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't1.r�'I._i"'i tt •k ���yn�a� -�m A ? �.!,��.�. -- _1.�{-� 1 ��R�� i;� � ������ ,,ti ., . .. , . <br /> -�-�j�ti�. � _ t ;�.` `-i „ ��,f �,. �ri ,�`.. ,�,..— � .'1--��� � E1;, i�_ ,�fi .� r � . <br /> ��.kl:-• �.. !•t - . � �! -:•: � ��j.��.� t� e.�1. ... <br /> S �� • , c . l i -?}. .,.��,. �� • .��:e��a��i�:,' ,.; <br /> ` ,- .•• -.--. � ,�•q• - -• „ �;r . , <br /> 4i,. :-� •( �� � . ' __ . . -„ • ... . . <br /> t -.� . � � <br /> . . ti '�' �..r... !yi ., ' , ___.�=------- �-. _.__�_ ��. �. "''«,ra — - <br /> 3,.'ti�1�E�.�dl�'}' l.:t. ._�'<"�Y'L: - .-..�.._�n �.,..ot.�iiW�+aN'�=u.'.L��:_.i".."n..__._,.........�......-.��.`" ". _ . <br /> ....�r�■��' ..._......e...._�._ ... -----.. ._ ._._._ <br /> ,��-� �o�►�� _ <br /> $. {4urArd or t'�prtty Irt�:ur'untr. l�+�rn�wcr r+hnll kecp th� �Itl}1tIlYC1Ul'IU5 IIt1lY Ca�Nr�g +�r lierr.�ltcr �r4�tr�i ��n thp = <br /> P�ape�ty insuccd a�nlnqt lorv by q�c, harunl� Includr�l �vitt►in tho tr»n "�rtcndcct ruvctuAr." und uny uil►er{►urardy, includinA —_ <br /> tlo��dv ur flumHn1�. ti�r whlrh IAndcr �ca�uirey imutuucc. 'fhiy b�curanrr hh�d)hc m�d���uli�ed In thc am��unt�and Fi��tht•perl�tilw <br /> that l.endcr�cquireh. The Inrur�ntru.arricr pr�widin� Ihc intii�riuicc�;hull t+e rhu:xn t•�y t��rru�vcr �uh�cct ta l.�•na�r�h uri,r�,��,� _ <br /> which shail nnt hc tmrrav�mahly withhrl��, IY Narmwcr f'nilx h� m�iatuin cuacru�c�icsu'itkd ab�wc, l.en�i�r�nuy. ctt I.emlcr'x _LL <br /> apUun.��hu►fn ruvcrcqtr tu pu�ic�t Ix��u14r'y�iFhts ia thr.i'rareny ie a�Y�,n1n�K�u�vltl�par���;r�ipN 7. F <br /> Ali insurancc pntic�c�r atnl �►e�al.r *hall he+��c{�tsblc k�t.usdce u[td titwli inrit►�!a u rtand�+rd nx►rtNu�;e cluu.�. l.cndcr <br /> �;hidl hove Ihe riZ�hi tu h►dd ihe po}ici�ti at►d rcnew�ix. IF Ixn�ler nv�uires.H+�rntwe��ll promptly�ilv�i� teiy�ler�II rcccipta oP _ <br /> paid premium.anct rc���.-wal r►.�tl��:.�.!n�h�event�+s l++L�,►�+er�►wcr�iwll Eivc p�wnpt nnticc tu d�c intiurunrc�i�n�cr mid l.cndcr. _ <br /> I.cnJrr mny muke rraai'uf lusr il'nut m�tdc prun�ptly hy H�ttmwcr. <br /> [Inlcs.r 1.enJcr und Wureuwer athrrwise ugna in�vrit{og,l��suri�ncc prcxrc�tti shaill be upplicd tu re�torad�>n ur re{�air af tho _ <br /> Nrapu-ty dunw�tcJ,iP thc rc�taraUan��r rcpai��iw rcununiically tcuxibic cuid I.cndcr'y x�curtry is nut lcsscncd.If tl►c r�sroraN��n ur <br /> rcpair iv nut�zstim��micnlly fruvihlc i�r l.�ndcr'y s��:urity w��uld ho Ics�cncd,thc insur�mrc pri�rc��is r�hull hc nppUcd tu tho suuiv <br /> sccured hy �his Sccurity tnrtrument, whether nr nut then duc. with imy ox��cs� puEd to E�rmwer. If N�►rru�ver ubundun� Ihc <br /> pmperty, ur�loca ncn iuis�vcr wlthin ;0 di�ys n noticc frc�m Lendcr thnt thc inwarimrc cu�rier haw ufPcrcd te�hettle i�ch�im, then <br /> l.cndee may c��ilect thc lnaurnncc prncecdg. l.endcr nu►y use tho prarecds tu repz�i� ��r rertare thc P�c►perty ur to p�y tiumy <br /> securcd hy this Sccurity Inst�umcnt,�vhether��r not then due.The 3(1-duy peric�d will hcgln whcn ihc nothc ia givcn. <br /> Unlesa l.ender nnd Hurro�ver athenvise ngrco in �vrhing. uny uppHcalinn af pracraly t�� principnl hhall nut extend ar <br /> postp«nc q�c duo dntc of'thc m�mthly pa,ymcnts ruCcrrcd ta in pnmgruphv I imd 2 or chungc tho nmount ��f thc paymcnt.r•. if <br /> undcr{�►rnnmph 21 thc Pruperty is ucquircci by l.cndcr. BaROwcr'ti right to nny insutimrc p��lictes und prcnccd�resulting f'ram <br /> dumnfic ta the Pn�perty priar ta thc ncquisitian hhnll pass t��l.ender tn thc cxtent uf the Fums xecurcd hy thi�Security lnstrument <br /> immcdiutcly prl��r ta the ucqui�Hiun. <br /> 6.(kcupuncy,l'reservutian�Mutntenunce and 1'ratcction aP thc Pmperlyt�v�'rowcr'N l.unn Appitcutlon;l.cuscholdy. <br /> Borcnwer shall occupy. cstnblish,and u�o the Prupeny ay Horre�wer'e;priacipal residence wid�in aixty dny�utter the execudon uf <br /> this Security Inst�ument and shall contlnuo ta occupy �he 1'rnpeny�.v Anr�mver's principal rc.r•Idence for ut let►.r•t anc year ARe� <br /> the duto af occupnncy, unlesy l.ender othenviso u�rce9 in writing,which��onsent shnll uat bo un�casnnably withheld. or unlcs9 <br /> cxtenuating circum.gtunces exist which are bcyc+nd Borrnwer's control. sarruwcr .r•haU nnt dcst�oy, dumugo ur impnir tho <br /> Prapcny. aitow the Property tc�deteriornte, or cammft wuste �m ihv Properiy. Horrc►�ver shall ba in defiiult if'nny farfciture <br /> netion ar pn�ceeding. whether civil ar criminal, i�+hegun thut in Lencier's goad fuith Judgment eauld rayult in farfeituro af the <br /> PropeMy ar ath�r�visc matorlully Intpair tho lic��crcated by this Security instrument or l.ender'A s�curity interest. Burrcnver mAy <br /> cura such i�defuult und rein,�totc,as providcd in parngrnph IA, by causing tt�c urtlan ar pracc:.cting tn ba dismiysed with n n+ltn�} <br /> thnt, in l.e��dor's g�wd fuith dctermiaatian, precludes farFeiture i�f �hc Barrowcr's intcrcst in tho Property or atlie� mnteriel <br /> impuirment uf It�e lien crc,�►ted hy this Sccurity Instrument ar l.ender's security interest. Banawer shnU nlso he i�defuult if <br /> Borrativer.during the laun npplication prrneca,gnvc mnterially felc�o nr inaccuruto informutian or stutcmcnRv ta Lender(or failed <br /> to pri,vi�t.�xt�c wtth any nsater�x! infursnat4on�4n cc�nuc�t4�u�w11h 4he lonn evidenced by tho Nate, includin9,but nat limited <br /> ta,rcJ�rescntutions canccrning Bono�vcr'w Uccupuncy af tl�c Propony as a principal rcaidcn�;o.If tl�iq Security Instnimcnt���_�n <br /> IeACChotd. Borrowcr hhail comply �vith all the pro�isiuns nf tha lea.tie. If �orro�vor ncquire9 fee title tn the PrapeiKy. thz <br /> ! �°��f!�"f��!itio shntl nnt cncrac unless Lcndcr att�ces t��thv mcrgcr in writing. <br /> 7.8'�rotc�ilun ut LeadeP's RI�qMs in tha Properly.(f Bnrso�ver f�ils to perform tht��ovenuntg und ngmementa c�nitdmxi in <br /> this Sccurity lnstrument. ar thcro fs a legui procceding thut m�y signiflcantly t►ffect l.ender'9 rights in tho Pcoperry (such ug u <br /> prcxctxiing in bankruptcy,prabato, f�r cwidcmniition or farfeituro or ta enfi�cce law5 ar regulnti�m9),then Lender may da nnd <br /> pay for whntover 15 neccssnry to pratect the valuc c�P tiio Propecty und l.cndcr's right9 in tlie P�aperty. Lender'H actiona mny <br /> includc ,paying nny sum.v securcd by u Ncn tivhich hus pria�ity avcr thir Sccurity instrument. uppcarl� in court, puying <br /> reasanable nttarncys' fces und enter�is�g on tho Prapcny ta mako repuire. Although l.cnder mi�y takw uction undcr thiA paragrnph <br /> 7,Lcndcr daes not havc ta d�sa. <br /> Any nmount9 disbur�ed by Lender under thla p.n�ugraph 7 Khnll bccamo udditiannl dGbt af Ho�wvcr securcd by thia <br /> SeGUrity Instrumcnt. Unlcss Sarrowcr and l..enQer agrco to other torms af paa�ment. thcsa uniauntr+ shnl9 bear lntcrest fmm the <br /> datc af disbursement ut thc Nato rato und shnil bc pt►yublo. with intcrest, upc�n nutico f�am l.cnder ta Rocmwor requcsting <br /> paymcnt. <br /> 8.Mortgago I��urunce.iF l.ende�rcquircd mangaac insurnnco as a runditian ai'mnking ino laun sccur�:�l by thiti Seeurlty <br /> Instrunient, I3orrawer shull pay the premiumv required ta mnintiiin thc mortgugu insurunco in effcct. If, fnr nny reacan. tho <br /> martgnge Insurance caverngo require�i by I..endur lupses ar eeASCw ta bo in efFect, Ba�rowor shull pAy tho premiums requircd to <br /> obt�in coverngo tiubstantinlly equfvalem ta tho mnrt�ugo insurnnco previauvly in ei'fect•Ql A C115�fiqt1914(1[IQII�I C(jUIVQ�C111[O�tt0 <br /> cast to Borrower af thv mortgngo insurunce previuusly (n eS'fcct, Prom un niternate mortgAgo insurer approved by �.cnder. If <br /> substmuiatly equivalent martBu$v insurunce cnverage iA nat uvailnblo. 8orrawer shall ps►y�a l.ender ench mnmh u au�T�equ�l ta <br /> one-twelAh af tho yearly martguge Dnsurance premium buing paid by Hanawer whpn the insurnncc covorAgo lApsed or cetued to <br /> bo in effut. l.endor will nccept,use And retain t�hese PAyments as i►lass reservo ia licu nf marigAgo insuru�uo. Loss reservo <br /> Form 3Q28 9180 <br /> Pano 8 016 <br /> — — —��n_.a'W!fl� { ----�i �'',`;Ya�.�t i���..Y <br /> ��:7 6• i�t ��ei��:_F�f1-:'—-- - <br /> ,fy' e .w� t _ <br /> it L+�!� � Y !. <br /> i�Y'.Dm !�'- t�� . ) -�Y�YJ f!'f �. . <br /> �' il).;�.c' '. J •i�� .�11 11' • -1(Y. � <br /> . � .�r�9y,;'j.�rr.}�+ Z � �f�i- , ' t' y�- — � <br /> i f4+5j�LJ'�y ., � 6 i ` af- �'-� , ��j ( � ' - � eS _ IM aa <br /> � � - �r y,�. . .i � . .. .,:;.r �: �` r'�f�.Ii7� S�. <br /> hY�f .r ; !� J tt. <br /> �' Jl' ' , , 1111'. �.. - . � � ���.�ne(,� v f .;: � y: ' 1 "i � � <br /> �� .- -t+ '�.... „n. *.�c'_�..a, . � . ,5,x:� .��. .._.o.:. , . �_s:.:- '�'� �,�ft.�':�7t�����7t�"Nrr�_- <br /> . !: - ' ' . . "'';,• • '�im S!ier'?'i4tk, <br /> �,�.,,. . . . . - . �. . � , , f �j.�, .r�a,.v._� T <br /> �wY . . . . 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