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<br /> q. HaYU�t1 or Pra�cNy Invu�ncr. punu��•er st��ll hcc�► the impn+vemR�nt� nn�v ed�tlnt� ur lurc�ltcr crcxt��l un tht _
<br /> N�uprnv in�ural ul�ain,t 1„�v hy lira, hun►�dr inrludcJ �vithin thc tri�n� °cxtcudcd ruvcr:��;u" uud nny athcr h,��ant�, Inch�dlnB
<br /> ila,�d��►r tla�uih��, far�vhirh Lrndcr rcqulrc� bitiueuurc.'I'hla(ny►�ranrc.rhi�ll bu uwintuinrd in Ih��umuuntr�►nd li�r�hu periud:+ --
<br /> �h�t t.�ndcr rcquircr. "�hr intiunm�w cnr��icr provl�ifn��tho in�u�an��c�h:dl hc ch«,ci� by Iii�rn*w►�r r�uhjc�t tu l.CIt�ICr�s upp►uviil
<br /> �vhich sl�ull nut br u�nra,uuuh�y �vi�iih��id. 1P R�►rruwcr tnitq to m;�intttin trwrr�i;r d���rrlh►�1 oh�►v�, ix�alcr nu►y. ut Lc��i�tcr'w _
<br /> �►pti�m,nhtain rnvemgr tn pn+trt9 IxnJe�e'y ti�;lttr Itt It►t+P�i�ri�{tt u�ti'cut4uttiC�yiti►�:tr[t�;�+h 7. _
<br /> Ali intiva�n��c puticir� uitd ��c�t��vats r�hnii h��trr�+tahte�n l.t•mEcrr a�K! sh,dl I�Ni��da u�tuiulard murten�ce cluu+u. Lruder _
<br /> tiha{{h��c ihc rigtit ia En,k3 tlir��,!!�le,euui ruie�uls. 11 lc�u►�r r�uires.W�rn��rr shall ��rumptly givc tu Laidcr�il r�tici�tr ui —
<br /> pald prrmfum�und rettctv;�l nnUrcti.In thr cvcnt ul�lusr•,Q��rraa•cr,huil E�Ivc{�rumpt n�,1i�o tu�I�c imueuncc riirricr►nt�i l.c:n�lcr. —
<br /> l.cnde���ury nc�kc prunt'��t'tus.il'nui m►�dc promptly by pora�wrr. -
<br /> Unicss l.endrr und Hurr�nvcr i�thc����i�e uhre�:in w�itin�, imuranee pm�ti�viv hhull hc c�ppHed tu�rstur,►Uun ur rep:►i�uF thc _
<br /> �ruperty d;mr.+ge�l.iP tho rcsturn�iun ur repuir iv ea�ne►mirisliy tra�lhlc iuid l.rndrr's srcu�ity iti nu1(cs�caed.!t'the resturatian��r _:
<br /> rcpaie ia n�u rcunumirally fcasiblc a�L.�mder's,ecurity �vuuld be Ic�sened. �he intiva+n�w�pitwecdy shull ho i►ppU�d tu the sumv _..
<br /> securat hy itds Secu�ity bistromenl, whethrr ur nu1 then duc, wiUi uny rxrctiv paW ta Burn��vrr. IP 8urtu�ver i�ha�idons the _
<br /> Property, ar di�cs n��t un�wcr wUhin iU Ji�ys��nntirc IYam l.cndcr 1h:u the insurun�c c�►rrlcr hu�uftcrcd tu scuic�rlaim. then —
<br /> [..endcr mc�y r��llecl thc in.rurunc� pmeecds. Lcnder may use ihe pr��reMls tu rcpair ur rcsture the Yrupeny or tu pay sim�
<br /> securrd hy this Security Instnunent,whetl�er��r nc►t then due.'Pho 3U-Jay peri�ui��ill be�;in when Ihe nuticr iti given.
<br /> U�Ics.r• i.�:ndcr iaid Born»vcr othrnvisc ogneu in writing. uny upplic�tiun ai' pnx��ix tu prinripal shull aut r.+tc�td ��r __.
<br /> �SOStpimu the duc date af thc nwnthty paymcnts Rfcrccd to in parcign�phs 1 und 2 ��r changc thc iineuunt��f Ihc payn;cnts. If
<br /> undcr par�graph 21 thc Pruperty is a�rquircd hy l.cndcr.Burru�vc�'�righ�tu uny io�umncr puNcics un►I p��xccds rcrultinF f'r��m
<br /> dnntuEe to the Prapeny pri��t t��Ihe ucNuisition shall pass to l.ender n�the extent uf the+unw�ecurcd hy this Security lastrument
<br /> immedintcl,y prl�r t��thc ucyuisi�iun.
<br /> 6.(krupuncy,Preservutlun,Mai�tenunre atd Prut��ction af the Prupertyt Norro�ser'ti l.uan Appltcutlon;t�cascholtLv.
<br /> Bonower shall accupy,esuiblish,und uxo the Pn�pc�ty as BaRa�ver's p�incipal rcw�den�r within sixty duyr uf'ter�ho cxccutiun of
<br /> thla Securiry Instrt�ment an�i rhall cai�tinue ai occupy the Propc�ty a�Ammwcr'y p:�ncipat rrsidencc far ut least unc yeac nRer
<br /> tho dnto af occupancy.unless Lende�othenvise�mes ia wridng. which�wn+ent tihatl aat be unmasanably withle:,id. ur unless
<br /> extenuatin� circumstanees exisl �vhich aro t+syand Q�om�wer's conirol, Bono�ver shall n��t des�roy. �imube ar impair the
<br /> Property. allow tho Propcny t��detcriarutc, ur rnmmit wustc un the Prapcny. Burrmvc�shuil t►e in defuult if c►ny focfciture
<br /> uctian or praceeding, whcther civil ur cdminal. is bc£un that in l.ender's goaci fuith Judgmc�n rautd result in fivfelture af tho
<br /> Propcny�r ather�vi�c muteriuliy impair thr,lien creutcd by this Security inst�umcr►1 ar Lcudce's security interest. Borra�ver may
<br /> cure such o default and reinstnte,cs pr�vtded in part�raph 18,by causing the action�x proreedin�ta M:disml�.sed�vith u ruUn�
<br /> thnt. in Lcnder'y gaai faith determinsti�n. precludcs forfeiture�►P the Ba�rawer�5 �OtCfiS1 I11 1I10 PII��Cii�l OP QlA@P tT4lf�rtill
<br /> impairment aP the tien created by this Security Instnm�cnt ar I.ender's security intcrest. Battawcr shull ulso be in defuult if
<br /> iivrrom�.�i�ie�th�inan appl�ratlon prc�.gaYS st�leria!!y ��r�s��info►,►natlm�or stutcmenis to L�;ndce(pr fulted
<br /> to pn?v;ae I.ender with uuy mnteriul infiirmation)in connecttvn wlth the luan cvidenccd by thc Nate, including.but�mt litnited
<br /> ta, representuttons erneeming Bvnvwcr's occupancy��f the Pr��rty ati i►principal �evldence. !f this 5ecuslry I�.strument is on a
<br /> _ ��_ �i�.�� .t�l �nm�ly with ull tho omvislons of thc lcase. If aocmwcr uryuim� fc�o title to tho Praport), the
<br /> teuschatd and tho fcc aitta�hutt nu�n�er�a unless L�ader ugrers to ffie�r�ez in�Yriting.
<br /> 7.Pratcction oP I.cnder'a Rightu in!he Property.l f Barrmvcr fuils ta pctform the�bvenunis and c�;reements cuntai��cA1 to
<br /> thls Sccurity In.etrument, as thero is u lcgal prurccding thnt may signi�icnntly uffect l.entler's ri�hts in the Pruperty (sach as u
<br />- procecding in bankn�ptcy, prabate, for condemnation ar farfcitun:ur tu enfa►•ce laws ur regulutions>. thcn Lcncier may do nnd
<br /> pAy far whatcvcr ia nccc�.�ary t�pratect tho vatuc oi'the Prapcny artd l.cndor'�rights in tho Properly. Lendcr's nctians may
<br /> include pnying nny sums securcd by o Hen which has pdority aver this Sc�:u�i�y Instn�mcnt. nppcarinn in cauct, p.�ying
<br /> ra�sonablc nttorncys' fecs und entcring an the Praperty to makc rcp.�irs. Although l.cndce m:.;tnkc nctiun uadec this paru�raph
<br /> 7.Lc�x!cr does nat havc to do so.
<br /> A�,y nmounta disburscd by d.cndcr urtdcr this psim�r�."� 7 shaU berome uddition;t debt of Bortwvcr secur.c,,i by this
<br /> - Secu�lty lnstrumcm. Unlcss&�rrowcr and �.cndcr agree ca athcr te►m9 of���yment.thesc amaunts F�:11 bcar lntemst fum►tho
<br /> date of disbunccmcr.l at thc Nato rate nnd tihall bo payahle, �vith lnteresi. upon nalice from i.cnder t� 13arro�rec r�ucstin�
<br /> puyment.
<br /> - 8.AlostgaRe IR;urance. li'[s�uie�required martguge t�t��:sunce as n rnnditton of malcing the lonn secum.�i by this Security
<br /> Insuument, Borrawcr shall pay 4'�c premiums rcquircd ta in::ntain thc mortgage insur�ce in cifcct. If. for nny rcasun, the
<br /> mortg�ge insumncc cavemgo required by l..cttdcr Inpses o.r�Ynscs ta bo in cffect, Borruwer shal)pay Ihc pmmiums�cquirccl ta
<br /> obt�in cbvcmge substuntiAlly cquivalent ta tlic�nortsn,,re iasuruncc prcviouc�y in cffcct.at n cost substontially cquivalent ta tAe
<br /> cost to Barra�ver a�thc mortgAgc insumnco pmviausly ln etfc�ct. Pram a.-� ufternzite martgage insurcr upproved by l.cnder. If
<br /> substAntinlly equivulem martguse insurancc coveragc is not u��ailublc. norrower�hall pay ta L.cnder cach month a sum cquul to
<br /> ottc-t�s•clflh of tho ycurly man�agc insurancc premium bcing paid by Borrawcr whcn tho insuruncc covctt�gc lapscd o�ceascd to
<br /> b.,in cffcct. l.cnder will ucrept.uso:►nd n:tain thcse pay�ttcnts as c►la�s rexerva in lieu of mortgage insuruncc. Wss rescrve
<br /> Forrn 3028 0l90
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