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If innrt8a�e insuran6r�v�veragc Iln ih�nnu��mt a�ul f��r thc pLriu�t _ <br /> that l,rmier rcyufrevl pravidccl {►y nn I���ure flppmvcA hy l.c�tder n�t����hc.�uu�¢�uvullahlo and le��htnincd,ku�rtuwee ehnll p�y -- <br /> tho premiw��s rc��ulee�i t��ukihu:�in ntnrtga}}c inru�un�e(��eit'cit,or tn pn�vid��n lar;q rcKrrvc,unUl ti�e rcqtdn�ncitt t��r�itusi�}ttgo -- <br /> Inti►�r�u�rc enda In�u��ae:luncc witb any�v�ittc���qt����»ent hct�vc.n I�urru�vcr uud l.rndcr ur upplirahic luw. <br /> V. insp��ctlon. t.rudcr ur i►y u�cnt�i�uy nwku r•�::+�mahio cot�icv upan u�ul intipec�tunv c►f ihc 1'caperty. lsndcr shntl givc <br /> Uorm�srr ttnti��nt the time�►f�+r priar ia un iusperiinn��elf'ying Fr.�-+unuble ruusc Ior the iatpecdun. � <br /> �Q, L(►��t111. TIIC �1fllCCC[�.7 Ot Cltil� I11V111'tI t►i' �Ii1{fil�ili't♦HthNkj@ti. dlrect t�e run�.�uentiul. tn cunmcUun with uny _ <br /> rnmienttntthtn�►r atlkr tal+4tik i�t'iu+y�►:�t1 at'tt►o Penpeny.or for c��nveyu�u4(u lico ul'r�ndemnnti�m� arc hcrcby nsaiga�l Qnd — <br /> 51t7�!!ha���ld a�l.e,t�s. — <br /> In ihr cvcnt uf i►tutul�nki�in af Ihc{'raprrty,ttic pu�ccccis�i�i�ll t�c nrpllcil tu tho sumv nccurcd by thiy 3e�urlty i�strumcnt, -- <br /> wNcthcr ur��ut ihcn�1ue, wlth nny cxrrs�E►uid tu Hnranver. In the evcut oP.�p:irti�d tuking ut'Ihc F'rupeny (n �vhicU Iho fciir _ <br /> mnrkct vuluc ul'thc 1'iti�pcny immcdiutsly l�cturc thc tukin� Is cqu;�l tn c�r grcatcr tl�im thc i�muunt af thc�ums sccurc�l by this <br /> Sect�ri�y Inetnm�cnt immrdic�taly bcfc�rc tho takin�;,unicrs s��rr�iwcr and Ixndcr othcnvisc ugrce in�vdting,the xumvi cecured by <br /> thls Scca�lty Instn�ment Khntl be��.�lu��ed �iy the amoum aF tho pn+cccdy multfplied by thc f'ullowin� fractl�m: (u) the tatnl <br /> umount of thc mm�x ncrurcd inu��cdi�►tcly hefurc tho InkinB, dividc�l by(h)thc Puir mivkct vc�luc af ihc Praperty immaiiiucly <br /> bcQ'inb thc taking. Any buluncc shal! b� puid t�► liorr��wcr. In the cvc�it ��f n{�artiul tuking ui thc Pro�crty in which tho Poir <br /> mnrkct vnluc ot'thc Propcny immediuteSy hcfarc Uiu tuking ly Icss than tho umuunt��f'thc yumx eccurcci immcdiutoly befon�thc <br /> tnking. unicsy 8!�rm�vcr and I.rndur uthcnr•isc iiIIrco in writin&or unless npplir.��bto Ic►w�thcnviEC providcs, thc pracccds al�a11 <br /> bo upplled to tl►e sumy c;ecuiMl by thix Sccurity lnxtrun�ent�vheiher or nat the�,um�i�re then duc. <br /> If the Praperiy is ubandmtccf hy Hnrmwcr,or if,uQcr noUce by I.en�cr ta H�rcowcr thiu Iha candesnnor affcrs to mtska ttn <br /> �warcl rr scttto a claim fi�r damagc�, Buerowcr fails in rcti{xmd to l.endcr wlthin 30 ci�ys aitcr the dntc thc naticr 3s givcn, <br /> Ixnder is nuthuri•r,ed ta callect and apply the procetds,iit its��ptian.either ta restarininn ar�tipuir�P thd Prupeny ur t��t1�v xums <br /> sccured by this�ccuriry Instrument. whcthcr or nnt thco due. <br /> Unlcas I,.end�r nnd Borcawer othenviso u�trcc iu wrlting, cmy appliciitian uf p�accc�ls ta pdnc3pal shnll nat extcnd or <br /> pastpane th�duc dzto uf th�manthly paymentti refcrn,d tu in�u�rngrnphs l und 2 or chnnge the i�mount af xuch paym.nty. <br /> 11.Burec►wer Nnt Relcuscd; �orbcarartco Dy l.endcr Not u Wulvcr, F3xtcnslan nS the�imc fur paymcnt ar modificntian <br /> oP�►mc►rtir.�tion c►f'tho�;ums secured by this Sccurity inwtrument g�untcd by l.ender ta uny success�►r in interest aF Borra�ver shnll <br /> not operatc to relcasc Ihe linbility af thc ari�ini►1 8arrowcr o�8ar�awcr's suc��cs.r-are in interest.l.cndcr e6a11 not bo requimd ta <br /> comntence procccdings ag�inst nny huccc�9oe in interest nr rcilise to�xtend timo fi�r pnyntem ur athenvito modify umortizatlon <br /> af tho sumy sccu��ed by thie Sctu�ity Instn�ment by rct�san of any dcmnnd mado hy thc originul 8orrowcr or �arrowcr'K <br /> xucccssars in intcrest. Any farbcnrance I�y l.ondos in�xerci�ing nny riglat os�emecly �hall nat bc n wi�iver i�i or prccludc dto <br /> excrcisc uf wty�ight ur remaly. <br /> 12. Succ�soes nnd Assig��s flound� .111�it1 Alid SCYCPQI I.IB�III�yi C(4:4I�,ne�. Tho cavenunts und Agrccmcnts�f this <br /> Sccurity Ynstniment ehall bind und bcnefit thc successarx nnd nssisns of l..andcr und 13arrower, sut►iccc to thc pmvlxions �►f <br /> �� �7. �Q�.�'s cQvc�nntx nnd c+r��.�ueata stwl) bo lnlnt nnd sovcriil. Any 8arrowcr �v},n co-signs thi4 Secudty <br /> Instnunent but dae9 nat cxccuto tho Notc: (�) i9 co-signing ti�ia Securlty Instrument cmly to monguge, peant und ctinvoy thnt <br /> Aarrawer'K intcrest in thc Pn�perty undc�the term.4 of this Swu�ity instcument; (6)is not per�anally ablfgatccf tn puy the aums <br /> secured bv this Sccuritv Instrument;and lc)a8n:e:►thut l.cndcr and any othcr Bi►rruwer muy o�rce to cxtcnd. mcxtiPy.farbear or <br /> maf;e uny uccismmc�ution.e t�+ith regnn!to ttee tcrms of thia Security Instrumot�t or tho irato wiiiiauz ifiut aom�wcr'a�a, _ <br /> 13. l.oan Ch�rges. lf the laan sccured by thia Security lnstcument is�;ubject to c�luw whlch�seta mnximum laan char�es. <br /> ancl thnt low i�finnlly interpretcd sa that the interegt ar othcr lunn charges callected ar ta bo collectcif in conncctian witii tho <br /> tonn cacccd thc ponnfttc�l limits,thcn: (u)uny such loun cl�argo shall bc rcduccd by tho umo�mt neceasary ta reduce tl�c chnrgv <br /> to tho permitteAl limit; anc!(h)any sums nircady cc►qcctcd frnm llnrruwer which oxcecded permittcd 11mItK�vl�l bc teflmdcd to <br /> Borrower. (..ender muy choase ta mako this retlmd by rulucing tho princlp�l atived under the Note ar by making n direc;t <br /> paymonl to BorroHCr. if a ret�nd retluccs princlpal. tha rcductiun will bo t�cntcd aa A pf►riial propayment withaut any <br /> �rep�ctymcnt churgc undar tho Notc. <br /> !4.Piaticcs�Any nc�ttce tn�rrfowcr provldcd f�r in thi�Sccurity instrument nh:iia Cw bivon by dclivcring it ar by mailing <br /> it by ilrst class mail unless appllcnblo li�w rcquirc9 usv af nnalhcr mcthad,Thc natico ahall bo dirccted to thc Praperty Address <br /> or uny �ihor ttddress Borrower designAtes by m�tice tu I.ender. Any noticv to Leredor eltull be given by Grst class mAii to <br /> I.endcr's address stated herein or uny ather addresa I.cndcr dc.viynutcs Uy��udw tu Barrawer. Any notica pmvidcd fnr in thi9 <br /> Security Instrument ehall bo d�omcil ta havo becn givon to Harrawer or l.cndor whcn gfvcn u.v ptavidcd in ihis parngraph. <br /> 1S.Governing I.Awi ScvcrabSUty. This Security In.vtrumcnt ehsill bo �ravcrned by f�+cicml Imv nnd tho law af tA� <br /> jurisdictian in which tho Prapeny ls lacutcd. ln the ovent that uny provislan ur clauso af thie Security lnstrument ar tho Nato <br /> canflicta with npplicublo Inw, such conflict ahnll nnt nsfcct ather provl5ians af this Sccudty luatrumcnt ar tho Noto which cu�bc <br /> given effect withaut tho wMicting pravixion. Tu this end tho provisiuny af this Security Instn�mont and sho Nate a�e declnred <br /> ta be sovcrablo. <br /> 16.Horrawcr•H Copy.fdorrower ahaU bc given ano confnrmecl capy af thc Noto nnd of thie Security Ir�strwncnt. <br /> Form 3028 9180 <br /> Papo 4 010 <br />