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II Uatra�icr hit�to pertam�the covtnanta nn�!e�aemtntn wH� iei b�ti�.7 =-•_- <br /> ::^-..� <br /> Eieawiy Inatmme�zt, nr thcra Ia e Icgal procc�np thal may e13niAcantty aHaet ler►da'a �ighto In Iho Pre�criy (auoh ne a pmca�c�np Fn !^,�, <br /> • bantuuptay,probato,fa cancfemn�tlon ot foAclturo or to entarce l9wn o►�n{Nlattono), than I.endar may do nnd pey tor wheta�cY le neaeae�ry A:,=;�; <br /> �' to proteol tho v4tuo 04 the Prupe►ry and Lencfcr'e tiphto In iho Property. I.cnda'e aallona m9y IncNda payin�sny aums e�urad by e Iicn �.. <br /> � whloh heo pdon'iy ovcr thto e¢curily Inatn�mcnt, apA�nO m court, paytnn rceeonebla ettomey'e feea �rtd entarn�p on the Propcny to m�lce . ;, <br /> _ �_ re�fa�ro, ARhouph 4endar may teko ectlon undcr Ihle parepreph�,Lender ciooa nat havo to do ao. __ <br />-- - ,- - !!ny omauni�cC�buroed by lender tmAcr thto para�nph Y ahaU hecame edt�iflan�l tfeM o}Ckar+swar ssr�usd by thla 8rcuriiSt tnai�flte�►L _ - <br /> n <br /> Unitr�e Do�rower end lcnder sarea to ether tctms ot paymeni, tha�o emnunio ehefl bea►hitGr��t ir�tn tha d;tn of t3IsDureem=_rt!et tlte N�ts -_-= <br /> � :: rato ar+d ohatl bo payahto,wiih kttarc9i,upo�n�Uca f�am I.s,�.;Sa Bckmxer ceyucsG�+' 9{�s�►� _.-- <br /> Q. Mtfr4$�q� In�ur�nae. tf Lende� roquirod mo�tg��o inau�anco ao a aon�JUon ol maklnn Ihe toan ee�r� by Ihta &cau�ity <br /> ' �,.,,.-..," Inntrumant,Bortowet ahell pay the promii�ma requlrad ta maintnin tho muKpago tnauranco In afteat. If,tor any roaoon,iha ntoriBeQe Inauranc� <br /> :�*'��� oovaraQe �aquinsd by Lcndo►�apaas or eanoaa to bo ln ottacf, �oRO►vcr aha0 pny tha p►cmiumo requln�d ta obtetn coverego aubatanUaly <br /> ---�° equMalent to tho moASnpo laauranco proviausty In oifaat,al a casl aub�tantiatty oquNalent to tho coet to�oxrowo►of tho mart�ape Inaumnco '� <br /> �� ' ptevlouety In ettaoL irc�m en aitomato mortpaflo Inaurcr eppravad by Landcr. It s�ibstantlsly equMatont mertaape Inaunnoe coverago la not � �;=�'.: <br /> , " avaltabla, Borrowcr ohatl pay to londcr asoh mnnlh a aum equal to ono-twotilh af tha voady mortpapo Inaur�nao ptcmlum bcinp pald by <br /> � '` ' Bormwa whpn the Ineurance coverapo tapoed o► ccaaod to bo In otfect. leadcr will acoept, use and ro4etn thesa peymcmte ao a lose .,.;:,; <br /> . � taaorvo In ilau of moripapa tnaumnco. Losa r�aeHO paymontn moy eo lot►per bo �oqukad, nt tho opAon o! Lender, il mort(;age Ineumnce '� <br /> � ° ` covarape(In the amouM and tor tho pedod that Lendcr�aqulrusj providud by un Inuurer npprovod by Lende►apetn bnaomos avaUa6lo and ts `;�� <br /> .^.�.� obtatned. 8o�towcr ohatl pay tho premlums �equlred to mnintatn moRpnpo Innurunco tn aftQat, or to pravide a loan reserva, until tho , ti� <br /> �, roqulrement to�r maApaflo insuranco ends in acaardanco wlth any w�itten eflraemont botwaon BoROwar and Lendar or sppilcahie law. s <br /> ' � 9. Inapaa�on. Lender or Ito agent muy mako raaoonablo entdoo upon end Inapactiono of tho Property. Len dcr e ha!1 R va Bofraw f r �° _� <br /> . � ' _ notico a2 2ho timo of or prtor to an InspocUon apoctlylnp tcaooaabto cau�o for tho Inopootlon. '` ' <br /> -`i� '- 1�. �ondYmnatlotl. Tho procaeda of any swsrd or claim tor damflgoa, diract or aonaoquanttai, ln connactlon with any <br /> aondemnutlon or oth�r ta�inp o1 any paA of tho Pi'oAarty, or tor aonroyanco I�Ilou of condemnatlon,ere heroby ssal�nod nnd ehaq be pald <br /> `;'"� � to Lender. <br />: �:�.;:i �� In the ovenl ol a total taking ol the Property,the procooda ehaU ba applled to iho oums Aocurod by thla BeGUttry Inetrument,whatha or <br />,_�;v:_ not then due,with any exceas pald to 8ortower.!n tha avant ot e paAlal taktng of the Properly In whloh lhe t�t�madcet vrhte of the Propaty <br /> -}::�.>- Immed4tety betore the tsking is oqunl to or greator than tho amount of tho auma eQOUred by thle 9eaurity Inetrume�t immedtitey betoro the <br /> .. taktng,untesa 6oaower and Lendor othanvise apreo In w�Ung,the eums oecurod by thta 8aoudry InatNment shaN be roducad by the amount <br /> �' 01 the proceede mulGp9ad by tho tollowinp Treotion: (a)tha total amount tho of suma eoeurad Immedlatny 6eforo the t�ldnp,divided by(b)the <br /> ;�*� fak merket v�&Ca al the PropeAy immadlatey boiore tho takinq. My balanco ohall bo pald ta Borrowcr. in the aveni of e paRial t�kln�of the <br /> -" �� RopaAy In whtoh fhe t�U ma�ket v�luo 01 the Property Immodietoy betoro the Wkinp Ia leao than the amount ot the eum��aaurod{mmrcNehty <br />-T`�� betore the taklnp, unleee 8nrtowar and 4ondcr othenvlee aprae In wdUnp or unleae appltoabto taM otherwlee provldaa,tAe prooe�d� ah�q be <br />_;�==��t� �pllad to tho auma eeaurad by thle 8ecudty inetrument whatha ar�ot the aume vo then dw. <br />-- --- if ths Ptop�rty I��bendoned by Borrawer,or H,�tter oatiaa by lende►to Bortowa th�t the oondemnor ot1�n to nyke m award or utU� <br /> -`'";;�;�� •o1�Nn tor damapea, Ooaowa t�lta to roapond to Londer wlthln y0 dayo efter the dqte Ihe noita�Is qPian,La�da►b outhotl�sd to�oksq ant! <br /> � .� �ppty thn praceeds, �t fte op0on, enner to raataatfon ar ropair ofi the i'�opart�l m iv it�e o�:��ii����� <br /> -����°� ar not then dus. <br /> �--= Unt�ss I.�nder and Bortower otherwlae asree In w►itinp, any appliatlon of proaeeda to pi{rtalpal ehe8 nol eztartd or po�tpane tl��due <br />-_=--- due of tha monthRl paYmonte�afeRed to in pan�ar�phe 1 and 2 or oh�npe the amount of auah psym�U, <br /> _ - . 11. 8orrrn�rer Np!R�t�wQ: Fara�annc�ey i.enda Nvi�r ii+�iv�r. a�iw����e�.�n�n�a�•••�'--i►-,-z <br /> -_� of�unurtlz�Uon of Ihe euma eeourod by thfa 8eoudty Inetrument�ranted by Lenda to eny euccenaor In Intxest al8arrowa�htd oot op�te <br /> -�' to rotatee the qablNly o1 the odpinel Borrowor or Borrowo►'o ouoaeaooro In Intorest, �ende►eh�ll not be raqukad to comm*nco procNdN�p� <br />- <br />