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<br /> DEBaf�F1H 1i. P,#tL � ��� Gugp No. �08-08f1 -
<br /> Pafi�t nor,�
<br /> vo. U�C 1 �9�� QPF�YtTX 9�LEI�ENm At3RF�MfaNT �� ���+ �i 1 �:
<br /> ��.ES �. F�. , �t.I.01SE L.CARRaCO
<br /> cu�cao�naroou�r
<br /> Reapo
<br /> THxs Psoperty Settiement Agreement ia made anci onter�ad into
<br /> t�$� �p day of Novemb+�r, 1992 by and �etw4en Qeborah K. Fa�lon,
<br /> pe�itionor in• �he abave mattior, heroinafter re�oxr4�i �o as
<br /> ��Petitianer��, anc� Charloe �. Fallon, RosLoondent in �ho above
<br /> mFSt�ter, �eroina�t�� sePerr�d to as "Respandent".
<br /> WH�RF.I�s, fiho parties wore 1�wPully m�►xried on the 2nd da�� o�
<br /> Septambor, 1978 ina 4rand ���r�nd, �iali Co�ety, Nebrar�ka f and
<br /> WtDER�AS, on the 8th day of July, 1992, trie Potitionor f�.led
<br /> � �Q.-���nn ection seekinat a diet�olution o� thp a:foresaici
<br /> m�rr�age, and the� Res�pondent duly entexed hia Voiuntary App�araae�ef -
<br /> and
<br /> WHEREAS, the par�iee hereto havo na expeatatiot� aP reauming
<br /> �ax•ital relations and it has baan determinec9 hy the p�rties �hat ifi.
<br /> ie impoesible for them to a�antinue to liv� in a mar�tal s�atet an�F
<br /> WHFR£F,S, the parties hereto, not as an indua�ment to a
<br /> ais�olwcion ef their ma�rriage, but Por the purpoae of r�c��u��ing and
<br /> ���er�oinin�g their r�speati,ve pro�a�rty rights� wish to enter �x�iccr ��
<br /> writ�en Property Settlsmer�� Agreement reqardin� chi�.d auetady,
<br /> child support, and a divioion of their prap�rty and dabts.
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