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<br /> p;U;mGn49 in:ay ns►lnn�er be rcyuired,t�t thp�+�+�i��n uf 1�nci�r, �P nwn�*uee[nwr�uec rurera�;e ti��the unmunt und li�r the p.rind
<br /> thnt l.cn►Iee rcy�iircy)pr��vi�t��f by un insurer apprnvc+i hy l.crulcr ugnin tx:�v►mcs avnfinhle�tud iy of�taVnc�i. 1iu�a►���cr nti�+it�z�y
<br /> thc premlum5 rcqulyd ta maintnin mongagc Invumn�r In rff�v:�,ue t�+��r•►vid�i�I��sti rcrcrvc.until tho rcquh�ntcnt fur mu�111�:�10
<br /> incurnnre cncls In uccurdunce�vlth any w�iurn nit�•4�����=�►t hctwccn liurrmvrr nn�1 Lcndc�ur appUc,iM:Im��.
<br /> V.Inv�ctt�n. t.cndcr ur its n�ent muy ntakc�rc�i,�m�►hle c�1t�iC�upunqnd ittypccti���is ui'tltC Ptu�ti�t;;. I,rmlcr �hnil��ivc
<br /> t3��rn�wcr�u�ticn ut tho Umu uti ur pdor tu u�i intipcc�iun tiExcifyln�;rca�uiu►hS�.au�o Fiir the inypccd�m.
<br /> 1t1. Coucteii�natHtn. '1'tte pruccc�ls uf ut►y it�vne�l��r�lulm fur dwni�c�, dir4�:l ur c�uncqucntiul, in canncrUun�vith ony
<br /> coctiiemnuti�n�r 4�thrr tuklu�t uf u��y puu af�hc f'r��p:rty,ar for«+nvcym►cd in Ilcu nP co�idcmnutl�m,�rcc hcrct�y��yfpncd nnd
<br /> �lmll bc puld tu Lendcr.
<br /> In the event aS'n tatid tukfng of'the Pr��perty,ihe pnx:ccds nhuii he t�}�pl'icci t�thc sums nrrucr�i i►y ihi�Sr�-utity iit.rl��te�i,
<br /> whcthcr ur nu�then duc, �vith nny cxcr�y paid ta nnrrow�r. in�hc cvcnt ifi'u partiid t��king uf thc Pnq�ctiy in whfrh the Pc�ir
<br /> market vuluc��F ihc['rnpeny immrdti�tcly hcti�rc thc t�►king iti cyunl tu ar�rci►tcr thim thc umount af Ihc sum� sccurcd t+y thfs
<br /> Sccurity Instr�uncnt Immcdiatcly hefuro tfw tukinl;,�rolcs�[�arr���vcr nnd l.cndcr u�hcn�iso ugnc in wriUn�,thr sums sccurc�l by
<br /> this Scrurfty I�strvment xhuit he reduced by the um��u�u ut' Ihc pmceeds viultiplied by thu t��llmvinu fntctiun: 1+►) ttie tutul
<br /> anuxmt uf thc sum� sccumd immcdintcly bcfi►rc thc tiiking, dividMt by (b)tho fciir mittkct viduc of thc Praperty immcdiutcly
<br /> befotc thc tnkin�t. Any halnn��c shall bc p:dd tu &►rr�xvcr. In tha cvcnt af n paniiil tukin�;��f thc Pruperty in which thc fnir
<br /> mnrk�t vnlue at tho Praperty immcdlutciy hefiir�tho takin�is Ics9 than the amuunl��f It►e sumr tiecua�l immediutely 6et'aro tho
<br /> taking. unlcss Bormwer nnd l.cadcr��thcrwisc ogn:e in wriUng o�unless t►pplirublc law othcnvise pmviQes, the pro�reds;�hull
<br /> bu appliccl to the Sum9 secured hy�his Secu�ity[nstrumcnt whether or nat tho sums n�e thcn due,
<br /> If thc Pruperty is ubnndoncd by B��no�vcr.ar ii'. atccr naticc by I.�:ndcr t��Barmwcr thnt thc ccindemnor affcn:tn mAkc an
<br /> uwaul ar ncttic n cluim fo� dnmugcv, Horrc�wcr fuils w respond tn l.endcr within 3u duys aRcr thc dutc thc noticc is �,;ivcn,
<br /> l.ender iy uuthorized to cnllect and npply the pmcecdy.i�t its aptin�n.either ta resturntian ur re{udr oP tho Pmperty or ta the Rums
<br /> sccured by thls Securlty Instrument,whether ar nat then duo.
<br /> Unless l.ender and Aorr�wer othenvisr, agree io wrltinB. any uppUcntian af pmce�-�Ir tu principal ahc►II nat extend ar
<br /> �stpnne the duo dato of the monthly payments rcferrcd ta in pnra�rsiphs 1 and 2 or change thu an�ount af sueh payments.
<br /> 11.Borro�vcr Not Rctezt�t.W;Far6curunce By l.,crtdcr Not a Waiver.��tentiion af tho timc fa�payment ar modifirntlon
<br /> af nmanl�.ation of the sums secured by this Security[nstrument grantod by I.e�xfer tu uny succcssar in intcrest af Harcnwe�sh�ll
<br /> not operntc ta rcic�isc the liubility of'the�rigfnul�?orrowcr ar aanawcr's successarF in intercst. l.cndcr shul!nut be reyuired to
<br /> commenco procecdinga A�;aintit any succcssur in interest ur rcfuse ta oxtcnd dma far paymcm or athcnvisc modify umorair.�Uan
<br /> oF thc; sums sn,ured by this Sccurity Instrument by reasan c�f a��y demand nutd� hy thc oriainal Rrrmwcr nr sarr�wcr's
<br /> suecc.ssorn in interest. Aay fs►rbearance by l.enticr in exercising any ri�ht nr r�mr,dy �hnli not ho u wui��cr uf ur prccl�dc the
<br /> exerciso af nny�ight o�mmedy.
<br /> 12. Su�tiore► uncl AsstRnv Bound; Joltit and Severnl Liabllit�r; Ca-slgncr�. The cavenunts Ami ngrecments of thls
<br /> Security Instn�mcnt shnll bind Anfl t�enetit the succcssors und assigns af I.cndcr and 13ora�ower, subJect ta tho provisi��ns of
<br /> pa�&raph 17. Borrowcr's cavenants und ugrccmeme shull ba,�oint and se�eml. A�y IIrrrro�vcr �vha ca-si�;ns t1�1s Ccxurlty
<br /> tatitn+nunt 6ut dc�ev nat c!cecute thc Notc: (n) i4 co•signing this Sccu�ity Instrum�nt only tu mort�;agc, gnutt an� cnm�ey tfi�t
<br /> &+r�awer's interest in ch,r Praperiy undcr thc terms�*f this Sccuriry lnctrumcnt;(b)is n�t pecsoiiuily obti?;ated tu pay the Fuma
<br /> sccured by thio Sccmu�•lnstrun�ent;and(c)agrees t;�at I.endce und uny athcr Eprrowcr mAy ogrea ta cxtend.madify.farbeur or
<br /> mako aay accarautod�ions wilU regaro to tho tcrms ai this 3eGUri�y imRamcni or ti,�i��a.viihoui iiiat i,���s s�'�.
<br /> 1�.�wn Char�c.s.if the lau»secured by this Sccurlry Instrument is FubJer,t to o law whieh sets muximum loan charges,
<br /> nnd that inw is�nall��interprated so thnt tho intemst ar other lann charges callected or ta bo collectrxl in cam�ection with tho
<br /> loan exeeed the pei��a:;ed limlts, then: (u)a►ny r�ch lo�n chnrbe xl�ull M:n�duced by the amount neressnry ta reducc thv ch�rge �
<br /> to the permitted limir,wiA (b)i�ny sums nlcetidy collected from Harrower whith eaviceded permiued limi�v wlll be retlindocl ta
<br /> Borrawcr. L.cnder mny chuoso to mnko this rctlind by rcducinR the principul nv�ed undcr dio Note or by malcinB a direct
<br /> paymcnt ta IIorrewer. If n refund reduccs principal, tho reductian will tw trr.ated ns u p.�ninl prepayment withnut uny
<br /> prepayment chnrgo undcr thc Noto.
<br /> 14.Notie�.Any natice ta Iiorrowcr provlcte�.1 fur in this Security lnstn1�*a:nt shall be given by deli��.�ng it ar by mniling
<br /> it by�rst class mail unlcss npplicnble law rcquirc�uso of anathcr mcthal.7ti`:natica shAll bo dircctcd to r,'4�Praperty Address
<br /> or any �ther nddress Bor�awer designntes by notiee ta l.eitder. Any aotiee tn l.ender shnil bo given by fir�t clacs rnnil ta
<br /> isnder'a nddress stotal hercin or any other i�dd�esa l.ender desEgnutea by notice to Borrowcr. Any natica pravided far in this
<br /> Sixurity lnstrument shr�ll bc da.metl ta have been givcn ta Harrowcr ar Lendcr when given u5 prcwidcd in this purn�mph.
<br /> 15.C,avcrnipg I�nw; Severabllity. This Sccudly Instrument nhnll bc gavema� by fulcral law and the law af thv
<br /> Ju�ie,dictiar� in which tho Praporty is lacAt�.cl. In tho cvcnt thut any provision or clause of this Stcurity Instrument ar tho Naie
<br /> canflicta with uppli�ble Inw.such conflict shnll nat c�ffett othcr pmvlslans oP thls Scxurity Instrumcnt or tha Nuto which cun tx. �
<br /> �ivcn cffcct withont tho cnnilieting pmvlsi�n. Ta thi9 cnd the provislans af this Scrurity Instrumcnt nnd tho Natc aro declured
<br /> ta bo,ovcrnbl8.
<br /> 16.Barrawer's Copy.Bnrro�vcr shall bc givcn unc conformod copy of thc Ni�to and af this 5ccurlty Instrument.
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