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<br /> - -- = phnotpai Qnd tntac�a!or eny other e�tn ssa�to�fioreby��rhen duo;or �- -
<br /> � . .� (b� Tharo hne oa3cur�d a bn�a�oh o!or dufiufR undo�any tonn,aovanAnt,ag�uamont�cortdtiE��t, �
<br />_ !;;;.��_ ,� pi8 r�bn.�pr�aa�t e t t�r�or warran t y co r d a ine d in a�y�f E�v l s a N i���r n c��i i ai a� �
<br /> �. : �`_, (o) Yho�aROwar ahell�coneo InnoArant or bo the oubJeat a1 eny lu�nkruptoy ar IneoAbnoy
<br /> _��'' � prosesdln8s�or th�PPOpeKy b abAndonad or comas undor 1ho ju►isdbtion or cantrol at a�y aou�t by
<br /> ==�� �� mongage foroa�Oauro,oxeoutlo��pARlttan or olhonMso p�tor to tho full pAymont of thA dobt aaourod
<br />. � � het+aby.
<br /> 9. ACCEI.ERATIQN URON D�FAULT�AQDITIONAL RFMEDIE9: 8hould an ovont of dotautt
<br /> � �.� ocour L�c+nder may doo{aro all Ind�btednesa eocured horoby to bo dua and poyabto a�d tho oame ehAli __
<br /> ,�' ,...a ' °,_
<br /> . �� . thereupon become due end poyab{e without any proaontmc�t,damand,protoat or notico of any kUd.
<br /> �� ,„� Thoroaftor Lender tnay: �--
<br /> . ' .� (e) Either In p�r�on or by agunt,wtth o�wlthout bringlna uny aotion or proaoading,o�by a �-
<br /> = � recefwr appolntsd by e couR and wlthaut rega�d to tho adoquaoy o4 fts acourily�enter upon and take =-_
<br /> �Y.. ,.'- _� . po9a�asbn of tho Propa�ty,or erry part ther+QOf,tn ito owi�nama or In tho neme otYruatee�a�d do emy _--
<br /> a o t s w h b h ft d o o m�n e c e g s a ry a,r d�a f m b b t o p ro a e rv e t h e v a l�+o�m a r k o t a d t l i ry o r r e n t a A U E t y►o f t h o ��•
<br /> ����'-`�= Property,or pan thernof or Intetest therein,tnorease the Income lhereftom or protaot tha eooanYy fw�of ==_
<br /> �::��• ° a�d�wtih o�wtthout tak!ng possesebn of tho Property,�uo tbr or ethAnvtso�otleat tho ronU�bsua�Nnd �`-
<br />--_�}+�- pro�ts thereof�Inotuding thosa past duo And u�patd�and appy tho eamo.lesa coaSe and expemw of
<br /> =�'��� apo�tbn and coliantien Inoiud[�p sttom�y'e teeA,upon any Indabtednass seoured h�reby�ail in euoh -
<br />;-.�;��`, order as lsnda�m�►y datennine. The ontertng upon�and takin�posaosebn�f the Property�the --
<br /> � aaflection of auoh ro�te,E�sue9 and profite and tho appl{oatinn the�eof as atoreasid�ehaU ttot aure o� --
<br />'+'�'�- waMo a�y detau!!o�noUca of detault hereundor or Inveildate any Bot dono In reapanse to�uah daMutt or
<br /> •�;;��� Rureuent to euah n�tice of det�uR and.netwithetan�trtfl th�cAntin�ance tn poaee�sb�ot the Froparty er __
<br /> _,:?,ir� 4he cotlea4ion�receipt end eppl(c�tioti of rente,baue�or proflte,Truatee a�Lsnder shaQ b�eMitled to
<br /> -_-� exerolso every ri�ht provided 1br tn�ny of the L.oan Inat►umanta o�by I�w upan ocaumeno�of aoy o�wnt
<br />�- -�:�,� ot detaul�Inoludin8 the right to oxeroise the pow�er of oab;
<br /> --'c.'`` � C o m m e n a u a n a a t l o n t o i n r e o l a v e t h M D e e d o f T n t a t a e A v a�a t t g a g e.A p p o l n t��e M o��o� _
<br /> _:z.1t,
<br /> -=_-_s=�� speciflaally e�lboce�ny of the cavanant�hamot;
<br /> _ �,
<br />