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<br /> � .M�''�7 .�-- -----�°---- ` ._----_.,_....._.�—___c.ti::. . _ . .. .. -• --- " �_
<br /> �. euGstaatialt•c »ti':11�1ti tlt[�i! P P If1+;U�1�11C1+CnYCC'.tRO is llUt UYUHAhII', lluxrowcr Khall ay tu I.endcr�:ach munlh n yu�u cNuul w ��
<br /> .. ��
<br /> . �s one-t«�41Q1 yuf ha yearly nu�r��i�ge insur�nco pm�n i u m i t e i n�p a i d hy H a r��++V e r w h c n t o i i►ti w anc v wv�ia�i�ta�sc�!ar�ra•,c�1 ta �._
<br /> � hc 1n c3ferl. 1 n��der will uccept�usa a►J rctain Iheso paymcnty us u Insy �csnrvu{n Ileu nl' mun�lnIIe insurun�r. Lurv resrrvc�� �
<br /> � p�ymenty mny n��lonuen c�rci�uircd,nt thc arcl�n ut'Lc�i�icr.if a�ort�ng�Insurw►cc rnvcm�e tin tt�c nywuut i�u�l G�r thr�rr.N�u�; �_
<br /> � �hnt l.�n�icr r�i�ulrcrl p►t+vldcd hy cut Inyurcr uppr+wcd t►y l.cndcr nBnin licrwnes nvidlublc iuid is ubtnincd. Ilarnnvcr�hnll pu��°' �
<br /> � . _ 1ho premfumo Pec�ui�cd to mui�ituin i�w►1�a�o iasuruRCC io cffcet.ur to pravldo n I���y rescrvc,until th�rc��ui�cmcnt Si�P mungi+�r � �
<br /> in�tmm��eixty fn�i�ti�++e�in�ka with u��y written aArcciaent belwcc��purmwcr und L.�nder ar nppliriihl� Inw. �
<br /> ---._- 9, ���vpectti�n, [.�n►1c�ur its t�ynnt nwy uu�ke nu4�mnbto rnuirs up�m nnd iutip��.tla»ti�+f the [ht,prity. l.endc�e�hidl give �
<br /> - �,rruwcr nudco nt thc tinw vf�rr priar ta�un ins�►rd�i�m Fpccitjring reas�nahle cHU4e<<u thc in�putiun. e-_.
<br /> _ "__.' � F� _
<br /> t0. 4ondeniai+Unn. "1'he�mcecds��f nny u�vnrd ar elnhn f�r d�m.qgeti, +Ilce�:l rr ec+n5cquentioL In cuunccd�m with nn}��
<br /> -- - cnndcmnuifuu�►r uih�t't�kSn�s+t:�ay p:�t of t�e�m�?�t�y,��r fur convoycu�ca i��licu u!condcmm�Uun,�irc hcreby ny4lpned und �._
<br />-�� ��F° - shull bc naid ta Lcnder. - .
<br /> ,.-��,_ tn thc evcn!uP u tutnl taking��f thu Properiy.the pru�tictts xhull bo upplir�l to iho huntv necurcd hy thin Sccurity l�strusnc►tt,�
<br />-,��'� whcQicr��r nat thcn due, �vith�+ny exccss paid tu H��r�o�ver. In tho uvcnt af u partinl tnkinA ai'the Prupeny i� whlch die li►ie
<br /> - - - mnrkct vnluo oY tho Propcny immcKtiutcly beiiirc tho tukin�1x cyunl ta ur�rcutcr than thc nmuunt��f ihc sum�h��curcd by this
<br /> 5ccurity instrumm�t inunediiitoly beCure thc tuking.untcss Barr�iwer nnd I.ender athonviyo a�iree in wdtin�,the nuni�secuted by 4
<br /> � � ? thl!+ Security instn�mcnt tihull bo rcduccd by thv amnunt af the proi�eeds mtdtipNed by �he fullawing f�acttan: (a) tho wtnl z.,.
<br /> ., ...
<br /> mm�unt iit tho sums securcd immedintcly betn�o tho takin�;,dividcd by (b) tho inir m►uket vidue af Ihe Pmprrty immedintoly �
<br /> ;';_'`�f befittc thc tuking. A�iy bulnncc tihnll ho paid tn Borrawcr. In thc ovcnt af n partiul tukir�g of tho Pr��crly In �vhich thu fidr v
<br />-,�Y g nwrkct value uf the Praperty imm�dlutcly befaro tho tnking is less Ihun th�umaunt of the sumy securcd immcdiutely bcfara thc
<br /> _�::�- talcing.unicss Barrowcr imd i.cndcr othcnvisc ngrca in�vridng or unlcss appUrablu Inw otherwisc providcs. thc pracc��ls shull �_`
<br /> --�;�_°�, be�applied ta thc yums scru�od by thia Sccurity instcumcnt whethcr ar nat the sums nro thcn clue. ��..-
<br /> lf thc Pmpeny is uhundoned by Barro�ver,�r ii'.uRer n�tico by Lcndcr to Barn►��•cr thut thv cUndcmnar oflerv ta muke an _
<br /> �.���`'° awanl i►r SetQo a dni►n far dnmages, B orca�vcr fn U�; ta re s p o n d t o I.cader within 3U dn yx nf�er tho dnto U�e n��ticc i�given.
<br />-�:_�► ' l.endcr is uuthori�.ed tn caltect nnd upply the p�x+cecds.ut itq aptian,eitl�er ta reticarnUan ar rep.►ir of tho Praperty or ta thc sums
<br />'-;,; � , xecurcd by thio Sccurity inctrumcnt.whelhc�ur nat then duc. _
<br /> - � = Unless l.cnder nnd Barm�vcr uthenvise asreo in �vritinb. any uppiiruti�m �i proceedy ta princi�id shall nat cxtetid nr
<br />.
<br />