty as a prinap�re.aldence.If thia Security insanment is on s � --
<br /> ,` r��r';�,, _
<br /> ,;:�;,�_,:;:,. IrasehoId. �orrower shatl aomply with all the yravisions of Sne[ease. If Borrower aoquires fes tttie tn the Property. the - -_-
<br /> _ _ '.�",':.`;r'�j.:'••` Ieasehotd aad the fee tide ahall not cnerge anlessss Len�der agr+ees to a�merger in writing. "'�
<br /> �- :, :� 7.Pratectioa oY I.endes's�in the Pro�esty.If Borrower fails to perfom�the cavenants and agreements conta�ia �'
<br /> �` ,. , m
<br /> ' -�y' this Se�rlty In�a�.os there is a tegel proce�that may sigr�ficantly affect Lend�'s rights in the�raperty�(sach as a �' ,'
<br /> . ::5 �� .. prviceeding in bankraptcy,probate. for wndemnadon ar forfeiture ar to enforoe taws os regolatioas).t8en Lemder may do aa� ��':
<br /> °.�� . vc din �_
<br /> '"'�.`'�`;�._-'��.;";��� , PaY for whatever is aeressary w protect the value oP the Pmpe,rt�r arsd Lender's rigbts ia the Property.Le�der's acdons mayr =_--
<br /> _�_,�.;;�::: --
<br /> '?. �.:`�::'. � .. �:..
<br /> . j includo paying suy► sams seiarred by a Hen whtch has piiorit� wer thia Security Insunmem. sppearing ir►court. D�8 ��„
<br /> .:,.� ,...•..>..,. ,
<br /> ::::;�Y__:._;,.::_�� r�asonable auomeys'fees and emeriAg on the Property to make r�ai�.Alttiough Leader may take adion uader tbis paragrayb =
<br /> ��% �7.Lender does aot have to do so. ___
<br /> �.�lY:."��.•..;r•'?'y�., ' .
<br /> :.:. r�.t�,:-��f�:r" —
<br /> � � . My amounts Na6uised by Lender undei this parag:apb 7 shali becaome addit3onal debt of Borrower secure3 by ttds _�-
<br /> •_=:�`"";.'t -_:�_ ;:: � Secarlry InsWmoeal.Uatesg Barrawer�d I,ender agree to other terms of payment.t1tese amounts sl�aal1 bear iuterest fmm the
<br /> ,,- r:;.:..:.,:„- _
<br /> - ';<':•,�;'.�;, :,: .; date of dLsbn�sement at the Note rate aad shall�be payable. with interest, upon aoalce from Lepder w Homower seqaest�ng - -
<br /> � paymen� � .
<br /> : ;-�� 8.Ma�4gage Ins�ance.N Lender required maztgage insurance as a cand9tian of matcing the loan setured try this Secarity
<br /> __ � `��� ;%: In�t. $orrower shall pay!he preimums reqmn¢�d to maintaid the mortgage insuraace ir�effect. If. for sny reason,the� ����
<br /> - :,�:$..: martgage insUrana coverage required iry Lerider tap�es or ceases to be i»effeet.Botrower shatl pay the premiums reqnired w __-_
<br /> ;;} •:_Y'�� obtain oaverage sabstantially equivalent to�he mongage insurauce previously in effed.at a oast subscantiaity eqnivaleat to tbe - ':
<br /> . ..: • '��` oost to Bamawer of the mortgage insutance previausty in effecx.from an alternate mortgage ins�uer approv�by 1�.If -
<br /> 't:-... .:.._,s.,._r.
<br /> , ��'; ' substantisUy equivatent mortgage instrrance caverag0 is not available.Bairower shaU pay to Leader each mnnth a sum equal w � ,
<br /> _ , `'• ., . :` :,,�.. one�tarelfth of the year�r moa�age insurance pre�ninm being paid by Borrower when the insurance wvetage lapsed or ceased to �' ,
<br /> �`,`-�',.�-.:'`,:'��'�� be in effect.Lender wilt accept.use and retain thae payments as a loss s�erve in lieu of mortgege insuraaoe. Loss reserve
<br /> " r =°'
<br /> . ';;` W�m 8028 9/90 --
<br /> � vaoo8 0�6 ;�:*
<br /> _ -'r' ,L
<br /> . ..i• !.
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