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<br /> •Hati�e en4ittal t�ertare thb�s�d af`ifirat ar�d any�t�r oeuu�ily��e er Fte�ttet he4d by�n�t ar =`
<br /> 'fn�taa 1r�euat�art�r attt�t��:��ss t�,:��et�ottt�rn tn��!nl�tr�b�utn dlsc�ntlun determtne. �__
<br /> No remedy hereln aontarred upon o�rosflnrod ta i'na9tee or Lendor!a Intonded to be exotusNe ot e�ny
<br /> other�mecy horein or by law providod ar�emttted,but eaah eh�tl bQ oumut�thro and ehail be irt �
<br /> addttbn to evory othnr�omady givon he�ounder ae now dr horoalto��extsttnp at law o�tn aquity or by
<br /> atatute. �1rery potie�er o�remedy gNsn by sny of tho Loan In�trumo�to to Tn�stoo or 4ender or to uahtah
<br /> elther of thom mey b�othennriea emnied�may bo oxerotsed,coROUrrenty or IndopondonUy�tirom tima W _
<br /> Nme and ae oRan as trtay bo deem$d expvdtont by—nistoa or Londor and oithar of them mny pu�suo -_
<br /> inoon�lstent remodfoa. Notlttng herotn ehall bo canstrued as prohtbtting Lender irom eeekinp a
<br /> daflotanoy Judflment aflainat the t�arrowar to the ux4ent ouah aotbn is porm�tod by taw.
<br /> 12. RE�U�BT ROR NAl1G�: �omoav�o�hareby req�cesm that a copy of any notice ot detauR or
<br /> any notiae af eale herounder bo mAfted to tt at the addr�sa aet tarth In the flr�t pnmpmph of thto Deed of
<br /> �n�st.
<br /> 19. QOVERMIND LA1fih This O�wd o4Ttust ehall be Aowmod by tho taws of thn State of
<br /> N��raska. In the evern thst�ny p�mviabn or�lauae af�ny of the lAan Instrumotrt�coMllate with
<br /> qx,plioable laws�euah canflloU 4hsll not aih�ot other prnvf�bna�of euoh Laan Instrumonb whtah oan 6e
<br /> giwn ofloot u�ithout tha conAiating provlabn�and to�hb end tfto provi�brt�nttha Laa��netrume�ts e�r�
<br /> dootarod to ba aQVer�dk. Thb Inatn�ma�t�nnot bo wahrod,atsangod,dbchaPgeai�r torminetad o�+aliy,
<br /> but ony by an tnatn�msnt In w►iNng o{gn�t�by ttte pa�ty against w�am entbro�mont of any wallor,
<br /> ohaopo�dlscharge ar tormination h aaughi.
<br /> 14. RE�NVEY'ANCE BY TRU9TEE: Upon writtan roque�t a4 Lenz�nr atatfng thst�11 aums
<br /> uaurod twrody hsve l�an patd�ertd upon�utrenda�of this Des�allfntst an�the�lote to�'ruatea tbr _
<br /> nanaNletbn end retontbn�and upon paymeR!ay E3orrowar of T�tQa'o tieos.Tweteo shaq reconvoy to
<br /> Horrow�er,n�the panan or porson�I��ly ontitad theroto,withaut wart�snry�any poKton of the T�ust
<br /> wte�t�the�hsld hareundor. Tho roottals In suah roconveyanco of any matter�or 4'aot4 ehall be _
<br /> canotualvo proof otthe truthfulnesa theroof. Tho g�anteo in�ny reaonveyanae may bo cl�so�ibod ae"tha
<br /> penan or poroona loga�y entit{ed thoreta'.
<br /> iS. I�TICEB: YYhenew�Lentlar�8omaw�er or Truataa aha!!daalro to ghre or so�w any nottc�.
<br /> dotn�nd,reque�t or othar cammunbcatbn wkh reapeot to 4hb f1�d of Tru�t,oaoh suah natiae,d�ma►nd,
<br /> request ar oihat comm�lcatlon ehe!!ba!n wrRlns end et�ill bs�n�cuw ony n uea s�m�e t��r�io�►
<br /> po�sor►al aorvke or muile�by certltled m�A�postage pmpe►kl,retum receipt r8�yt�esteci�addros�ad to t�w
<br /> addros��t to�th at tho boginnin8 of thb Dead af Tnist. My pnKy►n�y at any tinw chan�e la�t@dt�es
<br /> 1or suoh�atlaw+by daltvartdg or mAtling to tha otlw�purtles harato�as at�roswld�a ttot{co of ouoh -
<br /> OIt�11Qa.
<br /> 18. ACCL�.PTANCB BY TRUSTEE: Tn�t�accapt�tht��'ruat whon thi��od ot Trust,duy
<br /> oxaoutod and�aknawiadsod�h rrw�da w pubib roaord a�pmvidod by(�w,
<br /> 17. APPOINTMEI�iT OP SUCCE880H TR�lSTEE: I.andar m�y�ltom tim�a to timo,ay�w�ccon
<br /> in*t�umqM oxaout�d�nd aaknowkd�od by L�ndor�mAibd ta E►��rowr�etnd Roaordad in tho County i�
<br /> whbh 1hs Pmp�rly k loaat�d�nd by otha��aompyin�witte t?�a provbbru of tha�ppNen�M I�w o4Uw
<br /> 8t�to of N�b�slc�sub�titut���uaaassor ar auaan�on to tha Trustao nenrwd twrofn a�otinp
<br /> homundor.
<br /> 18. BUCCE880R8 AND AS91a�i8: Thi�DQed at7nut�ppUes to,inuroa w tfio borwfit af and
<br /> btnds All p�rtios twroto,9holr hel�a,i���i�ea�davb�eos.petsona!�opros�ntati�ws�ouccosson and
<br /> aaipn�.
<br /> IN WITNES9 WHEREOF, 8orrowar has executes!this Deed o}Trust as of the
<br /> dt�y and year flrst above written.
<br /> � �A1 �Q � � �
<br /> � I£a�. M�1�!!� Ch�e11e�"��4Cf10ue1' -
<br /> The taregaing Inatrumer�t was aoknowiedged betore mo on this�day of
<br /> November� 1985� by Douglas Q. Moschouer and Charl�ne kosahouer� husband end =
<br /> wito, eorrowere. -
<br /> Comm, expires �• 2 y 1�� , � -
<br /> ��M� N Public _
<br /> �«�
<br /> � o�.�a�zatt9e -
<br /> F��9 4 Af a PA989 DAVE0:11(Y4l0ATME0C1H08CHR.DT11rJ/oS _
<br />