; _�:.;-r�r.j�i��t+c�:.w�n�r�w+en�.pn'\'�i:Y,?aA"a�pl�f��!17r� ��!!rnp;.nrva.�w.�..�..�-, .�y.- . -- , . � .
<br /> , �,. .r.,l.�.: 'i�;. ���. i�
<br /> . . . .... . ..... .. . _ j , � . . . . . � . . . .. .
<br /> ' l\ .i�'. . _ . �. � i
<br /> �F ',�: . � . i
<br /> ;� _ �� ' . � � • �
<br /> •.' - r 1 `. , ..� ` " .�.���_
<br /> . -�..�_ ��� � . , � e .�-��.�..'.. _ ' •ti a:,`r `— -- --___
<br /> .. „_v_;_- � ,- __ _— • .. .---' _ __ � —...__�_.r_ _�-
<br /> -- --------, -. �:
<br /> , . � !�my,
<br /> � .° , , Lc�tdc�msy,at eny ttmo,co�lsc�snd hotd Funds tn�.n amaunl no1 tn excood tho�naxtmvtn emoun�ta�tctar f��i+�`��i��ed nton`�spa �.
<br /> _ laan crwy�cqulra tor QatrawW o cactow account undu tho fcd:r�l Rcal�ototo 6c2tt�ntnt Rcncedurca act of IU74 a� am�nct,,,�d hom t5na to
<br /> , „ .; ` thno,12 U.Q,p. 2Q01 e1 aaq.('ii[9PA'),untaas nnotAcr la�v thnt nppllas to tho Fund�ooto a tuancv amaunt. tf en, lendE�may,et er►y t!me,
<br /> .. . co!tact and hnld Fur�� In m� mnount nol ta excesd Ihn I�sa.r amo��ni. lctidcr may �altn�sto Iho amouM ol A►nda ctuo c�n Ih� ��eia n1
<br /> •' ' � CUi�CIII d4W Af1LI tC�0011BGi9 C9Uti11lC9 qI GQ3CIIdiIUI09 01 I►f111f0 COClOIY I1C1110 N OIhCfl9190 Gl QCCOldSBCO WItIf R�pl;c�,bio ta��,
<br /> � _ ° _ �_. The Fund9 ehall 6e hdd In an tnnlltuUan w�oao depa�ltw aro tnaurad by a todcml eflency,Inowmcntaltry,or entriy (EncAiding Latdat, H �=
<br /> � --- le�der le euah en IneU`t�4un)or!n gny Fed�rei Mome 6aan�ank. 6onder uhafl eppy tho Fandn ta pay Ihe�acraw tir,tn�. 6�nQer may nat �•
<br /> �.
<br /> ,�� ` '�� charoo Borro►v�r fo� f�otdfnp end applyinp ths Fundo, annuatry snnytinp tAa esaro►v sccount, cr vcrityMp 1ha Lecmw Items, untoae LendM
<br /> -_ . -- = p�yo 8orraiv�►•intcrual an ffio�unds and appffcaicfo i�y Rmmita Lc�dvr ta r►�kn auaN n��arrg�, Ha��ri�, L�at� rTt�r faqirha 8�r�►�ta
<br /> ' pay�ona/Nno ehar�e lor an tndopwtdon!real estnta tax repnrllnp eenico usod by lendar M conneoUon with tMa loan,untene spplla�Dte luw
<br /> --. �`��`` proridea othomise. UNo�e an apracment le mada or eppilonblo la�v roqulros Intorast to ba patd, Lender ehaH not bo requtrod to pay
<br /> _-=�"y' ' Bonowor eny Intorast or aumNga on tha Fund9. 8orrower and lendor may aarRO tn�vdtinp, hotrover,thst Fnteront ohs0 ba pild an Ihe Fund�.
<br /> �--,..�.,�
<br /> . --�-� lcndcr ahatl gho to 9onotver,wilhout aha�go,ao anounl accounting o1 tho Funds, shawlna oradite and doblte to tho Funda end tha purpoae
<br /> -" � � for whlch aach dabit to the Fu�da wuo mada. Tho Funde aro pladged e►o addittonal eecuri►y for all auma ooeured by thfa 8ocudry Inetntrt�an� �
<br /> ' 11 tho Fund� hcl� by Lundcr oxaocd tho amounto permittod to bo hotd by applloublo tuw, Lendcr ehall eaaount to Borrowcx tar tho r-
<br /> '�'� exeese Funds in aoourdance wlth the resquirc:mo�te ot appllonblo law. If tho smAUn1 a11hp Funds hold by lendo�et eny Uma te aat autflciant
<br /> '� `�� to pey the Escrow itema when duo, lender may eo �ottry eorrower in wdunp, and, In auoh caoe 8mrowor ehn0 pay to Lender the amount
<br /> � �. � � nncessaN tu rttake up tho de0ctenay. Bonowar oholl mako up tho datictenay In no moro than twetva monthry pnymente, a4 4endor's aola �
<br /> '=•F dlacr�lon. =_.
<br /> ' ;�t� Upan payment tn NU ot all aum� aecurod by this 8ncudty Inatrumant, Londor ohap prompty rofund to Boaower eny Funda heid Ny -
<br /> ,�� Lender, tf,undor paragrapfi�1. Lcnder ohuU acqulro ar aell tho Proporty, Landor, Pdor to the aoquisftion or eale o!tho FlropeAy, sh�N appy
<br /> , . �� i, any Funds held by Lenda nt th�tlmo 01 ncqulultlon or sato as a crodit u�.qlnat the numa aoourod by thls 8eaudly Instr�tment. __
<br /> ,_ �. -
<br /> � � 3. AppQOpt10d1 Ot PAy1D18�49. llntc3a appltcabia law provide�olhenviao, aU pnymente recalvod by lend�unQcr paragrnyt�s 1 �nd -
<br /> �•, �•:�!,` =
<br /> - � � �u;�� 2 ohsH be npmlted:tirot, ta any pre�.vymo�"�flarfloa duo undar iho Noto; enoond, to cunaunta pny�abte under paragreph E; thlyd t�dMecest �
<br /> ,'„�^',����%`�� .. -
<br /> . -� t�e;tourth,Ca�dndpal dun;and last,to eny i�to ahargoe dun under tna SVote. _
<br /> _� �, -
<br /> •:°:?�;' �';, 4. Chtrge9; Llot�s.8onewcr ahnU pay nU 4axes�mssasamcnta, ohurflos,Mca�n8 Impoaidonn eridbutaElo to the F'ropar�r wh��h may �
<br />_ , . attetn pdodry over thi� 8acurity InsWmonl. and laaasheld payments or pround renta, If any. Boaowcr ehe(1 pay lhese obliIIationa In the --
<br /> , ` �• manner providezi in pareareph 2, or It not patd �n thot manner, Borrower eheq pey them on Gme dirocty to the peroon owed p�ymen� -=
<br />-== Oomawar �h1H promptry fumlah to lcndcr ell naticaa of nmounte to bo patd undcr thta pamproph. tf Bottower nuikes theae paymente
<br /> -�±•rr�' tiaac�yl,Boti�weP ehaA pr�siptly/Nn18A to Lerutet�eat;tpte oYldencing the paym�nte. �-
<br />-- .j,�� 6o�rower shall promptly disohargo any (lon whlah hao ptio�ity ovor thl� 86cudty Inatrument untoae 8orrowar. (a)aproa�tn wr(ilnp tn the
<br /> - - psymant o1 tho obNg�Non secured by!he tlan!n �m�nner�ceepteb�e to Lander, (b) oo�iteste In Qood hMh the Nee�by, a d�fends�galmt
<br />---`�_`��.� entorc�neat o1 the Ite�In, lep�l proaeedinye whtaA In tha Lertdor'e opinlon opente ta prerant the entoraement o1 th�INn;ar(o)e�ourn from
<br />���_��:.���� th�hatd�r of tha Yen �n �nreemont eaUnt�ctont to �anda aubardinattnp the Uan to thta 8ecurtb In�trt�m�nL U L�nder 6etuminea thu wt �
<br />- �'Kg� a1 ths Pto la�ub eol to e Yen whtoh ma atttin rtod over thtr 8ecud InnWment, Lendev mr
<br />,_ti,"�*��;� PW P�Y 1 Y p b N Y�e 8a�rowa�noUo�Wentilyin8
<br />-- _•�� ih�Yen. Bartow�v ehaY tatlay the Nan ot tnRe one or more of the aetlone nM torih abow wHhin 10 d�y�of th�pNtnp of no�c�.
<br /> - --�''�° 6. Hmrd or Pron�rty Inaurane�. 8u�rmv�r sh�ll kxa tR� 4nQtavecnr►ts new aiatlna or h�e�tta reoLd an ttu Rop�tg
<br /> _ _ = ° i�aurail���t k�� Gy ti�a�A��rcf� �r�udad rYltAin tha t�rn+ 'estt�ndad aavataQa• and nny atha► huarda� �o�tfi�p Aaad� t�a fiao�p�fm -
<br /> T-- � whlch I.�nd�r roquk�r in�unnce. Thia{nautonns �hdl bs n��tntuneA in the amounts nnd to�the perlody thrt L�ndsr rpuku. Tho Intucana
<br /> auzNr providkip the h�urona �han bs ahosm by 8onow�t tubJ�e1 to L�ndK'� approv� whlah �htll aot b� unrN�ombty wKhh�kl. fl
<br /> �-`°' � Boiraww pYi to nuln•,�in cav�pe descrfbad �bav�, Lande� may, �t Londx'o optlon, obLln coveraq� to ptot�ot (,at1�M'� dpht� k1 th�
<br /> --� P�op�ty In aacardmce wittf psrapr�ph 7.
<br /> � All Insuwnc�poActe� �nd r�iswsto ehall ba aor.epWbte to Lendar�nd ehaw Inctude p�tansbu�l mott�po e�iw�s. �Itdp M�M�1w�1M
<br /> = Ityh1 to hoici tht+poMcle��nd rexiewab. N Lendar requko�,BoRawe�sha0 prompty qMa to Lender�II ncelpt�a9 p1IQ pfql�kKrn,tlq fq1�w�)
<br /> aalk�s. In tlto went of bs�, 8otrower eA�A giva prompt noilce to tho Insuranee aartla�nd L�rl�e►. I,mdq may t►wk�propf p1 b�N eot
<br /> — tn�a ProTMWtt�l by 9orrower. �
<br /> UnN�� l�ndu and Bo�rower othe�wloe aaree In wrttUg, d�suruioa proneede �hail bs applG�d to nKioAUon nt � at th� Roppry
<br /> � dur�Q�d, p tA� nitor�tlo� or repat� lo �conomlc�ly tea�ible and 4enda�'s secudly 1� oot IKCaI�d. N th� t�taf�11ot1 0� pop�,N poi
<br /> acononllw�y taRtAN o�{.�ttda'a 000uAly�vould ho toeenned,the Inaurance ptoaoosb ehall Ro�pp�eA ta th�sp�tp �eqlroA py ihh�FUtfty
<br /> ---_�_.� _ Mslrumen6 v+rhetha o�no1 tAen dua.wl4h any oxcosa patd to 8orromer. if @orrower ebandona tha Ropqty+� or�oa�na1�nsw�t wNhln 30
<br /> -= d�y���ot�w(t+am�endK ttut th�k�surance carder h�s oltered to eottb�cWm.then 1.�nda mty ca�wl ths bs�lAila 4xpc�, t,�ndlt
<br /> - nHy uu tAs procads to �apak nr restore the ProprAy o�to pay aume eecured by thls 8ecurity Inatrumolit,wh�thev pr po1 q��l du�. fis
<br /> 3ad�y palod w1A hean wh9n ths noUce la pNat.
<br /> � Wdeu l.md�r+�nd 8umwar othe�wtss�gres In wrtttnp, any appuaaUan of proaceda tn prinGp�l sh�N nol�xtmd w postpan�th� d4�
<br /> — ckte ot th�monthh►paym�ta�etared to In parannpt�a 1 md 2 or chanQe the�mount o4 the p�yrtw�t�. If undrr p�►�qrnpA 8){h�11'opMty
<br /> ---_ h�cquind by I.�nda.Bo�rowet'��ipht to any Insurance poAalos onA p�oaeeda�e�uriinp firom d�tntpe to th�Ro�ty pdor ta 1h��tcquitMlon
<br /> �Mil p�w to I.andK to ths extenf o1 lAe eums sewred by thls Seaurtly Inetrument knmediaidy pdor to iM�oqulNllan.
<br /> =m 8. Occupancy, Pratowatton, M�fntqn�nao and Protectton M th� Prap��ty; 8otrow�►'� I.osn Appllo�4loni
<br /> - — Lw�sohold�. Bortowa ah�N ocoupy,eatabilah. and uae the Propxrty aa 8oaowa's prinaipal nsldana�wlthb tpcty d�y��RK th��xeouUan -
<br /> 01 lhis S�writy In�4ument�nd �haN aontlnue to accupy the Prapeny aa BoROwa"o prtnaipal rosidmce Iw d le���oM y�t�IIN th�Mt�ot
<br /> _ .-3-��- �apsr�o;.s�nl�s I��n4ee QlhetsYlsa ey�sas#t s�rlilnQ.�ahlch aonren!als�!!aa!!�usurs:os�sb�;K!!hlt�,os i��.s�t�w�i�reists�se:.
<br /> e�Jet whbh are b�yond 8ortowa►'t coottol. 8orrower shaN oot deatroy, damap�or Impak th� Ropwty,pMow th�prop«ty to d�llpntv,or
<br /> " aorm�M wuta at�ti�e RopeAy. Bonower eheH 6e In detauK B�ny tortelture�ctlon a proaa�dinp, whMhrl chM ar a4nkW1,b p�pylf{hal In
<br /> -�"-`'.�_� lendK's pood hith jud�nwni aould reauR In toAeiture o} the Pro
<br /> - ---- -- Pcriy or otherwlee m�te�Mly Impair the INn orat�d by thi� O�ourky
<br /> -- Instrummt w L�{Mr's aaudry Inte�os4 Borrowa m�y aura such�deta►+N and relnstate,R�prodMq b panipr�h 18,by caY�lrtp IM ac11or1
<br /> � ,l�t�' Or pfOfJOEl1IIIQ W a0 dlAll$98ElI WItII A NWiB lhB1,In Lendc�'s good talth d�terminatlon,preolude�totteitut�of th�8onorrN'� Int�ut t� th�
<br />��� Roperty or othq mat�l Impakment ut tho qcn crcatod by thla 8oau►Iry Instrumant or Lcndet•��ecuri{y{ntetea�, porruwK shM�t�o ps In
<br /> delauK N 8ormwa�,dut�p tho loan appllcation proaeaa, pavo matartally tatsa or inaccurete IntofmoUon pi at�ttemente to �endK(or dyed to
<br /> .�,r:Y�:� -
<br /> _-°°°"' +• � p�nvlda L�nda�Wilh�ny materla)IntormaQon)In connectlol�wtth tho IoAn mldenced by tho Note,h�cl4dinp,but not Wnited to,repratentatlon�
<br /> ^�`¢"���i Coneerntn 8a�owar's ac.::,^.an ot tho Pro c a� a dncl ai cnatdcnco. If thl3 8oaurl Instrumon� l� on q teasehold, 8orrowe� ehep
<br /> -_`r�r� .�• 9 �Y P rtY P P N
<br />..v:"-±��}��� sompy wrih eM tha provls:�9 of tho Icaao. N pono�c<r acquko� foo tipn to tho Pro,�9rty, tho teusoholq and tho tee U110 ahnp npt merpa �-
<br />