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<br /> paymonty may im tan�cr t+o n:��uircd,at Il�c upUun��f Lcn�lcr,li'uwrtpa�tc In+uriuno cuveru�t�lln ihc mm�at�t►md ti►r th�rx��i�xl _
<br /> thut l�cn�ler rcquircy)����►�Ided by nn in�urr�uppmvr�l hy Lrudre nit����� hccomc�a��nllable unJ is«btnfncd. U��riu�vice�huD F�►y
<br /> thc prcntiumv myulecd tt�ntnintnin m�►ri�i��u intiunmrc in eftccl.ur tu prnvidc n lu,v rc�ervr.until tli�rc��ulrcmcnt fi�r nu�►t�u�}�
<br /> insu►unrc cndy in urcus�l��tcc�vith nny wrlucn����ccmcut hctNCCn Bc�rra�vcr uud Lrndrr��r anpllrnhle Imv.
<br /> 9. lnvpectH►n. I.CIII�CP/t{•its a�;ent may mc�kc rcusunabic cntrie:y up�►n und Inspcctinns uf the Pmperty. i.�nder�h�ll �ivo
<br /> Aortt�wex nuticG u�thc Nntt�i+`�►►���ri��r tu an hu;pcctl�m spccifyin�mi�4nt�cthlc ri�use tirr the imperli��n. -_.
<br /> 14. Cur�demt�nllan. 'Cha pr�ce�ly uf any u�vard ar cluim fur Janu►�es�dircct��r umsequcmiaf, in c�,mre��t�•n wlth any `-
<br /> anuiumwtion iir uthcr tiiki��b oi uny pah aF tl�o Nroperty.ur fiir runvcynnrc In Ucu uf condcmnutiim, uic hcr..hy assiRtTCd�nd _
<br /> tihuU bc paVd ta l.cndcr. �
<br /> In thc evcM nf u tutal tuking uf thc Pmperty,tlic prurec�ls shidl bc upplird t�+Ihc hums yccurid hv this Sc�urlty Instnunent, _
<br /> �vhether ��r nut then duc, wi�h nny exceyy paid ta Rorrower. In the event uf a partiid ti►kinK t�f thc Pruperty in which the fuir _
<br /> mnrkct vuluc��I'�he Pruperty imnudkitclv be(are ihc tukin�iy cyual t��ar grcatcr thun tlic amuunt ut'thc sums sccured hy this __
<br /> Sccuri�y lnstrument immcdiataly bcfore tha wking,unlcsg Hurra�vcr und Lcndcr��thcnviso n�rcc iu writing,Ihe sunt�sccured by
<br /> this Sccurity Instnrmcnt hhuU hc rcciuccd by Iho anu�unt uP thc pr�xecds multiplicd by thc fulbwin� GucUan: (i�1 thc totnl
<br /> umount of dic xums ticcured immedfnccly hefurc the teikin�.dividcd by (h) thc fuie market vnluu nP thc Prupeny immedintcly
<br /> beforo thc tuking. Any balnnre shall bo paid ti� H��rru�vcr. In thc �vcn� ��f n puninl tnking i►P thc Pmpcny 1n which tho fnir
<br /> mi�rkct vnlua uf'thc Pniperty immeJiately hcfan:the tuking i�lexs thim thc umuunt i�f the hum.r• sccun�l iumudiittcly bePoro tho
<br /> takin�, unlcss Bc�rm�ver und Lcndcr athGnvi�a ugrec in writing nr unlcys iipplicnblo in�v athcrwisc pr�widcs. thc prucccdq shull
<br /> . bo upplicd to thc sums accurcd by this Sccu�ity Instn�mcnt whether i►r n�t thr.sums ircc thcn duc.
<br /> lf thc Aroperty is abanduncJ by Borro�vcr.ar if.uftcr notice by l.cndcr to Bunowcr that thu candcmnor nifcr.:to mnko nn
<br /> owurci ar ticttlo a claim fbr Jnnu�ges. sarmwer iails ta respimd ta l.cnder �vitNio 30 days uftcr thc date the nutire is given.
<br /> L.cndor is nutha�iacd ta callect i►nd npply thc prurecds.ut itti option, clther tn resti�rntion or repair oi'�he Pn�ncrty��r to tho sums
<br /> secured by this Sccucity Instrument,whethcr nr nat thcn duc.
<br /> Unle�.�c LenJer und A.irrawe�othe►wise i�grce M w�itin�;, �ny upplicatian af prureeda to priacipal ehull not extend ar
<br /> �astpanc the dua date af the monthiy payments refcrrocl to in paru�raphs 1 and Z�r chimge tho aR�a�mt of such puyments.
<br /> l l.Borra�vcr Nat �telcused;Forbenrnnce By Ia�nder Nat n Wutvcr. l��trnsiUn af tt�o tima far paymant or madiflcntian
<br /> af nm��rtir.�tian af the sum�Fecured by th{H Security Ins�n�ment grunted by t.c»der to.+ny successar in interest�f Borrawer shall
<br /> �nt apanue ta relense tho liabillty i�f tho ariginul8arn�wc�or Horruwcr's success�.r�in inter�st. l�:ndcr whuil nat bc rcqui�cd ta
<br /> cammenea pmcecdingy again.r•t any successor in interest a�ref'use to oxtend time i'ar puymcnt ar c�thenvise m�idify amonization
<br /> c►f the sumti ��cured by thiti 5ccurity in�iniment by reuson ��f any demund madc by the origfn�l Barra�ver ar Hc�rrawer's
<br /> suaessorc+in intcrest. Any farbenrnrtcc by l.ender in exerciying any right ar��•maiv ehall not bc a wniver at'��r preclud�tho
<br /> exercisc af any right��r rcmedy.
<br /> 1Z. Suceessore und A�signy nmundc Jalnt und Severul I.t�abllity; Co-signcrs. Thc rc�venuntx unJ iigrcenuntA of thiA
<br /> ��py Instn�ment shait bind Und beneGt Ihc succccsur� und assisns uf l.endcr und Borrower, �;ubJcct to thc provlsiot�v af
<br /> parn�nph 17. Horcmvrr's cavcnants and n�}rccmcntw shull b�joint umi sevctui. Any Barcowor w�in c3-si� tisls �udt7i
<br /> l�strumeal but aaev not execute tho Nota (u) is ciksigning thia Sccurity Instn��nent anly ta mortgngu, �rant �id convcy that
<br /> 8anowcr's intcrect�n the Propcny undcr tl�c term9 0�'this Security lnsttumcnt; (b)is nat personal{y obiigc�ted ta pay tho sums
<br /> �ects�ec!by thla Securiry instrumcni:aM tc1 aRrees thnt�.cn�er amt mry vt��G.��;�;p^rr:tss�:s:s�.st�l�.f•,rl+rAr�r
<br /> makc nny accammodntions with regnrd ta tho tem�g af thi�Security Instrumcnt ar the Nato withnut that Barrawer'F cansont.
<br /> 13.Loan Churges.lP tho lom� secuecd by this Sccurity lnstn�ment is subject to a IAw�vhich sets maximum taan churgcs,
<br /> umi tlu►t !aw is Pnally iotcrpreted sa thnt the intem.t or other luun churges collected ar ta be cailected in cannectipn �vith the
<br /> lonn axcced tho perrt►i4tcd limita, thcn: (u1 nny such loan chnrAo shall bo reduccd by tho nmount nccc.gsnry[o rcducc tho chnr�o
<br /> ta the permitted li�dt; cmd(b)nny c;ums id��cudy callectecl from sarcower whi��'�excecded {+crmittcd limits wiil bc refunded to
<br /> aotmwer. l.ender mAy chaase ta mnke tl�is rcfur�d by rcducing �ho princlpat awed undor tho Nnto ar by mnkiug n direct
<br /> p�yment ta Bonawcr. IP a refund reduccs principAl, tho reduction will bo trcatc.+i us a purtial prepaymcnt �vithout uny
<br /> Nrepoymcnt charga uncicr the Nato.
<br /> 14.Noticcs.Any naticc ta Barrowor providc�l3or in this Sccurlty Tnstn+ment yh�ll bc givcn by dolivcring it ar by mailiag
<br /> it by fi�t clavs mufl unless uppllcublo law rcquirc.r•use af anathcr mcthcxf. The rmdcc sha!!bo directcd m the Property Address
<br /> ar any ather nddrews �arrawer dcsignntes by naticc to l,ender. A�►y nuticd tu l.eudcr shall bo givcn by tiret class mnfl ta
<br /> L,ender'q address stntec!heroin ar nny ather address l.ender desiynutey by natiro to Banawer. Any notice provided far in this
<br /> Sccurity lnstrumcnt shnll bo dcemcd ta hnvo bcen diren to Horrawer ur l.ender wiicn�iven as providcd in this pn►�u�raph.
<br /> 1S.Govcrning I.aw� bevcrubillty. This Sa:uriry instrumcat ahull bc ,�ovcrncci by fcdcrul luw nnd tho la�v �f tha
<br /> Jurisdictian in which tho Pruperty i�loc�trd. tn tha ovent thAt any pravinion ur cluuso aY this Secu�ity InstrUment or tho Noto
<br /> canfl�cts with uppllcublo law,such conflict Hhnll no1 Affect othor pravisionw nf this Security Instrument ar tho Natv which cun bo
<br /> Sivcn efPcct withuut tho canfllcting pmvixian. 7'a this cnd the provltiion.v af this Security Instrument i►nd tho Nato aro deciured
<br /> tu bo Kevcrublo,
<br /> 16.Harrawer's Capy.Borrowcr eh:dl be given ana confarmecl Gapy of�4�:Notc uncl aP this Security lnstruntont.
<br /> Foim 8028 9I90
<br /> Poyp 4�:S
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