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M��=i��;1 � .1��'- � �� 1�`a't��+'jl �.-J , d��.� �I 1��1�� .i _` ��y� Yv�S���. . , : . • <br /> .F <br /> 41� � � •��r :�� �. �� ;• , `+ <br /> � ���,� . ti... �•. � .- �_ ,�; � <br /> .., , , � ��' :.��•� :�.� . <br /> R� . _ �� ' __ . ...._. :��, � _ <br /> . C . ,� <br /> 5 � _:� - , . \Y� 1.. ""—..,__ ._ ., . . . <br /> -njW-,.: • . - <br /> �, .�� -t.i.=,r.._�,.i�„-"�"Y+�___'.,.:_c`.'�"'C��a.�.�.,�ar,'.u-a'��.4FIYw��.�.."`�•°°�.I' •yti; - �� - ._.....:_..i�-...T�..........-.�..� <br /> �n�; .c,E.e. • � <br /> '.�o�°" �.�l���i e��i <br /> 7'tltllii'l11i[t�VifiH►dt 1hc In�pravcmcnty m+w nr h�reufter erectcvi m�IhG pr���ernv,wc�utl�a4cm�nls, uppurtc►►:tnrrv,un�1 <br /> fi��u�rr n��w an c�rcailcr u part uf thc pr+►pet�y, AU icplucc�s�cnty nnd addfU��nr ���all a1Fa he cu�rrcd hy thly �cceirity <br /> lnyttum�nt. All��F the tittcp,c�{nU ix rcPrrec�!ta b��hlv ticcurity Instrununt us dtc "Pnqxny." <br /> l�ORRnWEitt COVRNANTS tt�►it Nnr��wer ir Iu�vQdly tirihc�i uf tha cstutc hrrcDy ca�wcycd un�l hny thc riEtiil ta t1`cmt unJ <br /> suiwuy thc P����pc�1y und lhnt the Pn�pcny ir u�irncumhered, uxrept f��r en��un�brun�tiy uP�ticunf. U+�TT��wcr �rarrwU9 nud wili <br /> �Icfeud�;rncrully thc titlo tu ihc P�a{nrty uguiii,l ull�I�iHu!�t►�d dcmands,suNlrrt N��my c•�n:►nnbr�mrcr uf rca�rd. <br /> THIS SECURI'1'1f iNS`t`t2tiM�N7'rambi�tc�unik►�ii�.��vc��anta fi�r rwii�u�l usc c►nd non•e»{I'���n��vw�:nantw wiUti timital <br /> vnrintlunv hY.i���I,dictl�m to ronstitutc i�unifi»m��urity invttun�et�t cotcring�a!pr��p�rty, <br /> [iNi�'�RM CUV�i�AiVTS.Bnsmurr s�tu!!-.�nd�r�cnt nnd,l.uterl:tm t�wl��anrra�vcr �Nul� �+�•,m�tly pay whcn due Iho <br /> A. f'oymcnt at PrinclpUl uitd Intcri.wt; 1'rc�tay �!j �� <br /> prinei�al ut'imd Inten:st«n thc debt evidcnccd by�he Nnto und uny pm�uynirnt an�l Intc churbc�due undcr d►c Nrne. - <br /> 2. kundy for'1'uxtw and Insurunce. Subjcct tu nppliciiblc Inw ur tu i�written wuivcr hy�lcr. Hurr��wcr shull puy t�� <br /> l.cndcr un 1hc�I��y munthiy paymcntti arc duc undcr thc Natc,until the Notr,is pidd in lull.n hum l"Funds°) ti�r: (nl ycuriy tu«.� <br /> nnd n.r+ewsmentx whlrl�mi�y nttuln priurity over this 5ccurity Instnnnent nv a Uen un tl�c Fru�u�ly; (b)yeurly Iea.SChald puyment�s <br /> or graund rentY un thc Pmpcny,If i►ny;(c)yc��rly h�uurd ur prupeny insurancc prcmfun�s;(d 1 ycurly fluixf imurunrc prcmiums, <br /> if any:(c)ycurly n�urtg��bc inrurancc prcmiums. if any; and (fl uny hums puyi►ble by &rrruwcr t�� I.cndcr. in iicc��rdimcc wfth <br /> the pmvi.ionw uP pnraga�ph R, in licu ui'tl�e puyment uf murtgi�Ne inrur�nce premiumy. Tl�erc items are calicd"Bscruw Itenty." <br /> [.endcr may, ut nnY timc, cullect �nd h��ld Hunds in an mm�unt nut tu cxcced thc muximum umnunt.�Icnder for o fi�icridiy <br /> rcluted mcirtgu�o lonn muy rcc�uirc Cor Burn�wcr's cscraw acraunt undcr lhe fcdcrnl Rc�►1 E'�tute Setticrncnt Pruccciu�cti Act of <br /> 1974 us umendcd from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Sn:ti�m 2bU1 ct ce��. ('R�SPA"). unlcsx unmher luw that applics ta tho t�unds <br /> hets a Iesscr amount. It'��+, l..ender nmy, at uny dnte, callect und hatJ Fundti in an umaunt nut t��excecd the lesxec umuunt. <br /> l.cttdcr nwy cstimnte the um��unt uf Funds due un Ihe b�.r•i.r•af cunent dutn u�d re:G�nnnhlc estimntes of expenditures aY lLturc <br /> Bscmw Itcros ar athenvisc in ucc��niunac with uppllciiblc Inw. <br /> Thc Fundr shull be hcid in nn instituti�m whosc dcpayitw erc iasurc�l by n fedcrsil a�e .�. Instrumcnlality. ar entity <br /> (including Lendcr.if t.c�dcr iy such nn institt�tion)or in uny Fedc�ul Homc l.oan Hnnk. Lcndr�•oR•.nil upply tho Funds to pny thc <br /> Sscraw Itcros. I.cndUr n�ay nnt churgc 8orr�xvc�fbr holdfn�und upplying thc Funds,unnuully unniyzing thc escrmv i�ccount,ar <br /> vcriPyin�the Bsc;raw ltcros,unlcss L.ender paya�arrc�wer intercot on the�unds un�i applicitble Inw permita Gender ro mako huch <br /> t►churge. H���vovcr, I.cnder may require sorrawcr t��pny u rne�time chorgo fbr�an independcnt reul catnto tux rcpo�ing servicc+ <br /> used by Lsndcr in connection �vith this In�n, unlcss uppflcnblc luw pxovides otherwiso. Untess un ug�ecment is madv ar <br /> npplirable law �cquires interest to be puid, I.�:ndcr sha�l aot ho rcquired ta pay Barrawcr any intemst ur e�u��ings�n the Funds. <br /> Horrawcr un�!Lendcr i�t:�i�rca in wddng. hawever,thut intcrest shall be ps►id an thc Fuad�. [cnder shaN givc tn Aorra�ver. <br /> withaut chu�ge. itn nm�irAi uccauntinp��f the Funds. shuwing credity anJ debiiy to tho Funds nnd the purpase far�vhich euch <br /> debit ta thc hwids wns madc.The f�unds urc pledged�.a ndditional e;ecu�ity for ull sumc sccurecl hy thiA Security Instn�ment. <br /> If ttu��undy held by Lcnder exceed the anuunts permi:ted ti�Ao hcld by uppliratblc luw.L.endee shall account ro Bo�c►wer <br /> for tfio cxccs.s�uncis in accarciaric�i�1th ti�r�ciu�scs:w�i^uf�F��E��• �!t"-'�'�"uu`�f th°Funds hald bY�.cndcr at any <br /> timc iw nut auf�aicnt to�+ay tNc�scr��w Ucros whcn duc,Lendcr may xo notiPy 8orn►�vcr ln writing, und,in Euch c��.sc pnrrowcr <br /> Rhall pay tu I.cnder the anmunt �icc��snry to make up tho deticicncy. aurra�ver shall muka up the deftclency in na mare than <br /> ivtc3�►v�8ilil;it�yt3i�ssS:.s!Ltk��.t''s c�ln�}cc•mtinn. <br /> Upan payment in fuil af ntl sums secur�tii by thie Security instniment, shxll pmmptly ra!'und ta Borro�rer any <br /> Funds hcld by Lcndcr.!f,undor parag�aph 21. l.onder shull ucquire ar scll the Pcoperty,l..ender.priar ta tho cicqui�;itio�ar ealo <br /> af tho Praperty. chnll npply any Funds hcld Uy l.ender ut tho�imo af ncquisition ar sala ag u credit againtit tho sums secured by <br /> this Sti:ca�rity ln,r•trument. <br /> i.Applicntion ot Aayments.Unless nppNcuhlc.uw providcs othenvixo.nU puyment5 reoclved by i.ender undcr parivrnphs <br /> 1 and 2 sh�ll t�e npplicd: tlrsi, tu nny prcpaymcnt chi►r�es�luo uadcr tho Nato;SCWRd,t�amaunts pnynblo under pArafir�nh 2; <br /> third.ta intc�cst duc;fourth,tu priacipul duc;cu�d last,ta any lato chnrges dua undcr thc Notc. <br /> 4.CAurg�s Lte�s. 6o�rawcr ahull pAy all uuces.avsessmcnts,churges, flats ond impc�sitian.9 uarlbutnblo ta tho Pr�perty <br /> which mny iittnin prinricy over thia Security intitrmnent, und leasehald pAymcnts or gmund rent�. if any. Bot7a�v�er shall pAy <br /> theso obUgntiony in thu ninnner pravldcd in parugrnT►h 2,ar if not paid in that manncr, Banowcr shi�ll pny them on timo dlrectly <br /> 1a thc perna»o�vctl payment. Bunaovcr ahall pramptly furnish ta l.endcr ull aoticc9 af umuunta to bo paid undcr this p:u�fsph. <br /> IC Barrower makes tho�:c payments dit•�ctly.Buxruw�r al�ull prumptly flirnlsh tu i.ender ccsetpt�evidencing tho paymentv. <br /> Darrowcr shull pmmptly ditichurg�nny licn�s���„h hux priority aver this Secud�y Intitnunent unlcss Borcower:(u>1�rccs in <br /> writing tu iho pnyment of thc�bli�atinn securcd by t`��lien in u munncr ttcccptabla ta L.ender;(b)cantests in good tiiilh lho licn <br /> by, nr defcnda ugainyt onfarccmcnt af the licn in. Icgal proccedings whlch in tl�e I.ejtder's apinian aperato ta prc�cnt tho <br /> enfareement of iha lien; ar(c)secures fr�m thc halder af thc lic�.�nn agcc�mcnt sutlsfnctury ta l.cnder Euhordlnuting thc P.ien to <br /> tMs Sccurlty Instrun�cut. IP l,ender dotermines that any pArt of th;,Pruperty la subJcot t�a Uen which muy Aqain prea�:y ovcr <br /> thia Security Ir,c�tniment. l�cndcr muy�ivo Rarrowcr n naticc idcntifying the licn.Barrowor shall�atisij�tho lien ar tske ano or <br /> moro af thc actians nct fanh nbovc wlthin 10 days af tho giving af naticc. <br /> Fotm 3UE9 9180 <br /> Fapo Z oe o <br /> �`i 'k'�� �'J��..r� � ,� <br /> �t��x. �� ��1�k 4� a� ���� <br /> � <br /> � ��7� g-��4 Mu����� � fr �.Y� .� �F . <br /> ���}�'�5.��,1-/f,r�i�: '?. . .�y --- ��-i L r E'ti w� —_� � <br /> ar w��+C�+.�t� . , , - i� ,� °— _ <br /> da-i�s�::1+e.,, l , , .� ' ' ^ . l� y,4+n- `�f� �� �-- .-_ <br /> . ', Y , I � ry�r�'.'L'�F .. L�.���, <br /> 11- f � •. . � ` . t. � [. -t��,,� tiTr�� r . .�•IF ._ <br /> � �� � !.�t . � • �., . �. ' � y��. I �r 'f ;�, y ��� •' �' _� <br /> • . � [� '- - � " .. �. 'r. m. II �l'p .. � _Vri-+__. <br /> 5 , . . ,.„, , . ., ., , .. �. . _ ,�._e f,su.w, M I I�s�i,,�.� ... , a°`t _ <br /> . . . . � 'C_d�/ + �� ..}r. i;i� 1-�P <br /> .f�1�' � � , , ' .. , . ..h `: r II � ��'i�i'I' .; �_ ' <br /> ��' - ' .. i. . ,. �. � �- .Y � �� � j�{j,.ir _ • <br /> • <br /> ' � .. - . . . 1 �'�,�.. �• 1 <br /> ,. . . . . . '�^h�YtYX^i <br /> , ' . " _ h �- .. ,. . _,�. . . "�• '��� -. <br /> . �. � <br /> � <br /> .. . . . H� ' — <br /> � <br /> . �a. <br /> . . . ° <br /> , *+� _ <br /> ' , , �' �—_' ., ' .. . ' , n ' ,+��'•��_ <br /> ��. <br /> �• . . o . �`.r _ <br /> _ • . . � . <br /> t_ • • . . ► .... . _ r _�;:,� _ -----—_���� <br /> �' _ _'�,r, ' '�_ , �''�!iCG;!fi �. . .• . __ v;` <br /> ( �y y�(y ; — <br /> .. . . . ..I,�` .. . . .. ... ii��.d'�:S.��iSf.".-h�n.!9Ca.� .._ . �._. •y..-.. ,. . ._ _ .h.'.:�5'�ML�K�.-..�. _���� _ <br />