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<br /> � ,=�b� 11D7`��� �
<br />_'_ ._ __ g, Y�S; ��wur sheU pey eaoh In9taAnlant of�tl t�ix�a and opcatai os�o�smpnb ot eve� --
<br /> klnd,now or har+e�rt9r ievbd a��inst tho Rropo�ty ar eny pan 4horoof,baforo doilnquonn��withau4 nottco
<br /> � -...
<br /> or demnnd�and ehnfl provido t ondor with ovidunco of tho paymont of eamo. enmower ehsli pay c+ti taxos
<br /> �_,�. and aamosamoflts wfltch m�y bo i�vled upcn Londor'o Int�rost her+Qtn or�pon thi�Oaod nf T�ust or tho °
<br /> _.,,� dobt eacurod horoby�without mgard to any�iw that may bo enaotad Impostng paymnnt of tho wholo or
<br /> � any pan thoroof upon tho Londor.
<br /> S. INBIJRAkCE AND R�PAIRB: Borrewor shatl�nalntain flro a�d oxt�nded cavaro►go Inaumnco „ .
<br /> ' � insu�ing tho tmprovomonta and buUdin�o oonotituting pA�t af tha Propnrty tur an flmount no lo�r,than tho - �
<br /> � tatr market value a�ropincomont co9t thomoi(aalnsu►anco rtot oxaoodin�8096 permlttod). Suah
<br /> � � t�surartco pul�y shall contain a st�ndard mortgage olauso In tavor of Londor and ehaU�ot bo - -
<br /> tet
<br /> cancotabla,torntlasble or moditiablo v►�tthout ton(10)doyre prlor writton nottce to Lo�do�. Borrov�a�ehall
<br /> • :, prompty repeir,malntaln and repi�co tD�o Proporty or an�paK the�c+of ao that�oxcept tbr ardlnary�vaar .: ,;
<br /> � ` and tear,tho P�toporty shall not doteriarato. In no ove�t ahall tho Borrow�nr commtt wasto�n or to the ,
<br /> " Property. �`;�
<br /> ' 4. ACTiONS A�FEC71N�THE PRO�ERTY: BoITawor shall appoar In and aontest any aotion
<br /> � •. . �,_ ar R�����8 Purpo�ting to atteot the eeourity hflrootor the�hte or pow�ere of Lender or Truatee.and , ;��
<br /> ,:.,
<br /> shall pay all ooste and oxponae9�Inaluding cost cf o�idenao of UUe nnd sttomey'a taos�in any auoh � � -=�Y
<br /> , . r �vs�:�_:
<br /> ;` �' aotbn or procQeding In whioh lrander orTrustae may eppear. 8hould BorrowartaA to make payme�or _r��_.
<br /> to c4o sny act as and In tha mannar providod In any of the 4oan Inat�umonts,L�onder snd/o�Trustae,
<br /> eaoh in Ite own dbaretbn,without obligatbn so to do and wtthaut notiae to or demand upon 8omowor =--�
<br /> °,� ;, and without refeaaing Barrowo�ftom an�obllgatlon,may muko or do tho seme In suah mAnreor and to �'�.,�
<br /> suoh axtont sa oftho�may doom nooussary to proteat the eecurity horooL Borrower shall,immodtatety u-�
<br /> -- „�°-.
<br /> _���:���� upon demand therelbro by Londer,pay all costs and oxpeflses Iflour�c0 by Lpnde�tn connoatlan wfth t,..�_._�
<br />,,_:„_ ;��, the exerobo by Lender o?tha torogotng�ights�includln8 wi:�`��ut pmit�tbn costs of ovidenoo of t�te,co��3 �.,_��..-
<br /> : � aosto,approtsab,sunroya and Rt4omoy's Soos. Am►suah cosb and oxpenaea not patd withtn ten(10) �.
<br /> day of�n dsmand shail dmw IMerest at the dei�uR rate�rovlded in tho Note. � ._
<br /> .�'`_�` , , 6. �M"f'NE'i�'r G�i�ss�ii�i: Sfiioui��s Trust€�-tsts�ar any pa�!!#�!�lc�t!t�ln.�� --
<br /> -•'�-- or damaged by reason of Rny publb`taking'or tn any othnr manner Inaluding dQOd In qou of
<br />'k�j`�_���:: � Gandamnatbn("Condomnatbn'),or should Borrow�er receNe any naUce or other intomnatlon regardfn8 _ _
<br /> = suafi proce�ina��vmoiner:nsii give p�m�t 7:.�-m-..-� '~�:r�'!!a�s. !�s�►;s�?RU�that
<br /> ��� all compensation,awarda and otho�E.�ayments or reNettherefore po applied ta the debt eooured hore6y� �
<br /> �=��'�`';��; end ahAll be entitlad at[te optbn to commenco�appea�tn and pra�aoute In its o►mm�ame any aotbn or
<br /> - -�G:-;�°`� ----
<br /> =�yyt�,�� p�on�iflga. Londe�ahaA also be antitled to mt�ko any compromlae o�settbnnsttt in conn�otian
<br />-,�*%��� such t�king ar dsmago. All euah com���m�bn�awards�damagea,►igh�af saricn and proceoda
<br /> �=��__-+_� awarclod to B�mow�r(tho'Proc�da°�a��l�er�by saaipned to L�endor a�d Bottow�er agn�a to oxaoute
<br /> _-:�_�.���� suoh 1Urther asmignrrwnm of tho Procvo�s ao Lende�or Trustoo may requlre.
<br /> 8. ENVIRONMEPITILL MATTEAB: 8o►�owr��cov�enanm,rop�asaMs und wamaMe:
<br /> -�_ � (a) No pottutants ar other toxb o�haw�dous eub�tences�wh�thor saltd�Qquld or gas�includina
<br /> _���� but nol Iimfted to poirc�laum produots.asbeatoa.poyobrinated blphenym('PCE3's',aotd�,atkalh,
<br /> -=�� chombals orwaste(tnaluding materiab to bo�oyaied,recortd(tbned or rooktimQd)�havo baen or ahat)
<br /> __- t�e dl�ahargod�di�pa�ud,rebased,stored�troatod.gonflro�Wd,inao�pomtod into�or atbwsd to o�po
<br /> __�-�4�-a on the'I'�wt Eatsto�oxcept those aubatancaa that havo boun ldanti8ed in w►ittng to L,�nc�Ar by _ . __.
<br /> �����
<br /> �ubstance��locatbn artd data oi Inoident;
<br /> •—�^_��� (b) Na undero�ound otorepe tnnks�wttethe�naw in use or not,are now or have eva�aoen
<br />— - - looated on the Tn+st Est�te�except th�se tankm that hAVe baen IdentiflQd in wrtting to tsnder by size,
<br />-��=��'�;! bc�tbn,ago�substance contalned tfo�reln,and whether in ox�tenae,removed or 81ted;
<br /> =-�`'- (o) Tho Tne�t E�tate and 8orrow�era�Inciu�ing ht�tpnanYs,oporatbna At the proporty are in
<br />°.='%�`'� oompllanca with all appllaable tade�l,stato and Io�AI etatutea and tagulatbna,and no govemm�ntai
<br /> "`�.�-��- entRy hav inveatiq�ted,givan r►ot�e oiany vbfatbn��bd any ibn��rthn�ten��a�tbn agatnst BoROw+er �
<br /> :;;;;�r, ot tho Trust Ea49to with reapeot to any eubstancos above desotibsd oxcept thase tdentifled in writing to =
<br />-°��;#�?�� •. Lender by entfiy,date and deso�iptbn,
<br /> s,,,_:,�,.'.: `:
<br />- ._ „� Tho tsregoing ropresentatbrW snd warranties are onfloing and 8ornaw�ur sgrees to notHy tsnder �_ ,__
<br /> � "�r��"` in varittn0 of a�►y eubsequantry dk9covered tntbmnatton o�oporatb�a;to m�t�tain�r�pi�flea a�+ � _
<br /> � , �: � � applicabl�law;and to IndemnHy�nd hold tAndor ham�{esa fiom�u obanup and Gomplia�ce cosm or _ _
<br /> -: 4 . oxpontos rolating to auoh substanaea. Thp reproaentatbna and wertantis�heroln contained are not
<br /> `4- . po�onal to Lpnda�and th4�Ight of Lsndor and f�succeaao�a�d ewaigrw to indomniflcedbn shall
<br /> .?. �H�- ,
<br /> `' � �uryhro toreo{�uro or twat�'e sa{e snd Londero cornoyance,and continup so bng as Lender�ite �'-'"�
<br />.Y:�`� : sucaeasan or aoaignf,ehsA have or b�eubjeot to eny eu�h environmental obligatbn. ,-
<br /> ..�°.�; „ .
<br /> -- � 7. IN8P��2TION8: Le�der�or ita agents,representativos or�rlorkmsn,a�e autho�ized to entor at .
<br /> '� � any roasonablo timo upon or In any part ot tho TN9t Estato br tho purpoao of Inapaatin�the same and :
<br /> � 9or tha purpoaa of porforming any af the acta it ts aathorized to parbmn undor tho torma of any of tho
<br /> , ,^ Loan Insuumont��inatuding an audit of onvlronmental compliance,
<br /> � ,. 6. EI/ENTB OF DEFAULY: Any of the toibwing eventa shall be deemed en evAnt cf detautt � ��.
<br /> , , herou�der.
<br /> .. (a) Bortow�er shall have talled t9 make payment of eny installmont of intorost,p►inalpal,or
<br /> . 3 �
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