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<br /> 19. i�wr�dr'a Al�tii Qa �i�ie�ct�a. tt Um�r,trtr m;.�ta c��n eond�t4naa, Brnrtttlrret eh14 heve Ih �?(�t tn hnva entorcen�r�t a W� '.
<br /> � E3acuriry InaUUment dl3cantMuod at any tleio prtar ta tho q�icr af; (o) 6 days (ar auah othc� pertod ac� nApllcahts 4�w n�sy epeoty far ��•.�
<br /> �dnatatar�atq bataro odo of tho Nropedy puroccnnf tu any pawa► of ndla contatncd tn thle Beauriry inatn�menl; u► (t�) aiby o1��tutQ��tra�t
<br /> (� entureiep tht3 Hocudry Inatn�ment.Thoao aonditlona aro that Dorrowar, (u)payp l�nder np oums which thon �vould bo Quo under thle 4scuriry
<br /> Metrument snd tha Note had �o ecocicreUan ocaune3; @) curas a�y dcfautl al eny o1hM anveaa��l or aQrocrri:.nto; (o) pay+� aIi oxpenaas
<br /> - mcurrca m �►►mntnfl��ia eo�,��r ��gm���+n, Inctudin�, but �ot qmttad to, rcaaunablo �ttomo��e' fc�ae; end (d►t�kes suoh scitan ea laadu
<br /> " � ' m�y t�o�t� �aqu�te to a�turo titat ihe tlen ot ihis eacutity Inait�n�teni, lendet'a►iphto !n tho Properiy and E3nttaricr'e vbll�ltton ta pay
<br /> - - ---:�-� thfl auma eeeured by thh3��ity Ir�M�ment ah�D cnnUnuo unsh�nsed. U�eon retnetetemoni by tlorrawcr. lhis 8ocutiry tnodumeni enc�Ihe E`.:� _
<br /> ''°._ �atta�n necurmd here.hy ehell rem�ln tuly oflontYa aa U�o accetemtlon had occurrad. Howavcr,thla�lflhl to relnatata uhntl�ot appry In
<br /> �--- -
<br /> jlho case af ecaataretlon undct paragraph 11.
<br /> ' 18. 88I9 01 Noto; �henpp ot Loan Sawlt3oP. �ho Note or e partl:�l Mtcrest In Iho Nota (taSatAer wtih thta �ecudry
<br /> _---�`"'' ' InoWmont) may bo oold ono m moro timoa without prior��otico to Bono�vor. A oa�o may rasull in c�ohanpa U tho entlry(known ao tho �
<br /> '� —. 'Losn 8ervlaer')that coUcatn monthry puymcnto duo undor tho Noto nnd thl� 3ocudry Inspvmont. Thara c�too may ba ono or mom ohsnpas .
<br /> ot tho loan 8arvieor unralntad to 0 oalo of tho Nota. It thnro la c+ ohnnflo at tho Locu� 3ervicer,Boirowor w�bo pNan�v►Ittan noUce ot the
<br /> ohanpo in acoardanco with pnmflmph 14 abovo and nppnonbio Inw. Tho notico wlll otata tho namo nnd addroso ot tho nmv Lonn 8orviccr
<br /> und tho addros�to whioh pnymenta should bo mado, Tho notico will atao co�taln any othar Intom�atlon roqu�rod by appllcnbto law.
<br /> ?.0. Ha�ardous 8ubstanoe9. 8orrowor ohnll �ot couoo or pormll tho pro�onco, uao, dlapoual, atoraga, or reteaae oP eny :�,T�-,
<br /> s Hazardoue 9ubainncos on or In tho PropoAy. Bonowor ehnA not do, no�ailow anyono olso to do,nnything atfacQnfl tho Property thxt Is In
<br /> , violntlan of any EnvUonmcntnl law. Tho procoding twa sentanco�ohall not appty to tho proaonao,uoo,or ntorapo on tho ProAerry ot omall
<br /> • ,; �, AuantiQo9 ot Hcuerdouo Eub�tancas that aro genemlty rocopni�od to bo appropd�to ta notmal rosidendal uaos und to mat�tananan af tha :-,';
<br /> ; •�,;, Proparty. ``�,=`ti=
<br /> , ,;;;;, 8c+nowcr ahall promptry 9No Londer �vritton nottco of c►ny ImostlpnUan, ctalm, domand,lawauil or othar aciMn by any pavcmmontel or �, �`;-
<br /> ,;���°, rogutatory agenay or pnlrrate pi+rty lnvoNing tho Proporty nnd any Hcuardoua Sabatencv ot�nvlronmenlal Law o!►vhioh 8o�rower hao aotuel _ _
<br /> � L , knowtaipe. II Barrower le�ma, or I� notilied by uny povommontai or �oputatory authodry, that any removel or other remedinttan ot any
<br /> . � -���� H�zardaua Subatqnce atfecU�fl the Proparty la oocosnnry, 6oROwur shall prompty tnke eA nooesaary remedlul ootiana fn aoaar dance w it h _
<br /> . Emironmentaf Lew. �?�•'{-:.:
<br /> Y�" Aa uaed tn thta pumgraph 20, •Fluu�rdouo Subatnn000• aro ihaaa eubatnnaea detinad Re toxlo o� hsurdoua eub�ttnoea by
<br /> � -' Environmcintnt lsw nnd tho totlowtng oubatanoos: gaeoGno, k�rosonu, other tlammab�n ot toxla petralaum pro�ate, Wxta peattoldee rnd ���
<br /> m n �--
<br /> hefitcidea, voletlle eaNente, mAtor�ata aontaining aoboatoa or formatdsl�yd�, and radloaotNo mato�iata. Ae ueei) In thto pe�aprnph 20, �';-�_;
<br /> 'Envlronmentel Low• meane fedoral lewa nnd Inv�a o1 tho Judnd�atlon whore tl�e PfApQAy 19 �oaatad thet rotste to health, eafety or [�,�
<br /> - - ; anvhonmrntal proteatlan. 1
<br /> [;;-=y.:
<br /> •••��' NdN•UNIPORM COV[:NAlVT9. �orrowor pnd Lcnder NAhar aovonanl and�tyrae ea fallowe: E--°
<br /> '� ��• �1. Acast�r�tlon= R�m�dl�a. I.�nd�r �hstl piv� natic� !o Borrow�r p��lor to aaa�bratlori (otlowinp ==
<br />