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<br /> 4 17.'1'�ixrfer e�P ttct�R��per tv urr�fJcneflclw!intcre:+t b�Nl►rru�ver. lf all�,e ony part u!'tha ltr.���r�ty ue n�►y inten•ot in it
<br /> is tiuld ue t�unsferr..d lor if u he�u�icl�il lutcrctit h� Llm�ruwrr Ir s,�lil ar�runtifcrrcd ui►d Ku����u�ver iy n�}t u nntund pct4un14vitituul
<br /> . t.eudcr'a pyl��� �vr�tten �v�nyrm. Lcudrr mny. ni Ua �qtitinn, �CqldrP intm�Vli�tl0 Uav�ncnt In Ilill ul'all ,wn.r ,rrur�vl t►y Ihis
<br /> " 5rrurity Inti��umrnt. Hu���cvev,thlv i,�:Nrn hhnll m,l he excrcl+cd I,��i.�ndrr il'exrrrisr Iw pruhiMtr�l by Icdrrul luw a�uf'ihr dntn
<br /> ui'Ihl.r SccuNty insln�mciu.
<br /> If I.ender excr�i�c�thiy upNnn, I.c�nder�;hall��ive Nnfn��ver m�Ncc uY iu���lerutiun.The�wUC�`+hull �ruvidr u�mrkid ot'uut
<br /> tc�s than �tl days t'mm the dotr th� n��ti�r is deliverc����r u��ill�vl witidn which liarrawcr nttt�t pay ul� sun�� ���ured by Ililx
<br /> Suuttty U�strumcnt.!t�orrowcr fnily to puy lhr+�nun►v pri�K•tu thr expiritlan ut'11►iy�.rh�ct. lAndc��u�av hwuk�iu�y rcmcdl;.v
<br /> permittc�i h�this Sccurit�y An�ln�mcut�vltl►uut ILrlhcr ttaticc nt'dcmutxi i�n�urnnvrr,
<br /> 18. Horm�vcr'H Ripht t�� Rcinstntc, li Hurn�wcr auct� ccMuln cunditiut►r. [iuuu�vcr hhull I�u�� ih.� �it:h� to I�uvw
<br /> entarcement of this Sccurity Tnstrumcnt Jiscunti�iur�i ai a�iy t{nte�+rluf t�►the��ir1iLF�+t': (:�f S et;tiyx (ar au��lt �+lt�er��rl�a!a�
<br /> appUrublu Inw mny speril'y for �rbsaucmentl beti+rc �nle ni' Qec Nmprrty purr�uunt tu nny puwrr of r��ic r�mtnin��l in �hf�
<br /> Sccurity Instnimcnr,nr(hl rntry of n,�udgmcm cnfurcinp thi.r Sccurity In�tru�mnt.Thusc candiUanti i►m thnt tl++rrau�cr:lul payx
<br /> l.ender iill sumti whirh then would hs due under tMti Security la�trumcnt iind tho Niite us if nu urccl�r.qli�u I�ud uccurr��l; (bl
<br /> curcs iu�y dePi�ult af uny nther ro��enunls ur uprecments; (c)pay�ull exponss�incuRed in enforrmg this Security,instrument,
<br /> Inrludin , but nut proitcd to. rei4�nnuble ettarneys' fecs; und ld)takes huch urNun i�S I.c�dcr aury rcu+unubly rcywrc tu u�suro
<br /> thut iha�icn of thiy Secu�ity instrumcnt, I.cndcr's rights in�hd Praprny imd&�r���wc�'x ohli uUun ai puy thu+um��hccumd by
<br /> thiw Security Instnimcnt KhuU amtinuc unchan�cd. Upan rclntitntemcnt by H�irr�+wrr, t�ia S�curity Invirumem und tho
<br /> �ibUgationti secured hereby�:hidl remnin fully effcctive uv if ix�ur�elurAtian hud��cuned. Hnwever, thtw�ight tu rel�.r•tt►te nhnll
<br /> not��pply in thc cu.tc of uccclemtian undcr parngrnph 17.
<br /> 19. 5ute uP Nu4et ChanQe oP I.aun Srrvlcer. Thc Nutc or n paKiul intcrest 1n thc Nme (tagether wid� thiA Scrurity
<br /> In.r•uumenU may hc sold�mc or mare times�vithnut priur nottre t�i Barnnvcr. A sulc niny rc�ult in a chnn�c in th�emiry(knuwn
<br /> us the "l.nan Servicer"1 thnt calteclx monthly puyments due undrr the Nnte und this Securlty In�tniment. Thew AIti�may 6e one
<br /> ar muro chungcs af thc Lonn Scrviccr unrclated tn i��sdc af thc N�tc.!t therc is u changc of thc lA�un Scrviccr.Borrawc� will bc
<br /> given written natire of tho chimge in accardunce with purugrUph lA ubuvr imd uppllcable law.The nntice�vill statc tha numc and
<br /> udd�css of thc ncw I..oun Scrvlccr and thc itddress G� which payment�should tw mudc. Thc aoticc wlll alsn cuntnin uny athcr
<br /> i�farmutiun rcquiccd b�appiicublc law.
<br /> 20. Hazurdoug.ubstnnccw. 9orrower shull nat cuusc or pormit tho pmsence. use, dispa4ul, staragu, or rcicase of;ury
<br /> Huzaudous Substances nn or in thv Praperty. Bnrr��wer :;hull na1 da, nor ullow unyonc elso to du, unything nffecting the
<br /> Fa+apedy thut iH in violudon nf Any Envimnmcmal I.Aw. The prereding twa sentenca4 shAll nat npply to the presence, use, or
<br /> storngo an the Propcny af smull quantities c*i Huxurdaus Substances that nre gcnemlly recognized ta be uppmpriuto ta norn�a!
<br /> rcs{denti�tl use�und to muintonnnce of'th�Pcopeny.
<br /> 8orrowcr sh.dl pramptly give Lendcr���ritten nutice of any investigation,ciuim.demand, liiwc;uit or othcr nstian by a�?•
<br /> governmentul ar regulatory ugency or privnte purty inval��i�the Property und uny Hu77ardaus Substnncc or Envirm�menud la���•
<br /> uf whlch Burrower hu�uctuul knowlciige. If�lc�rrawer le��v�s. ar is notificd by pny govemments�l nr regulutory uutharlty, thnt
<br /> uny r�muvi+l ur os3�cr re���edlAtian af uny t1u�lydouc Sub�tance Affccting thc Pruperty i:�necessary.Harrawer shall promptly tal:e
<br /> ull necessary mmodiul actions in accordnnco«�ith E3nviromnentul l.uw.
<br /> Ay usal in this parngr�ph 20, "Hazardaus Subslunces" are thase aubstunccs dofined ati toxic or h�aus substances by
<br /> Bnviranmcatal l.uw and the fallowing substnnces: �asaline. kemsene. �ther tlummable ar toxic petruleum praducts, toxic
<br /> pesticidcs nnd hcrb�cides�valudle salvents,muteriuls cantuining nsbestas ur formnldehyde,nnd radinuctivo n�ateriaiti. Aa useci in
<br /> th1K{�ragra oU. "F.�v3rs�menss! La�" s�sestts 4'PSiesa! 4awa�c! laws ¢f th�jwl�iction whcrc thc P�r�y �s Ic�tttl thn�
<br /> relute to h • th,safety or enviranmenti�l pratection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.8orniwcr and l.cnder fu�ther cavennnt ancl a�rcc as fi�lli�wK:
<br /> 21.Aecelecallon; Remedic�.I.ender Rhall give�otiee to Qarr�►wer prlar to o�cce�eratinn followlnA 13orm�ver'a brcuch
<br /> Oi All3" l�Y!(1i11� OI'N�RTIfilRt ;Ii �fi�7 i�7R'OIi�� iiii�nimCqs ��ia� n`vs �n'�iiiF �8 saisiE�wsaSR 8i'�vc� �.w��w� Z� iSi'��..:n
<br /> opplicable law pmvides otherwise). The notiw Ahatl epecifys (a)the detuutt; (b)the action requlred to cu�the dei'aufti
<br /> (c)a dute, not ies9 than 30 deyR fY�om the datc the nottce ty given tu eurrawer,by whlch Ihe dei'oull ma�t be curedi And
<br /> (�1) thnl P�lluro ta cure the defs�ult on ur befura tho dato apeciiicd In tho noti��o mAy result In Accelerallon of the sums
<br /> securcd by this Sccurity 1nst��ument und t;ule aP the P�apecty. The notice shatl tl�rther I�Parm 13arnnwer af the�IghE ta
<br /> relnstutc nRer arccleratlan pnd the ri�ht to bring a caurt uctlon to nsscrt the non-exlstence af o detAUlt ar any other
<br /> defense o!Horrower to acceleration Qad salc. iP tho defuult is na! cured on ar bcfore the date r+pecifl�qt in the natice,
<br /> l.cndcr� ut Its aptlon� may t�equlre immedlAte paymeni in f1i11 oP all sum9 securcd by tbis Security Instrumcnt wlthout
<br /> fl�rthcr demand and ms�y invake thepo wcr of eale und uny other remedte.v permltted by np IlcAble Ivw. i.cnder shall be
<br /> entiticd ta co!l�ct all expenses lncurred tn pu�uln�thc rcmcdi�pmvided in this pnrngraph�l,including,but not Umited
<br /> to,mstsanable attorneys'[ecs And casta af tttle evidence.
<br /> It the(�awer of sale I.v invoked, Trustee �hall rea►rd u nott�ot default 1�each county in which nny part uf the
<br /> P�viperty tv l��cated and shaU mail coplc.w o!xuch notice in the manner pr�crihed by appHcablc law ta Ilarrawer aad ta
<br /> tho other perFOn9 pt�cribed by uppltcable law.After tEeY tfine requlxed by appllcAbi�law,Trustee Ahall give pubilc notico
<br /> o!�calo ta th0 person.v and in tho manner pr�scribe�M b�•npplirAhle law.Trustee. without demand on Borrower�sh�U scil
<br /> the P:operty ut publlc Aurtlon to tha hiFhrst bidder at the time and pluce und under thc termw d�.�l��tatesl la Ihs�ta!!te at
<br /> eale in one or more pa�+ccls and in uny ortler Trustee determincw.Trustee may postpone snte oP all or nny pnrce!oi the
<br /> PropRrly by public annoe�ucment ut Ihe tlme and place oP nny previoavly �cheduled ssile. I,cnder or Its designce may
<br /> punchase the Property at Any sale.
<br /> Form 3028 9/90
<br /> PoQO 0 a10
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