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<br /> [InRRt)1Vt?R CnVRNAN'f9lhnt Hrnrower iy InwQdly relre.d nf tho cqtato hcreb��voyc�l unJ h�thc rib d t�grunt _
<br /> und cu��vey�hn['�ops�ty and tAat thC Pmperty Is unencumt+eied,exce;H ti►r c�cumhran��cy af i�ec�ud. t�n�-�«er�vurrw►1s nnd _
<br />- wAt dcfead�ea�rapy thc Wte tn the Pro�rty��gi�hist nli�Inlniv cuid clem��td�+,.�ubJcct tc��u�y encumbmncc.�uf rccunl.
<br /> ,� UNIf(�RM CUV�NAN7'S.
<br /> - i. Faymcnt ef ixrinci��i.t�ieie�i n�rd I.6ta Cha-.�. Bara►u,rr�hal!pay uft�u d►,s t!�p�inci��l rf.i�n�1�nter�-w�un,
<br /> tho dcbt cvidemed by tho Nato cind Inte chur�es duo under�ho Notc.
<br /> 2. Mc�nthty ibymcnt uf'foxcy, IfL9UFNfiM�ARti U1�P CIFQ�$tii. l3��rmwer uhnll l�clude in eurh monthly pnymenb -
<br /> m�ctlicr �vtth thc principnl and intcrcst ny sc1 fa�4h ln tho Noto nnd nny laro chargcy, i► num fae (n) U�xe9 nnd spcciiil =
<br /> asscssrn�ntr lovicct nr ta bu Icvicd aguinat thc 1'ruprrty.�b) IcAxchold p�y►nenta or ��nund nnts un thc PruPc:hy. mid -
<br /> (c)prcmiumy for inwurnnco rcyuircd ur�dcr Pa•agroph 4. In nny ycAr i�which tho l..cndcr mu�t pny a mnrtgi��e insurnnca
<br /> mmium ta tho Secrcuuy af Houying nnd Urbnn I?ovelopment("5ecmtury"),ar in any yeur In which xuch pre�nium�vould
<br /> Ravo bccn tequlncd if�,encler atill hcl�tho Sccurity Insw�nunt,ench manthly pnymcnt shull c�iso includo elther:(i)n�:um f��r =
<br /> thc annunl m�ri,o�ro imumnco promium to bo puid by Lcndcr to tho Secrctnry,or(ii)n monthly ctiargc in�tcad af i►mnrtgu o
<br /> insurance prem�um if this Sccudty� lnstrumem is hold by th�SccreUuy. in n tirusanubto anount tn bo dctermined by �o
<br /> Secretary. Except far tho monthly charao by tho Secrctury.thesn itemy nro cnlled"�.ecruw Items"nnd the timns pi�id to l,ender
<br /> arc called"titicxow FUnds." _
<br /> LcRdcr may,nt nny timo,callcct und huld amounts far Fscrow Iten�.+in an aBgrc�nte amaunt nat ta oxceed the muxlmum
<br /> nmaunt thut mny b�required fnr Burrawer's escrow uccount under tha Ren18.g�nto Settlement Procedu��zs Act af 1�74, 12
<br /> U.S.C.� 2(�1 �,,,�y. ai�d implan�enling reguladans. 24 C6R l�uri 3500. ag thoy m�y t+o iuncndecl from timo to timo
<br /> ("R�SPA"),exccpt tAat the cuahion ar mservo permiued by RESPA for tmandcipnted disbursementA ar di9burae�n�ntx beForo
<br /> tho Batmwer'x payments�uvailable in tho t�ccuunt mny not bo bnced an nmaun�v duo for the mort�u �in>v.�zu►cu premium.
<br /> m
<br /> If tho nmount�held by Lender for Bscra�v item��xrced tho nmoun�g pemiitted to bo held by K PA.E,ender ahall detd
<br /> �vith the excesa funds av rcquicr.d by R�SPA. If the t►mouatv af flinda held by Lcnder nt uny tlmc urc not r+ufficicnt to puy the _
<br /> Sscrow [tems when duo,Lender mny nodfy tho Borsower tincl ro0uiro 8orrower to muko up tho shartago ar doficicncy�.v
<br /> permitted hy RE+SPA.
<br /> 7h9 E.tcrow Funda are pledged ac ndditlania�ecuriry far all eum.g securecl by tMa Secudry InsUUmenG If Horrotiver
<br /> tendeta to Ixndcr tha ti�ll pnyrnent of all such�umv,�arrower'a accaunt ahali be credited�vi�h tho balwtce remaining tar all
<br /> ' instaliment itcma(a),(b),and(o)nnd any mortgc�c in»urunce premium instullment thnt l.cndor hav nos become abligated to
<br /> pny ta tho Sc.�vetury,and t�ender RhaU prompdy retUnd nny oxcoas furtds to Harrawcr. Immediately prior to a fareclasure�x►le
<br /> af the Praperty or itg acyuiyition by Lender, Horrower's uccount Rhull ba creslited witti Any Aalanco romnlning far all
<br /> ''.� instAllmcntx tor item.g(u) c`),and(c).
<br /> 3. Appllattlon o�P�ymenta. AU paymente undar Purc►�,m►ph9 1 cu►d 2 xhall be epplie����Lendar a�followa:
<br /> � p,Q�.to tho m�rtgAge insucAnce premlum ta be p�ld by 4cnder to iha Secretary ar to t�e monthly churgo by
<br /> tha Sxretury inatend of�he monthly martgago inswancu prcmium;
<br /> � ��, to uny tux��, speciai n.gu,w�menw,leuseholci payments or pround rente, nnd t"�ro, 8ond nnd other
<br /> � i�a�l�,isur.�s psens3ssse�.�stx�ls�:
<br /> ����ta interest duo under tha lVoto;
<br /> � � ,ta Am�rtizudon of the priucipal oY tho Noto;
<br /> ,ro lato chnrgce duo undcr tho Nato.
<br /> .. ..n..__�a�.'�:�i:..�'� Easia•�'��423��.Sl.!!!° !'�'."•!!Z�^Y_*.!�_�li4�+R Lh9 Rrnnert�+=whcthcr now
<br /> -- A. �asS i'�vuo iinQ�sswc� �c�
<br /> � in oaixtenoe or subsequently erxted, ag uinst nny h:�ude, cuYuattle.9. nnd contingencies, inctudin$ tln3 for wh�ch Leades
<br /> = cequires insuranee. Thia insurunoo nhnll bo maintalnc�l in tha mttauntq nnd for tho pedo�l�tt+at Lender rec�uires. Hormwer
<br /> �v 6haI)QI60 IIISU[0 QI)Imp ravementa�n the Ptoperty.whethcr naw in oxistenco or subsoqurntiy ci-ected,agNnst lo.ns►by flaads
<br /> �� to tho o�etent requircd Yy tho 5ecrcwry. AU insuranee�hnll be cnrded�vith campnniey c�ppn�ti•ed b!�i�nder. The inNUmnec
<br /> pollcies nnd uny renowale shull bo hold by l.endar and Hhali iacluda lass puyublo clnusca in fn�ar of,and i�a farm acceptablo
<br /> - to,l.endcr.
<br /> - In tho evont aP loss,aoaower ehall pivo l.endcr immcdiata nodce by m�fl. Lender rtuay muko proof oP lass if not mucte
<br /> = promptly by Barrower. P.t►sh insurunco oompnny concemecl is hcrcby nuthflrized und dlrectcd to mnko poymsnt far auch lvw�
<br /> direcdy e�Lcnder,instcud of to Born�wer and to i.onder,iointly. Ai,U ar any purt af thv insum�;ao:pra,ceds muy be applicd by
<br /> Lender,�ica apdan.either(a)ta tho reduction oP tho indebtedneav under tho Note and thls Sacudty Inetrument,flrst tu�ny
<br /> delinquent amounte applicd�n tha nrder in Pcim�raph 3.and thcn to preppyment af principnl,or(b)w the rest�mdan ar repuir
<br /> of iho dx�noged propert�r. Any applicadon of�o proceeda ta thv principul r,hall not extend ar postpon�Gho duo duto of tho
<br /> monthly pnymenta which uro raferned ta in Paragmph 2,or change tho amount of such puyment�. Any exce.gs fnsurance
<br /> _ pmcords ovcr un wnount rc�uired ta pAy uU outatanding lrtdebtcdness undsr iho Nato and thls Security Iastrument shaii bo
<br /> � pald to tho endty Iegnlly cntitlecf thcreta.
<br /> - in 1he Bvent of foreclastu+o of this Sccudty Inswment ar othcr tmnefer of dUo ta tho�operty thnt axtingulshes the
<br /> indabtedncss,all right,dtlo nnd interest of Honower in and td lneuranco policles ln farce shnll p�ts.v ta tho purchaqer.
<br /> S. (lccupAmy, Arese�vAtbn, Malatenstnoo �nd ProtecUon of tho Praperiyi Horruwer's L�os►n AppUcRibn;
<br /> I,easehold�. aarrawer ahall uccupy�estnbliah,and uso tho Aroperty as Homo�res'a princlpul rosidenco whhin eixt�r duys after
<br /> tho axeeudon of this Seeurlry Instrument nnd RhuU eondnud to occupy tho Pcoperty av Horrawer'x pdneipul restc�tnee for at
<br /> le�st ana ycar utter tho duto af occa�;��nncy. unlesa tha Secretnryt determines this requiroment wlll cc�uso uadua hardship for
<br />= Homowcr,or unless cxtanuuting cix::.^:�stnncc.v t�xist which aro b�;�ond Bort+ower'A control. Borrower shull natify l.endere of
<br />-� any extcnuaHng circumstances. 8r�:sa.vcr ahup not comml►wa.��or dastroy.dumage or�bstantiaUy change tho Pt+aperty ar
<br />- allow thv Praperty to dcterfarato, masonablo wenr und teur oacepted. I..endar may inapect thv Pyaperty if the Property ia
<br />-- vacunt or a6andoned or tho loun la ln defaul� t��dcr muy taka rensanablo ncdan to protect nnd pnserve such vacant ar
<br /> nbnndoned Property. Horrower shull ulso bo in u:�auit lf Aarrower�diuing tho toun c�pplicudon process,gnvo muterialiy f�lse
<br />— or inaccurate informutian ar Rtatemc�tv to Gend..x(ar f�iled ta provlda Lender with cury mutetlal infannadan)ln connecNon
<br /> y, with tho ionn ovlclencxcl by the Na1e,ineludln�,but not llmited to.representadona coneerning Aotmwer's oeeupuney of Wo
<br />-� PropBtcY av upruicipni rcwidencv. If this Secunty Inniruutv�it ie c�it�te�.�eitniti,�or�wer shatt cas�sly�:ith!hs prat�,;i�oF
<br />,,,,� the len5e. If H arrawcr acquires fee dQo to tho Property.tho lcasehold and feo dde shall not bo mcrsed unlesa L.endor agrees ta
<br />� the mcrger in wddng.
<br /> - 6. Charges to aormwec pnd Protection at l.ercder•a Righte tn the Praperty. Honuwer ehull puy oq ovemmentW
<br />.;,� or munlcipol charges,fines and lmpasidonP thut aro nos included in Pcuugrnph 2. Harrawer ahull puy theso o�I�$AI;P11fi 011
<br />�;� dmv dlrectly ta the entity which ia owed tho puyment. lf fniluro to pAy would advcr�ely i►ffect l.ender'e int�erest in the
<br /> ` Prope�ty.upon l.eadc�R request Barrower ehaU promptly tLmiah to Lender receipte evid�ncing thcse pi�ymcn�9.
<br /> � If Horruwet Puila to mako these pnymcnt�or thc puyment� required by Pnrog�ph 2,ar faiTs ta perform any uther
<br />: cavcnante nnd u�mement�cantained i�thfs Securlty lnsuument,ar thero is a legal pmcceding thm ms►y �signiftcund� affect
<br /> i l.ender'�dghtA in tho PmpeRy(RUCh ua e procccdinb in bunkluptcy. for candcrnnntian ar ro enfnrco lowe nr rc�u atlo�ns).
<br /> � Ihcn I.ender mny da and ppy w6ntever ia necegwuy ta protect tha vuluo af the Property�nd l.endcr's d�hts ln tho Praperty,
<br /> � . including ps►yment of tuxey,ha•r.nrd inxuranco and ather ftems mendoned in Porc�ruph 2.
<br /> ,e.=- Any wnounta disburscd by Lendor undcr thia�uragraph xhull bccomo un addltianul dcbt of Honowcr nrtd bo eccurcd by
<br /> � th1:a 5crudry Instrument. 'I'heso wnount�ehall be�r intercat from�ho date of disbur�ement,ut tho Natv rnte,und ut tho nption
<br /> r � of Lender,shail bo lmmcdintely duo and puyaDlo.
<br />_�r :
<br />_�.,
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<br /> � (1'ug�2 r j4 pugeal
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<br />