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� ___._—. _ _ _ <br /> __�:�1�;«'R'lL`!l�?a i.-.- �"_ 5 L� �i T __ '� ,7n,�. �O•n�1�'�`•t � c °- a.. _���... �.. _» �.. —,_-___ <br /> � <br /> -, y_ —j. ; �," �.a s ;J; tc �d <br /> , .� � , , � , ,.� ,,.�,.'�W � , ', � �r ',:.� <br /> �„ <br /> • . •. `t ,u :'rM;��` ' i,� � .. :,� � . _ . �. . "1Y:' <br /> , ':1,'_i ; . <br /> _.�� ? <br /> .� _ , <br /> � ." , _` .lk„ <br /> :.a..: <br /> . _ , _��. ._..__"......_.�,..�;r._----_�...n.. ... ,. '. .". --...._---�--�---�--�._.._._...._._.. _ . . .... ......----- ,::��-. <br /> . � <br /> �-- <br /> a=: <br /> , '��°� ������ <br /> . 9. Conate►nmattnn. 7'ho rmrcedv afi naY uw�►r�i�r cli�lm�'or danw�tr�,direc�ur con�cv�ucnNid,In�unnc,:Uun wfth«ny - <br /> cm��lamnndnn or���hc�mkin�M nny��ut of tho lfi,peny.ur fi►r couvuywnti In piurc uf cuncl�m�iutkm,cuo hcn:hy n.�vipnrd <br /> nnd:�hait Ma�:t1d ta I.ender h�It�,�rrtr�i�ut'tha Il�ll cano�ant uf the indchtedness thut rcmuins u•npuid undar th4 Nuto ufid thla _ <br />� - °� -�' SCCtt1�lY ItlrUiltitgilt. I.en�4or nhail apply such pc��srciiw t«Ihu rcdu4UUn uC thc indrbtc�inr�v uadcr thc Nute und thl�5ccurlty � <br /> . Instrtun��+l, flnst tu ony dciinyucnt win�unt.r apvilrJ tn thu uedcr p�uviA�d in t'arngmph i, and thrn �a �tr�Taynrewl a1 r <br /> � r�����n���. Any up�►tianlan af �ho procredy t�� tho principut �hati not extsnd ar pci5tp�+ne the dttc dnte af tlt� nxKitl�ly - --- <br /> . -- �►aytrtc:►t�,+,:�{eFe�r►:!'esc�ti t+3 !n l��uu��* h 2.oc chtnµr tha u�►wunt u!'nuclt puYlnutLy. Any exc��►v p��n�da uver w� _-_ <br /> . �mnunt rcNuircd tu ny ull uuwt��nding indebtcdncr.r unctcr tho Nuro hhnll i+o;+�td tn th�entity Irgolly entiticd theretu. <br /> ' � '� H. Hms. lRn�ee muy eutlect feey nn�1 chnrAex nuth+�rbcd hy the Sc��nUvy. <br /> •;:-��-"� - �. tiroundH[or Acccleratton ot ik6t, <br /> ,t•=�� (n1 Refuutti l�cnder mny.oxcept ny limitcd by regulatians issucd by Ihe Sec►�etury in the c��so uf payment dofaultv, <br /> � ,�, rcyuiro immcdiato puymcnt in Iidl uf ul)su�nY Kccurcd by this 5rcurlty Inyln�mcnt if: . <br /> p1 durm�vcr deFnultA by fniling ta pay In Qdl nny muntl►ly pnynxnl rcquircd by�hi»Sccurity Insaument priur <br /> � � ta��r on tha duo dnro��P tho next munthly�nymcnt.or � <br /> � � ; (ii1 Harrawcr defnulty by fnilinQ,fur a pod�xi ai thiny dny9,ta pert'arm imy uthcr obligndons cantnined in thiw �_ <br /> - Sccud�y In�t�umen� <br /> �,'� (b)CAIe W1lhout Cr�vlit Approvol. Lendcr ehull,if pcnnittcd by npplicublc lit�v ttnd with thc priar t�ppruvul uf thc �-'"_� <br /> � . ��=� �ecretnry,rcyuire immediute pnyment in NIl of all lho surns xecured by this Sccuelty Inxtrument 1P: .;; <br /> , (i)All ar pi�rt af tho u beneficiul Intercst in u tmrt ownin�i�il�u purt of the Prupeny.i9�cotd or �,-.�,�°' <br /> � �' • othcnviso tronsfc�red(alhcr tfiun by doviso��r dcsccnU by tho Boeruwcr,nnd �, <br /> '� (ii)The Property Is nat ac�cupted by thu purchascr ar grunteo nv his or her principnl resiAencc,ar tho punha►.c�r „��__ <br /> • �.�.�- ar gmntee dney sa oc;cupy tho Prnperty but hiq ar her credit hav nat been appnwecl in iucmdanee _��_ <br /> with lho requircmcnt�af the Secntiuy '* <br /> �� (c)No Wolver. 1P circumstances accur thut�vuuld�cnnit Lender ta requiro i►nmcdioto payment in iL11,but I.ender �'_ <br /> `� does not rc uiro such puymcnRq,I.ender daeo not wnlvo itx rights with re5pect ta 9ubsequent oventv. �1���° <br /> ,:.',;h"` 9 <br /> �� . (d1 Re�ulatlon9 of HUD Scc�etAiy. Im m�ny cl�cumswnces rc.bulutions issucd by the Secremry�vill liinit Lender's �'� <br />�_^'��. i - �-.� <br />-.,,-� rightx, �n tho c�.se of puy�nent dofAUl49,to requiro inimediute pAyment in fLll und forecloso if not puid. 'Chis __ <br />- ____ Sccurlty tntitrument does nat authadxe iuoelemtion or forcclosuro if not permitted by rogulnttonv of tho Sec�etary, --� <br />�'��'� i (e)Martgago Not Insured. 8o�rower ugrec.9 thnt shauld this Secudry IntitMm�nt and tho nota ticcurcd thereby not �... <br /> w�,�: <br /> '"� bo cligiblo for in�uranco underthe Nntional Hausin�Act within 8 � th9 from tho �,Y., , <br /> date hereof�I.ender itx npdan nnd notwithstanding nnything in Parugrnp�i 9.requiro immediate puyment in - <br /> -_° thll of nll sums securcd by thix Securit�+Inspumco� A written su►tement af a�y authorixed agent af tho Secn.tary ` `E�� <br /> "'_�� f'rom tho dute hereof declinin ta insure this Securi � . <br /> duted subscquent ta 8 �h ' 8 ty <br />=`=�� lnsteument and eho nato secur�erc�y,s h u i t b a deeme d conc lus ivo p roo f a f A u c h i n e i i B i b i l i t y. N o t v d t h s t n nd i n g - <br />���:y�.a�'�� tho furegalnp. thia apdon rtwy aut bc aaercised by L.ender when thv unuvnilubiliry of insur�ce iy solely duo to `- <br /> a�„� 1 cnder'a fuiture m ramit o martgc►ge insumnce premllutn to tho Secretery, <br /> tti. �icrarni. �c�rivwee�i�a��ht ta tso rein�taitt!tf!.�'!s�sequir�c!lmmesl�ate payst�in!1�l1 t+e�-��� _ <br />- --°-�'�� B a r r o w e r's f a i i u r e t o p a y�u n A m o u n t d u o u n d e r t h o N o t e o r t h i a S e c u d ry I n s a u m e n G 7'hla d ght a p pli�evon after tos�eclosum <br /> -_= proceedings tue institu:ed. To�einataw tha Secwity Instrument,8arro�v�r ah�ll tender in a lump sum ull Amounts required to _ <br /> --�- - bdng Horrower's acooune current lncluding.ta�he extent thoy nrc abllgallons of Bornawer under thiK Security lnstn►mcnt. - <br /> - IOILC�OSUIO COR19 tilll� iCA.SOf1ADI0 anci ��ou3' oii��y•� fw; a�it! :,x�ss� �'!r �st�! :'.`3th it� f�'�+��_ - <br /> --_- <br />