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<br /> 'YYltil'sTNl�N�ViTi!,�il tho im�r•tvcu►cmW n�w��n c�rcaftc�crcctcd an tho pruperty, nnJ ul cuscmonts,nppw cuan•�H,und i=
<br /> ,-_
<br /> fixtures nnw un c���eutice n ��rt c�f the pr��}�etty. Ali rcplu�va�nnts unA �u(ditiu�i�► shatl ►�Is+� hc re,tcrcd by this Securily --
<br /> inrl�umcnt.All��f�he iimeuing fN Rfernd tu f��thiw Sccu�ity InstruRecnt ns tho"i'r����ty." _-
<br /> tlpt2tttl�VNR C:l'VIiNAN'1'`11►ut iu�rru�z�rr la luwfully sclscJ uf Ihc crtc►tc hcrchy�nmvcyc�l uu�1 how tho right t����runt and _
<br /> runvey qtu pru}�eny and thut the Pn►petty I.r unauumhc�c�l. cxcept fiq'enrumbnutrc� uf�'�curd. purru�ver �vnrnm�y nnd��111 __
<br /> acfen�l genernily the dde t��ho Peaprr�y o�talnqt cdl rluh�iy uiu!Jenwn�ls,tiubJect tn any e��cumhranee���P recunl. __-
<br /> THIS gt:Cllltl'1'Y INSTttl1M[:NT comhincy uni&►m�cvwennnt�t��r�u�U�mal use uiz�l n��n•unllbrn�ruven►►nts�vUh ilmitcd �
<br /> vaduNans by,�t�d+:dicdnn tn ct►mtltufe a+u�{fur�n�ecudty i��stxUn�ent crvr��►�t�etil pr��perty, _
<br /> UNIHtIRM CnVFNAN'i'S. L�rn�w'�'n����r��t�cutd 1 te[(:harBcw.�Horrawcr shid� pmmplly �+uy �vhen duc �ha =-
<br /> i. �'ayi�u�i c►f!'riseYlga! nnsl lnterr+li ��Y �
<br /> pri�n{p;d��f and intc�rst an thc dcbt evtdcnrcd hy dic Notc nnd i�ny prepayment�md latc chnrEtcw due undcr thc iVate. `-
<br /> Z. h'undv for Tuxc9 and Irisurancr. SuE+je�t tn applichblc I�uv nr tn u wrltten widvcr by I.cmtcr, 8nrr�i�vcr nhnll pny tn
<br /> t endcr�m thc dny munthly paymcnty nrc dua undcr tl�o N�tc.until tho Nutc iR pnid in ILII.ii sum("Funds")fiu:tnl yrar1Y t�uces _
<br /> und a�.ccssmenta which miry aui�in priurity uvcr thi�Sccurity Instrunu�nt ns�►Ucn�m thc i'r`�j Y it�,y��u°��ntiurancc p emiumsg
<br /> rn�{�mund�cnta��n thc P�apcny�ii'�iny;(c)ycnrly h��rd ae pruperty insuran��:premiuni.ti;
<br /> If any; (e)yearly m�Mgi►gc insuruncc prcmiums,ii'imy; und lfl nny hums payi�blo hy Hono�vcr t�� l.endcr. in uccardanrr with
<br /> thc pravisk►n,r•nf puragroph N, ia licu af tha payment af mort��i�;o Intiurunco prcmiun�.v.These itcmy aro culle�l "8scr��w Itcmy."
<br /> I.cnder muy, iu nny time, callc�ct und hold�unds in nn ami�unt not ta oxcocd thc muximtmi amount o lender 1'ar i► fcdcrally
<br /> rcic�tcd martgugo tunn rnny �equire for Hormwer'K esrro�v acraunt mider tho Ycdcti�l ttcat Estnto Sctticmcnt Pcacccfurc9 Act oP
<br /> i974+�s umendai in�m time ta time. 12 U.S.C.Sctitlan 2bQ1 ct ceq. ("R�SPA"), unless unnther IAw tlun npplie�to tho F►mds
<br /> sets i�lcsser iunount.chehnmaunt uf' f'und.r•tduc oni he busis i�f cur c t�da unund rea nablo cg imntc.v oi'e penditures uf�tliturc
<br /> l.ender nmy estinuito
<br /> Escrow ltems ur athonvisc in nccordnncc w11b upplicablc Inw.
<br /> Thc hunds ahull txj hcld in un institutian whosc dcpasite am imurcd by u fedcrul agcncy. instrument�lity, ar cntity
<br /> (including Lcnder.If I..cndcr Is such un ins�ilutian)ar in nny Fcderal H��mo l.agn Aunk, l.ender ehall npply the Funds to puy thc
<br /> �SCTQW IlCI119.L.ender nu+y not charge Harrower f'ar holding und npplyiny the Fund�,nnnuully imaly�fng tho escmw uccount,os
<br /> vesifying tho Bscra�v[temy,unlcay i.ender puyy Borrawer int�rest an the�und�►nnd npplicublo law permitx l.ender to mukv suoh
<br /> a charga. Howevcr,l.cnder may requiro 8orrawa�tn pay u nne-tirtie churge fbr un indcpendent rcnl cwtute tax rcparting service
<br /> used by t.encler in cannection with ihis loan, unless applicnblc+ law provides atfierwise. Unlesw nn agrcement is mude rr
<br /> applicablo law requires Interest to bc paid,l.cadc�ahall nut bo�equirai to puy�o���wcr m�y intcrest ar cumingA an tha Funds. _
<br /> Bnrro�ver nnd L.crtder mAy agrcc in w�iting. hawevcr. that intcrest ehull ba paid an tho Funds. Lendcr shall IIive ta Battawcr.
<br /> withaut churge, an unnuul uccuunti�g af the Funds,xhawing ce�dits and dcl�its ta the Punds nnd thc purposv far which each
<br /> deblt to tho Funds wus macle.Th��unds i�re pleciged i�.r•additianul F�curity for all sums secuced by tl�is Sccurity Insuvmcnl.
<br /> lf tho Funds held by Lender excccd the amaunts perntittcd to be neld by applicnhlc Ittw,
<br /> Lendt;r shull uccaunt ta Bc�rc����•or
<br /> frr tho excc.ss Funds in uccorclaacc �vith thc rcquiromentt���mav so in tify�Burra vcr i�vf ri inE and�,int ubh�o Borro er
<br /> timo is nat m�"rcient ta psy the&�Sxsc:!�wls�d�?.-_. . . .
<br /> ehaU pay to l.ender the umount necessnry ta make up thc doPiciency. �anawcr xhnll muko up the defictency in na ma�i#i�
<br /> t�velvo manthty paymentA.at Lender'n solo discrctian.
<br /> ��n��� }Q f�����f nll sun�s sccured by this Securlty Instrument,
<br /> l.ender s1�uU pramptly refund tu Aorrower nny
<br /> ot tho Propeny1 shnll npply�ny F d hehd by I.c der aht�tho timer of l�qu'isUionror�ul��.�t►cralit�a8ainst ho Rum.4 secured by
<br /> this Sccn�ity Instn�mcnt.
<br /> 3.Application of Pnymentc+. Unlese�pplicuble luw provides athcnvise.ull paymentN rcreived by i.ender under para�rnp 9
<br /> I nnd 2 shull be uppliod: first. ta nny prepayment chorges duc�undcr the Nate; r�econd.to amounte payublo undcr p�rua�uph 2;
<br /> chlyd.to intcrest duc;fauMh.to principnl duc:and last,ta any lute chnrgcs duo under tho Notc.
<br /> 4.Chargesi Uienv. Harro�ver Hhnll pay all tAxos, �.v.sessments,chargcs, �nes und inapositians nttribntablo to tho Praporty
<br /> which muy atu►in prlarity avcr this Sccurity Instniment. und leasehold payments ar geaund rentA, if uny. aurrower ehnll pay
<br /> theso abligntians in tho munnar providcci in paca$enph 2,or if not paid in that mnnner.8urrower ahail pny them on time directly
<br /> tu the per�on awed puyment.Borrawe�ghvil promptly ilirnieb to i.cndcr all natires of umauntA to bo paid undcr this purA�raph.
<br /> if A�rrawee makcs thcse puymenta dlrectly. Borra�vcr Rhull pr�mptly Q�rnish to I.cndcr rccelpts ovldencing tho pnymcntA.
<br /> aarrowcr�shull pramptly dischurgc nny Ilen which hus priarlty avec this Sccurity Instrumont unle�as Harrowcr:(a)n�rccs in
<br /> writfng ta tho payntent af tho abligatian secured by tho lion in a mnnncr ucccptablo to l.cnder;
<br /> (b)contest�in good faith tho licn
<br /> by. ar dofcnds ngoingt enfarcement of the Ilen in, legal procecxiinge which in tho l.c�de�'s npinion operAte ta prevont tho
<br /> enfarccmcnt af tho lien:ar(c)sccures fram tho haldcr af tho lien an agrccmcnt ea+tlAfuctary to l.cncicr Eubardin�ting tho lien to
<br /> thia Sccurity Instrument. i�l.cnder determine9 thut uny pnrt of tho Pmperty is subjcct to n lien which muy uttain prtnrity aver
<br /> thia Sccudty lnstrumont. l.ender mt►y givo Borrawer u natico identlfying tho lien. Iinrrawer Rhall suti�fy the lien ar tnke ano��r
<br /> moro of the actians 5et forth ahovo within 10 deys of thv gi�ing of natico.
<br /> Foim 9020 Q"AO
<br /> Pcpo 9 m 9
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