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<br /> Nt�W� '�['HGL3f�L'ORE� fn aor►oidnxa�ic�n o� �h� m�tuai ��cmiaoo anci
<br /> �ova�tt���:c� hara9�n �xanraifle�i� �tte pt�x��;e,a }�a�epby a�t�tr�►a� nrid a�a�
<br /> ae gQ��ow��
<br /> i. Caa� ��r�y ehall havo, own� rotain and �oaoaae his or har
<br /> nwn olo�hing, i�walry, oporting aguipm�nt, �and othor �Oarac�nul
<br /> o�Pootp Pxoo t�nd alaar oP any olaim oP tha a�her. Tho alothing,
<br /> jewelxy, and peraonal offeote oP the min�r ohildron of �he parti�e
<br /> ns�amoly, xlberealia Joan �ap��eta Fa11on, born Fe+bxuArX 2, 198af
<br /> Christo�he� Dale F�llon, aorn May ].7, 19851 8rittany Mur�yne
<br /> Fellon, born 8eptiomber 18, �.986= And Sht�na Makthow Falion, boxn
<br /> l�eptomber 11, 191d7, aro he��by aet oPf to Petitionor for �he uee
<br /> and benefit af suah minor ahildren.
<br /> 2. The parties shall jAintly roaomm�nd to the Ccurt that the
<br /> aaro, auatody and control of the minor aAildren of tha parties
<br /> �h�13 be awarded to PeEitioaer, oubjeot to all reaeon�tble righ��s of
<br /> viaitation by Reeponden�.
<br /> 3. The par�iea aoknowledc�e and �gr�� �hat they have
<br /> heretoPore made a division o� hausohold goods, fur�ishinga, and
<br /> other personal property, as shown by ttne attaahed ExRibit "A��, and
<br /> �t�l5�l p�l'Ly s21PfI.]. i't8ve, own� reLaino �fna gvase,+ao aiiv s $:�s 3�°
<br /> hausehold gaoas, fura�ehir�gs, and othflr personal proporty naw in
<br /> hia or har posseesion aa �shown on Exhiblt ��A��.
<br /> 4. Peti�ioner ehall have ae hor eole and oepara�e propextY.
<br /> free and alaar oE any vlaim by Respondont, rho 19a1 Mercury Cougar,
<br /> V=NA� , free and a.lear af all lie�s and enoumbranaes.
<br /> 5. Rospondent shall have as his so].e and separata preperty,
<br /> Pree and alear of any alaim by Pe�itionor, �he following:
<br /> A. First Federal I1tA Acaount No. 16684-76 - appraximate
<br /> balanae �1,405.33f
<br /> ,4.1 , ', � .
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