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�,sK�cll�u_x�YIL'�,#� ,iHAV1.`L�. =T� \ � — • . . � �i . . <br /> ..r�', � ,,r __ ' -�-�i` 1 ..•:��a,. ��i`�L''' T� O� k- .�F7• — It•j�,�y•t' . <br /> �1�\"+�{� � { ..i4`1�ltl}�f- . i�t��..1" A�- ' ,�� . <br /> '',:. <br /> t'l'.l'_�. ! " _ i <br /> .�\.! .. ._� •• ' _ - . .. ._ . . . _ .. <br /> �, � __�� , . � <br /> tt�f = . _ ��_ <br /> � ��� . __` _ . . , _ <br /> -�� . , . <br /> .. . <br /> _�3 . . _ _F... <br /> .. .. _�- .-_---��:::.��_ <br /> . n _. . . . . ._.. . _ . . _... --� ..�__�.._ ..._- ------------ <br /> . ^. _ ,��-�� <br /> _°-..`_.- - �"7�'��::...vnr.__.... _........ ...... _ _�_..__.._�.... "'.._""y.^�.v.....�-`-'•- - _ '_ <br /> ��'� `�t)' r��' �. <br /> S, Iit�urd or 1'i�+�Ny I�tsuk•p�+cC. L3�1IG►WCP Ehnl1 tcc� thc impn�ticmettta naw exiatin� �►r herc�a�ter cic �i� Ihv <br /> Droprrly I��surcd u�nin�t ios9 hy Ore, hurn+�i.r inciudcd a�ilhln Iha tem� "cx��naMl cuvcrago° uciJ uny uthcr huzUrdy, ineludin� _ <br /> flnintv ar fl�H�dlnp, fi+r�vNich l.rn�icr�rqui`e�Insun+�ire. 'I'III9 I119Uflltl\C Nh;dl hu m�dntaincd in the�unuunty iuul ti+r ttro perl�nly <br /> Ihut L•aidrr rca�ulr�r.Thc Incus�mtc currler piavidin�;ihr in�urnnr�4h;dl hc rhuscri hy [�,�rr�����cr�+uh���r1 tu dtindcr'K np�ruvnl <br /> �vht�h st�alt n�» hc unrcas�mnbly �vi�hhci�t. IP Horm«•cr fi�fl4 Iu mnin�a�in�nvcrn�e dcrerihrd nh��vu, (.endc� mny, at t.cndcr'e <br /> upNun,��btuin cuvcrok;c to pmtcct I.endcr'H ri�hts in thc Prupc�ly iu urrurJ���tr�wUh p:u�i►t;r�ip4 7. _ <br /> Ali invu�ienc4 p��ticle�nnA rcn�wAta fihait he acc��pmhte tn t.rndrr nm! nh9H Irni�nle n *tatntxFd nHwtguge cluu�e. I.ender <br /> �:hnll hnve�he�ight tu hold the policicy and rcnewidy. TE t�nd�r n�qui��s�H��rrn��•er r,hnit pmmptiY Eiiv�tn l.ender ail�:re��ty uf = <br /> pafd prcmiu�a.r�iid ie�ie�vnt nc►tire�.in ihe aticnt c+f{c:�s, iiorn�a;rr Ft�:�il bltie�s.�s��pt stutltc tc►the ln.4urun�e entti�`�it�ullr�uler. _- <br /> t.cnder nu,w mnkc pr�wf nf'lass IY nul mndc prumptly by[i�ttu�wcr. _ <br /> Unlcss lAnder m�d Burrn�vcr iqhcnvise i►�rce in �vritin}}. insunntce prucceds ehnii Nc npplic�i to rcstannion ur repu{r c�l'�h� -� <br /> l'n�perty danm�cd. if'thc�titit��r�ttiun ur�cpuir is c4�momi�vlly i'cutiiblc t�nd l.cndcr's scrurlty is ni�t les�;cnctl. lf Ihc resturutt�m ar _ <br /> rcpair ly nat camumlcully fca.�iblr or l.cndc�•'s�;eeurity wuuld ba letiscncd,thc insuruncc prucccds hhi�q bc applicd ta thc sutns _ <br /> tieeured by this 5ecurity instnunent, whether nr nut then due, with uoy e!ccess paiJ tn H��rre�wer. If�ormwer ab.vidany the <br /> Pr�ip�rty,.��r d�res nat nns�vcr wfthln 30 dny,r•a n��dre fram l.cnJcr thiit thc insu�YUUC ri�rdcr h�.�uf'fcrcd ta net�lu�i clnim. �hen _ <br /> I.ender m;►y ralleit the in.r•umnco prc�cecds. [.ender muy use Ihe procecd+ w rep.�ir ur rest��re tho Pmpe�ty nr tn puy aum.r• <br /> securcd by Il�is Srrurity Instrument.whether ur nut then ctuo.Thc 30-day peH�n1�vlll hc�in�vhco the natice is givcn. <br /> llnlcs� l.cnder imd l�arn�wer uthenvise ugrcc in writing, i►ny appliradan uf pnxcc�is to principal sha0 aot cxtcrtd or _ <br /> �+ostp�mc the dua dutc��f thc mnnthly paymcnts �efrrced ta in pun►�rapt�s 1 nnd 2 ar chim�c thc nmaunt of thc plymentv. If — <br /> undcr paru�;niph Z 1 thc Pmpeny is arquireQ by Lcndcr, H��rruwcr's right h�uny Insurmuc�n►licics und procceJv rcrultln� Prom <br /> di�maga w tho Pr��perly prior tu the ncquisitlan shiill pi��s ta Lcndc�to thc extem uf thc nums sccured by this Sccurity Inxtrument <br /> imntcdiutcly prlor ta thc ucyui�itian. <br /> 6.Orcupnacy.Preservntlon,lltutntennnrn and Protcction af tho Prupertys g��rmwcr's I.oun Applicutinn;l.enseholdv. <br /> 8urn��ver shall occupy.estublish. iind use the Prape�tiy as Barrower'y principal residence within sixty duys uQcr the executiun of <br /> this Sccurity lnstrumcnt und shnll mntinue tii�xcupy thc P���perty us Honawcr's principul�cyidcnw fnr lu least ano ycur aRcr <br /> thc dtUu uf nccupattcy. unles5 l.ender atherwisc agmcY in writing.which camcnt xhull nat hc unrcns�nably wfthheld. or unles� <br /> exter�uaNng circumstanccs exis� which ure beyanci Barro�ver's cantral. 81�rra�ver shall not destray, damngo ar imp�ir tho <br /> Praperty, nllaw the Pmperty ta dctcriorntc, ar cc�mmit w�.ste aa the Prapeny. Bprn+wcr shidl bo in def�t►It (f nny farfcituro <br /> ::ctiun i�r praceeding, �vhether civil or crlminnl, is bcgun that in l.endcr's gocxi fnith Jud�ment could result in farteituro of tho <br /> Nroperty or othcnvjse mntcrinily impair the lien cre�it�cl by thia 5ccurity lastrument or l.ender's security intcrest. �3orra�v��may <br /> cure such a defuult und reinstatv, us pravided in pum�raph cuusin6 the uction ar praceeding t��bo dismissed with i�ruUng <br /> thot. in t»cndcr's gnad fui�h dctcrminati�m, prccludes forfciturc �f thc Barrawcr's intcrest in thc Praperty or athcr matcrial <br /> impairntcnt af tha Ilen crcatc+il by this S�curity Iaytrument ur L.cndcr's accurlty interest. Q�inower shall �Isa bc in dcfuult ii <br /> Barra�ver.duria�the toan applicatirn pme�s,gAVe mate�iully fylse or inaccurate infurnu�tlon or stutements to l.endir(��r fnilcd <br /> to pravide i.cndcr witfi nrq•tttuicriZl infi�rithiitvfi)Iii a.�iii�2ti#t��ii3�iilc lo�i�vii3�iiC'ttt by 2hG Raie. !nelucling�bnt�:isnit�s! - <br /> to,rcprescntntionw c�m�timict�Hormwcr'x uccuptincv af the Property us a principat residc�uo. If thly Securiry lnstrum�nt is an a <br /> lenschald, Borrawer chail ccm�ply with all tl�e provisiony of the lease, If Barra�vcr ncquires fco titlr ta the Property, the <br /> ��;�sal�!t!�!'�:il3e�tssl3 sxst stser��utsl::s k��p�r�s�shn r�rgAr}r ws}�}n�. <br /> 9.Pratecttan aP I.ender's Rigfita in the Praperty. if aarrc»vcr f�ils ta partarm thu��►ve��u�►ts uad t�greements containtd in <br /> this 5ccurfty Instrutncnt, or there is o icgnl praccedina that mny significnntly uffect I.cnder'x�lghts in the Prope�ty (such aw i� <br /> prc�ccedin� in bi►nkn►ptcy, probate, for candemnt�tioa ar forfcitu�a ar ta enforce IuwH ur rcgulations).thcn Gendcr rrury da nnd <br /> pay for whatcver is necessary tp protcct the vnluc+�f the Pr�peny iind t.cnder's riglus in tl�e Nrapenv. Lendcr's nctians rtwy <br /> includc paying any sum9 sccurcd by a licn which has pric�rity avcr this Sccu�ity Instrument, appenring in cuuM, paying <br /> r�,sonor��Quoraoyg�fc�a nnd cntcrfng on thc Propcny to mnko rcpai�g. AUhaugh Lcndcr may tako uctinn undcr this p,uagrnph <br /> 7,l.cndai dacs nat hnvc ta do so. <br /> Any cunaunts disburserl by I.ender under this pnrag�aph 7 shnll becamo udditianal debt of Bormwer sccurcd by this <br /> Sccurity Instrumcnt. l'nl��s Horrowor and i.ender A�ree ta rnhcr tcrn�w af paymcnt, thcse umounts sha!1 bcar interest from tho <br /> dutc af disbursement ut the Nate rnta and shaU bo payable. with inteicst. upon notico f�om L�endcr to Banawer �cqucsung <br /> payment. <br /> 8.MoMgoge laqurnnce.lf L.endor requirecl mortgs�go insurunce ur+u candition af mnlcin�tho loun secured by thie Sccurity <br /> instrumont, Hunt+wer bhull puy the premiums reyuired ta maintain tho me,rtgaBe insuranco in offcct. If. far uny rcasan,the <br /> murtgngc iosuranr�cavcmge�equired by l.ender lupses ar ce�.ves m ho in effwt,Barrawer ahnU pny tha premiumo rct�uirai to <br /> abt��in cnverugc subvtantinlly cquivulcnt ta the mart�nge insuranco previausly in cffect,at a cost subatantinlly eyufvnlent ta tha <br /> c�st tu 6an�awcr of tho mortgago insurunco previouYly in cffcct, fram an altcraato martgAgo insurcr appravcd by l,endor. If <br /> substantinlly cyuivulent num�age insurance coverngo iA nat nvailAblc, Borrowcr shall pa}to I.endor earh month u s��i equid ta <br /> one-tweifth af Ihe yeurly martgugo insurunco premlum bcing puid by Bonowor when the�murance caverago lapsed ar ce.�sed to <br /> be in effect.I,cnder���ell uccept,usc und retnin thcsc puyments cu� Q IOSti rescrvc in licu af mort�ngc insurnnco. L.059 reservo <br /> Purm 3028 9l80 <br /> Paao a ai o . <br /> � 7'r'.5- ' ',— ^^'r--�• �-s-ti�er•- . <br /> .y av' � :Y� r - . " ,� 'li, - � �1'7'a�r .c,w,r��— ----- --- - <br /> `�r . ;';�'�,`�'+��`��`1:�`'r" . - . -` k . �y�'�"°,�-- - �------- <br /> �-a:`i�J'i. -.., P..-�. • . . .. ,��. .. _ .- 1 e 7�=='__, 4�'__� <br /> �-�:�m . ' ,. ���;�i--- ��.. <br /> fJ,��..7. _' . .�� c, ,,. ` . . � D . }j�..* �.fl;;�t'• � �r�.w.�`i�r(i`ts.�+^� - -- <br />.� . �.. � ' . ,. � r- r, ' '�-r.:r.: � ' , � . � - �r���V� <br /> .c�' 'k1 <br /> �.1. �� .:s�.k ',�� 'C'1 '1' �/", ! __ ( _. <br />� . r .. r ' .. ' �.'i''� I �� . � -,--i .. 1:"\ti P�. <br /> . f. . ±, 4 � ,r. -� �t�_ . o��„x.� _ <br /> _ . �r .... _ . a . . , ' ,. r�V J �y(5'. a M ... . .� {r . <br /> � n•��• li ' . . (' ' 1'} �F�i"Y-J�.'; � � d <br /> . . •!. . '� � � '��T� ~. <br />:y�� , . . ;;f •rt,.� ^��LJ <br />.i- .. _ _. � .. • ' ' � . ( ' eiT 1. �NL ..s.,�+�ti� <br />..�r. . . , ' , f i •��l b �'�i:',l�.'' <br /> ,. ' . .. � . ^ �i . . �� �..�i 1.���vr- rT '�?in - <br /> � . .� . . � . ww�� - <br />-_- , ✓ t- J� <br /> _ .. . . 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