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.� r �`:;�".?�t1�'7tii�%�'C e..�-.. .. :, , ,'' •.,� , . ., , <br /> .a�t,rt :t'..`' -. • -.�t ._. . ,'. - . � r. \; , ...y;�.�� � <br /> . . . . . . .. ,;�. <br /> � ',�'!` -. ' -.� •, � --- e ,�i', - �� <br /> -'t,T_.� ' _ .. .. ,; <br /> t� `i _ � • . `. .. _ . .. _ ., � - .= <br /> 1 .. `�'� c_ - <br /> . .. <br /> ._ . . ,`� „ .. ' ,.._....,-�.�._-__ <br /> _ T . � ' _ _ ... _ _ . _ -- <br /> -- r..a � _ _ � _ I - t.. °;a'�7!_j��'�3�'=�_-,_-..�.-,�,..�.-.,a..�_..-. .-_ <br /> __-_—�u�.�-p-�.-.`.,+�++�_-.�c..:___..___.----- -_.._.___.._,..___ ...�_ �—__ . _ __ <br /> -_..a-:�-z==�-�c -- _ <br /> ���~�'��i s �I'r'� - <br /> 17.T��an�fc���iY tho[k��perty nr o Ilcttcflcinl inict�cst In Ua�ro+scr�It'nll ur uuy p:ut of Ihc{kc�pcny ar un�tcr•st in it :_ <br /> L+h«I�I ur tmnyl'cr�Mi(ue if��t►cncNciul interest in Y��rrowcr I�suid ur U;tnsf�rrcd und II�,rr��wcr ty uut u nuturnl prrFC�n)�vnhnut <br /> tic t�rit'xins�n mcm��Huwuvcr�.,tl►in�ptlu»�e�ihiill nut�bo exer�iscd hy�l cndcr�l�+¢xc ris��ly pr�hfbit«t�by fulcrnl law mruf 11 c dutc <br /> af thig�ecuri�y Invif��n�ci��. ._. <br /> If l.rttdee e�erci,e�tt►iK���1tun, Lc�uler shn!!givc pnrruwer�eatir�uY ac��tcraNun. 'i'ho�u�dce tihull ri�vidc u�n;rAal uf not <br /> Ic�y tir.v���1 dAyN ir<�m tho dnro tho nuNce ie dcilvert�l��r maiiCd wi�hin wfiich @mm�vrr tttual pyy �±4Y b!li14S �CtlifCi� I1y lAI9 _ <br /> ScrwUy Instromcn�• If R+►rr�i���ce fnits to puy ihrsc numv priur tu th�cxpirntion v��his�:.tind, l.ender itwy invake nny rcn�1�� _ <br /> permttt�,i hy thii Sc:utit y•In,tn►meat tittl:tl{!L I�lf1I1C!ti{1IIC�OT L�Cttt:�l�tl 1111 Ht1fiY)\bl'f. _ <br /> 1�. [lorro�rrp'e► !ti ht ta Retnstute. If fi��rrawer mccta ccnnin �cmdUluns, Hntrm�er ��h,dl hnvc the ri�;lit tu tuwo <br /> cnforcrment aP �h{s; Secur�ty instnimcm dlsruntinual at any timc prlur t�► Ihv curllcr af: (ul S di►ys lar euch vthcr peri��d c4r _ <br /> appiicnhlo Inw nmy hpecily f�+r rcl��sti►tcmentl t+efare �+ido uP th� Peoperty pureuant tu uny �snwer uf Kule conti�incd in ti►is <br /> Seeurity Instrument;��r(hl cmry af u Judgmcnt cnt'c�rring thls Sccuriry lnsln�ment. Thuse rundllton�uro titat Barn►�vee: (u)p�ys <br /> l.endcr ull sums which then wnu1J he duo under thi:; Sccurity In�:lYU111Ct11 llpil l�lL' N(1lC UV(f It0 itC{.jCI@lA1I1111 I1AJ(tt:l'UI'PCiI; lb1 <br /> curc�any defnalt i►f noy odicr cavcnnnty��r ageecmcnts; (c)payy all cxpen4c�itu:une�1 In enfarcina this Secu�ity instrument. <br /> includint;, but n��t limitcd t�+.�ca�mmAlc nitorncys'fecs; nnd(d)takcv such ncUun us L.cndcr mny rcns�mnbly�rquiro tc►c��.surc <br /> thnt thc ticn uP thiy Sccuriry Instrumcnt, t cndcr's ri hts in thc Pn�perty und Barro�vcr's abllgatian to pay thc sumy hccured by <br /> this Sccnrity Instrumcnt Fhall continuo unchungc�. Upcm rcinstc►tcmcnt by Bc�mnvcr, t:�ie Sc,�;urlty lnstrument m�cf thc <br /> �ibligations secureQ he;eby yhnll remaln lUtly eff'ective us if nn ar��tlerntiun hud oscurced. Howover, this ri�ht tu rclnstute ahnll <br /> not upply in thc cusc oP necclet�uion uncicr parugraph 17. <br /> 19. Sulo oP Notci Changc uP I.onn Scrvtccr. Tho Notc nr n partinl intcrcst in tho Nato (w�ctt►cr �vith this Security <br /> Instrument)muy bc sold ouc ur nu+rc tioiev�vithaut pri��r naticc ta @urrn�vc�. A�:nlo may result in u chnngc in thc entity lkrtown <br /> a.9�hc "Luan Scrviccr")thut �aliccts mmithly paymcnts duc��ndcr thc Nnto i�nd this Sccu�ity Instrument.Thcrc nisa may bc onc <br /> ur mnrc chenges��P the l.oiin 5crviccr unreliit�d ta u�ule af u,. � te. ti tl �e iw a c an�^aT Uu�.uan Scrvicc�,aorro�vcr will bc <br /> given written naAcc of'tho chnn�;c In iwc��rduncc with pnrng�aph 14 ubuvo utul opplicublc li►w. 7��, n�xicc will�ti�tc thc namo und <br /> nddress af the ne�v l.�t�n Scrviccr a�nd the nddresti to �vhirh p:►yment9 sh�uld be madc. Tho nntico will s►Isn contain uny other <br /> infiirmntinn rFquirc�l by applicnblc luw. <br /> 20. Hnr�rdou9 4ubstt�nccs. Borrowcr Rfiull nat rnuse nr {�ermU the prescncc. usc, dispnsal, storogc, ur rcicnsc of nny <br /> Nc►•r.arduur Subrtnnces on ar in the Pmperty. 8ormwor shnll nut da, rtor aUow auynno clao ta d�, anything atfecting the <br /> pcopecry that is fn viulatian nf any Hnvi�anmentnl l.nw. The prcreding twa hcnte�ices shidl rtat nppiy tu the presence, usc, ar <br /> staroge on the Propeny oP s�imll qunnUdeo uf Hauicda�s Sub�.tun��cs thc�t arc generully rcco�nizal to bc t�ppropriate ta naminl <br /> sesidcntial uscy and ta maintenanm ul'thc Pmperty. <br /> l�nnowcr shull p�nmptiy eive I.en�er �vritten notico of iiny investigutinn�claim. demnnd, lawsuit nr ather action by any <br /> govsmmcntai��r regula�ory Hgency ar privute pucty involving the Prop�erty nnd nny Huzurdoua Substnnca or 8nviranmemnl l.s�w <br /> of�vhich Bu�rower hno uctuul knuwlociRc. If Barro�vcr tcurn�. ur is natlficd by cu�y gavernmental nr reguiatory autharity.thnt <br /> any removal ar ather remediution af any Htu.unfau�Substunce affcctins d�e Pruperiy is nccessary.Harrower nhnll pramptly tnkc <br /> idl necessary remeciinl uctiuus in uccardance with�nvirenmenwl I.,nw. <br /> Ay uscd in this pnmp,t��ph 20. 'Haznrclous Substances" a�e thu�e substanee.v defin40 u,toxic or haxucdous substnnces by <br /> �3f¢�� �� �d �[ollmvlt� ������n�^�; rusoline. kemsenc, ather ilammablv ar toxie petrolcum Qraducta. taxic <br /> pesticidos nnd herbicide�,valatilo sulvents, mnterlalr cantuinioB uvbe�tos ur farmuldchyde,und mdfoa��Ino mmerrais.As usai in <br /> this p�ragraph 20. "�nvirunn�cntol Law" mcuns fcdcral law�; cuid la�vs of tho jurisdiction whem thc Property is tocutcd that <br /> retute ta hcalth.sufct�r or cnvlmnmental pmtection. <br /> '�:�3ri-L'�3�.°.�^.�S'SN.;.*:3Fv. �srns�:s'sss�I�.�f1!r+l�'r myenant nnci narccj us fallowa: <br /> �1.Aaetcration:Remedicw. t.cndcr nf►sli�iv�notice to BanY►wrr prlar to ueccleratlan!'u!lawing Bormu�r's Dre�cb <br /> of nny cuvenant o� ugreement in thts Sccurity Iatitrumcnt (but nat prdur to acccleratlnn uttderpn mgraph 17 unles.v <br /> npplicable law providca othenvise).The notice�chall speciFy: (a)tho default; (b) the actlon rcgulred to cure tho defaulta <br /> (c)c►dntc,nat Ic�.s thun 30 dpyA[rom thc date the notice iq Rlvcn to Hm'mwer,by whfch tho deta►ult must be curcd;and <br /> (d) that fullueo to cunr the dcfauit an or beforo thc dnto Apecifled in tho notice may result In ncceleratlon o8 thc r�umy <br /> bcxurcd by,thts i'+ecurlty Inslrumcnt ond �snle of the ite�crty. 'fhe nolice shaU flucthcr In[urm Ilo►t�wer oP eho rtght tn <br /> reim�tete afte�acrclerutlon nnd the rlght ta bring a caurt acttan to asseM tho nnn�exi�tenee oP u default ar any athcr <br /> dcfensc+af Dcirro�rcr to acccicrntlon und Fule. 1P the dcfault ly nnt �vrcd an ar bcfore thc duto spoctiiecf in the nattce, <br /> l.ende���at l�9 op3ivn, m�y requiro immedlnte puyment In fLll af aU sums securcvf by thls Secu�tty lnvtrument without <br /> furlher dcmond aml may invake thopawer of�u18�nd uny ather remedlcs permitted by AppItc�610 lnw. l,ender atiAli be <br /> entiqed to wllat all oxpenscs incu�red in pun�uinp�the mmcdies p�vided In thls paTagraph 21,Inctuding,6ut mot limtted <br /> to.rcasonAbte attorneys'[c�.w and msts of title evldence. <br /> 1[thopo wer of�ule is Invoked, Trustce ehall nrord a naticc of default In o�rch rnunty in which a�n�pnrt aP the <br /> f'ropcety Is locnted und shal! mail copies of tsuch notice in Ihe manner prescribccl by Appilc�bte iaw to Barcower and to <br /> the nther persans prexcrlbed by opplirablv law.After the Um$requlred b,y oppNcHblo luw.Tru.s��shall givo public natiac <br /> uf ealo to thc persot�.v and in lho inpnncr prescrllxxl by upplicablo law.Trustce, without dcmand an Borrower,ahall isell <br /> !hc Pmperty a1 pz+bitc auctlon�o the hlghcst btdder nt the timo and place and undcr thc tcrms c1�lKnated in the nattro ot <br /> r,nlo tn ane ar mom purcels e�J 3n a�y order TrusSee determines.Trasteo may post{w�zo salo oP all or ac�ypa rcel uf tho <br /> I*�v,perly by public announcement e2 tha 63mo und plmce af a�y previausty sche:lulc�l �atc. �RALI@1'OP I�desiRace mAy <br /> purchnsc tl�e 1'npbxrty et nny sulc. <br /> Forrn 3�28 9190 <br /> Papo 6 ot 0 <br /> f •. .� <br /> '��?A���}i�r3�'��i. +Y`�_ga�,",j!a`1'���s�s'�'•- <br /> r r'� i��c �y`�riRy�j, t.- �l�l` K _,!'��:�1��.' <br /> r. Y'�s , � <br /> ,f'�r�.r��fir,la f'pOt '�roiP:l7a S�':t s ..1� _ r ---- _ -__ __ _' <br /> , . . <br /> � ��i�} r. �f'�'�.. � � '-� �` � , ' �� ' r- - — <br /> . , <br /> /h �;�` -` C. _ . .t - ' � - - _ <br /> , . . - �` � � �Fr�'^ <br /> . , •• . � ��-�,� Y� ,�r =_-- <br /> ' • • ;, .a.�w.: .+-, r .:a^►�cr <br />� � - ` � \, , .l.c:: :r,.y` . u,, ____. <br /> - , . . - 1 c.a- .. . .7'.h c ... <br /> � . . � _ v.+t _Y'Ily:'�.i4- . �.- . t. - rI• _ ♦sy��rxF�t f , 1 -'fl��� - _ -- <br /> v .. <br /> . � " f: � ' . - . . �: (���. � � /�' . 4 � <br />.. . . . ., , . �� . ���'_-_ <br /> . �r�,��r�r... ..�+..s <br />.. � _� . � . ,. - ` �. � �: ''�'",:n i. I '����'_• r_'- - _ <br /> :..t r:�a�w.�-. <br /> .���_�..'^- <br />_ . ... _ .. , , ' , . . ' .. . .a':� .:fi' ��,,:� - -'-91��d'�.''. <br /> • _ � . , _ � , - '�n. 1� ___ <br />_ , , <br />. . � . . . r,_ -'_ - <br /> . y;����,� <br /> , . . . . y- -__-- _. <br /> _ <br /> _ <br /> _—'_ <br /> . �. <br /> .... . .. . .._ . . .. . . . '�ei1[�N^•1r�:::--v�.-�m� <br /> ,r. " . .. ' =v ►�!wa�crstn °-- <br />� . . . . .. 6 , T.,�., <br /> �h�r+VZ`i` � —_- � �.s.u� ��— - <br /> e.. � .1 y, i . ." " . . :. .�. _ " " �_� "'- <br /> ::V - � 7"t 1. yy 4�� ,__. . <br /> -6� ._.. . :~" '1�i�ti����wf'��'�I .� _ ._ j .r �. . � <br /> , � . . <br /> .___ � ':_. :. _. . �s-`-- ,_ - ... . _: . — - _ --__'_ <br /> .i -��l.,.__ _ —_ <br /> .,� <br /> ., . �_.. <br /> ' ,� 'S}' Y:� .L : '- _ �_�_._r.. <br /> �,j� � �a�.��- <br /> , . - . ... ' .... K.M.��Y"diS�[TL�1.4�h _.-t. �n S .,. .. . .. _. _.. . f. • >.. Irt .-�i:.'1AX..`,�a� . � <br />