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<br /> $. ld�ord ar L'ropcMy it�9ur-pnce. pnm�tiver nhull keep tha impn»rnte�tts m�w rxin�intt un c��wQ« �r�cted a�i tl�e �
<br /> Pr�peny Inru�e�l ag►+inwt luyy hy flr�, h�uurds includcd�vitliin tttc tCTlil °r�tcn�luf cuvcrc�[c" and nny �Nhce hnrntdy, inriu�ifnR
<br /> itu�nl.r ur flaudint;, far whirl�Lcndcr rcc�ui�rv Invumn�w. Thiw intivamru sh��ll bc muiutulurJ M�hc am�tiuntti aud fi�r thc pcNadg
<br /> that Lcndcr icyui��ey, l�hu iuruFnncr e.nrrler pruvidinF4 Ih� fn�urancc tih;dl h��hi►�cn I�y 11��r�'uwer huhiect tu t,endc�'N nppnwul
<br /> �vhirh ehull n�►t l�o «nrcationnhly withhcl�l. If tl��rrawce t;dls to mnlntuln �ywcr�iue dcscribed uh�rvc, [.cndcr iuuy, u1 l.cndc��
<br /> nrtb+n,utNui�t covcru�c t��pruiect!cn�lce'�ri�hts in Ihc t'�+prny in arrur+im�.c wUh pa`agn+ph 7, _
<br /> AII (IISUCIUtW�lOI�CIC9 N1►I fCitCWA�H tiI1t1II f)0 I1CCC(lttihl0 �O I.CiitiCY titlt) flltflll I{iKlllll�A C+lA111�;1ft1 A1Uft'�,U�,`C CI41tl�d. I.encicr �
<br /> ah�sll hi►ve the d�lu t�i hold tho pulirtc�und re�ewnls. li Lendc��rquirr�,Harrower nh.+tl�+nTmrdy glve ta t�endor ull rerelpte uf �
<br /> puid pmmiumv nnd�x:ncwnl uudccs, in thc avrni ui'i���5,[3utn»ir�hait gi�e prumpt cu+ticn p�du�i��suruncc currlcr aiul I.cndcr. �
<br /> L,cndcr mny mi►kc pr�n►f'of I��vs it'nut mz►dc prumptly hy tiarn»vcr.
<br /> UnlcwY l.endcr�nd Barrnwcr utlicr�vi+:c agrcc in writing, insurunce pr�kcrdq�hnil b�uppHctil tc�rostarulbm or reputr uf tho _
<br /> Nr��pcny dunutig:�i,if�ho rcraxntf�ui nr rcpair ir►cranumically fcasiblc,.md I.,cndrr'x ticcurity Is n�n tesscncd. lf thc nrrtarudun ar
<br /> repair iy n��t ecnnomi4:+ily tica��iblc ur l.ender'y necurity would he Icssened, the insur�nre prucecds�hc►I!be npplied t��the nums _
<br /> hccurcd by Ihix Sccuri�y Instn�ment, whcthcr or n�u thcn duc, �vith t►ny cxcc.v puld tu Hnrrowcr. If Burt���vcr ubandnns thc
<br /> Prapcny, ��t docY n�at answcr wlthin 3U�►ya u nodre frc�m l.cndcr thut thc insurunrc carrior huv uffcrcd tu nettic i�clnim, thcn
<br /> l.endcr muy call�ct thW insurnnco prcxcedR. Lender mny use the procecds to repair ur reru�re thc Prupcny or ta p�,V sumv
<br /> sccurcd hy thia 5ccurity Intiuument.whcthcr c��nat thcn duc.Thc 30-duy periad wfll hrgin whcn tho nudcc is t;ivcn.
<br /> Unicss Lcndcr und Borrrnvcr uthcrwisc agrcc In writing. uny appNcadan af pr�mecda ta prfnripul Rhail nut cxtcnd nr
<br /> pi�stpnno tl�c duc dutc of thc monthly paymcnts rcfcrrcd t�� in par�►�mphs 1 nnd� or cE�nng�1hQ amount of the paynticnts, lf
<br /> undcr parca;;roph 21 thc P�operty iy ucqulr�ci hy l.rndcr, l3��rrower's�ight ro i►ny insurancc p��licics nnd pracccds rctiulting fimm
<br /> dnmag�tu the Pra{seny prini•to the iicquiaitian nhidl piiss ta I.ender to thc extent�f the sum9 secured by this 5ecuriry Instrurnem
<br /> inimcdintely priur ti�thc acyui�ition.
<br /> d.t3ccu�u►ncy.�csc��ntt�n,Malntcnnnco and Protcctlan of thc Propertyi Unrra�vcr'o I.aAn Appftcutlun; l.cu.ticl�old9.
<br /> Borrowcr shull orcupy,cstnblish,and uso tho Ampc�ty a.v Burrawcr's prinripal residenro witl�in xixty dnys aRcr thc caccution aP
<br /> this Sccu�ity instrunt�nt nrtd�shnll continuo ta accupy the PropeAy as Hon�wer'c�principal�esidencc for at least ono year nQer
<br /> tho d�ito�f��ccupnncy.unlesy l.ender ath�nviso agrces in wrlting. whict�amsent shnll nut be unreusonntdy withheld.Qr unl�sq
<br /> exte�uaNng clrcumstaneex exist whicN uru beyond Eianawer's enntral. Barmwer shnll not destray, dumage ar inipuir ti�o
<br /> Property. allow thc Praperty to dcir.riunuc, or rnmmit wnst�an thc Praperty. Borcrnvcr shnli ba in deftiult if uny forfcituro
<br /> actian or prcmeedin�•.whether civil ar�riminnl, iw begun thut in Lender'w good Puith Judgmcnt cauld result ln farteitura aF tho
<br /> Pruperty c►r athcr�vi�cs mnterinUy 1mp�ir thc lien crCAted by thix Security Instrument o�l.ender'x sccurity interest.Barrower muy
<br /> cure such n default and��ein�tnte,i►x pcavided in parograph 1R.by causin�the netinn or proreediog t�bo dismi,sed wlth H ruling
<br /> thnt. in l.cnder's good fuith dcterminatinn, precludcs farfeiture af thc 8nnowcr's interesi in the Praperty ar other materlol
<br /> impalr�nent of tl�o licn ctcutc.�i by thia Security lnstrument ar t.cndcr's security intcrest. 8ormwer shail alsa be in default i�'
<br /> Borrawer.durfng thc laan opplicutiu»pracc,s,�avc matcriaily fnitie or inaccurute infc+nnatian or statcmenlA ta I.cndcr(nr falled
<br /> t�provide Lendcr with any rr�ntc�iui informnsion)in cvrmcc�tias�-ith s�ss lo�es'3de��Y��`-'' ��1`-"Iing'
<br /> 6ut not limitc�
<br /> ta,rcpresentntiona canwrrdng Harrawer'w occups�ncy aP the Praperty a9 n principal restdcnce. Ii'this Sccuriey lnstrument is on a
<br /> leasehuld. &►trowc� shail cc�mply with nll thv pmviFicmy af tha lca.sc. If 8urru�vcr ucquires fee title ta the Propetty, the
<br /> teasettol�and fie iea ii�io rhafi r�i�:�u�l�:�.�suler s;s�s s�ih^mrro�.�in wridnn.
<br /> '7.Pmtcetlon ot l.cnder's Rights in ttte i'roperty.If Barrawcr foilK to perform tha rnvennass aseel u�nementg�ntained In
<br /> thia Securlty lnstn►ment, or thero ia a Iegal pracecding thut may si�ni�icuntly ufCcct Lender'x rights in tho Property(such�9 n
<br /> pracccxling in bimkrupuy. pr�b�tc.for condemnatian ar farfoiture ar to enforco lawa or�agulations),then Lendcr may da und
<br /> pay for whntevcr ia necessury to protcct �hc vAlue�f'the P�roperty nnA l.cnder'R d�htx in tho Prupc�ey. l.cndcr's aatiana muy
<br /> inctudo p:►ying any sums �ecu�cd hy u Ucn which h�.q priority ovcr thie S�urity Instrument. uppeudng in caun, payiog
<br /> rcasonabic attorm�ys' fec�,und cntedng an tho Property to mnka repaira. Atthuugt�L.cndcr may tuko ncdon undcr this p�a�grnph
<br /> 7,Lendcr d�xa not hnvo to do tio.
<br /> Any i►maunts dis6ursed by LenAer under this parasrnph 7 sfiall becomo ndditianal dcbt of Harrqwe� sceured by th�a
<br /> Secuairy lastn�mcnt. Unlegw Barrowc�and Lender Agrcc ta ather tcrms af paymcnt. thcso umounta st�all beur intcre5t fram tho
<br /> data of disbur�ement at tho Nato rnt�and shnll bo payublc, with interest, u{xm natice f'ram l.ender to Bon�awcr rcqucsting
<br /> payment.
<br /> 8.Martgago In.mtrance.lf l.cnder reMuir�:J mortg�►�e insurnncc us a canditl�n nt'mpkinII the loan sc.curcd by thiy Scrurity
<br /> instturitent, Borrawer ahall puy tho premiums rcquircd to malntnin tho martgnge insurance in offect, Ii, fa�any n:uson, tho
<br /> mart�aga insurnnce caverage r►:qui��cd by I.�ndcr lapscw ar cense9 to bo in cffcct.Borrawer shull pay the premiums rsqaircd to
<br /> obtain covcrnga substuntinlly cquivulcnt ta tho mortgagc lnauranco prcvi�usly in cl'fcct. aS n cost suL+s:nntinlly equivulcnt to tho
<br /> cast tu [ianowcr of thC martgugo lnsuranco previously in effect, from ua altomute martgugo insur�r upproved by Lender. lf
<br /> substunt�nlly cauivulent mortguge insumnce covcruge is n�t avuilublc, Banawcr shap p�ly ca l.endcr euch manth c►sum equul ta
<br /> one-�twclfth of tho yeuriy man�a�c�u3acanc�premium beiub puid by Barmwer when thv incurunco cavcrngo lapse�l or ceasc+il ta
<br /> bo ln offcct.l.cnder will accept.uso und retain thcso puymcnts n.v A IOS9 rescrvo in licu af cx�rtga�o insurttncc. I.c�ss rescrvo
<br /> Form 8028 8180
<br /> Vepo 3 of 0
<br /> . � ,
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