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<br /> NnN-t�N11�URM CpV�iNANTS. Dr�;���rrcr�itcl I�nder Quthrr cavc��nnl nnd nRrco nv falinive;
<br /> 19. Eot�xlu5u►�iT��urr. If l cr�dcr rquirco t�mnc�lc�pay nicnt in tUll undcr �ara�traph 9,l,r.nsicr nwy invukc tho
<br /> EK.wcr af�u1c und auy u�iter tr�t4lcs�ect�uittetl!►y n.�plirnbtu tn�v. I.cndcr shufl tra cntl�cd ta aoltcct nll eapen5c9 in�a�rr�i in _
<br /> �r•,�siu}�th�t�n�t!lc:t pravlded i��thls p:�►t�ruph 17.Inrludln�,but itcu limitcd tn,rca�unuLic utlui�cyr+' f�cs nnd casr�of dtlo _
<br /> cvidea��e. rtt�f#reeasrt s t�►!!�e a!ct��.►11[n e�c�us�ty tn�vhM�en,y pert Qi t�
<br /> i�7 tho rrcr u?�ai1c t�i��v�k�.`�' �� • --
<br /> ���y��r�am���enaUc����w et�ch�tls�!n!�c mxmtcr�trescYlded by s�pplkubl�i Iw�v tu Bo�orvcr knd to
<br /> the atit�r�r�on9 pr�xclLesi by eppiicrabta 1xcv. Ahcr the time required by ap Ik;tbie teov.rrustec.ei�ei�F�P���
<br /> L
<br /> no!!c�oP�ale tu/iro pereang an�f En the matincr ptc�ri►a'd D�appflc�6le law. 9 s�ec,without deni�ncl on Bnrrower,
<br /> �hall sel!tha Pnn�+:rty pt pnblk auciton to tho hlghes!blddcr wt I�e tlmo and plac�ond undcr tlne tcsms dcsignate�f tn -°
<br /> tho nottce at�s�to[n ouo ar mon parrcly and In ar�y ordcr Trustee detem�tnec+.. �'ra�tco mey pastpono�nk of elll ar Any
<br /> �nrl of tho Prurcrty by publls e�u►ouncemr.nt at tho ttmo pnd piacc n!Wny p�uvlou�ly scheduled c:�k�. [.cmder t�r tt�9
<br /> ttc�lgnce msy pue+ch�e the F��perty a1 Nqy ss�k.
<br /> �Jpan eeccipt ai pAyment a!!hfl prtce Dld,T�stco ehall ddlver to tho purcheser 7Yt�stw's dced cummy[n8 tho
<br /> r►POperty. Tho i,ccifat�tn th��ustee'e dceri ehs�ll l�o prlma fpdc ovidenco a!the trulh ot the statemen�y msttio Wercfn.
<br /> Tn�stee sh�ll apply thn proc�ed.9 0!thc a�lo [n tho�olbwing onicr� (w) W all coatn And expenses ot eaer�Lsing the
<br /> power uf�wkti wnd tli$sak,tnclu�t[ng the payment a!tt�e Trusteo'a fees Actu�Uy[ncarred,�mt to esoec�f � `�
<br /> of!he prtnslpai nmount o! tho moto at the tixn� at tice dc�laratlun ot dcfault� a�til r►�x�oneble attoru�y� �cces e�
<br /> penattted by�nrvt(b)to ell tiums sec��red by thls Security Inst�vmrnti And(c)any exa:s�to tho person or�ensunv
<br /> Ie�Uy cntitied ta[t.
<br /> l8. ReconvoyAncc. Upon paymcnt af nD�;ums sccurGd hy this Secudty lnshumont, Lcndcr Ahn11 rcc�ucst'ik��stco to
<br /> reco�ivoy the Property�td shnll sumendcr thiH S�rurity lnswmcnt mid e►il notes evidenclng debt sccurcci by thl9 Srcuriry
<br /> Instn�ment to 7hustco. �IY'US�CC fl�tilll ICCaJ1VCy tho�P�opcAty without warriu�ry nnd wlthout chnrgo tu tho pc�san or �errons
<br /> , l�Bnlly cntiticd tc�ni. �uch person or panans ehall pny any c�crordudon mstn.
<br /> 19. Substitialu'�uvtee l.ender.nt itv opdon,may f'ram timo to dmo�rmnvo'lYusceo und Appoinc n euca:e.qsor tiv�tco to
<br /> ' aoy'I�rustco appolnted hereunder� Without eonvoynnco uf tl�e Pia}�ecty. tho auccessor austeo ahnli Ruccccd to �ll t6a tlde,
<br /> potver and duUes conferred upon 7'n�stet�hcreln nnd by t�pplicablo luw.
<br /> �U. It�quest tbr Nutkes. �prrowcr rcquestx thut eaplcs of t�a aodcov of dEf4UII Fn(I 6AI�I33 6Cilt�O BPfl'O�VtP�S 31(�CIIL89
<br /> �vh4ch is the Pmp�ny Adclress.
<br /> ltidets to th�v 9e�writy�nsirwn�n4 I,f ono ar m�m ridcre nre oxecutec�by Horrower and r�eeardccl togathcr with thls
<br /> �e.�:uriry Tastrument. tho savenant� of cach euch rider ahnll be ioco►�pc�rn'ted inea xnd ehnll amend und suppl�ment d�tu
<br /> cavciwnt,g und�rcemenG9 of ihis Secudcy Instrumcnt av lf tho rlder(s)v�e�in n part of thiy Scr►�rlty tns�umonG
<br /> [Chc�k applicabte box(cs)].
<br /> �Coadaminium 1�l,3es , �ornduated P�►yment ltidvr �Orowing Fqutry Ridcr
<br /> �Plaivae�i Unit l�ovolopmcnt Ridcr �Other[Specify]
<br /> _.._g'��,s,zn-�`�� nru�►wz gnrrnwer scce�t�.uad a,arees tn tho terms cantuiae3 in pngea 1 thcough 4 of this Sccuriry
<br /> Itnsuument end in any ridcrtR)ux�:ut�i by Borca�+�r and recortt�d with it. _ - - -- -- - -- - -
<br /> Witrne � A ^ _ _....�...,_
<br /> �r �
<br /> ......�G_.�____.
<br /> SIWAIN F! LI1�GC DI�RCY M i(
<br /> (Seal) .._. � (Seal) .
<br /> Aottowcr arowar
<br /> (SCaI) ' �5��
<br /> "� Awcuwcc . Aarawar �
<br /> ,(Scal) �._ (SCa4
<br /> ' Borcowcr 9orrowo�
<br /> sxa�o�N�,��nsxa►, ��, caw��y 69:
<br /> On this 4th �AY°f Nov�,�• �ggg .boforo mo,tho undcr�igncd,a Notmy
<br /> Publio duly cammissinned sntl yuullfled for said county.persanaliy vnmd �� R tUE;QK A S(NL�.E P��RS(3N
<br /> AND [3AFtCY H KU�.A A S 1 MC�..� P�EtSQN ,cn mc k+iuwn to t�tho
<br /> lckntical per�an(s)whoso aume(s)azp eubscribec!to tha foregoing inauumant and ncknuwledged tho exccution thereof oa be
<br /> - tt�w�f �luntnry ecc end tler�l. in t+aid count �the
<br /> Wltnesx my hand and naWrlal seal at �� �S�� y
<br /> date aYoros�id.
<br /> My G►nmission��x�ires: .. , Noi4ry Public
<br /> ��Ml NOtAiAr�qw o1 N�anllu
<br /> MYIM J.R�HD
<br /> M►Q�,E�p.O�c 17 1996 REQU85'l'FOR R 'E.C.ONVEYANCB
<br /> TO'ARUS'TE?B: '�
<br /> 71�e undereigned iA tho holder af tho noto ar notes secun:�by thiA Ikcd of'Crust. 5aid notc+or notca,to�ether witlf all
<br /> nther indehtedness encured by thia Deed of Truxt,have been paid in tLll. YOtI AI'0 IICfCby(I�TCI.�CA�d Ctt11CCI RAICI hOiO OP qOlC9
<br /> m�d thia Decct of Trust,which are delivered hcreby,und to reconvey,wlthuut wnrrnnfiy.aU 1ho estuto now hcld by you undcr
<br /> tida Decd of'Itu�st ta tho perHOn or personq logully entitled thercio.
<br /> '�j F r
<br /> Dato: - --
<br /> (Pagc 4 oj1 pag�al
<br />