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<br /> ;o„��,EST qhN{Stit�lt��Sl� DEED OF 'I'IaUST �t���' -
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<br /> Q,.�n►�n tvG �aaos ( Ml�
<br /> pYTN:S�iiftlGY WII,UAMS �� \
<br /> „ Ootobos 21. ��95 .Tho tn�xtor i�
<br /> THIS DSBI�nF TRUST("S�xurity lastn�mcnt )is mnao an
<br /> Douglae D Markworth and Terseu I Markwort�
<br /> ("Dorrower").TIl0IN5ICC�9 Norwoat Bank N�braetca. Natianal Aono�iation
<br /> ("Trustr:�").Thc bcnoflcinry is Nor�roet Donk N9brneka• National Aeeociation
<br /> which is arg�nizc�artd existing unQer the IawA af UA1t4d SlALEjB af Amorica �and�vhoso
<br /> �g�9�q 747 Nntth Surlingta� tias�ingo• Nobrt►eka 68901
<br /> ("l.encicr").9orcawer owes I.+�ndor tho princ.ipul sum af
<br /> Bighteea Thoueand Pight Rundred sovoncy Eig&c anct �t3/2t3�oii��tl,S. � ��=���°� �
<br /> '1`his dcbt ie evidenced by Bormwer's nato duted tha suma date as thia Sccudty Instrume.nt("Natv"),which provides for
<br /> mnnthlv DaYmenta,with tho full debt.if nos pals!carUer.duo�nd_puyuble on November 1, ZOh p ��1 rcnowals,
<br /> 'fl�la Soas:Ity I�eirumznt sc�uu�q tu Lendcr:(a)titu�cpaYm�"i'vr ma�o-ii��;i�e Ns�!.�—_n!P��:_. _ - ,-. --
<br /> cxtcnsions and madlflcudons af tho Nato; (b) tho payment of nll othcr aums, with interest, �dvancoci under pare$�h 7 tQ
<br /> pmtect the security af th1A Socudty �nst�urnent; and (e) the performnnaa �f Honower's covenants and c�gr�ement�9. Ear this
<br /> purposc. Fiareawcr irrcv�cnbly grctnts And canveye M Truatec. in trust, with powor of c+nnlo,the followic�q Ce�s�bed P�o��Y
<br /> loc.ltcd ia Holx
<br /> Lot g, Mnrylano Subdivieion. C�ty of Grand Island. Hn11 Couaty.
<br /> Nebsaeka
<br /> (Slrcct.CYty1.
<br /> which haa tAo addresq of 3822 Marylane Grand Ialand.
<br /> — Nebraskn 6fl8A3 ("Property Address");
<br /> �Zip Codo!
<br /> TOtiL�THSR W2'FH all the impravemcn�R now or haret►ftor erectEd on tfi�r pro�erty, And a��ef+semer�ss,ap urtenances.and
<br /> ts
<br /> fiatures na�v a�r hereufter u pact of the praperty. Ali replacementx und additions shaU alsa be co�•ered y this Securlty
<br /> lnstn�ment.All af tt�e f'orcgoing ia rcfcrrcd ta in this Security lnstrument as the"Pmperty."
<br /> BORROWER COVBNANTS thut Horrower ie luwfully�eised af dio estAte heteby conveyed and has tho rl�ht to brant nnd �
<br /> conva tho Pcopvrty And thut the Prapecty is un�ncumbered, except for encumbrnnces of recard. Borrower wnrmnt��u►d w1��
<br />-= �� �y��title ro aha Property agninst All claim9 and demnndo,suhJect[o any encumbrances of recard.
<br /> - T i5 S�CURI'fY 1NSTRUM�i�i'�'combines u�t�inn�covena�fas natltu�s!�e and nan-unlform cnxennnte tvlth llmltct!
<br /> vuriutians by judsdiciian to constitute A unlform security lnstrument cavcring real propenY•
<br /> UNIPUItM COV�NANT3.Barrowe.r�►nd l.ender covenunt and agreo us fallawa:
<br /> 1. IMyment of Prir�lpA1 And Interest; I'repyyment urtd Late Gharges• Barraw'et shall pramptly pay when duu thc
<br /> princi al af and interest on thc debt cvidenced by the Nate und nny prepayment aad I�tto charges due under tho Noto.
<br /> �. �und9 Por Twces and InvurAnce.Sublcct ta npplicablo law ar to A wrltten waiver by l.ender. Borrowcr shall pny ta
<br /> l.cnder an tho day manthly paymente are duo undcr the 1Vote.until tho Noto ia paid in full�a sum("Funds")for:(n)ycurly taxcy
<br /> and asscssrnents which mxy attAi�priurity over this Sccurity Instrument a.v n lien on thv Property;(b)yeurly leasehold paymenta
<br /> — or ground rcnta on the Property,if i�ny;(c)ycurly huzArd or praperty insurwice premiums; (d)yearly fload lnsuranca premimns,
<br /> — if uny; (c)ycarly mong�igc iasurance premlums, ii nny:nnd(�uny aums puyablc by Borrower to l.ender, in acrnrdnnr.c with
<br />�� thc pravirians of p.�uubmph 8, in 8cu of the p�ymcnt of mortgage in9urnncc premiwns.Thesc items ara catled"F.�crow Itcros."
<br /> — I.cnder muy, at any timo, collcc:t und hold Funds in an nmount nat to cxceed the maximum omaunt a lendcr for i� fcdcrnlly
<br /> reluteil mortgogo laan muy rcyairc fbr Borrower's e�crow accaunt under the fedarnl Rcal�stAte Sett(ement Proccclures Act af
<br />'_:=� 1974 i�.w:rmencled from tfine t��timc. 12 U.S.C. Scctian 2b01 et sey. 1"R�SPA"). unless another luw thut upplies ta the Funds
<br />=� sets a lesser amount. li sa. Lender mny. ut uny time, collect nnd hold Fundy i� an nmaunt nat to excecxi thc tesser umount.
<br />- :. Lcnder may cstimute tha nmaunt of�i�nds duc on the basis af current datu and ret�sanubic cstimutcs of cxpenditures�f{aluro
<br /> '� P.scmw Itcros or othc►�vlco in uccordanca with applicablc law.
<br /> � NEflRABKA•8lnflto Famlly�ianoie M�dF►tddN M�o 1!NlFQHM INSTRUMENT Furm 3028 0100
<br /> �`� �NI f 4T97 MTQ YMP MOHTOA09 i0RM9 �319�203 8�00-IOOOi871 1701 Popc 1 of 4 Am�ndod 0101
<br />:.�l
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