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1� N�'� ar1t11�`��-,f'} l.�.;�(.`i��$�.�y �f���kiL_���il,.e`.•,.:i ':iS.rfSll�cGl'��;� .S� ,� �r t�e$����::.} . _� .-� , Y _.._. . ,. <br /> � 5 �l't��� '"P^e-� �.��. � , (, .. <br /> t n L 1� .�'l4�ly�L 1._1. ��. � _ ' ie�Tr'i�7�- t�h� .� �.�,i <br /> � -�� �xp����- j� . .r" - ' . � � 'tT�'_�*11��' ,. ;�`eb�. <br /> ' ��: -ird:�! ` 1 _ . _ . <br /> -_ - • • ; _ .__, _�._ ....- - - <br /> �---_�! `� - — �- , <br /> �. _ -`�y �� ' L_—_�..- - '•_ • __. - -- . - — <br /> . . . .� • ----. . . _ . <br /> ,, .`_��-._. � . .. . \l•.i• � � . „ ` �5 91 -�.a� <br />- ' �~ .....��RLL-�"��e+L`�i�..`L.��"3"}�t�TT!!�y[yt!�`�.:A�•-vw_�iw+.r���__.~- `` ��•�."_� .�.}.. ... _.♦ - . " '_' a _. . ... ,. '__ <br /> � �������� <br /> p:�ynu�d+mc�q na Iutql�r h�,ri�t►irC+l.ut ttte uplisn►at'Len�ic•r,iF utu�tl�n}�e inrnrsue�r cnvprli�l� Ilu�mnuu�N u1tt11�+Y tlte peeioil _ <br /> Ihni Ix�Hdee re.µ�hcwl pn�vl�icd hy un Inwur4r apptuvcJ [�y l.c�tdrr iig�iin hrr�nnev u�•uiluhl�inid is��htnlnrd. Rurr����cr nhall��:►y <br /> ihc pren�i�m�v�c��ul�.d tu nudutuli�►n��rt�tage InSUrcin��e In cii'ect,ur tu{�rnvidu��lu,��y��r������ witil Ih�nNuimmcnt tbr muflFa��e <br /> i�►tiu�:uv��eih►v in tt�r�+rd�tnrC widt nuy�vriltcn nZtrccmc�U(+ela'cen 11u�'rawei•und l.�mdcr ar►�pUatblc lu«•. _ <br /> 9. I��p�tlun, t�u�tcr ur its�gcnt mny mukc r��:�;�awl+le cnU�irs u��u�m�l in�.�u�cuun+af tnc th�uperiy. LAndrr+holi t�ivc <br /> Rs�m��+���r�H�tire at�he dmo ut'�tir p�iur tu un fnspec�iun 4perilyi�ig r�ns���u�hle rui�re ii�r tl��inti�xctiun. -- <br /> IQ. Candcmnvpt�s�. Tl�a p���Kred.r af Kny w�vard ur duinti ti�r�kmtugas. dircct ur cun�ryu��ntiul, in cunncrUan with uny <br /> �y�n�k�a�ruiltun�Er uthcr tnklnc ai'anv pati uf dtu Prup�riy,ur tur c�mveyunra in Itcu•of rond���nttuAun,arc l�erehy uy�ii�;ncd imct <br /> �tiull bc pui�f t+�l�emi�r, <br /> In thc cvcnz aP u total tukia���f thr.Pmperty,thc pmcced.r•nli;�ll hu upplicd lu tttu hum�srcnrcd hy thiti Sccurity in.tru�uC��t. <br /> whcthrr��r nut tiien due. �vith uny cxc�ss puid tu f�orrc�wer. In tho cvent uf�partiiil ti�kin�af thc Nro�erly in which the i'u{r <br /> mnrkct vuluc ul'thc Pr��prny lmnudiiitcly hefnrc�hc takin� is equul t����r grciurr thm�the amount uf�hc tiumw sccurcd by this <br /> Sccuriry Inwmiment in�mcdiatcly hcfara tttc tnkinR�unlcss Hurr���vcr and l.cndcr athcrivitir uprcc in wridng, thc hums���cu���l by <br /> thly Securlty Intitrument �hali ba rcdurcd by the u�nount �f tha prurreds multfpiied hy thc ti.ilowing tractiun: (+i� thr. t�atut <br /> s►nwu�u i�f tho sums xccurrd immcdiatcly befarc the t�iking,dividcd hy (b)thc fiiir mnrket viiluc nt�hc Praperty immcdintcly <br /> befaro thc u�kint;. Any buluncu shull bc paid to B��rn�wcr. In thc cvcnt uf n partiul lukin� ai tho Prn�crty in which thc fuir <br /> mnrket vuluo�f tho E'roperty immediatcly befnre the tuking ih lesw thun tlic umuunt nf thc sumw ti:ci�rcd in:mediutely hofi�re the <br /> taking. unlcss Bar�owcr ond l.ender athcrwlso agrcc in writing or unicss uppaictiblc lo�v othenviso pmvides, tho prarecJs shall <br /> bo upplicd to the aums securecl by this Sccuriry insin�mcnt whcthcr or nut the sums nrc then duc. ° <br /> [f the Property is uhand�mcd by Sarrawer.or if,uftcr notic�by I.endcr t�i Bormwcr thut the candenmor uffcrs ta nmke un <br /> nwurd nr settlo o cluim far dumuges, 8orro�ver fi�ita to �espand ta l.endcr within 3l1 dayv i+Rcr the dutc thc notice is given. <br /> l.endr,r iy uuthorized ta c�Qcct und apply the prareed.r•.ut!ts c�ption,cither ta restariUion or repair af tho Prnperty ar ta tho 5ums <br /> sccured by th{s Security lastrumcnt.whether ar nut thcn duo. <br /> Unless l.ender t��d 8arrower otherwise agree in �vriting. any upplication of pmceedti t� principul shull nat oxtand ar <br /> postpnne tho dua dnte of thc monthiy puyments refcrrod ta in purugrnphs 1 And 2 ar changc thc uinount af surh puyments. <br /> 11. Bomnvc�Nut Rclen.ged;Fae+beurnnc�By�.ender Nat a Waiver.6xaansiun of tho dmv far puyment c�r macii�cuNon <br /> of umaniu�tion af the�ums secured by tbie Security Instrument gmnted 4�y Lender tn uny successar in interest of Barrawer shull <br /> nat operute ta rcleaso the IiabiUty of the original Bonower ur Borro�ver's successar:►tn intcres�. Lender shall nat hc requircd ta <br /> cammcncv praceedinge t+IIninst any suac�essor in interest or xofuho ta cxtcnd time for puymcnt or athenvisc madify umorli�.ation — <br /> of thc sums secumd by thi� Sccurity Instrument by renson af nny dcmand mude by the ariginul Borru�ver ar Borrower's <br /> nuc:w.ssms in lnter�st. Any forbenrnnw by i.cnder in exerciaing any right ar remc�iy shall not tm u wai�•er oP ar pmclude tho <br /> cxcrciso of�tny rl�ht or rcntcdy. <br /> 12. 5uccc:�.sare A�d Msig�LV Baand; Jotnt and Several �.iubllity; Cc►��slgncr�. Tho wvenanta und Agrccmcnta af thia <br /> Secudty instrtiment shall hind and benefit the su:cessors und atisigns aP l.ertder und Borrawer, �ubJect ta the provisions nf <br /> Qurngmph 17. Bnrrower's rovenunts nnd a�rcements shall be jolnt ;►nd sevcml. Any Barrowcr wha ca-�igas this Security <br /> instrument but daes nat oxecutc the Nate: (u) i�;ca-wigning this Security lnstrument only ta mortgage, grunt and canvcy tnzt <br /> Borra�ver's intcrest ia the Propeny undcr the te�na of this Security lnstn�ment;(b)is not perFC�nuily ablisutcd ta pay the sums <br /> sccured by this Securlty Imtrt�ment;And(cf agrees thut Lendar and nny other Bc�rru�ver may agree to cxtcnd,mcxiify,forbenr ar <br /> mnke uny cezcwmmodatlons with re�a�rd t�thw tcrnu aF this 5ecurity Instrument or titc ivate witfiaui tfiuc�mo�varb Rm,��. <br /> �3. I.oan CharRes.If the loan Fecured by thia Secu�ily Instrument ia subject tu u law which�:et�muximum lo�n churges, <br /> nnd that lo�v is tinnlly interprcted sa thut the interest ur alhcr l��.m churgc�ca!lected ur ta bo roUcctcd in connccdon with thc <br /> luan exeeed the permittcd limits, then: (al uny euch laan churge shull be mduced by the amrnmt ncccwsnry to re�lucc tho churge <br /> ta the permittcd IImU;nnd(b)any sums alreudy coilcctcd fmm aarn�wer which e�cceded pertniucd limitx will be rcilinded ta <br /> Barraw�r. l.ender may chaase ta mt►kc thiy reflind hy rrducing the principal awod undcr the Ni�te ar by muking u direct <br /> pnyment ra 8ortawer. IY u retiind reduces principll. thc reduction will be t�catod ns u parU,ul prepayoient withau► nny <br /> prepaymcnt chnrge under tho Nato. <br /> 14.Notkc.v.Any notice ta Barmwer provided far in thiK Securlty Instniment shall be given by delivering it ae by mailing <br /> it by fir�t clnss mail unless applicnblo law requires uso af anatti�r methad. The natice rhall bo directe.�i ta 1he Praperty Address � <br /> or any ather addresg Hnrmwer d�vignates by notice to Lender. Any naticc ta l.endcr shuil bo given by fir�t class mail ta <br /> l.ender's uddm�9 Rtuted I�Bn:in ar Any ather address L.ender designutes by notice ta Borro�ver, Any aulice pravldod for in thls <br /> Securiry In5lrument shnll he docmod to havo been given ta Rarruwcr ar L.ender�vhen given as pravided in this pamgrnph. <br /> 1S.I,'overning law; SevcrA6lUty. Thia 5ecurity Instn�mcnt shall be govemed by fedcrul luw and tho law af"tho <br /> Jurisdiction in which the Praperty is lacated. In thc ovent thnt uny pravisian ar cluosc oi this Socurity Instrumcnt ar 1ho Note <br /> rnnflicts with nppliaible law.such conflict shnll not nffcct other provisions af thie Securtty lowtrumcnt or the Notv which ran be , <br /> given cffect withaut the mnflicting pwvisian. Ta this end the provisions of thiK Secu�ity Instrument and tho Nato Aro declamd , <br /> ta bo�vcmblv. <br /> 16.Qorrower's Copy.Bora�wer shall bo�iven ane confatmeA rapy of'tho Nato and af this Security Insirtnnent. <br /> Form 3028 8l80 <br /> Paqo 4 010 <br /> — -�er�rrc��.}s.����a-'C Y T3 �� -. _.- . <br /> -S d �ii� <br /> - ������ �.�. ,'� '}�,� r�')�. .��Ky —- <br /> �"� ,� - — <br /> .�i, �?��� �t� r� � <br /> ���a i� .�M+' � L�,.�,-t +�u r:.�f' . . r , a `.� �jry� - ���.e,o..��.. <br /> �����'J+i_'� f` tr�('r -J: t'PJ, . • .°'�.ix"�'%i�� �S , - ��- <br /> �ui�r .+t .. . y '•', _ i� . 7. � .�. i�. '��"_ .lr�---�-- <br /> 1�.:�. . .:>• _ 4 ��� F�--- � S;y� --- <br /> � �� °t•� _ 1 �'f;s�� `µ i�' � + C"� - <br /> � ' - . , - � '� '•y'�Li t.s t- t`�y�,�"'�cr_-�. <br /> �.i � � � .. , . 1� . : - _. �`� ul ��r�- F� <br /> S�Y`�i � ' �/�y -:�::� � '� , �� v�, . _- <br /> a,i�° � ... .. �_. - . _, ... . . ' _ �� l _ ' - • . -.j��J-� �.(•' � 7 �. .�. <br /> :�:. . .. � . ' � . + . .� .n , • !� }� 4�r ., .T . .. ..l...�� <br /> . _` . e . , .. . . ' . - , , . {��.� -.*�j y� .L:.1:viiaai <br /> y.y � . . . .�:- . . . u-:� . � ��A4��.1• rc _ _ <br /> :"�: . .._... .. ...... , e. � ' � , . •. _�. _ "-''L'.F ro rtr�f`�_ <br /> . .,. r �- <br /> �,L.�, „'t r' ' � ' -; �.r.5:ir t! _ _ �yk'�'W <br /> � . . �:j'�e.�, ' - .:� =��.• S �r� �7- jrg.� <br /> at-_ . a'M ��1: 'J7(`il�r�.ti' i.' ' �, •.,:. Y .. • - . c- { �{� _ - —_ - <br /> f�t!� . r t h 4 y�y)�x.�} . - '. . - " °_"._._.��_._�._._- <br /> -:.. '7`-- ' ' �'!"�' t i�_�fTlPL.±�}: _�"_'i;�f�.�,j�° r�.•i. . . '!.:f: - .s�..r� .. — <br />