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<br /> .i �..-� ...- • . ., , - J�iq�,",..�1���.11Y....'"'��K"�� ' �=�r..�;__.t,c. ..�_._..._-= --
<br /> - '"r}�."'��'�'- .�:'v^_'a:"�T.�::Y.`i:fF�a ♦ a -_�1.�_-..,.,,_.._. . .._, f.._.
<br /> .-_ ....'1`.:1-�KLS..�. - .�....:.i.� . ...� �....�..
<br /> `�-
<br /> !ln►-n�wcr shall ��u�n�►uly �iva tTnder ���rittea nntire��f nny invrstl��tiuo. rlulm,d�i►r,tinci, latw�:uit ar nther actlt+u h uny �_`
<br /> Rovcrnnicntul or rc�tulntury n•cnc}�oe�iriv�ito p�,nY`!��`Icam tt�r�lq nnt11�rd�hy,���y�Nnvc.�'rntncnt Iyu�ttauln�iry,nuthur Iuy�t�lwt _ _-
<br /> u P w h ic h l�i�r m w e r t t n.y u c t u u�k n u w l c��o. I P N��r� c � ..
<br /> nny +�cm�wnl ue ulticr rcntc�llaNnn uf nny llarm�.luuy SubYtuncc�►ffcctlnt�ttic Prnpatty I.v nccessn r y,N�m a w r.i e h u U p��u m►�t l y�n t c� _
<br /> all iu:crsyury ecn�cdlnl u�tluny I�i nr�v�r�lauru wlth linvlruiuucnuil l.�av. 4
<br /> /1s usci!in ttds pnru�mph 20, "[lurui�duu��Subs�uncrv° nm ihasa Nubs�anccg cNfincd�Gw tuxl��r t��uurdous tiub ���«�t�y ��
<br /> �nviruntuentul I,a�v und the tull�i�vint� tiuhwtun.ti�:: �u��►llac�. kerascnr. U1I1CP I�(ii11111pI�I0�!P l�1RIC {tetmteam pntductw, t��xic� � '
<br /> p e s t i c i d e s u rt d h c r t+i w i d r s.v a i a t i t e a�l v�n t y. r r u�t��lytq a�ntainia g a�bcstog or fc��»►ultlehyctE:,u►ul ra�il«�u;ti�e nwterl�al�. Ati uscil in. - -
<br /> �hiH pnnLqn�F�h�tt, c t i n n w h e�e t i►e P r�►p C r i y i+� i a c a t c e f t 1 r.� � �
<br /> "�3nWmnn�c�t:t1 L.��v" n�a��y ft�kr44! luwa nnd ln�va u f l hc Jur i h+1 l =-_
<br /> ��luse ts�he�ith,w�fr-�y�ur envirun►�untul protcctiun. ��
<br /> Nt)N•UNI�Ot2M�.'t1Vt'.NANTS.!{anowcr�ivr�ulicc to ilor�vnvcr nrlar ta a r'lcrntlo�n Polluwfnp ilurro�vice'e hrenrh�
<br /> Ei. Arcein��tiurot Eicmedles.Lc�ider xhull g
<br /> oP aay cuvcnant or nqrcc�ncnt in thl9 .ticcurity In5ltu�nent (hteq not prtor tu itmelerAtims wider pant�lrnph 17 untiwy�
<br /> p�r�llcublc Inw pmvldcs;hap��ti���thc Anto thv nu1l e�ty Rivcn�ta Il+en�verhbyhwhl h the dcPnult mu.t ha curcd�uud� :
<br /> (c)o dntc,uut Icss thm�.Q y =_
<br /> (d) thnt Patlarc tn eui'e the deteult on or befu��e ihu date epccificd In Ihe notlro mny result In acrelcrutlun oP t c Kumy
<br /> securMl Ay ihls Securily 6�.�U•�uuent mid hnle oP Ihc ProperlY•The noticr ahnll ilirthcr infarm Iiorn►wcr oP the r{Rht to _
<br /> eclnvWts atitcr uccelet�ttton and thc ei�ht ta briug u wuct ncUnn to asscPt tlhe nc�n-�xirtenee oP a dcfuult ur nay i�ihe�•
<br /> defense oP Dorrower tu uccelerution nnd xnle. IC thr dePault 1y �iM cured on or befarc the dute Kp��IfYcd In thc m►tice�
<br /> I.rndce• n4 Ite upttoa, mqy �cqutro Immediuto �aymcnt In hdl of nll eums�ecu�rd by thL►S��curity In.strumc�►t withuut
<br /> tt�rth�r dcmund nnd mr.�y invoke thopawcr ut sule ond aay nthcr remcdtcs perm�ttcd Q�y nppiicnbie luw. l.endcr sNall be
<br /> enlUled tu caticet RIl expe�.sc�Incurrc�i In pur�uing the remcdlcv pmvtded in th4s�x+rA�rapb 31.Including,but not Ilmitcd _
<br /> tu,trs�so�eblc altornoyR'fc�s nnd rnsts of Htto evtdciet�c.
<br /> IIF the�ower nP isnle ts Invoked,T�u.vtce�hnll rccord a nntico af dcfnult in cuch c����b'��,�`h�n gtiC�iv�WCr aud t►
<br /> prmperty fs Ir�cc�tesf and ehali mail cup�e.v oP such notico lu tho manncr rrscrlbed by app _
<br /> the other persons prescrtbcd by npp f lcu A lo low.A f tc r t h o t i I��b10 lu�v�.T yru tec,�witha t dem md an�Bo io�crnlqh�N se l l ---
<br /> of saia to tho persan9 and In the m�anner preseNbed by upp �
<br /> tha Pc�perty st publte auctlan to 4l�r Mght:ct bidder at thc timo and pluce and under tho tertns desl�nnted in the nnttce oP _
<br /> ssde in onb or��1�v�au cc ncnt at ihort mo dt place orR any p vlotu�ty�chc�dulc�dnr�Alei I,endcr c+r its d�ignce may —
<br /> �P��' 9p
<br /> purchaso the Prnperty ut any snQe.
<br /> Upon cocelpt of payment oS the prlro bld, Tivstco�hnll delWer to the purcht�.scr Trustee°y clt�cd conveying the �
<br /> � pcopeHy. Thc recitals In tha TrusZec�'s deed ehull be primu Bacio cvtdence af the tn►th af the stutemenRv mude therefn. _
<br /> c
<br /> Trustco et�ill oppty the prc►cecds uf the sale in the follo�vin�oedcrs(a)to nli rnsts and cxpeacr9 os exercising the power��f
<br /> e.�te,and the sute, i�tciuding tho pAyment oP!he'Crustec's pe�uctuaUy[ncurrcd.nat ta exceed�of 950. or � _
<br /> af the priuclpal amot�nt ot thc note at the Nme aP the declaratto»nf dcfa�lt,nnd ecusonablo atturncys' fccs n9 permltt�K1
<br />__ 6y law;(b)to all�ums�sccured by a�is Security lnstrumentt and(c)su�y cxces.9�o tho person ar{see'FUne legAlty eMitled ta
<br />- It.
<br /> �. �t��onveypncQ� Upon pa,vment of a11 sums securecl fi} thiY Security Instrun�nt. Lendcr ahall request a��stee o
<br /> reconvcy tho Pioperty and afiaifi sarrcndcr t#�ia �.�'ity i�strur�s u�u!� u�evidencing dCbt sCCttrcd by this ti:cueity
<br /> Instn�ment ta Truatco.'I'ruatce ehall recanvcy thc Praperiy withaut warrnnty��d withaut chargo ta tho person ar pemrns legnifiy
<br /> endtled to i1.Such petson or persons ehnll pay any recardutian custs. int a�uccessor tnistee ta
<br /> a�z Ru6stitutu Tru;tee, i,encler,at itx option, may[rom timcs w timo removo Trustee nnd ap�+c�
<br /> eny 7tivsteo��pointed hereunder b�an Ingtntment meorc�ai in�i,v caum�i�i:�#��sAls�srls�l�•n�?.ru�s recorded.Wltho�t
<br /> conveyunce os the Propeny,�he succcssar tcuatee ehall succecd ta all tho dU�.�oowor and dut�cs canlerrcd upan Trust+�ft�rrin
<br /> Rnci by applicnblo inw.
<br /> IA.Request tor Naitce9. aorrowcr requcsts that copics of tho noticcs of dafuult urtd salo bu sent to Borrower's n dress
<br /> whlch fa tho P�bperlY Address.
<br /> 2S.Ridere ta th�s Sccurity Lnst�vment.If one or�nutt+ rldora sra oxecuted by Bor►�ower nnd recardcd togcther with thia
<br /> Sccurity lavtcument,tho cavenants�sd agrecmonta of cnch such ddcr shall bc incar�wrutal inta nnd ehall amend und su�+plement
<br /> - thc+covo�ants und�Sreemcnts af th*v Secudty lnstn►ment as if e�io ridar(s)wcra�i part af thfA Secucity lnstcumeut.
<br /> �Chcck npplicablc box(es)1
<br /> Adjuswble Ruto Ridcr Conduminium IZidcr . 1-0 Fnauly iRiaer
<br /> Orndunted Pnyment Rider Planncd Unit Devctapment Rider __. Biwockly Faymont Ridor
<br /> aulkx►n Ridcc Rntc impra�_�itcnt Ridcr Sccond Homa Rider
<br /> _ � V.A. Itider Otiicr(s)[specity] Requoet fox G�py a4 Notied of
<br /> DaPuult aad Not:��a of S�le
<br /> - BY S1aNIN0 BEIAW,Borrawer nccept�und agrces to the terms i►nd cavennnts cc��:�ined in this Secutiry Inst^amcnt and
<br /> in uns�rldor(s)eaecutcd hy Borrower and recordtr�»��:h it. ��
<br /> Witneases: (Seal)
<br /> ._.___._.---
<br /> � Aou a D L�larleaosth •Aormwer
<br /> — � //f� cs�)
<br /> 'r itWOTth -Barrowcr
<br /> (Scal) (Sea4
<br /> -Horrowcr
<br /> •Bcnrowor
<br /> � bTATF QF P1E8�ItA51KA, County s.9: Adnmo .
<br /> � Tho farcgaing instnrmcnt was ncknowlcdgcd befacc mc this 21et dny of Octobor � 1995
<br /> v bY Dauglae D I4t�rkworth and Torasa I Mnrkwort4� in said Caunty,the dato nforesuid.
<br /> •i Witncss my hund und noturinl ecnl nt Hastinga. Nebrueka
<br /> __, ��^�:���•..e..
<br /> -:; My Commissinn 8xplrcs: -----
<br /> :_ Notary Public
<br />-- . �Ml MARr3tw M rqntlu
<br /> - '�Y 4� vayo e o�e ' Form 3039 9180
<br /> �A,;,� 01�.Eat1�FM 41,1l�i
<br />