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<br /> iMr�a'�_"��..*A..w:�a�±``�:.: _:. .�.-- — - - -�_;_,n =[r._a���_..�..'._ �_..._�'�-�-`._...-_:..'_ . .:,.._.. . ..^+,Yi.'a�iL-;�-_
<br /> 1!' y pan t��ti�ie�rt��R11�D�`A�y���cr�in it �-
<br /> 17. T�•€����r�i�c«P th�•Prr►EU��1v�u��►t4rceliclsil Inlc��t In 8or�tiscr. c�ll ur nn _
<br /> ix sutQ ur�ru��y!'ec�ed li��•ii'u nenc flriu t lutere.l ln 1 1u+euwee iy h»!d c�r tr.mv f e r r c�t a u i J H a r�t��v e r f�n u t�i n n t u ra l�:�r.uu►w{tiz�nu _
<br /> Lc�i�fer'�: prior �vr�lten runscnl, l.rndcr m:�y. ��t fiti c�ptiun. r��iulr� Inmicdinte paymrnt in tLll �.�P ull numa �rrurcvl hy thtq __
<br /> �ccurity Invtrumrm. H�►wcvcr,this opUun�I�uU nu1 ha:cxerciye�l hy I.cndrr if ctrr�i�u i,r�,r�,blbltr�l hy f'edcral ln�v n��,1'thc dato
<br /> oF thly Sceurl�y In�Uqro�cnt.
<br /> tf I cnarr cxcrci�y tidy uplim�, l.�ndcr Fha11 ivc Ilurru��•rr nuti�ti al'iKCCIrraUun.'fh�� nutica hludl �ravl�lu u periu�l nf uut —.
<br /> Ic.��v �tu�n zt► duy�: th►m thc datc thc nutlrc i�acl�i�rn�l ur nudl�til wpl►in wbleh Hurru►v�r ututit puy nl� huu�ti hrtiun`�I hy thls -
<br /> �4urity Inytrwnent. If 13sacruwcr Cuil.r tu puy tNc������a��r�•I��r tu ti�e expirution�►t'ihlr peri+ni,l.�udrr may b►vui.r.my rrme�ili��+ =
<br /> prnnitte�l l+X thiy Sc�urlly In�trumenl wtthui�t ti�rthcr notice or demnnd an Bae�i+wre. --
<br /> tH. Qorm«�er's tti}{ht to Eici��,tale. it' �inr:�wrr rr�cr�s c�ctlai�� ���ndlttnns. [��rn�wer wl�all ituvr 11Er rihhl ta huv� _
<br /> Ci13i�K'CRtClli �+f thlk 4e�xs:lty ln.titcelment di�•r�tti�u�eyf ut uuy tlu�c priur tu ►hc ca�Hrr uf; l�U S d��y� (a� +u�h uthcr perlud �ty _
<br /> nppUruhle lu�v muy spccify fur r�1n.�ntcmenll hif��rc hcdc uf �ti� !'raperly purxunm tu nny pi��vice of Nnir rnntuhic�i in �t►iv _
<br /> Security In�tn�nunt;�zr(N)cntry ul'i�judgtucut cnfur�ing thiv ti�tiurily instruntcnt.'Thusc c��ndldanx iirc thi�t 13unti��vcr:(ul payx __
<br /> tendcr��II tiuroti whirh thcn wuuld bc dNC tn�:tcr thl� Sccurity instrumcm imd ihc Natc uy if n��ucrcicraUun hnd uc.u�rcJ: Ib1 _
<br /> curcr uny d�l'uuU af uny uthcr ruven�mt���r i��1i•ccm�°nts; (r1 pi►ys ull cxpr.nticr incurrcd In cnfiuring �his Sccu�Ity Instrument. e
<br /> inrludiny,but nut limitcd t��,rc�i�unuhlc utturncyy' 1'ecs; und ld1 ti►kcs r,uch nrUon ny I.cn�tcr m►►y rri�wni►hly rcqulre tu ar,surc --
<br /> thut tNc Ilcu ui Ihir Sccu�ity Intitrunicnt, Lcndcr'�rit;htx i��thc Pmpeny nnd t3arrawc�'ti ahligation ta pily II1C 5t1t11!1 6l'l'pYCtI�1y
<br /> 1hi� Sccurlty ln,tnimcnt xhull cunti�tttc tuuhnngcvi. Upon rcin�uuenunt hy 8nrruwcr. Ihi� Sccin•�ry Intitrumrnt und thc
<br /> nbligntf�mv�;crurrd hereby shnll ramuin fLtly cfPecUvc nv iP nu acccicr��tiun lu►d e�ecurRd.Hmvcvcr, thi�riuht tu r�lnsti►te shull
<br /> n��t upply In thc ciiso ot nrccicriniun under�arngmph 17,
<br /> 19.4ule oP Notca 4hnn�e oP /�un Serviccr. Thc Nutc or u pf�niui intcrc.r•t in thc N��tu (tugethc� whh thi.r Sccurity
<br /> Instrumenq muy bo�uld unc i►r mnrc timc�withuul p�iur n��ticc t��liarrmvcr. A sulc may r�:tiult in i�rhungc in thc emtty(knuwn _
<br /> os the"I.az►n Scrvicee"1 thia r��llc�t�motitidy puymenty due undc�tho Nuto und thlr Srcurity lnstrument.TherG ulsn muy be un�
<br /> ar mc,re chungev uP tho 4oun Servirer unreluted ta a sulo�+P the Nute. If there is n change uf'the Laan Servircr. Burruwec will bo
<br /> givcn w�lucn natico uf thc chungc in ac�orduncc wl�h para��nph 14 ubnvc nnd uppUcuhlc la►«•.Thc�atico�vill titutc tho numo m�d
<br /> i�ddress of tha ne�v l.uiin Scrviccr and the udd�etiv ta whirh paymentx�huu1Q Ix maQu, The naNco will c►isn rantoln uny uther
<br /> infarniatiun �eyuimd by appllrnblo Imv. —
<br /> 20. Haznrdous Substunec.w. �arruwer ,r•hall nat cuusc ur permlt tho presonc�, use, �Dsposul, stnruge, ar relcaso of uny
<br /> Huuuduus Sub:�tunces an c�r in tho Pn�perty. Borrawer rhuil nnt da, nc�r nllaw unyone eiso ta dn, unythin� affecting tho
<br /> Propeny th�t Is in vlalittian uf uny �nviranmentul l.:�w. The precedinB t�vo sentenccs shnll nat npply tu the presence, usc. ur
<br /> starn�e an tha Pn�perty uf'small yuantitics of Hcu,��douv Substunces that ure gcncndly rccognizcd tn he opprnpriute ta nnrmul
<br /> �c.giaentiul uRCS and ta midnten�mca uf'thc Property.
<br /> Aorra�ver shnil pramptly givo I.enJer w�•Itten nottcu��f nny investi�ntion,claim.demvnd. inwsuh��r ather ncUon by uny
<br /> govcrnmental ar regulutory�b�ency�r prlvuto pany invalving tha Pmperty und uny tiiuu�d�us Substance or Bnviranmentul l.aw
<br /> af which Dorra�ver hns cv:tual knowledgo. tf&►rr��wa�lwrns,ur is nutifiul by �ny overnmontal�r regulutury c�uthority, that
<br /> sny remnva!or nthcr trmediati�n af any Huxc►alaus Substunrc uffccting the P�+�perty��nccessrtry.Bar�mver shull pmmptly tnkv
<br /> uil ncccsw�ry�rmaiiul actians in accorJunca with (3nvironmcntal l.aw.
<br /> As used in ihis partiga�ph 2Q, "Hn•u�nlaus Substances" uro thase substnnces defined us taxic nr harArdauy aul�.st�aces by
<br /> Guviranmentul l.aw and tho follawing subt�tanc�w: gusoline, kerasene, uthcr flnmmnbia nr tuxi� petmleum �+r�xhicts, coxie
<br />- pesticidcw und herbicides.valatile salvonte, miitcrlul�oontnining asbestc�s ar lbrmaidchyde,und rndi��;ictivo muteriuls.As used in
<br /> �is pura.qrnph 20, "6nvlronmental Law" meuns fcdcral laws und li���s af tho jurisdiction whc:rc .iie P�uperty is lactited thnt
<br /> relutc ta�iculth.Anfety or envlronmental pmtcction,
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrmvcr nnd I.endcr fl�nhcr cuvcnam and n�rec ac follnwe:
<br /> Zl.Aoceleeution=Rem�dlGw.l.cnder Ahall pivo na11��ta Borro�ver priur to arrcicr�tiun fallowinR�orro�rcr's brcuch
<br />_ ��� ���� �.a ; }� t� �r�rt� [ascrumenv (6ut not grior to �oeElcrutton undcr Durustt�ph 17 unies.s
<br /> �pp1i�61e tuw providc.w otherwtsel. ���nBuCL'AIiA�I A�CTII�i (n)!he defaaltt lb) tl��nctlon�qnlred Ro Fur�tho de�ault�
<br /> (c)n dAtc� �at tcss than 30 duys trom thc datc thc noticc Is given to Qat�ruwer�Ay whlch the dePuult must ha+cured; und
<br /> (d) thnt fpllure to cure the default on or 6efure tho dute spaified in tbo notice muy n.gult in neceleratton oP tho sums
<br /> secut�ed by thls Sscurlty Instrument nnd�,ale of tho P�v►perty. The notico Fhnll i�urther Inform Ha��ver oP the riqht to
<br /> rclastato aRcr ucccicrntion and the right to brimg a caurt nctlon ta usscrt tho non�existenco ot n defAUlt ar any othcr
<br /> defensc of Horro�ver to ecccicrntlan and eule. IP tho default lA nat curcd un or bce�ro thc dnte spcclQed in thc notice,
<br /> l.cnder.at Its optlan, muy �equl�e fmmediutc puymcnt in iLll oP nEl sums secu�ed by dhis&ecurity Inste�mcnt witAaut
<br /> furthcr deinund ttnd niuy Invake the{�c��vcr uf�t�tc und uny ather rcmcdtc.w permiticd by t�ppIlatble law.l.cnder Rhall bo
<br /> entitled ta collect uil expenscs ittcut�red in p�nsulnp thc rcmedicw pmvldeal tn this�wrn�rnph 21.IncludUig,but not Iim�ted
<br /> to,ccasonnblo aetonuys'tces und cast�of titiv evidencc.
<br /> If th� pnwer o!sato ie invoked, Trustec ehnll��rd a nntice af default t�+c�ch county In which uny par� at the
<br /> Property is lucated�nd Ahull mall copies ot�such natice in tho manner pmsce16�9 by nppUcable law to Borrawer and to
<br /> the other ptrson9 prescrfbed by Appllcablo Inw.After the Ilmo reqi�lred by npplic�hlo luw,Trustce shall Rtve pnblle noltce
<br /> . oi xule to tho p�isanv�ad in the munner pr�+crlbcd by appllcAble ta��v.Trustee, wlthaut demund on Harrower,ahall sell
<br /> the I'roperty At pubilc auctlon to the highest bldder at tho Itmo nn�placo and undcr tho termq d�wi�nutcd in tho nottco ot
<br /> s�E 1� one ar�nore parccls uad in t+ny arder Trustec cl�termines.Trustee may postgane sule aP all ar anv �urcel af tho
<br /> �.��r�y by public annauneement a4 Ihe time und placm of uny prevlously sch�duled ru►le. I.ender ae Its s7�vl�neo may
<br /> purchase tho Properly at any AAIe.
<br /> Fotm 30R8 9/80
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