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<br /> p;►yttt¢nts may n�lut�t;cr be reyuir�d,t►t ih��o�tiap uF l.cndcr,if nu�rt�uRe insuru�trc�ove�u�o Ua Ih��ilii��►unt und fui�the{��et�ul
<br /> tl�nt Lrnder ��cquiretil pruvi�ed by an i�lsurce opproved hy l.cndcr n�ain hrrumcw nvc►iluhlo anA is uhtaincJ. Bor�n���er ehull pay
<br /> thc pmmiui���,seyuf�ed t�►muiuti►in nui�i����e i�tisurnnce iei o(icet.or tu pei►vide t�t�iss reserve,until�he rc��uiiement ti�r muHfjnga
<br /> i��ura�ue en�ls in uc�.�c�rd�nre whh u��y w�iuen ugn:c�ucn�bct�LCCn t!�►rnnwer anct l.eodcr nr nppU��nblc law,
<br /> �. ln;��ito�t. Lc�tdcr�r i�.s ugcnt n�►y makc�'ca�nnnblo cntrles upon nncl insperdun�uf'tQc Arupc��y. I,l'llttCP Bh7I)A�VC
<br /> �ut��vc:r uWibc�t Ihc tinw nf ar priar to an inspc�ttan speriCyinB rcii5annbtC rnt�sa fiir tttc inspectiun.
<br /> 10. �'ondcnnwtton. Thc prucceds af nny ii�v►�M��r rinim tar dnmuges,dircri �r cmisequ�:nti��t, iu�•ann�ction with any
<br /> candcmnalion nr uthcr tukin���C uuy part of tho Propctty�ar fu�rnnv�yruiica In lieu af ton.lcmnatic�n,ar�lk��y�g��1�
<br /> shall t+c�iid ta l.endcr.
<br /> In thc event uP a tatal tokinB af thc Pn�}icny.the�►rrn�t}�shnll bc npplicd t��1lic humy sccured by tidy Sc�urity InStn�mcnt,
<br /> ��hcth�r��r n��t tticn Juc, with i+ny excesy paid ti�Iinn'��wer. In thc ovcnt oi'ii p:utial tukin�uf Ihe Properly in whirh the Aiir
<br /> �iiarket vulue of the Pruyxny immcdlatcly hcfi�rc thc tukin� Is cqiml tu or�jrcutcr thim thc amuunl��f thc swms sccurcQ by this
<br /> Security Instrumcnt irnmalintcly hcfarc the tnAing.unlcss Kormwcr and Lcndcr uthcnv{so agrcc in w�lUng,tho sums ticcurcd by
<br /> thio Sccurlty Instrument shall t�o rcciuccd by thc amnunt af tho prucceds multlpUcd by Ihc foll��wing Pructfun: (a)tho tatnl
<br /> c�muunt af thc nun�v s��cured immcdiatcly bcPorc thc�uking. divldcd by (h1 Iho fiiir markci vuluc af thc Prupcny immcdintcly
<br /> bcfore thc taking. Any buliincc r�hzdl ho paid ta Borro�vcr. In thc avent af u p:►ninl tnking of the Praperty in�vhich thc fiiir
<br /> mnrl+ct vuluv nf thc Nraperty immedic�tciy befi�ro thc takinB i�Icss thnn tho umuunt of thc ran�v sccurcd immcdiutcly bcfaro tho
<br /> tnking, unlcs.r• &inawer.�nd i.ender athenvi�c a�;reo in�vriting��r unlcs�;uppltcnble Inw i�Uicrwisa providcs.tho pmcccds shnll
<br /> be appUed to the sums secured by this Secu�iry Inslroment whcthcr or not the eums u��a then due.
<br /> Ii�ho Prapeny ia ub:uaciuncd by Barrower,�r if,aftcr Ratico by i.cndcr ta Borro�vcr thnt tho cande,mnor affers to mukc�nn
<br /> uwa►rd ur �cttlo u claim 1:��•dim�a�c.9, Barrower fuiis to respond to Lender within 30 days i�ftcr thc dnte the nntia�is �iven,
<br /> l.ender i�nuthorizccl ta collect and apply 1he peocecds,�t itw option.either tu restorntion ar repair af tho Prupcny or ta tha sums
<br /> secured by this Security instrnment,whcther ar not then due.
<br /> Unicc.c l.endcr and flonowcr othenvise agnu in writing, nny applicatian of procceds to principul yhall not extend ar
<br /> ��ytpane thc duc date af the monthly paymentr�referrcd ta in pAra6raphs 1 and 2 ar chunge 1ho Amount of surh��vmen�v.
<br /> 11.Bor�u�ver Not Rcicnsed;�orbenruncc By isnder Nat e Walvcr. Sxtcnsion af thc timo far payn;Fnt ar modificltion
<br /> ai amurtizatio»uf tha sumv sccu�ed by this Sccurity Instrun�ent g�a►tted by L.cnder ta any successor in intercst ai Hormwcr shup
<br /> not opc�nte tu rcleuse tt�e Itubility of the originnl 8orrowor or Horrower's successara(n intcrest. Lendcs ehuil not be required ta
<br /> com+nence prt�cdings against nny�uccektar in interest or rclbsv ta cxtcnd timo tor paymcnt nr othcnvlse maditj�nmoni7,�tion
<br /> af¢he sums scr.ured by thie Secu�ity instrument by reuson af a+ty demand mnde by tho ariginul Borcowcr ar Barcawcr'e
<br /> auccc�snr�in intcrest. Any forbcarunco by I..cndcr in escrcising nny right ar rcmcd,y ehall nnt bo a wuivcr of or prccludc the
<br /> excrcisc af nny rlght ar rcmedy. �
<br /> !2. Succrssors nnd Assl�n9 Boandt Juint und Suveeui l.�nbitity{ CasS�ascrs. The cvti•enanGs und agroemcnta of ahis
<br /> Secu�ity Instrumcnt shnll bind und benr�t tho �:uccessonc nnd a5�ipns ai i.ender omi Bv��. �ut#a't =¢=�C P�3°�'�
<br /> �arabraph 1'�. Borcower's rnvcnan�v und ngmementc shull bo joint and sovend. Any Hairower wha co-s�ns this Secunity
<br /> �Tnstn�ment but dc�cy not execute thc Note: (n) is ca-signing thie Security lnstrument nnly ta mortgage.��ant And canvey that
<br /> Botrowcrs iracresz in ifie�ap�riy umior iho tR:n�a�si�3��u�3i�issotsust�ss: L��3�.s�tst���____i!y!+l+�}�ated tn nav the sums
<br /> setun.d by this Securtty Instrumeni;arRd(c)agrecs thnt I.ender tutd any ather barro�ver mny ngrt�e ta extcnd,m�xiif'yr.fori�ar or
<br /> mnke nny accammadutions with regued ta the term4 uf this Sccurlty Instrument or the Noto wtthout that Honawer's consene.
<br /> 13.l.aan Churbcw. IP the loun accured by thia Securit,y instnrment ia subject to n low which seta mnximum loan char�es�
<br /> nnd that Imv is flnaUy interprcted sa that tho interest ae other losm churgcs callected or to be callected in conncction with tho
<br /> lonn execoct tho perniitted limi�;. then: (o)nny such lann chargo shail bo ceduc�l by tho umaunt necessnry tn recluco tha ehurgo
<br /> to the pennittal limit:aml(b)any sums alreudy mllected from Burmwer�vhich oxcecded permitted limits will bo refUnded to
<br /> Borrcywc�. Lcndcr mny chooso to mako thi� rofund by reducing tho principal owect undcr tha iVotc or by making n ditect
<br /> payment ta Bartawcr. if u rofund raluces princlpnl, tho ratuction will bo treutcd a9 a partial prcpuyment withaut a�ny
<br /> �repaymcnt churgc under the Notc.
<br /> 14.Notice.v.Any itc+ticc to Barro��rr pravidal far in this Sccurity l�istrument shnli bo givcn hy dclivcrisl,r it or by mniling
<br /> it hy tirst cl�.vs mnil untess npplicable In�v rcquire.g uno of ctnuthor methad. Tho notiea Fhnll be clirccted ta the properiy Address
<br /> nr any ather addre�.v gorrawer dcsi�na;es by notico ta Lender. A�y aaticu ta Lender shtd} 6o given by �rst cings m��il to
<br /> L.cndcr'�addres9 Rtntcd heroin ar nny �thcr nddress I.endcr dcsignatcs by nolico tu BUrruwer. Any notic��ravidcd for in shls
<br /> �ccurity Inst�ument ehall be deemed to hnvo bcen given ta Harrawcr ar Lcndcr w•hcn givcn na pravidcxl in this pnrc�rnph.
<br /> !S.C.overning I.aN�a Snverpb9lity. Thie Security ]nst►umcnt ahall bc Snver�cd hy fcdcrnl law nad the Isw af li�o
<br /> juritdlc�tion in whic�thc Propeny is Sac.�tul. I�tho ovent thut nny provlwiQn c�t olausa af thia Secutity I�strumcnt ar the Nota
<br /> conflicts with npplialblo Inw.�such conflict shall not c►ffe,ct uthcr pravisiony of thie Sccutity lns��ment or the Noto which o�ia bo
<br /> given effect withnu�thc conflicting provision.Ta this end tho pr�visians af this Sccurity Instrumcnt nad tho Nnte cuo de�?arod
<br /> to bc scvcrable.
<br /> Ib.Rnr�ower'e Capy.Barrowcr shaU bo given anv canfarmcd capy af the Nato und af thia Sccurity Instrument,
<br /> Fomi 3028 9180
<br /> Pppa 4 010
<br /> ,'^'�'v°��'�s4Fn'nC�.�����*,Tl��R.M��j*ts1Ft,� �i
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