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<br /> b. A�d F�s�eu9�a��.��� �ex ���tithex�Ane (l11�Y��. �a�it�l g�aw�h
<br /> At�e�►u�1� NG. Q1a��X�m170pz63�7� (SR�!) p ��L�Y'oitims�� vaY13�
<br /> Q�,40T.44i
<br /> o. 601(K� aaaaun�: mc►intai,nnd for R�+spondant th�rough hie
<br /> ompiayax, t3or�la�C of Cala�ado, Ync. -- a�a���xim�kc� baianaa
<br /> . $7�5f and
<br /> d. Shorsam-I,ehman Conagra Stook purahc►oe Acaount No.
<br /> 141-585-42-629G= 53.6�24 eh�ioo �� $a7.�0 e► t3P�8�re+ � �1,480.80.
<br /> 6. Raspondont aha�Z pay into the oPgioo of the Clerk oP the
<br /> Di�tirie� Court oP HAll Coun�y, Nebraska 8or dit�bu�s�amont to
<br /> Poti�ioner, ohild suflport in �he awa of 3�ine Hun�red Dallas� ($J00)
<br /> por month for tha mi�ai ohildron o� the par�ies� oomme,naing on the
<br /> Pirat day oY tho month Pallowing rhe antry oP �he Deoreo heroin �ad
<br /> aontinuing on the Pirst day oP eaah manth theroafter. Child
<br /> aupport fo� three (3) minor at►�ldran of the parties shall bo Eiqh�
<br /> H�ndxecl Doilara ($800) �er month, six HundreallFar�y Dollara ($f40)
<br /> Yor two (2) minox childran, and F'our Hundred Ton Doblaro ($410� for
<br /> the remaining minor ehild. Child suppart ah�ll aontinue as heacei.n
<br /> sot forth until eaah ahild reaches ma joriCy under NebrASB�a law,
<br /> bE�ome e�tanafpatQd, beaome self-ssa�porting, marriee, ar siiea, oz
<br /> unt�l Purther order of the �ouri.
<br /> °i. i�sp�msaiia`. aa3a�� i�w�Si�fii 32! �li32 f'L`X'L'° atu9 oPfg�s!__ BithBY'
<br /> �3�e existing or aomparablo hcsalth and ao��dent inBaranae aover�qa
<br /> on the minor ahildron af the parties sa �ong aa Reapondent has an
<br /> obligation to pay ah�lld support Por euah minox chi�idren and euch
<br /> . hea��h �nd accidont insurance proeaecls el�all bo made availablo to
<br /> suah minor ohildren.
<br /> N. The family reeidenae aP tho par�ies looated at 316 �aet
<br /> 20th Street, �Grand Telan�, Hall County, Nebrn�ka and legally
<br /> deecribed as Yollows, to-wit:
<br /> The East t�ine (9� Fest o� Lot Twenty (20) • and thm Wes� Fi�t�
<br /> addi ion to he Gl�.ty�o��Gr nd�Tsland kHall ���u�tyi Nebraeka�
<br /> Rhail be eet af� to Patitianer as ho� eolo and �eparate propwrty,
<br />- �ree and aloar of any claim by Respondent, but eub�eat to the
<br /> 2 •lt..•���S"-
<br /> ll4 '
<br /> ��' 6"'/'��'il�ptl�ifR!liFi°���_---
<br /> -- ..iQJ�11ldYS�6�y!�� �.i hC�`7T*AL;i�.sr� . —
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<br /> . .4iT �.�,c� t t. - j' " „. _ au.tetrte[!�._.°-'_' _�".i�., n .--_
<br /> ��a�cqa �RK ��5`x��ry'�a��Y�� afritµ,�tin.�4.�.._ I .3•FAlf y . — '— _ .._--_
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<br /> -^l i��,�y�� 4 �� �, �(� i�`' � n,n.�i,� � Y'77e fnJ,7'l 7.tui'�•
<br /> -r�_F�-+i�7e� T�V*'1 �4 ��y}L1�,'!tJ f � �' �` 't ����� �y,, � '1 11..��7� - __
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