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<br /> 1�:►yutr�dr t�tay►w tosty:�'h'•t�.7ltir:t��nt tR:c��tk�z�t�t�e+�k�r, Ii auutu:�c i�uur�n.eo��vc�uflc l n thc uu�uuut nmt ti►r thc prriad
<br /> th�!t l.cndc� `ee�ulrevl pn�ci�lc�t by un insu�rr upp�Y,vcd by l,en�tcr u;;i�{n bce+nuc9 nvuilabtL wi�i{.r ahtulu�tii. Quceo�r�sh:�il ��ay
<br /> thc�rrcmiumy rc<<ul�ti�l ta u►;dutaG•�mor+�:�c in�u�ance in ci'1'cc:t.�►r!u p�uvl�i�t►luss rCSCrvO.untli thC rc�uirrmcnt Wr m��ri�;a,o
<br /> lasurauco c�u1y lu uc��►rd,u�ca�vi�h nny�vrittc��uy��ceniciu bruvccn Ct�rrawrr a►id[.cncicr aF nppHcnhic Icnv.
<br /> 9.It�pccilup. Lcu��r��r it5 t��cnt�n;�y neike reavrni:thte entric!� opun iuid Inspccd��uv ui'thc Nr�,�eny, I.endor khnll �tive
<br /> {;c�r�u�ver rn�ti�r�+t�t�c ti��i���f ti►r pr[�ti�tn cu�inrpecU«n sp�li'yinB�•car�muhlo rausc fur th�In�pecUun.
<br /> 1Q. Canstsm_n�fin�. �I�C �1f�h'c'�.Y{y��f Nt1y i1WLLY�I 8Y Cl:l�ltl ft�X 1LC111Wj,;l'9• �lir�;4t ur�unseyucntiad, in �rmnrd�iu�i �vili� ii�►y
<br /> t�tJe�►uk�ticut k��ut�r ta�ing uf any{s�t�f lt� Pn��x.�rty. c��fnr runvcyun�'�in licu u[c��ixtcmni�ti�m, occ hcrcby nssi�ttc�sl utx{
<br /> �nll tk��:�d tU�sml�e.
<br /> In the c�ent rF u tutvt tukln�of thc E'n�perty,Ihc pr��c�r�lw shutl6�•t�ppiicd t�tiic tiuMy hc�����Gy this 5cruriey tn:�nanet+t.
<br /> whether�c nut tE�en due, �Yith uny execss ��:��I ca i3arr�»vcr. In the event rt a pani.�l tukin�uf thc Nruperty in w61ch the t'air
<br /> m:ukct vnluc uf the Yru�rr►1y imm�Ylintety befor�tiic tukin�is cqual tu ur t}rcatcr th��n thc umowu uf'thc yums sccural Dy lhls
<br /> Sctu�ity l�ntruntrnt imuti•:liidcly bcfi�rc Ihc tctkln�.unlr�s Harr���vcr imd l,cndcr athcrwl�u a�rcc In�vrithi�,thc sums sccumd by
<br /> thiy Scw;arity 6�.wt►unuat ahali bc r¢ducctt by thc umuuttt uf thc pnxccdx multfplicd by !hc fi�llwvin� f'�actl�m: (i�) tho toml
<br /> mnuunt��f the s�un:► sccurcd fmnudintely bcfore the tnki���, divtded by lb) thc fi�ir nu�rket vulue ��t'the hrapeny immcdfutely
<br /> befutc tl�c takin�;. Any h:+l:mrc nlialt bc paid t�� �arcowcr. in thc cvcnt af« partial ti�kin�; of the Pmpc�ty ii� �vhich thc fi�ie
<br /> mafkct vutue�►f�hc Prap::cty inuncdlatcly bcfim t1�c tuking iy tcss than thc nmuuiu uf thc sums secured immMlintely Ucfore the
<br /> talcii�.untc�+s Rormwcr and I..cndcr c►qicnvisc ugrcc in writing��r unlcyw uppli�ubic luw uthenvitic pruvidcs, thc��racec�ly shull
<br /> bc�+ppllcd�a thc xums st�uceJ by this Sccuri�y Instrumcnt whether or n�t thc sums urc thcn dua.
<br /> lf the Pruperty iy cibanduncd by 8orrowcr, or if,uttcr naticc by I..endcr tu Bt�nowrr thut thc cundemn��r�if fcrs ta make t►n
<br /> nwurd ur scttle u rlaim ti�r damiigex, B��rru�ver fc�ilx ta respond tu Lcndcr �vi►hin 30 dvyx i►ftcr the ciute the naticc i�� qivcn.
<br /> l.cndcr is uuth��►9zcJ to c��licct unJ upply thc pmccccls,at its optiun,cithcr to�c�toratiun ur rcpair af the Pruvcrty ar tu th^sum�
<br /> sccurcd by this Sctudty li�stcumcnc.whcthcr or not thcn duc.
<br /> Unlcss I.cnd�r nnJ Borrowcr uthcnvisc a�;rer in writin�, imy i�pplirati�n of pr�xccdy to princlpal shall nat oxtend or
<br /> postp�me the due diuc uf thc mnnthly payntcnts refcrild tu in par�ruphs 1 aud�or rhan�:.thc umount of such pt�ymcnts.
<br /> 11.8oeeowce Nc�t Retensed; Forbenntnce By l.endze Nvx a Walver. axtension af d�e time Wr puyment nr madification
<br /> of umortizuttun oi thc sumx r;ccureci by thjti Sccurity I�.�trument g�unted by Lender tc�any yucressar in intcr�wt��f Dorro�vcr Rhidl
<br /> not npr.rnto to ccica.tic the linbillty of thc original Qurro�vcr or Borrowcr'x Ruc¢c.�,son in ir�terest. L.c;ncter shali nat bo rcqulred ta
<br /> comme►�re proceedings ii�;einst any sucressor in intcrest or rrfusc to extend tim�for puynicnt ur othcrwisc modiPy:unanir.udon
<br /> of tnc eums sccurcd by thi!� Sccudty InStrumcnt by rcasim of nny dcmund nu►dc by thc atiginal Burraw�r or Bnrrowcr'9
<br /> e+ucreswry in iutec��t. Any forb.arartrc by l..en�ier in exercising nny riBht ix rcmc�iy sh�ll uut be a wniver of or precluJ$tho
<br /> excrcisc of uny right or rcmcdy.
<br /> �Z. Surccs.�re ond AsslgnK Bound; Jolnt nnd aeveral Linbllity; Co-sigaers. Thc covenunts�tnd t�greemcnts ot thiy
<br /> Sccucity lnstrument xhall bind nnd bcncfic thc Kuccessurs und Assigns of[.ender und Burra�vcr. subjcct ta the pirovisions uf
<br /> �ur�rn.ph 1T. Hurrowcr's covc.onnta und ugrccmcnty c�hntt bc Jolnt and sevcrnl. Any 9urrawer wha ca-signs thia Security
<br /> Inslcum.nt but dors nnt cxecute the Note: (u) tti co-tiignin� this Security instrument oniy tu mangnga, gmr►t :md cofiva� �t
<br /> Aarr�wcr's lntcrest in thc Property undcr tha tcrmx uf thiw Sccurity Instrumcnt;(b) iy aot�crsunttlly obligi►tal ta pay iha sum.9
<br /> secured by this Security Inssnimcnt;and(c)oBrer.s that L,ei�der e�id imy other�nrrower may agree to extend,mcxiify,fmbenr or
<br /> atake�s►y acca;iiniodnsi�ns with reHurd to the ternte of this Securicy im-aumani vr i�iti��,u:it�s:.ut tkat�.'srns::=s'���i-
<br /> 13. l.aan Ch�rgeg. 1P the laun srcured by this Security Instn�n:ent ir�suhJect ta a li►w which s�:ts muximum lostn ehnrges, ,
<br /> ond that 1�►w is fin:►!ly interpreteJ no ti�ut the interest or other loan charges�:allectcd or tu t�;callectcd In cunncctinn with tho
<br /> luun cx�ticck thc perniittcd Umits,thcn: (u)uny such Irn►n chnr�e tih�+11 Uo rcduced by th�a�naunt ncce�.qu�y to reduco thp chnr�o
<br /> to the pern�,Ct�v!limft: nnd(b)any xums.dreudy cvllected fcam Borrawer�vhicl�exceecled permittcd limita w111 be refunded to
<br /> Bortower. Lendcr may choosc tu m�ke this refLnd by rcaiucing the principal uwcd under thc Notc a� 6y mukin�; fl dircct
<br /> paymcnt to Burruwcr. If n rePund rcduces prfitcip�l, thc rcduction will bc t�catcd us i► parti�d prcpuyment without any
<br /> prcpaymcnt chargc undc�thv Natc.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any natico to Borrwvcr providcd for in t(�is Security lnstrument ghnll b..�;ivcn by defivering 3t or by malling
<br /> It by first cluss mail unless appitrubic Inw rcquirc9 uso of an.�ther mcthocl.Tho natico�shall bc elircctcd to the Praperty Addresa
<br /> or nny attur nddrc�.w Borruwcr designntcg by noHcc to L.cndcr. Any noticc to Gc�xlcr shnll bo givcn Gy fi��st Gla�.g ntnil ta
<br /> l.cnder'y address ytltcd herein ar any c,ther oddress l.endcr dcsignates by notico ta Borrowcr. Any noticc pravidcd far in this
<br /> Scci�rlty InGtrumcnt shall bc decmcd to huve becn givcn tn Borrowcr ar Lendcr whcn givcn�s pcavi�ed in this pnrUgruph.
<br /> IS. L'ovcrning Lawt �everub�lity. This Security Instrument shnll bc �overned bv fcdarnl law nnd thc la�v of tho
<br /> juriti�lictiun in which thc ProE�crty Is iocutul.In thc cvent thut uny pr�wiAlan or cl:�unc of this Sccur►ty lnstn�mcnt or thc Noto
<br /> conitict9 wi�h npplicablc law. xuch conQict�hnll nat uffect othcr provisiany vf thix S��curity lnatrumcnt or Iho Natv which can bo
<br /> givcn cffcct withaut thc canfllcting provision. To thiy cnd thu pravihions of thiA Security Instrumcnt nnd tho Notc:nro dcclurcd
<br /> to bo t;cvcrubia.
<br /> 16.Born►w�r'�Copy.Borroa.r shult be�iven one confa�ned copy of the Note and of this Security instr�r+tent.
<br /> Form II028 81!?0
<br /> Papo 4 0}0
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