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<br /> t2��.:.:yNirnlell� ..._�... , ��.._—_ ........ . .. . ........_..._' ._ _ ...... . ___ .__' _' _
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<br /> � 7'ho I'undti Fhall h� hcid in un Intitltutfu» �vhu,e dcpc+slts a�c imurcd hy �� I'.tlr��u) i��eu:y, u+uu►►cn a uy•, c�r rn�iEy -
<br /> + q�►rlu�l{n�1 I.cnd�r, iP l.cndcr ix surh un insUtwlunl ur in nny Fcdcral Hamc l.uan N;mk.f.c��d<<r xh;dl upply tl�c f�undw tu p,�y it�i� -
<br /> � li�cn►w Itcmv. l.r�ulcr may na�ehnr;�c linrr���vr,t• fiir h�ddinFt��n�l aPpiyin�thc�t�unds,cu�nuuliv uiwlydn�t th�erci�a�v urruum,��r
<br /> • vcrit'yini,the E?+rruw pca�v. unicyv l.cndcr paye Hum►�v��r intc�rst�+n�ho t•un�ly mia up}�Ilcuhlc lu��•perndiv Lcit.lrr tu mnkc�a�•h
<br /> � � a rh��te. 1M�vever. l�ndrr mvy�yule�:liurruwcr tu pay u unc•dmc c1�ut�W fi�r iui Indcp:adcnt rc.71 cstutc �u+c ���hntlnit��rvi�r
<br /> ' ,- use�i hy I.r�Klc�r fn ra�n�cetlun with �hf� Icau�, unl�x.r• uppliutble luw prutildcy riheewi4t�. U�dees un ui,reemcnt I.r n�ad� �n• _
<br /> ,_.. -•— �ip�►Ilc.ihfc law r�ti�uirrs inten st tn ho pnld,l.c�Hirr ehnll m�t he rcyuirc+l tu pay t3ur�uwcr i�ny iateccrt c,r carnin e utt lh�`I�un�ly. _.
<br /> _'_ _ -�_�_ [l�►rr�w��anci Lcndcr may u�grca in�vriting. ho�vevcr, tl►at inten�t�luai b��p���d un iho htiin�t�. t.end^.r RhaU F�ve tn B►�r�r►H�rr. -
<br /> —_ __�_ .� whhout churtjo, an annunl ctce��unUtiN at tha l�und�. sh��wln� rredits cm�i dchit� tu Ihu�unJr urtd ific p►irpov,ti1r �v#�i�h e�teh
<br /> �� -�- . �1ehlt Eo Ehe t'uttcir Ka�sstadc.7'he�'uFk1,nse plcsl}�e�!aY:at�l1lttin:s!::�uelty!'or ull sumti���•�trc�1 hy�t�1���url�v �uuw�►�nt. �.�j'=
<br /> :..�� (i�hc Hunds ficl�l hy l.rnacr rxc��l U�c aua�unts permlttcd ta hc hrlJ hy►►p iUrahlo litw, l.cndcr shnll �ie�auni t�►!t•�rr�i�vcr
<br /> %y.-�W--=, - fur thc ux�tiwy Ftutds in n��cc�rdi�nrc�vith the reciuiremcntti af i�pplirc+ble Inw, li't��:antuunt uf tli� Fu��ds hrld hy I.�ndcr ul unY ,
<br />.-�"'� tittte Iti not suf�ri�nt to pay tho�+scruw Itcmy�vl�en due.Lendrr may�:n nutiPy I�c,rn�wer in�v�hlntt.►utd,in surh ei�+� Harrinvrr
<br /> -°��� hhall pay tu l.cnder the amuunt ncccssury tu muke up�he defirirncy. Hurr�+�ver shnll muke up�ho dcticicney ia na nun'c tluu� �.
<br /> � twclvu monthiy pnyntcntx,ut l.cndcr'w ynic discreUu».
<br /> � Up��n pnymcnt in PoII nf i►11 sums nc�urc�l hy thig Sccurity Instrumcnt, l.cndcr shall pramptiy �ci'unJ tu Burruwrr uny `
<br /> Fundy hcW by L.ender. If,undc�purn�1�c�rh Zi,L.cndcr shull urqui�o ur svU�he N�aperty,l.cndcr, priur tu thc ucqui�ili.+n ur hidc
<br /> uf thc Pro cM . �hnii o ly nny FunJs hcld by l..cndcr nt thc timc�af ucNuisltiun ur hulc uw ii cr��lit a��;ufnrt th4 sums xrcurrd hy ��,=.
<br />:;' r���� this Scru�iiy Instn�mcni p
<br /> � Y �, �.Ap��ltcullun oP f�u�ment�.Unlesy i►ppltci�bfc luw priwideti uthenvisc.oll paymenl�rcceived by l.ender under para�;n�pl�y �
<br /> -' ��-�, 1 on�i 2�hi�ll bc upplicd: tirst, tn nny prcpaymcnt chnrges duc tindcr tho Natc:scrond,t�nmaunt�pi►yublo undcr pnr.�uroph 2; ___
<br /> ,-,� `":�' � thi�vl,ta interest duc;faurth.ta principnl duc;nnd k�.vt,ta tmy lato chnrgcs duc undcr thc Ni�ta —__-
<br /> 4.Ctu�t�c.w; i.tcns.Botrawcr hhull pay ull tmccs.iissessinents,chnrgcs, fln�s nitd impositinnw.ntribuuiblc a►thc PrupCti�iy
<br />�4.�,;, '�., �vhici� nmy uttuin priarity mcr 1hiH Sccurity Insttumcnt, iu�d lcasrhnld puymcntK ar g�ound renty, if any. �urruwer shull pny �
<br /> ',;. �, dusc obHgatiuns in thc manncr pravidc�l�n pam�rnph 2,ar if nut paid in thut mnnacr. H�rra�vcr shall puy tl�em on tMtc dircctly �_;._
<br /> "���� _ .� ta thc persan owcd puyment. Hnnmvcr ahall prompUy IUrniah ta!»cndcr ail nadcc�of amauntx t�bc patd undcr this pun�gn►ph. �;�
<br /> ��;`:� � If A�rrowcr makcs theso payments direcUy, 8orrmver shull promptly fumish to l.endcr recelpts ovidencing the paymenta. ___
<br />_ �,.��:�� �� Ha r r a w e r e h u l l pr a m ptl y dischar go an y Nen which hny priorit y over thls Sccurity instrument unletiy t�orn�wcr: (u)i�greey in -
<br /> ';::�`-'�� wridnw to the payment oi tho obligadon scrurcd by the lien in u mannar acccptnbW ta Lender;(b)cante.rts in goad fuith the licn _
<br />`�:;•:���,� by. aa• defends A�ulnst enfarcement �f the Uen in. legnl prc�ccedingh which in the Lender's apinian aporate ta pr�vant thc
<br />;`,�:.�;;� ' cnfarccmcnt of thc Uen;ar(c)secures from the halder of thc lien nn Ag�eement satisPactury ta I.endcr subordinuting the licn t�� _
<br /> this Sccurity instrume�t. If l.cndcr determines that any part of ths Pr�perty i9 subjcct to u licn which m�y uttuin priuriry ovor _
<br /> '^`- this Security Instrument,I.ender may ivo Bor�a���er n notico idonNfying the lien. Barmwer sh.Hll satisfy tho Ilen or take ane or
<br /> -_�;- , mam af tha actiuny set Pinlh nbave wi�in 10 daya aP ihc givi�g af aoticw. ___
<br /> j- 9. 4lazard or Pcoperty I�+surnnce� eorro��er Rhnll kccp thc im�ruvemente no�v cxisUnp or hercuRcr cr�ctcd a� thti __
<br /> =�-��:��-� Properly lnsurcd ngainst li�sy by fiN, hau►rds includcd within tho tcrm 'extc��idcd coveru�e" und�iny athcr hazurdy, inctuding
<br />�'��'�� ticwds or flaodii�g.for�vhich l,ender�equlrcr insurun��c. Thi,r•insu�uaco sh.di bo mufntuined in tho amaunts urtd far thc poriads
<br />' '':���� that l.endcr requires. Thu intiu�c�nco airrier pr�viding the insurance shall be cha1en by HaMOwer subJect to I.encler'H uppruval
<br /> .�,=,`,�,� which shall not hc�mma::onably withhetd. If Bono�ver fhila ta maintuii�ro��en►gc dcscribcd utsove. Le�zdor muy. ut l.ender's
<br /> -- ��-�- Q��,�h�}��,Y�e 4o p�n�ect Lender a rlghts In the Property in accardunco with parugraph 7.
<br />��"`'�,.'�� All insurunce policies and cenewnls shall bo uccepinble to l..ender and shnU include a �+ttuidurd martga�o ctause. Lender
<br /> � `�"' ehall havo the right to hold the prlicics aed mnow�la. If Lender rcquire�.B�nower shall promptly�ivo ta I.er.dcr tt0 retelp►�of
<br />-•--
<br />