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<br /> 7Y�tiiiTHHtt�VI'i't1 all thc tmnmvrmcnts ncnv c+r h;.rcaRrr c�rc��tal�m tho pn��rty,u�td aii esteut�nts,apRur-iesuu«�cw.wid
<br /> fi�tun�v n�iw nn c�n.:�Rcr c� nan uf �he pr��perry. All rcpincrnicnts anQ addldnns hhnll ulsn Im ci�vc��il by Ihls Suurlty
<br /> Im�n►ritcW.All�it'U►o li,rei�+�fn�is roPenrJ ta in�his 5c�►�rlty tn5l�inncnt uv tleo"P`upcny."
<br /> fipftlitlWqR('OYHNANTS thnt N��m►wcr Iy ImvflQly Fciscd«I lhc cs�ntc hcrchy���nvcycd and hnv thc rl�tht t��grmU nnd
<br /> ranycy Ihv Praperty nnd Iitut thu Prurrriy i9 unencum�crcd, cxccpi ti+r cncumhrr�nrcv ol rcrnrd. t1��rniwer aii�riuttH a��si wiN
<br /> d�f'�itQ ge�ter.tily Ih�tNl�tu lhu Prup�Ny i�idurt ull�la�mv m►�1�ten►u��d�,huh�ubt tu imy cucu�nt�ran.�v��F�'eru��1,
<br /> T�i(5 SFGUR[TY liVS�'RUMEWI'c�mbines uaf&�rm c�uvraar�ts Fc►r ruYlhn�al t�c ntnl Tnnriutiti►ftii cti+vet»ntt,r wNl� lirnilcd
<br /> variaU��nS Uy Jurisdicti�+n ai c�►ustitut4 u uitiifai�in sceuriry instr�m�m���ve�ing rcut pr.�perty.
<br /> !!N!F!)RN!t't)Vl:NAP!'!'�. 4�;frt+uee atki l.cvselcr�x3tie�:nns asu!a�r�ns Fallm�rs:
<br /> 1. Nuymcnt nP I�incipul ��nd G�tcresti 1'repu�•ment und Lute Cha�es. Hurruwcr shzdl pruntptly pay when duc the
<br /> prinripal��f nnii Intcrest an thc dcbl cvidcn�rd by thc Natc and nny pr:�+�ymcnt nnd lato ch�r�,�es duc undcr thc N��tc,
<br /> 2. 4Lndy Par�'u�c�v and In.yurnncc� SubJect ta upplirnblc luw nr ta n wriucn �v��lver by l.cndcr� qurmwcr c;hall pay tu
<br /> Lendcr nn thc day monthiy p:rym�nts�rre due andcr tho Nutc.until�hc Noto is pnid in tLll,ii�um("�unslr")fi�r. liil yci�rly tuxes
<br /> nnd msessmenty which may c►unin prinrity nvcr thi.r•Srrurlty In.r•trument as i�lien au the P�u�sorty;(h)yctrcly le,�.�chald paymentn
<br /> ur groutid renty un the Prnpertv. il'uny;(c)ycnrly hamrd or pruperty insuamcc prcmiums;(d)yci��ly fload insuruncc prcmiums,
<br /> iP any: (c)ycarly mun�agu inyurunre prcmlunn, if i►ny; u�zd (f� any sumY paynblo by H�oreawcr to L.ender. in ncrnrdnnce with
<br /> the pravlstans��f paragruph R,ia licu oP tha payment af�iiartgu�e insurnuce premium9.Thcse items are cnlled"L''srraw Item.9."
<br /> Lender mny, in nny time, :ullrcl mid hold Funds in nn um��unt nut tu exceed tho mnximum nmount n lender for n fedcrally
<br /> rclatccl mnnga�e Inun nti�iy requirc fnr Bnrrawer'ti c.rcrnw arcnunt undcr che fcdcrnl Rcul �state Setticment Procedureti Act of
<br /> 1974:�s nmendcd f'rcmm timc ai timc. 12 U.S.C. Scction 26Q1 et scc�. ("RBSPA"),unlass nnutFio�Ic�w thut applics to the Fu�ds
<br /> sctN n lesser u�nount, lf s��, l.ender mny� n1 imy tiine,caticct und hold Hunds in nn umount nat ta excced thv lag.ce�c�niaunt.
<br /> L.cndcr mny estimatc thc umaunt nf Funda duc an thc basie af currcnt d��tu nnd ��.�sani�blc estimutcs nf cxpcndituncs af fl►turo
<br /> Bscrmv Items�n othenvlse in uccordunco with applicuble li�w.
<br /> Thc Funds tilxdl in hold in i�� institutiai �vhuse depci�ity ircc insurcd by .� fcden�l a�ency. instrumentaNty. ar cntlry
<br /> (includin�Lcndcr, if Lcndcr ih auch m�institutlun)ur in Any Fcderul Humo Loun Bunk. Lcndcr shnll apnly tho Funds to pAy tho
<br /> Qscraw ltems, t.ender muy not char�e Barro�vcr far holdinp und aprlyina Ihe Funds,unnuully nnnlyztng tho escrow acmunt,or
<br /> verifying the F.scraw Items, unletiv I..encler payy Borrawer intereyt an the Funds und uppliruble law pennfts Lender ta mnke such
<br /> n charge. Howovcr, l.ender may require Hnrrn�vcr ta pay a one-time char�C for an independent renl estnto tt�x reportinB tiervica
<br /> uscd by Lcndcr in canncctian with thiy lann, unless �►pplicuhle law pruvldcs othera�ise. Unless nn ngrecmen� is mudo or
<br /> epplirnblc Inw requirec intcre�t tu be puld, I.cndcr shall nut be rcyuired a�p�y Burruwcr nny interest ar earning�;an tho Funds.
<br /> Horrn�vc�cind l.�ndcr mt►y i��ccc in writing,hn�vcvcr,thut intcrest shnll bo p�id on tho Fund!►. I.cndcr shnll pivi to Borran�cr,
<br /> withaut chnrgc, nn nmiunl t�ccauntin�of thc Funcis. shawin�crcdits und dcblts tu thc Funds imd thc purpuso fur whinc�ach
<br /> dcbit to thc Punds�vn.�madc.Thc Funds nm plcd�cd as udditionnl sccurlty far all sums sccurcd by IhiF Security InstrumenY.
<br /> It'tho Funds held hy Il�c�dcr exccod tho Amaunts p.nnittcd to bo heid by ap�lir>�bl�:Inw.Lendcr ehull¢vmunt ta HayTOwer
<br /> fer ttse e�s��Fu�i�.,r..+nia:sec with she re�uire�est�af appl3aable law. Lf t!��s�xsst af t�te�u�ls.�sal�!b} Lendcr gt:.ny
<br /> time is nat sufftcicnt to pay thc Escro�v 3tem.r•whcn duc,Landcr mny so notify Bc�rrnwer in writing,und, in such caxv Barrawer
<br /> shull puy tc•s..ender thc amaunt nccessary to mukc up thc�deficicncy. Borrawer shull makc up thc dvflciency in na mora than
<br /> twelve nwnthiv 4favments_nt I.ender's sule discretion.
<br /> Upan payment ia Ntl aP aii sums secuaxt by tMA Security tnstru�►zenE. l.ender ahall peamptiy reii�nd t�, BOfFQW@Y tlily
<br /> FunJy held by l.ander. lf,undc��purubraph 2I. l.endor shnll ucquiro ur sell tho Prop�rty,I.endcr.prlor tu thc:nquisition ar snlo
<br /> uf the Aropeny. ehc�ll upply wiy F�unds held by l.cnder ut tho timo af acquisitian or�cdo ns u crcdit ugainst ttio hums socured by
<br /> thie Security Instrument.
<br /> 3.Applicntlan of PuytncntA.Unles9 Applicuble law pmvidcs oshenvise.ull puymcnt�rcccived by l.cndcr under pnru�rnphs
<br /> 1 und 2 shull be npplle�i: Orst, tu a�y prcpayntent charges d►u�under tho Nut�; secnnd, ta umounts puynblo under parngraph 2;
<br /> third.ta tnterest duo;faurth.to princlpal duo:nnd latit,to any Inte charges due untler thu Nate.
<br /> 4.Chat�es; Ucns. Barrowcr ahall pay c►il tAxc9,assessments. chnrges. fines and impositions c�ttribuwblo ta thc Praperty
<br /> which mny attnin priarity avor thiR Sccurity lostrumcnt. and Icaschuld paymea�tx ar ground rents, if any. Borrowur shalf,pay
<br /> thcso abllga�ians in thc munner pmvidcc1 in pArag�Aph 2,or if not paid in qiat mnnncr. B�nowcr ahAl!pay them on dmo daT�eatly
<br /> ta thc per�an awcd paymcnt. Borrawcr�hufl promptly fl�mlvh ta l.cndcr ull noticcv af art►aun�y ta ba paid undor this pnragraph.
<br /> lf}lomnwer atakas these paymentx directly,liorrawer shull promptly t'urnish ta l.ender reccipts avidoncin�the pnymenu+.
<br /> Horrawcr shall pm�:nptly dischargc any lien which has priarlty avor tM�Sccuriry instrumcnt unlcss Barrawcr;(c�)�Fecs!n
<br /> w�iting ta tfie puyment of tho abligntian secured by the lien In u manner acceptubic ta l.endcr;(b)cantestx in g«xl fiiith t�c��ion
<br /> by, ar defends tigidnst enfurcement ��f tho lien in. legul praccedinge which in thc Lender's opinian aperato to provca�t tho
<br /> enfarccment�f tho Ucn:c�r(c)secmtis t'ram tho huld:.r af the lien un ugreement s:�tisP�tctary ta[.A.nder subordinating thc lien t�
<br /> ihis Sccurity Instnimcnt. !f L.cndcr dctcr�mincs thut a^��pnrt af thv Praperiy 19 nuhjcrt to A licn which muy t�ttain prlarlty avcr
<br /> thi9 Security instrument, l.ender may piva Harmwer u natico identifying tho licn. Harrawer shall r;ntiefy thc lion or tt�ke ano or
<br /> moro of thc�ctians Fct forth abavo within 10 days a�tho giving af naticc.
<br /> Farm 3028 9190
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