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<br /> it�n c--a�fpt uQ�x,iyuieni o! tit� prl�t► bld, 'i'�;te� �!1 d�tiver to the pu�rhu � r-ustco's deed catrve U�g tQte _.
<br /> pro�nrty. Tit�peeltA191n Ihe Tru�tce's deec!slwit Ge pr1n!H 1iute evldei�re nt Ihe 1r�oitb of Ihe stetcmcnty�i�u�2a iAe�t�iu.
<br /> T�ustce►;hvtl appby tRc p�v��'d.�at Ihc�!e In the follqtrinR u�rs(a)t�+►�tl ro�ly t�nt�cxExitsc:i nf cucrclslnP{ihe pt�H�ei��P
<br /> sate,and fhe nWe.lueludlttg thc ruymcnt of th�'1'�ustee•e fcr:d aciiudly Incurriil�aul ta excced "m
<br /> of the petuti�ul n�ttuunt uY ttte nate at the time u!the t�c�laral�on uf�Eefeult,Nnd�cASOnnt►!c att�riicy�' kes u9 permlttni
<br /> by law;(6)4o n11 Fi�mv recnrect by th{s Sccur[ty+la��tnu�entt and{c1 auy exc�9 to tho�rr�un ui•�rt�oi�.9 tcgelly enllNcd to
<br /> u' mcnt of ail �un�.n securc� by this �ccurhy,tnstniment. t.ende*�tr�11 F�qu�t Tr�etit� tu
<br /> ?.�. l�v�veyer��cc. tlP� i�Y
<br /> rccunvey the Pro�trty and ahall nurtrnder tl�1M Sccurl�y IusUumcni and cdl t�at�� cvidencin� cfc�+t �eeurtd {+y !tt#� S�c4+rily
<br /> instrum¢nt ta'incsErc. �ri��t�r s3�ali r:.onvcy 16e E'm��r3y uittt�ct werranty�u�wittuu�l•�u�FEe to tho pers�n ur per�anv Isl3+���Y .
<br /> � cntiticcl tu it. Such per�on ur per�uns Ahall pay uny reca��uion caste.
<br /> 23. Sub.�iitutv'�'nrster. L�cmlrr,nt itr�nptian, may fmm time tn tirne Eem��ve Trustcc nnci►�pp��ini a tiuc��s�ir teustee tn
<br /> c►ny Trustce appnintcd hercundcr by nn i�stn�ment recorded in the county in which thix Sccu�ity Inytn�mcnt is rtranled, Wiihout —
<br /> canvnyunro uf the Prope�ty, the succe�.sor trustee tihull succecd to a►II the titlo,po�ver aad dutics conferrcd upon Tn�stca hc�cin
<br /> an�i by appHcubiQ iatv.
<br /> 24. Rcc�ucst[or Notices. Barrrnvcr requaste thnt capiev af tho noli¢e3 af defnult und �ude bo r.cnt to Borruwzr's Rddress
<br /> �vhich is tha Pmpcny Addre�s.
<br /> 2S. Rldeja to thte Securtty Irutrumtnt.If nno or murc ridcrR uro ex..cutcd by Borrawee nnd reco��lc.�i togethar with this
<br /> Security Instrument.tho cavenantg and ugreemonts af cuch such rider xhull bo Inrurpomte<f into and shall umend and supplement
<br /> tha rnvenna�ta nnd ag�e�:ments af thiA Securlty Instniment n.q if the rider(s)wero o pnn of'this Security instn�ment.
<br /> [Check upplleable ttiax(es))
<br /> — Adjustabte Rate Rider ._ Condumiaium Rider — 1-4 Fumily Rider
<br /> Gmduatcd Pnyment Ridcr � Plunned Unit Devclapment Rider Biweckly Pt�yment Ridcr
<br /> 8allc�on Rider _.. Rato Improvement Ridcr Secand Hamc Rider
<br /> C D�•A. Ridcr Oiher(s)[s�c;�1
<br /> BY SICiNINO BE1.OW,Bonawer uccepts und ugres.w to thc terms und cavenunta contained in thls Sdtarity Instrument ac�d
<br /> in sny ridcr(s)cACCUtad by 8orrawer and recarded with it.
<br /> Witne�s�: ,�i(/y�M,µ•�,,."_ t5eal)
<br /> w
<br /> LANC� H HEFdMANSEN -tsarmwcr
<br /> - �........ c�� .,�� �I�Ii�
<br /> CN�RRY HERMA 9EN •&+Rawer
<br /> —tSenU _.�1�)
<br /> �.T--��--�.— .tA,nowcr •Dorrowcr
<br /> S'CATE pl,1V�g1tASK,,�� County sss HALL
<br /> 'Pho foregaing insirument was ack�awlatged before�no this 15TH duy af NOV�MBER , 1995 .
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal at QRAND I SL p, BRASKA . 1n said County.the date afaresatd.
<br /> ��
<br /> My Gommi�siun Bxpires: �NEAKMG1�IlyShM�IMl�� ►r�----
<br /> w CMn►EnF IW►tT.lll/ Notary Puslic
<br /> ' na,�.e a+e Fam 30:8 0190
<br />