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L�_. _.__� --=,r-----:.��.-. <br /> 9 <br /> ���^����`.�� .., <br /> �. — <br /> A�SJLJSTA��.� R�'I'� .1ZIUEIZ ,�,a���o� - <br /> �l Yenr T�rasury irtilex-1ltato�.a�.v) �" <br /> THlS AL�JI15'CABLB FiATEI IiI�BR i�m;ulc thls 15Tti , doy uf NOV EM6�Fi , - <br /> 19;1�a .�� i9�ncv�rpurutcd into nnd shall b��lccmc�f ta umend and r,uppicn+ent 1ha M�nno�lo.Dccd ��f <br /> Tn�st ur Srcurity nced(the"Scc�Hty Instrumcnt")of tho snmo d:itc givcn by the underei�nr�i tE�°��m�"1 to - <br /> aecucv thc llnrn�wcr'�Adjuatublo Rato Noto(the"Note")ta . <br /> T�o EGu�4eDln BuilO�ng end loan Assocta!ion of GrenG lslan0, NebreeNo, A Fodorel Sovings Ben1 <br /> (the"L.ender")af th�Hi�ma dato and enverl�g the pmperty described in tho Security Inst�vmcnt urtd lacutcd at: <br /> , �. <br /> 4019 CANNON RO aRAND ISI.ANp�����sRASKA fiE380's-1814 <br /> THL� NOTE CONTAINS PROV191R?NS AI.LOWINO FOR CMANQES IN THE INTEREST <br /> R�1Tf ANq THE MONTHLY PAYMENT. 7HE NOTE �IMIYS THB AMOUNT THE <br /> I30flROWER'S INYEREST RATfi CAN CNANmE AT ANY AN� TIME AND THE <br /> MAXIMUM RA'�THE BflR6iOWER MUBT PAY. <br /> ADDITIONAL COVENAN'['S.In uddition ta thu covennnta tuid eg�cem�nt9 made i�iho Sccuriry instrumcnt. <br /> Hormwer and Lsnder tLrlhcr cavenunt and agmo as follawa: <br /> A.INTERE�T RAT�AIYD MONTHLY PAYM�NT CHANGES <br /> Tha Noto providea for nn initiui interest rate of 7•1?.E S6.The Note provldcs for changes in <br /> tho interest rnt0 and the monthly pAymcnts,ns follawa: <br /> 4.INT�RFST RAT�AND MUNTHLV PAYMEN'C CHANGE9 <br /> (A)Chango Uates 2000 .snd on that <br /> 'i'tto interest rato t wlll pny ma,y changoon tha 8rat day of DECEMtlER . <br /> day evcry IZth month thcreuftcr. Each dnte un which�i�y intcrest ruto rnu�a:hango ia culled a"Chango Dato." <br /> (B)The Index <br /> Aeg�nning witfi tho first Chnnge Pute,my intcn.�st mte will be brsod on a�Index.The"Indox"ia tho waekly <br /> averago y�eld an Unitod Stntca Treasury sccurities ud,juated to a aoi�stant maturity af 1 ywr�as mado avnilabla by <br /> ehe Federa!Rncrve Board,Tha most reccnt mde�c nguro avaiiab�e a,+ai ino o�,cio 4��ys w-�o:.�s�P�'= <br /> is culled the"Cumnt Indea." <br /> If the Indox ia na langer availublo,tho Note Noldcr wiii choose a new Index whlch is buscvl upon comparnbto <br /> infonuutiun.Tho Noto Huldcr wll!give me notice of thie choIce. <br /> (C)CWculatlon ot Ctw�es <br /> �efore each Chunge Duta,the Nota Holder wilt calculato my now intorest mto by udding ���o�o�r�nt <br /> � percentuga point(R)( 2.Q00 <br /> Index.The Ncta Holder will then raund tha re.gult of lhle addition to tho neurest ane-eighth af one pem�+ntage <br /> polrtt(U.125�0). Subject to the limite stuted in Sccdon A(D)below.thia roundod umount wIQ ba my new lnterest <br /> rate w�t�l tha next Chungo Date. <br /> 'ithe Nato Holder will then determine the omount af thc monthly ps►yment that would ba sufficiant to repay the <br />- unpa9d prl�xipul that I am expccted ta awa at tho Chungo Dt�te in flill on tha Muturlry mAto at my new intcrest mto <br /> ic►substuntiaUy eqn�il payrnents.Tho rcsult of this culculation wlil bc d�o naw amount af my monthiy paymant. <br /> (ll)Llmlts an Interest Rate Changes 9.12 5 <br /> The interest rate I am required to pay at the first Changa Outo wlll not ba greuter thun `� <br /> or less thun 5•125 lnterest rate wlll aover ba increased ar docreasod on <br /> any singlo Ghunge Dnte by more thun two{iercentage palntx(2A°,b)fmm tho rute aY iaterest I havo been paying <br />— for tha precediag twelve months.M intorest rato wlll never bo greater than �2•�Z S `�� <br />- My �ntorast rate wi�1 never be lower than 5.125%. <br /> (E)Eitcctive Pate ot Chaages <br /> My naw Interest rata will becamo effcctive an cach Chanse Dato. 1 wfl! pay tha smount af my now monthly <br /> payment beginning an thv flr�t monthly paymcnt date aftor the Chenge Date until the amount of my montt�ly <br />- paymcnt changes again. <br /> • (6�N�tico of Changes <br /> The Noto Halder wlll deliver or mull ta me n nolice of sny changes in my lnterest rAto end the amount of my <br /> monthly payment before tho cffective date of nny chunga.The notico will iaclude information required by law to <br /> ba givcn mr� und tilso tha titlo and telephono number of a pereon who wil! answer any qucation I muy hove <br /> regarding the notico, <br />:� <br />� <br /> 1 MUI.TISYATE AD.!]i8TA8L8 RATQ RIDER-ARM 8•2-Sinpto Famliy-Fannlo MaolFMddfe Mao Uniform Inatn«��r+! <br />.� Farm 3117 3188 <br />_� ��•822Q Ifl3061 VMP MORTOAAB FORMB•18Q018Y1•7901 � PNmod on Rocycla0 P�por <br /> � . , i <br />
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