�` .T�.�14- .el . yi V i���t:y`..;�[�_�cBN..,�,:;_.-,�;..����}'}��l t Y.�nr�.. :�t�t .-� ��n� ��..\ t� �: l.�... . _ .�:.. ,. .
<br /> �
<br /> t i1�-�t Il--�'�� . . �� -'�5'.-rz-F-L-�, , -��;?P., . �"- ��;`\}ti' ,- . �r ('r�5
<br /> ``I. IA.��l l�`�� � . ' . ' .
<br /> �� . _ ,�a, � �.; ,`' . .... __ _ 1
<br /> k :�_-il��� i:' _ ', ' - 'S �
<br /> � _ •� -• . • . . .... � _, . . �` � . ..._�,�F:�. .
<br /> , .. � .. ' _.__�_____ ...t _ , __ - __ _'
<br /> .�-Y' - - � ^,�;.x�!'?jt ;�L�°...;�4�)—_.� 'w.�r.. ..�+sa\h�, _.— _ �
<br /> -- �._...n – ._._-._.�_ __. _..'���,.�`.�:�"� .� — . . �
<br /> ta��� �.�l��i�
<br /> 17.'t'e����rPi�1 11P�T{�I�I�i4y qP Q ISCiiC�i�nl iitl�Ca.���ii Ut�i Ci�'���'•�� NI���r H��y(�h��t Ul0 I�IU�CTIY►1f 111iy I11lCPCtiI IIl Il ..
<br /> f�suld ur�rimqCcmtil l��r ii'n br�ieNcial {ntcrest in tiufr�»ccr fy c;�d.i or Iau»f'�rn�d niul�k�rn►���re{.r rn►t�►naturnl{n.�+�,��1�viihi�iit
<br /> I.endcr's priur wtittc�i cu�i,rut. I.endee mny. nt its upUun, �c����iro bnmedlate payn►ent In fiip ut'all ew���+ ��curcd Py Ih{q —
<br /> Fccurity In•;��unnnt.14�►��'evcr. IhiK upd�►n shuil uut t�e raerri�ed by I.rizder 11'cxcr��lsu I�prahiNitcd hy ic�teral luw►n aP�hc d�te —
<br /> af'tht�Sccunty Intitrumcnt, _
<br /> 11'l�ender exer�{�cv thiv uptlun,Lcnde�ahnil t;lve Hurroa•er nc�11w�if uc�tilciuUan,'t'hu�i��Qcr Fhatl p�rwi�l�a�k�i�al�d�nu! �
<br /> lc.kv►huu i0 daya Num tfn�dntc thllw t��i�L 1ltto�+�►-�VCiui�prior p�tl r expira t ut�+�l'hi�f petiud�}lsnllcY n1u►yyltivukc uny nhn icy �
<br /> Sc+.uri1y in�tnrmcnt, tf Ht1�t1Yi'P FH pay _
<br /> pcnnittul hy►hi�Sr�`utlt}��In��truitxnt�I�iu�ut Ikuthe�noticv«r dc�iwnd��n Bartot•lcr. _
<br /> 9�. tuw+�+ver'� iWJt1 t�� �t�lnstute. 11' Il��rra�ti�cr mcet.r• rchain c�mditi�mv. Harn��vcr ,hifii hatir the rlght t�s Izav� —
<br /> cnti►rrcnunt of�hiy�t�`i�y I r�reln tatc nrnt)�hc:fur prulC vf i(IlC rPn�Ut iyi�i�u nt tu�n1iy ��uwcr al'��ulo tcanti in¢il iin this —
<br /> u��ll�.�blc luw may � Y -�
<br /> Sccuriiy Instrumcnt;��r lbl rmry uf u,iutit�mcnt cn�ur.ing thiq Sccurtty li�.ttim�cnt.'Thuso candiU�my urc Ihttt I�urnnvcr: �� rc►y y _
<br /> l.endcr all sumv which th�n�vuuld be duc undcr th�`�t��(�l�Y A���►11�rxpc��ses�incurrediinienli►minB�his�Scru�ity Inyuu nc�1� _
<br /> cures uny dcfnult af uny oth�r�uvcnunis u�c��r�em ,
<br /> inriuding,Nut m�t Iimited h�, rcn5nnable utt��rneyc+' tcrw;and(d wkc.w surit i►cti�m i�.v L.rndcr muy rcasanahly require tu atisutc
<br /> Ihut thc licn ai'thi�5ccurUy I�astnm�ent, l.�nder'x ribhtv in tl�e 1'roperty und Nurr��w�r's ahli �►Uutii tn p��y il�c timnv sca�md by _
<br /> �his Sc�urity In+irunicnt shall �unti�u�c unrhnnbcd. Upun rcin�tat4mcnR by Surn�wcr, t�i.r• Sccunry Instrumcnt nnd tl�c
<br /> obligatimis hccund hereby shuU rcmaln iLlly e�'ectivc i��if nn uccelcrutl��n hnd ixruned.Hawe�•cr, Ihia right tu rolnsUtto c:hull
<br /> nnt t�p�ly in thc c:�.yc ot ncccicrc�Uun undcr paru�trupl� 17.
<br /> �9. Scile oP Notc� ChaoRc oP I.cain Scrvlcc�. Tlic Nute ��r u puriiul intcrest in�hc Natc (tobcthcr witb this Srcurily
<br /> lnstn�mcnt)nmy t+c snld cn+e ar mnn:timcs wittu�ut pri��r nutire ta Harruwer.A sule muy result in n cbunge in th�entity(kno�vn
<br /> ns thc l.��an Scrviccr")thut rollects monthly puymcntti duc undcr thc N�nc and thly Sccurity Instrumcnt.Thcrc ulco may bo anc
<br /> ar morc ci�un�cx��f thc l..�im Scrviccr unrcluted to i+uilc��F thc N�to.U thcrc Iw ci chan�c uf thc L.ann Scrviccr. l�unowcr�vill t+o
<br /> given w�ittcn noUce uf tho chun�;e in accoMance�vith pariL;atph 14 nhuve itnd uppiteub�c luw. 'Thc nnUre will stute the name mid
<br /> nddresw aF thc ne�v Luun Scrviccr nnd thc uddm.r•,�tu wlii►h paymcntc: �;hauld bc madc. The nutire wiil alsa�Y+ntain nny athcr
<br /> informutfan required by upplicahlc li��v.
<br /> Z0. Hwrsirdot�s Substuncc.�. Borrmvcr whnll nut cau�c ur pcnnit tho pmscn��e. usc, dispasal, titarugc, ar relca�o of uny
<br /> Huzncdour Substonccs an ��r in the Prapcny. B�n�wer shull uat da, nnr ultuw nnyone clso tn da. un thing affecting tho
<br /> property thut iR in viulntim"nf"n ui ntitics�Hnr d us Sub.stun es+ihut,u c�c urc ily hrcco�nizcd tPi�ybo upprapriatecta narmnl
<br /> titarnga on tho P�ap�riy nf q
<br /> residcmial usca nnd ta nuzintenance of the Pmperty.
<br /> Borro�vcr�hall pranptly givo l.emler�vrittcn nntice ��f uny invcsti�atiim. cluim. dcmand, li�wsuit or other actian by nny
<br /> govcmmentui or rcgulatc�ry u�cnry��r privmc paKy involvin�the Po►�p�eny and c�np H��dmment�lyor re ulato Vi u harity,.'th�1
<br /> �f�r•hich Burrowcr hus ucluni knuwlcdge. If'Bormwcr IcuriLV,ar is notificd by uny g 8 rY
<br /> Any removnl ar oihcr remcdiution af any Ha�i hpEnvironment If If.�iilvng the Property ie necrsuuY. Spnn�vcr shall promptly tuke
<br /> c►11 ncccssary rcmedial uctians in uccv rdu
<br /> ps i�se�t in this pnmgroph 20, Httznrclnus Sub�ktimxy"arc thase substan¢cy dcflncd us axlc ar huznrdaus aubstances by
<br /> ,�
<br /> �mi�onme�ita� l.aw and the fullawing subctunces: 6t�soline. kcr��sano, oiher Itumnyable or toxic pctroleum pradncts, taxfc
<br /> pestieides ttnc�herbicldes.valatile i I�n�ts,i���I�!�n��8��`����,����ae��on wheroi the i1'raperty i�fi locatect t ut
<br /> this pamgraPh Z0, "�nvl�anmema
<br /> T�lAtO 10 I1CAlth,�s►fcty�ar enviranmccnnl pratection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM C'O�'IENANTS.liurrowcr und d:endcr ILnhcr rnvcnanl and.�eco as fallo�va:
<br /> z1, Aoccicrattont Rcmedlrs. l.endcr ahnll gtve nt�tice to Borrawcr prior¢�u uccelec�►�I�full�n�Elurrowcrl7 unless
<br />_� ot as�y cav.�.�sn! ar egn�ement m t�ils �ecar�U' tn�trnmrni �`.� � i�is��'° 'II4T�l�
<br /> upplicudle law pmvid�.w atherwlse).The nMlce�hall specit'y: (eD 4he defauitt(�) tho ae46�re�al��tA t���'-��t;
<br /> (c)A date,not IGSS thAn 30 dayx fY�m the dato the nnticc is gi��a�to 13orrower�hy tvh9ch N.1e dciault must be curt�d:�tad
<br /> (d) that fallure to cure tho dttnnit an or bePare thc�late sp��►i93ed In tho noUce mny eesult In Acceteratton at the sums
<br />� �ecnred by thls lecurily Ia�trument and�le of Ihv Pru�xrty.The nottce ahall tbrther inf�rm Aormwer o!tho right ta
<br /> rcit�sWto after aecctcrution and tho rlght ta brin�a�rnurt uctlon to asscii tho non�xlstence ai a defuult ar uny�other
<br /> detense of I�irrowcr to ucceleretian und r,nle. !P the defautt��tot cured on or beTare the date�specificd In tha naHce,
<br /> l.cn�ier, wi GSw oRtlon, m�y r�luiro immedlato{wymcnt in fl�!!wf all sum.9 recured by thlc Secu�ity Instrument withaut
<br /> tl�rther demAnd And a�Ay tnvakc thvpc►�ccr oY��e an�l c�ny ather remcdl�.w perm�ttcd by apPf�cs�A1r law.Lender sM�l16e
<br /> nntitled to caflech oU exE►enses Ic�curred in puttqulag the remedi�v provided In this paru,�raph 21�including,but not ltn�;ied
<br /> �o�rcnsonabie attorn+r�s'GM.w wnd cost�ai titic+evldence.
<br /> If the wer of ss�9r si9lnvoked,Teustee shall rccai�d a notice of defeu7t ia eucfi coanty in whleh any purt uf the
<br /> praperty Is�irs�ted and e�hall ma11 mpies af such nottce in the manncr pre.scribc�l by awplicabla Ipw ta Eurrav�er p�u!ta
<br />— ttn�atlKr��r,an�y N�'cscribcd by applicnblu law.Attcr tho tlmi�1� Trustcc,�witho t dcmand anADorrow�belw�s:ll
<br /> at sale to 4'.�percoi�nnd in fho manner pr�scribed by upp
<br /> 4he Pmperty ot public uurtlon ta the hiRhes161ddcr at the tQmo and plucc artd undcr th�e�10 prest�i any��°,r�'��ho
<br /> saEe h�one or mare pun�cly And In nny�rdcr Trustco determin�.w.Trustec may pastNo
<br /> Nroperty by public wnnounacment n1 the timo nnd pluce aP any previously scheduled tiule. l,e��dee c:r Fts dc�sfAaee riwy
<br /> purchaso tho properly at any sule.
<br /> Form 30Z8 8I90
<br /> Ppo 0 010
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